Hope you can stomach this!
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The girl took steps back as a hatchet made contact with the door, She bolted for the kitchen and grabbed a knife as the slicing kept going. She then ran towards her room and locked the door, barricading it with the dresser as she put the knife on the bed. She quickly picked up her baby as she looked around frantically.
Then the (h/c) haired girl realized she left the fucking phone in the kitchen with her purse.
"Fuck" she cursed as she quickly found the blanket she had made her baby and wrapped him in it, she needed to hide him. She can't let him die.
This is the blanket she has got him and sewed her name into the corner that said love mom. His name was sewed at the top. Julia sewed her name on the other corner with the words, 'love aunty'.
It was a dark green color and the sewing thread was a light lime green that stood out.
It was beautiful.
Her head snapped towards the door as she heard heavy footsteps walking around everywhere. She didn't have much time. She made sure Levi was secured in the blanket as she opened the closet door, she grabbed a fluffy pillow from her bed and put it in the farthest corner that was dark and placed him on top of it. She then moved the long clothing like dresses, long coats, etc. that hung touching the floor in front of him so it shielded his body.
She took the dirty hamper and dumped it on the floor of the closet door so it looked like no one has cleaned the closet in a while, of course it was in front of the long clothing so no one could see Levi and he didn't have to hid under piles of clothing.
She pushed the long clothes aside and bent down all the while the banging started on her bedroom door.
"My love" The mother whispered to Levi as shouts could be heard and laughter, "remember, I love you little one and I will fight to protect you. You are my everything" tears fell down her face as Levi slept on, "whatever happens just know I love you so much Levi" She cooed quietly as she kissed his forehead, his face twitched a bit into a small smile.
Just then a hatchet stick into the door as more shouts were heard- they were loud enough for the neighbors but since they're right next to her and it's late, it only seemed loud.
"Bye Levi" She whispered as she let the dresses and coats go as they swished back to make a curtain for him.
The (e/c) eyed girl closed the closet door and took ahold of her knife as they managed to push the dresser away. The door was opened to reveal three boys, the ones that she knew all to well.
"What the fuck do you guys want" She sneered as she gripped her knife, the boy in the middle twitched as he grabbed the hatchet from the door and jerked it out.
"We need to f-finish what was started" his head ticking to the side as he ran towards the girl. She managed to duck when he swung his hatchet. She pushed him away as he fell backwards hitting the nightstand. She then ran towards the two people and managed to push passed them. She needed to get them far away from Levi as possible.
Just as she thought they ran after her as one tackled her to the floor, She still held her knife as she stabbed his shoulder. As she got a good look at the person she stabbed, their names flashed through her head.
"Hoodie" She mumbled as he groaned in pain, she took ahold of the end of the knife and pulled it out as she swung her knife aiming for his neck but someone's hand had caught her wrist.
"Let go" She screamed as she saw Toby stumbling out of her room laughing a bit. Why was he laughing?
"Let's end this" Masky spoke behind his mask as hoodie held the poor girl down despite his injured shoulder. Masky took her knife out of her hands and held her wrists down while Toby came over with his hatchets.
"Dang, wish you c-could have been a part o-of our group" Toby ticked as he laughed a bit. She could only glare at him which caused him to laugh more.
"Fuck you" her voice came out darker then ever, Hoodie chuckled as did the others.
"See you later princess" Toby laughed as he raised the hatchet above his head.
"Go to hell" were the last words the newly made mother spoke before darkness consumed her.
The following day a neighbor walked out of his house only to find Miss (your last name) door had been cut down. He walked over and examined it as her whole apartment was in view. He looked in the apartment and screamed.
There on the floor was a decapitated head of his neighbor. He stumbled backwards as he quickly got out his phone dialing 9-1-1.
They came immediately as he explained everything. They took note of his questioning and then he left; felling troubled and probably going to need therapy.
The police looked around the room but stopped as their heard a small wailing sound coming from the bedroom. The pushed passed the broken down door and heard the crying grow louder- coming from the closet door.
The opened it and pushed some clothing away only to find a small baby crying. God knows how long he has been there (we know).
One of the officers carefully picked up the screaming child as his diaper stunk, he needed a diaper change and food pronto.
A male officer found some diapers and wipes and carefully took the child and left the crime scene. He went out into the hallway and changed the little guys diaper as the others were trying to find evidence.
The officer then picked up the baby and told his fellow companies that he was leaving to take the baby to an orphanage and explain what happened. Not before finding a bottle filled with milk in the fridge as he fed the little guy.
He had wrapped him up with the blanket he was previously in and fed him- it took a while.
He then burped him (Levi threw up a bit) but the officer didn't mind- infants do that. He had a baby at home so he understood the functions and stuff.
He then left with the baby to the orphanage.
When he arrived he explained to the old lady up front about everything. There was a gruesome murder, baby found in closet, so forth.
The lady took ahold of the baby and his blanket as the officer left. Of course the police would be back to check on the baby and stuff for a few months but that was it.
All Levi did after his feeding was sleep, like any other infant did.
Okay, ONE MORE CHAPTER!! The next chapter that I'll be posting later today is a preview for the next book!!
Sorry it's sad but that was the plot twist. I planned on killing the reader when I first made this book XD
Forgive me, but I'm tired of happy endings. Plus, if I do managed to make book three you will come back~ book two is about the child growing up.
Love you guys!!
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