Work suuuuucks, my feet hurt!!
So many tests
Tired, I'm constantly tired lmao
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anime fondness
The school day went by fast and I got my phone back from the police, they dropped it off at my house.
I sat in my room thinking of different plans to get my friend back and to go after this entity.
Though, all my plans seemed to be reckless, it wouldn't work.
If I explained to the cops what Liu told me they would laugh and say "leave it to us" like they normally do. Honestly, I wouldn't blame them. I still think it's ridiculous, but who knows.
I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. There's no way I would go alone, that's to dumb.
Maybe if I got Kaspien and the others.. I doubt they would believe me but who knows? Maybe Liu? No, he told me to stay away- he can't find out I'm doing this. He would do everything in his power to make me stop.
Not only that, I'm on a time limit. Dad is still wanting to move though he's waiting till summer so I can finish my school year.
On top of that.. he doesn't want me going out anywhere- especially since what happened. I don't know how I can work around that.
I gazed at the ceiling feeling powerless, my only chance to do something was to get my friends to come with me.
With numbers there's no way this thing can take us- at least not all of us. I have a chance if I had numbers- now the real problem is finding time and getting everyone on board. Surly some will think I'm crazy but I know Kaspien will help for sure. The others.. seems iffy but I have to try.
With this new determination fired up in my soul, I finally found my motivation and plan.
I got my phone and texted kas and the others to meet me after school, behind the building.
I'll get you Carrah, just wait.
Many hours had passed and I awoke from my slumber, I don't remember when I fell asleep but all I know is I need to get ready for school.
I did my normal routine and before I knew it I'm in my first hour class.
The whole school day was a blur, my mind was focused on the plan. Hopefully everyone will be okay with it- I know I'm asking to much but I really hope some will agree to come with me.
I waited patiently behind the building, checking my phone every so often- hoping to get some message or clarification.
I think, I'm hoping to get a text from Carrah but that's me wishing for the impossible.
I sighed a bit, these negative thoughts seems to cloud my head a lot. I shook my head and looked around. About 5 minutes had passed and I saw Kaspien and Carissa walking towards me, finally someone.
I greeted them with a smile as they did the same.
"Hey" Carissa spoke while stopping in front of me, "Mercedes had to leave early today for some dentist appointment and I'm not sure where Nicole is-"
As of on cue, I saw Nicole jogging to us, she clung to her bag strap as she stopped beside Kaspien.
She huffed, "sorry I'm late, I got caught up with some missing work". It took a minute for her to catch her breath but managed to recompose herself.
"Alright" I stated, "I'm gonna tell you some things but you have to keep it between us- cops can't find out or your parents" I warned, their eyes grew large. Of course it did, if someone told me this I would be shocked. Who says, don't tell the cops? If someone told me that my first thought would be, 'Oh Fuck, they did some illegal stuff' I would defiantly be skeptical.
They glanced at each other wearily as if pondering on what to do.
Carissa looked at Kaspien and Nicole then looked back me with worry, God, I probably sound crazy.
"Please" I begged, "you have to trust me"
They glanced at each other and nodded slowly.
I breathed out a relief. That took some of the weight of my shoulder.
"Alright" I began, "again, please don't tell anyone. This is gonna crazy but it all happened"
I began to explain everything, from when the dreams, to Ben, to prom, to the gas station, to Liu. I explained everything in detail, as much as I can remember.
It took a long time- well it seemed long.
At the end of it Carissa and Nicole looked like they've seen a ghost- Actually Nicole seemed more skeptical about everything.
Kaspien looked shocked to say the least, I would be too.
"Look I know it sounds crazy, believe me I think some of it is crazy. But if what Liu is saying is true.." I trailed off, "then this thing has Carrah, we need to get her back-"
Nicole Interrupted me,
"If what Liu is saying is true" Nicole trailed off, "then we can't go after her, Liu could be right. That thing could kill us- might already have killed Carr-"
"STOP" Kaspien yelled, "don't finish that. She's not dead, okay? She's not! I know she's not!"
Kaspien is in denial. Of course she is, she cares for Carrah deeply. Those two are close friends- I feel bad for her. They're like sisters.
Her eyes began to water, it's like I can feel her heart break by looking at her. I can feel my eyes began to water as well.
"She's alive" Kaspien mumbled, "I know she is- I can feel it" she announced.
"We have to keep our heads up, if what you're saying is true (Y/N) then we need to think of something fast" Carissa informed us, "this thing doesn't seem to keep their victims alive for a long period of time"
I scanned her face, she's serious.
That's good, this means she's on my side.
"So" I started, "you guys in or out?"
They looked at each other as Kaspien wiped some of her tears away.
"We're in" They said in unison.
Oof this chapter sucks, I feel like this book in general sucks.
Do you guys agree??
>.> I don't like this book really..
I thought of deleting it.. should I finish it?
So many doubts
Ahhhhh anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter in 1 or 2 weeks!!
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