THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR GUYS HELP!! Like promised I would post the next chapter in 3 days tops if my friend got 600 likes WHICH she did. So a promise is a promise!!
Shout out to Foxy_Fazbear_ for your great efforts for my friend!!
Also shout out to ViriBVB for your comments- I FREAKEN love them!!
Also comment, share, like. Follow me on Instagram at anime_fondness
I elbowed the person in the gut- immediately they let go.
I knew who it was, the one and only.
Xavier Nile.
I turned around and crossed my arms, my face held an amusing smirk. Xavier was hunched over, his arm holding his gut.
"God, remind me to never piss you off" he got out, still wincing in pain.
"It wasn't even that hard" I countered as my eyes lingered on my friend.
After some long intense moments he finally registered himself and promoted back up with a big smile. God, a smile that can melt a girls heart. To bad my heart is made of stone.
"Hope you like my gift and why are you here Mr.Nile" I teased.
He chuckled a bit, "I wanted to see how my little munchkin is doing" he ruffled my hair. I quickly smacked his hand and laughed a bit.
"Ya okay" my words laced with sarcasm, "since your here let's go meet up with my gang of friends!" I beamed and grabbed Xavier's hand.
"Hey guys!" I waved my hand at them to get their attention as I let go of Xavier's hand. "I made it! And brought a vampire!!" I looked at Xavier and giggled.
"Ha ha, very funny" Xavier rolled his eyes, "I'm not that white- I have a tan" he explained.
He does have a tan but man is it fun messing with him.
I laughed, "what ever Count Dracula." My friends just looked at me- some gawking at me with sparkling eyes. God, this is embarrassing to say the least.
"Stop staring, I'm hungry!!!" I whined a bit and headed inside the mini cafe with my friends following shortly after.
We all got what we wanted and was currently laughing about something mercedes said.
"Wait wait wait, you did what?" I laughed out- my side was hurting.
"I don't know what happened but all in all- at the end of the night I got burned." She replied laughing while showing us her burned arm.
(This really happened with her in real life, she can be a clutz)
"God mercedes, that was great!" The laughter died down and we all just sat in the booth eating our food. Carissa was telling her story about something that didn't really seem to interest me.
"Hey Y/N" Xavier had tapped my shoulder.
"Ya?" I questioned.
He pulled out a small box wrapped in wrapping paper with a cute bow on it.
"What's this" I asked as I gazed at the box in his hand- his face was lite with a small smile and light pink cheeks.
At this moment the girls stopped talking and was focused on us- which we had no idea of.
"Um, just open it and I'll tell you" he stammered almost as if he was embarrassed. How could he be embarrassed- we've known each other for so long, however I didn't want to argue much and careful took the box and unwrapped it. There inside was a gorgeous bracelet.
"Are you serious?!" I smiled so big, it wasn't my birthday so I couldn't understand why he got me this but nonetheless I loved it so much. On the bracelet was two charms- one of my favorite animal and a half a heart- the back of the hart had some writing on it.
The carving made out to be 'for- mi-'
"I love it so much Xavier!" I hugged him as my friends did the 'ohs and aws'.
I let the hug go and he got his bracelet out and out the hearts together- there I can finally read what it says.
"Forever mine" I said out allowed- at that moment my face went red as the girls squealed in delight.
"You mean-"
"Will you go to prom with me"
My heart stopped- I was at lost for words. Did he really just say what I think he said? My mind raced- of corse I wanted to say yes. I mean- I wanted this so badly for so long, but I was to petrified to say anything. The girls intense stares were making the situation worse and Xavier sitting there beside me with an embarrassed face- still having his famous smile made things worse. I couldn't form the words- it's like the whole cafe went quiet- my heart was the only thing that could be heard. I'm sure of it.
I wanted to scream yes, but I also wanted to puke.
My friends faces turned to concern ones very quickly as the quiet minutes ticked by, I felt to numb to say anything. The bracelet still in my hand.
I wanted to say yes but something was preventing that.
"I think I'm going to be sick" I quickly stated after I sat the bracelet down. I got up from the booth and ran towards the bathroom.
I looked in the mirror- it was one of those individual bathrooms. The door was locked and the bathroom light was flickering.
They never could fix it- God.
I splashed water in my face as my heart was pounding. I looked at the water draining in the sink as my arms rested upon the side of the sink edge. I tried to control my rapid breathing.
Soon enough, I slowly looked back up at the mirror and instantly jumped, there, in the mirror, was some type of girl with long black hair, black soulless eyes, white skin, what seems to be a mask, and a black tight dress.
Quickly I blinked a few times and it was gone.
What the Lollipop just happened..
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