This is kind of a sad chapter.. of you like animals then it might be sad..
Good luck!!
Love you all and enjoy~
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His head snapped towards Liu and Jeff as they jogged towards him- almost out of breath.
Hoodie stood in front of Masky and I, while Masky took out a knife- still holding onto my wrist.
"What the fuck dude." Jeff screamed at Ben while he rolled his bloody eyes.
"I was caught up with some shit, fucking, Dark was giving me a problem. He's barely being held back in his stupid game." Ben explained as Jeff and Liu tried to catch their breath.
Taking a long look at them it seems they were beaten up pretty bad, cuts and bruises littered their bodies while blood splattered all over their clothing.
"I'm not paying you to be late," Liu mumbled, "look at them, they already have her." With that statement said their eyes all landed on my attacker's and I.
Ben crossed his arms while giving an amused look, as if this is all a game to him.
"Huh, never expected for you to see me like this, love." Just as those words left his lips he earned an elbow to the side by none other than Liu.
"Fuck dude, I'm kidding," he wheezed out while hunching over a bit, "don't injure me, bud." Ben growled while holding his stomach, "We still got to save her." He finished as he regained some of his strength back from the small impact.
"I already asked for backup from two other helpers." Jeff inquired as he took out his knife, "they should be on their way." His eyes soon found my own, I sucked in my breath as his eyes glazed over the two other people holding me captive.
"Give us the girl, fuckers." He sneered ready to attack.
Hoodie shook his head as Masky spoke up, "He wants her, because of you guys the world has proof of our existence. You know the consequences."
"Don't give me that shit," Jeff argued, "I don't work for that faceless bitch."
Jeff took a step towards us just as Hoodie pulled out a gun.
"Doesn't matter if you do or don't, we do and we were given strict orders that must be followed." Hoodie told the group of boys in front of him while aiming his gun towards them.
They all froze, this just got more intense.
"I suggest you leave with your body still intact." Hoodie threatened, holding his wound still. Ben contemplated if he should escape now or never. He took a glance over at the phone that laid on the ground next to him.
"She's seen to much and is in too deep. We will come back for the others over time, that way the whole town doesn't go in an uproar." Masky explained as Hoodie gripped his gun.
Jeff silently cursed under his breath as he took a glance back at his brother and friend.
Liu gripped his spare knife that laid peacefully in his pocket, he was angry but needed to keep his cool. He had to be careful so Sully doesn't take over.
"Again, I suggest you leave before He shows up once more and gives all of us another warning, I'm sure you felt the impact of the first one." Masky stated as everyone fell silent.
"You have until the count of three." Hoodie spoke as he aimed his gun at Jeff.
No one moved.
Please leave.
I shut my eyes as the gun shot sound bounced around the forest, then the sound of a body hitting the forest floor was heard.
I opened my eyes to find a dog on the floor, I could hear him whimper as everyone stood there stunned.
Before anyone could process anything Jeff screamed with anger mixed with what seems to be fear as he quickly ran to the dogs aid.
"Smiles." He shouted as he quickly went on his knees next to the poor husky.
"Buddy, it will be okay." He whispered to the dog as he stroked its fur in a comforting manner. The atmosphere grew darker as everyone finished processing what happened.
"I'm afraid you won't be." Hoodie stated as his gun aimed for Jeff's head. It seems as though Jeff didn't care if he died right there, his head hung low as he gazed down at the dying dog.
"Fuck you." He replied to Hoodie as his hair covered his face. His eyes were still on the dog.
'I have to do something' I thought, 'anything'. I looked around trying to figure out on what to do.
Hoodie clicked his gun, fuck it.
I glanced at Masky, luckily he seemed to be distracted by the scene played in front of us.
Perfect; I brought my knee up and kneed him where the sun don't shine. He let go of my wrist and grunted in pain as I shoved him to the floor.
I turned towards Hoodie as he turned around to see what had happened, unfortunately for him it was to late.
I swung my leg and kicked his gut, opening the wound more.
His fingers slipped from the gun as it landed onto the floor followed by his body.
Liu and Ben immediately took action and ran towards the two guys pinning them down with weapons of their own.
I glanced back at Jeff as he just sat there on his knees whispering comforting things to the dog.
I jogged over and went on my knees next to him. He glanced at me then back at the husky.
"Will he be okay?" I asked as I gently put my hand on the dog and started petting him.
"I think so," he trailed off, "I know someone who's good with medical stuff." He began as I looked over at Liu and Ben. They seem to be struggling, I then noticed Hoodie reaching for his gun.
I shot up running towards the gun grabbing it. I stepped back a bit as Liu and Ben managed to keep the two boys at bay.
I turned towards Jeff as he kept petting the dog.
"Jeff" I called out to him as I jogged over, "I'm going to go check on my friends, make sure that those two have the mask dudes under control please." I told him as he glanced over.
"You know you're not the boss of me." He replied while looking back down at the whimpering dog.
"I know, but please do me this favor." I pleaded as my eyes looked over at the fight, luckily Liu and Ben had a good grip on them.
Jeff sighed a bit and agreed to my terms, I smiled a little and got up.
"I'll be back, my friends are hurt and need my help getting home. If you don't hear from me in 5 minutes then come get me." I told him as I left to help my friends.
I heard him curse a bit, he got up and grabbed my hand.
"I can't let you do that," He mumbled as he looked at me, "I know I agreed already but I change my mind, He is still roaming around here. It's dangerous for you, plus the other proxies are still around." He informed me as I looked back at him. He made good points but I'll be damned if I lose another friend.
"I have too," I argued as I jerked my hand back, "they need me."
He scoffed as he scanned over the dog then looked back at me.
"Alright, I'm going to come with you and get you all home." He mumbled as he walked in front of me grabbing my wrist in the process.
"Let's make it quick."
As he pulled me along with him I couldn't help but notice a single tear running down his face pale face as we left the dying dog on the floor.
Smile dog... nuuuu..
What's going to happen to the reader?!
Will smile dog be okay????
Find out in next weeks chapter!
Love you all!!
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