[A/N] Another chapter for you lovely readers :)
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"I said stop talking. That means you two over there," Mrs McKenna screeches, pointing at Aaron and me. "And put that phone away, too, before I take it."
Aaron slips his phone into his pocket, trying very hard to stop laughing at the meme we found on Twitter. He coughs a couple of time to try in a weak attempt to cover his smile.
The homeroom teacher goes back to grading papers, and we're in the clear again.
"So," Aaron whispers. "Did you buy that dress?"
I cock my head. "What dress?"
He raises his eyebrows. "The really tight one from over the weekend."
"Oh," I let out. Shit, I was kind of hoping he'd forget about that. "No. I found a better one."
Aaron raises his eyebrows even higher. "Really?"
I hit him on the arm with my book, I'll Give You the Sun. "You're so weird."
He smiles as innocently as he possibly can, and my heart melts into a puddle. "I'm just curious."
I struggle to gain my composure, roll my eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure you are."
"So what color is it?" he presses. "You know, because we need to make sure we match."
He nods. "Nice choice."
He smiles, really widely and genuinely. My heart hammers in my chest as he grabs my hand from across my desk and draws circles on it with his thumb. I literally feel the affection in his movements.
"I love you," I blurt out, looking from his hazel eyes to our clasped hands.
He smiles, bringing my hand to his lips and kissing it. "I love you, too, Callie. Always."
I keep staring at our hands. "So, this is going to continue after high school's over right?"
"What do you mean by 'this'?" he asks, eyebrows furrowing.
"Us." I squeeze his hand.
"Yeah, of course. I'm not leaving you."
I smile. "Okay, good."
We don't say anything for a bit. Students around us chatter excitedly about prom and graduation.
"So, when are you guys playing at that pub again?"
"This weekend. Charlie is so psyched about it."
I play with his fingers, loving how right they feel between mine. "Are you guys performing any new songs?"
He smiles at me teasingly, dimples digging into his cheeks. "We got a few up our sleeves."
"And you're not going to share, are you?"
The bell rings, and he quickly presses a kiss to my lips. "It's a surprise."
I roll my eyes, secretly excited and a bit thrilled. "Alright, fine."
Grabbing my hand, Aaron leads me out the room and we walk through the halls to AP Chem. The school is overwhelmingly crowded with students rushing to their classes, and in no time, we are back in the chemistry lab.
"Cal!" Charlie exclaims, rushing to me and pulling me into a bear hug. I lose Aaron's grasp as he spins me around a bit, almost tripping and falling on top of me.
"I'm glad to see you, too, Charlie," I reply once he finally lets me go. "But, seriously, what's the hug for?"
"I got an A on my chem test, that's what's up!" he laughs, thrusting his test in my face. A big, fat A written in red pen is etched into the front page.
"Hey, nice job. That's what happens when you actually study."
I sit in my seat, throwing my bag on the ground. Charlie sits next to me as Aaron chats up a storm with Luke. The bell rings, and Mr. Thompson bangs on his desk.
"Students, you've got this class period to complete the practice AP test already on your desks. Hand them in to me when you finish."
I groan, looking down at the questions in front of me. Way to rain on my parade, Mr. Thompson.
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"It's finally getting warmer out here!" Al enthusiastically yells at the top of his lungs when we walk outside after school. He spins in a circle, arms spread out wide, letting the sun beat on his pale skin.
"Dude, you're literally glowing," Luke points out. His arm is lazily slung over Shay's shoulders.
"Like a vampire," Shay adds, giggling.
"Y'all are so mean," he pouts, adjusting his snapback.
The four of us head to the student parking lot where Charlie's truck is parked. Luke pulls on the trunk, sitting on the truck bed. He helps Shay jump on as well.
"Where are Charlie and Aaron?" Al asks.
"Aaron said they had to talk to their math teacher about something," Luke says as Shay leans her head on his shoulder.
Al points into the distance. "Oh, look, here they come."
I turn around, spotting the two boys coming towards us.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Charlie exclaims, laughing as he flashes his direct attention to Al and Luke.
Aaron elbows him. "Dude, seriously?"
"It's up to us to make today a good day, Aaron."
"Okay, stop."
"Put the past in the past, let's focus on today."
Aaron gives him the death glare, and Charlie finally bites his tongue.
"I have no idea what in the world that was all about," I say, "but, Aaron, are you ready to go now?"
"Oh, yeah. Let's go." He grabs my hand. "See you guys tomorrow."
"Bye!" Shay squeals.
Al glances at our hands. "Don't have too much fun, you two."
I shake Aaron off gently, walk up to Al, and playfully shove him. "You're so immature, Al."
"But you didn't say I'm wrong."
I shove him again.
"Okay, okay, I get it," he laughs.
"Mmm, hmm, sure," I sarcastically reply.
Aaron and I both leave our friends and head to his car, hoping in. "Where to? My place or yours this time?"
"Nice choice," he laughs, sticking his key into the ignition. "We'll be there in 10 minutes."
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[A/N] Sorry for not updating last week, I was just overwhelmed with homework. I'm actually taking the SATs tomorrow, and I hope I do well. Thanks for reading, and more exciting updates are coming!!
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