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~authors pov~
Soon everyone went back home to Nicole's house. They all called their parents to see if they could spend the night, unfortunately, Kaspien and Carrah were not allowed. Those two went home to their houses which left the rest of the girls.
Looking at the clock, y/n sighed as her friends went around the house doing something productive. Mercedes texting her boyfriend while giggling around the house. Carissa drawing some place-running everywhere, collecting things for who knows what. Nicole cleaning here and there-trying to tidy up the place. There was nothing for y/n to do but sit on the couch and sigh out of boredom.
Finally, y/n got up and looked for one of her friends, eventually finding Nicole dusting away.
"Nicole" y/n said tapping on her shoulder. "What are we gonna do for the rest of the night".
Looking at y/n, Nicole stopped dusting for a moment to think.
"Let's watch a movie down stairs, that could be fun, right?" Nicole responded.
"Yea, that would actually be fun" y/n replied back and went to look for everyone else.
Nicole went to get some snacks and drinks.
Soon enough, the four girls were down stairs, getting blankets, food, pillows, etc. ready for this spectacular night.
Time seem to past slowly, as the girls ate their food while huddling in their blankets. For once, Mercedes was not on her phone. Lights were turned off, a scary movie was playing, and the pounding of the tree branch on the window was just perfect to them.
The girls jumped here and there from the scares the movie gave off, some of them commented on how dumb the characters are.
Things seemed normal for a sleep over.
Nicole's parents were sleeping upstairs on the 3rd floor while the kids were in the basement (which is were Nicole's room/game room is).
Finally, after quiet some time, the movie ended.
The girls were a little shaken up from the whole movie, but none the less, they knew it was fake.
Mercedes yawned, "I think we should go to bed".
The others agreed as they fixed their blankets and stuff-moving aside the food and drinks.
Nicole got up to turn off the tv as the others laid in their spot dreaming what ever.
Time passed as the girls soon fell asleep, it was roughly around 1:30 am, they all drifted off into their slumber.
Through out the night, it seemed as though things were fine. All that could be heard is the tiny banging on the window from the branch and the strong wind outside.
Inside the house was semi-silent. Just those two things and possibly the little sound coming from the air vents that lead to the parents tv in their room. Barely could hear their tv but still hearable I guess.
Things seemed fine, as though things were normal. As the room was filled with darkness and one little night light in the corner all that could be seen is the girls sleeping soundly.
But, something else seemed to be in the room as the girls. Unaware, in the darkest corner of the room stood a figure, a figure just watching them, closely, as if it is scared to go near them but intrigued by them at the same time.
The figure hesitates for a split second but carefully, not making to much sounds, decided to walk towards them. It shoes carefully gliding on the floor like a cat. Almost to nothing-not making a noise.
It crept near them-soon overlooking one of the girls. Looking down on her face, as she breaths in and out, peacefully, her face so fair and her tiny smile she makes as she is in a dreamland state.
Gently, the intruder kneels down beside the fair lady, getting a better look.
Smiling, the intruder spoke in such a whisper, "I've found you".
Hope you like it, I know it short please forgive me!!
Follow me on instagram: @anime_fondness
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