Thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday yesterday!!
You guys are fucking amazing ya know!
Hope you enjoy this chapter!!
New chapter every two weeks!!
"The operator?" I questioned him, he seemed to shift a bit in his spot. Was he nervous? Is the 'operator' bad?
He didn't say anything for a little while, he just sat there.
I cleared my throat to maybe ease up the tension. It didn't work.
I decided to ask again, "who is the operator?" I glanced at him as he seemed to fidget a bit more.
"It's more of a what" he mumbled as I looked at him confused.
"Is it not human or something?"
I questioned, unsure on what he meant by his statement.
His eyes slowly lifted to meet my own.
"It's not human, it's.." he paused, unsure on how to say it. "He or it.. is known as the Slenderman"
Something popped up in my head and I quickly got my laptop out.
"I heard of it when I was a child.." I mumbled, "I'm sure everyone around me knows it now-a-days- they made a movie over it" I laughed a bit trying to ease the tension.
I looked up 'the Slenderman'. It just popped up the movie, sightings, etc.
"You know the sightings and things are fake right?" I told Liu as I looked up at him, "he isn't real".
He shook his head, "that's where you're wrong" he whispered as he got up to pace around a bit.
"He's real, he goes by the operator. I'm sure he sent one of his minions after you but got your friend instead. Probably as bait to lure you out" he quietly spoke as I sat there absorbing the information.
I looked at him like he was crazy, which we was.
1. Slender isn't real
2. There's no way he would send someone after me because he isn't real.
3. He wouldn't come after me because HE ISN'T REAL!
My mind screamed at me.
"You're wrong" I began, "Slenderman isn't real! It was proven it was some distorted photograph!" I explained as he stopped pacing and glanced at me.
"It's true it started out as a photograph" Liu mumbled as he began to pace once more, "but just because one picture was distorted and started this stupid thing doesn't mean the others were fake- its been alive since before the photograph was taken about some person. It just always covered its tracks" he finished as he walked over to my bed to take a seat.
"You see (y/n), that thing is good at covering its tracks" he trailed off, "he wasn't known as the 'Slenderman' till that photo was released. He was known as the operator"
I looked down at my phone and searched up some things trying to find other reasons to back up my side.
To no avail, he was somewhat right even though is still didn't fully believe him.
I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, "let's say you're right.. how am I going to get my friend back?" I glanced at him.
"You can't" was all he said before I blew up.
"What do you mean I can't? I sure as hell can! She is my friend! Not some dumb slut from school"
Shock glazed over his eyes bit his face stayed motionless.
"It wants you to get your friend, there's no way you can and there is no point" he picked up some part of his scarf that was falling a bit and wrapped it around him.
"What do you mean no point? I can save her!" I argued as I started to get somewhat agitated by this conversation.
"I mean" he paused and looked at me, "she's probably dead"
Then and there my blood grew cold, he has to be lying. This thing isn't real which means she's alive somewhere. He's a liar, I should have known.
"Enough" I looked down, "she's alive" I mumbled, "you're wrong, he isn't real- I know she's alive" my voice began to tremble with every word, doubts started digging up my mind.
'She's alive' 'she's dead' 'she's alive' 'she's dead' this just repeated over and over in my head. Tears started to form in my eyes as my thoughts went to the darker side.
'What if he's telling the truth and she's dead, what if this thing is real' 'what if..' so many what if's formed in my head.
I can't take this.
I've been through a lot, I need a break. I need my friend.
"Please" I whispered, "you seem to know this thing.. please get her back" silent tears fell from my eyes as I kept my head down.
"Just cause I know him" I heard Liu say, "doesn't mean I can get to him or save your friend, I told you she might not even be a-"
"Stop" I shot my head up at him, "don't you dare finish that sentence, she IS alive" I tried to glare at him as tears fell from my eyes.
"Alright" he mumbled as he gazed over my tears face, his eyes seemed to be filled with sorrow, "she might be alive, I'll try and get her back"
I nodded as I wiped away some tears.
"Good" was all I managed to say as I felt myself falling asleep, it's late and the tears made me sleepy.
I yawned as I tried to get the dark thoughts out of my head, I'm probably gonna have nightmares.
I saw Liu get up.
"I'll see what I can do" with that he left.
"And I'll see what I can do" I whispered to myself as I started forming plans in my head.
"If it wants me, then it can come and get me"
Hope you liked it!!
Gosh I'm so tired lmao
Thank you all who wished me a happy birthday!!
My birthday was yesterday
September 1st Lolol
Till next time! (In two weeks!)
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