Having Zachary tucked in his arms, protected from the biting cold, was the best feeling in the world to Orion. He didn't want to let go, to leave his boy to go back to that cold, disgusting alley... but he had to. With a fake smile, he leaned back. He'd intended to tell Zachary to come back when he was finished thinking, not wanting him to stay outside all night, but instead he just grasped his two chilly hands and squeezed. When Zachary just smiled, Orion licked his dry lips and turned to walk away.
He got about five steps away before soft, cold fingers slid into his. Immediately Orion stopped and turned, his eyes widening in eager hope. "Zachary?" The younger man opened his mouth to speak, taking a step closer to the point where they were nearly flush against each other. He ended up unable to speak, just like Orion had been previously, and instead shifted his coat so that it rested on his shoulders correctlly, then reached forward again to take Orion's hand in his. The gesture read loud and clear to Orion, even though neither of them had spoken about it.
When they finally stepped back through the alley door and into the warmth of the club, Orion couldn't help but sigh in relief. He wanted to scoop Zachary up and cuddle him right where they stood, but he had a feeling that his boy might still be overwhelmed so he withheld, barely. This is going to be harder than I thought. They were just stepping into his bedroom and already he wanted to have his hands on Zachary.
"Hey Orion?"
Blinking, he gave his head a jerky shake and put on a smile. He might not be able to touch him very much, but at least he wasn't sitting outside freezing without dinner. "Yes, sweetheart?"
Zachary had walked over to his nightstand and was now holding up the book he'd been reading. "Um, can we maybe read a little?"
It was already really late but there was no way Orion would say no to Zach's hopeful face. "Of course. You need to get warmed up first though, okay? Your pants are wet and you look pale from the cold."
Zach glanced down at his pants, then turned so that he could see his damp backside. "Oh." Orion chuckled quietly and nodded for him to go shower real quick.
"I'll go get some dinner ready while you shower, okay?"
The look on his face spelled relief, but that was okay. Orion knew he needed some time, and likely had expected him to follow him into the shower. With a curt nod Orion stepped out and headed to the kitchen, making a simple dinner of mini chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes. He thought about grabbing some bacon or another protein, but eating a ton before bed wasn't usually a good idea. So, he made about ten small pancakes and tossed them on a plate with a small takeout container of syrup before grabbing a big glass of water and heading back to his room. He'd intended to grab a second cup, but balancing wasn't his forte, at least not at four in the morning.
When he opened the door to his room and stepped inside, he couldn't help but grin. Zachary had gotten the pillows propped up and was leaning against some of them with the blankets pulled up to his lap. He already had the book open, though as Orion walked over to set the tray down in Zach's lap, he noticed that he had only just begun reading the second chapter.
As Zachary started digging into the chocolate pancakes--of course--Orion slid carefully into bed and remained atop the blankets to make sure that his boy was comfortable, then leaned back against the pillows and grabbed the cup of water for a sip before setting it back down on the tray and grabbing a blueberry pancake. As he chewed, Orion glanced at the title for the chapter and nearly spit his mouthful of pancake out.
Bonding over Bondage.
Worry immediately settled in his belly as they got ready to read the book. He let Zachary start reading aloud and just skimmed along, willing to help if needed. They just munched on pancakes for around twenty minutes while reading before they got to the eighth page. There was a fully drawn example with the outlines of people, focusing in on the leather bindings. The image was directing whoever was reading on how to wrap a basic binding on your partner's arm.
Glancing sideways, Orion noticed a faint blush on Zachary's cheeks. "Um, we already did this so, um, we'll skip this example." Orion grinned and nodded, listening as Zach continued reading. He needed help in a few places, but Orion just quietly slipped in words whenever he struggled, allowing the reading to continue. Several more diagrams were skipped that involved wrapping leather on your own arms, and also the chest piece they'd already done. The next time they stopped was the last diagram, which involved one of Orion's favorite things. Hands.
Zachary was already looking at him when he glanced up from the book. He seemed nervous, but after checking that the diagram was the last thing in the chapter, Zach actually scooted out of bed once he handed Orion the book and went into the closet where he knew the leather was stored. He returned with the thick leather wrap they'd used previously to tie his arms, then climbed back into bed. Orion was eager to get the leather in his hands, but when Zachary scooted behind him, his brow furrowed with a glance over his shoulder.
"Um... can you maybe hold the book open for me?"
Orion was about to ask him if he could hold it open while he tied his hands, but when he noticed Zachary tugging the leather through his fingers, he understood. Putting his hands together behind his back, he wiggled his fingers and Zachary got the book situated in them, open to the page with the diagram example. The next several minutes Orion stayed as still as he could as he felt Zachary's adorable fingers carefully wrap the leather around his wrists. With just a few directions to fix tightness and positioning from him, Zachary managed to tie his wrists together quite well. Orion tested the leather, trying to pull his wrists apart, and was more than proud when he couldn't.
