Cronkri1:Come on kanny
TW:drinking, crying,and OOC
Also this is humanstuck
Kankri P.O.V.
As i reach for the bottle and felt nothing on my lips 'Damnit not again' i threw the bottle againist the wall as it made a huge breaking sound but i didnt care i didnt live with anyone anyways i knew i had to go get some more but i didnt feel like it it was just that bad of a day,you would think it would be nice to be alone right? No wrong. Cronus,my crush just gave me a nasty look and before i could ever say 'wrong' Porruim interrupted me telling me to "go away and shut up" with the nastiest look on her face,everyone acted like ive done somthing wrong but i just dont get it,'what did i do? Did i talk to much?' I shook my head getting the thoughts out of my head as i walked out of my door to go the liquor store
Cronus P.O.V.
I cant believe kankri could do such a thing! threaten Meenah come on!
"OH MY COD YOU ALL ACTALLY THOUGHT HE DONE THAT HAHAHA!"we all stopped as we turned to to her in the most pissed expression possible "You?WHAT?!" Porrim yelled on to of her lungs as she marched over to Meenah and grabbed her by her throat "what you cant...take" She said while coughing in between words now i had a bone or two to pick with her,i mean NOBODY messes with my crush
Kankri P.O.V
I went to lock the the door and and hide my cell phone and laptop to keep myself from doing anything...regretful and i start to drink and drink..and drink i wasnt a light wait now that was for sure but that didnt mean i started to get tipsy before i knew it i had finish a whole gallon of jimbean i started to feel dizzy and passed out.
Cronus P.O.V.
After we were done with Meenah we decided to go to kankris house, we got into the car and buckled up it was really awkward after all Porruim is my ex as we reached to a low class neighborhood and seen Kannys bright red house as we got got out off the car we went to knock on his door we herad some locks unlocking as he opened the door "oh h-hi HIC guys h-hows it HIC going?" It was obvious that he was out of the frame, way out he also smelled like a Brewery aswell it wasnt rocket science to firgure out that hes been drinking "Kanny..why do you smell like youve been drinking?" Porruim said with her arms crossed "shhh d-dont tell porry HIC that ive been doing a sippy sip hehehe" he said while putting his pointer finger on his mouth,his brown hair was a mess aswell "may we come in chief?" I asked cautiously I didn't know what he could do in this state of mind afterall,we never seen him drunk before,neverless tipsy "s-surrreeee come on HIC in hehehe" as we walked in we seen a gallon of jim bean empty and a pint size of jim bean broken on the wall "sorry for t-the mess hehehe" as i turned i seen Porruim in shock i wasnt surprised aswell "s-sit down crouny hehehe" his chocolate brown eyes sparkled i blushed 'crouny? Seriously?' As i sat down kankri i climbed ontop of me and and snuggled into my neck before i actually git an understamding of whats happening Porruim grabed kankri and patyed his back and took him to the bathroom i walked agter them and seen Porruim leaning Kankri over the toilet as he pucked it honestly made me shiver and feel bad,did we really pushed him to this limit? I herad a flushas Porruim patted his back and running uer hands throw his hair he leanned on her "thank you HIC porry" he said and passed out in her arms i walked over to him and picked him up and carried him to his bedroom as i tucked him in and kissed his forehead i then herad a drawer open and a gasp i turned around and seen Porruim cover her mouth i went over to see and i was shocked as well , i was starting to think 'do we really know the chief?' He had a pistol inside,bullets, a diary,and a photo of all of would think that he would throw it away by now but he didnt.Porruim picked up the diary and read through it she flipped through a couple of pages and started to shake and cry as i looked at it all i seen wasl 'talking to much' ' if they only knew' and it got snatched out of my hands by Porruim and put back in his drawer we shut the door and sat down on the couch.we had to find out whats going on
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