"You did very well, Zachary."
Orion expected him to undo the bindings once he was praised, but to his surprise Zachary actually made his way onto his lap. Not that he was upset about that, at all, but it was a bit shocking. "Sweetheart?" Before he could say anything else, Zachary had his lips on his. Again, not a negative, ever, but now he was really confusing him. Screw it. Orion responded eagerly, nipping at Zachary's lips until he opened up and their tongues danced together. He tasted deliciously sweet, just like the chocolate chip pancakes he'd claimed from dinner.
As the kiss got heated Orion struggled against the bindings, needing to put his hands on his boy, but no matter what he did the leather stayed firm. He wasn't mad about it by any means, but it had been so long since he'd been the one bound... "Orion?"
Groaning quietly, Orion licked his wet lips and blinked open his eyes to see Zachary panting but a few inches from his nose. "Yes, sweetheart?" He almost said yes again, just wanting his boy to keep doing whatever the heck he wanted as long as it involved them touching somewhere, but he managed to keep the word to himself.
"Do you know why it took me such a short time to come back from my alley?"
Orion could tell that Zachary was a little nervous considering his quiet, hesitant tone, so he slowly shook his head and smiled reassuringly. "Why, Zachary?"
He opened his mouth but paused for a moment, sitting down in Orion's lap. It took a lot of effort to keep down a moan at his added weight, but Orion somehow managed it.
"I-I think um... I don't know how to say it." Zachary mumbled the last half of his sentence as he hunched, looking down as his hands worried in between them. It was killing Orion to sit with his hands still bound, unable to do anything, but he had to trust him. That's what a good portion of the bondage represented.
"Sweetheart, is there anything I can say to help you figure out how to say it? Because I desperately want to hear anything you would like to tell me."
Zachary's cheeks reddened further but he looked back up. "Um... c-can you say what you did before?"
Orion frowned slightly, trying to quickly go back through his memory for anything important he may have said. A few things stuck out from the rest, but one in particular made him smile wide and lean forward so that his lips were just barely against Zachary's.
"I'm going to pick my most favorite thing I've said recently, and I hope that it's exactly what you want to hear right now."
When Zachary's eyes only widened Orion flicked his tongue out and licked the guy's soft lips. "I love you, sweetheart."
Immediately Zachary burst into tears, making Orion flinch and blanch with worry. He struggled with his bindings, confused, thinking that he'd said the wrong thing. However, when arms suddenly came around his neck in a strong hug, he froze. "I-I don't understand. It f-feels like I have t-to be near you or I'm not whole. I-I've never felt this w-way before."
"It's confusing for you, isn't it sweetheart?" Orion whispered as he turned his head to nuzzle against Zachary's soft hair. He nodded and sniffed, but then tilted his head so that it rested on Orion's shoulder, allowing their eyes to meet. It hurt to see the red lining Zach's eyes, but Orion bit back his words, knowing that his boy still had more to say. And boy was he right.
"Orion... I-I think I love you, too."
Bless you, Zachary.
"I thought that being told what to do would be frustrating. I-I don't like being told what to do when I'm not working... but with you it feels like a completely different thing. Like you're not telling me what to do, but I'm waiting for requests I can't wait to fulfill for you."
Orion nodded, then leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to Zach's nose.
"I feel very much the same, except, while I do not mind doing most things requested of me, to reason, I feel overjoyed when I request something myself, and someone enjoys accomplishing it."
Zachary gave him a faint smile, then yawned. Orion mirrored the action before chuckling. "Would you please undo my wrists, sweetheart, so that I can devour your adorable mouth before bed?"
With burning cheeks Zachary nodded, moving off of Orion's lap and around his back to work. He freed Orion's wrists after a minute, then yelped when he tackled him to the blanket. They were both laughing from the action, then slowly their chuckles dissolved as their mouths melded together and quiet, content moaning took over.
Orion had planned to spend the night worrying about his sweet Zachary sitting in a cold alleyway, shivering by himself, without his secure arms around him. Now, as he pulled his adorable, breathless boy into his lap, he couldn't have felt any more the opposite. He'd planned to curl up with Zachary after they'd finished kissing and fall asleep with him tucked against his chest, but as he watched his sweetheart drift off in his arms, Orion just couldn't bring himself to lie down just yet. Instead, he found himself gently rubbing his thumb along Zachary's kiss-reddened lips as he got comfortable against the stacked pillows.
I'm afraid that if I close my eyes, I'll wake up and you'll be outside in the cold.
Grinning to himself, Orion gave his head a minute shake and leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to Zachary's hair.
I suppose I'll just have to stay up a tiny bit longer and watch my angel rest right where he should be. Just to be sure that this isn't just a dream.
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