tagged again (sort of)
Both damnallgoodnamesgone and Spaghetti_no_sauce have kind of tagged me, since I have read their tags so here we go!
1) my full name: well I've heard that it's a bad idea to give your name out on the internet, plus it would be incredibly awkward if some I knew in real life read my books and found out that I wrote them soooooooo I'll just give out my initials? MAF. Many of you already probably know my first name tho.
2) hobbies: obviously writing, although that's a more secret hobby for me and not many people irl know I write. I also watch unhealthy amounts of Netflix, like to the point where Netflix emails me when I haven't been in in a while (not my proudest moment, although I have become friend with Nate from Netflix). I like to color as well, but that's more just bc I like colors and stuff. I also love watching BuzzFeed Unsolved and in this quarintine I e been watching all the marathons of the seasons. Recently I have gotten Animal Crossing Pocket Camp and play that too much as well. If you find yourself bored in quarantine if suggest any of the above.
3) favorite song: woooowie, this is a tough one! I pretty much love all things LAUV, lovely the band, some Chainsmokers, and some random stuff. Right now I've been listening to You cants fix me by Yoste and honestly? Iconic.
4) wallpaper:
I haven't even seen the whole show, but I'm really just vibing with this picture. It's both my lock screen and home wallpaper
5) big dreams: idk man, when I was like 6 I wanted to own a clothing line/be a CEO and I've just been following that line for a while. Not sure what I want to do but I want to have money. Fiscal success = priority numero uno baby! But um, for like non-job dreams owning a red bull fridge would be great.
6) did you sleep well last night?: Hon, I was up till two and I woke up at 11. I feel like shit.
7)number of friends: irl, probably ab 10 ppl who I would hang out with. There's a couple ppl id like to be better friends with but I just don't really talk to like that 🤷. Online tho, I have a nice support group who are all great!
8) do you like math?: Well, so far yeah. I'm in geometry and so far math for me has all been here are the steps to solve these problems so solve it, and I'm pretty good at that. I've been told by my smarty pants friends that it changes soon, so we'll see if I like math then.
9) favorite subject: over all probably math still bc I've never had to put much effort into it. Rn I'm in a super fun class, government and law tho and it's been great. I live my teacher in that class and I'm having the time of my life. This teacher is a while legend. He keeps it real with is and gives us law advice all the time which a lot of people don't know. Some of this stuff is actually pretty important so I'll share some of it now. He said never allow a police officer into your house/car with out a warrant, if you do then they can make up bullshit on what they are searching for and if they find something unrelated to what they originally needed then they can arest you on that. Also, sue. I mean, talk to a lawyer first but the government gets away with a lot of shit just bc ppl don't sue. Plus usually there is a way for you to get money. If you hire a lawyer though, ask how they break down their hours.
10) where are you from: I'm from Illinois baby! Home of corn, corrupt goveners, and of course, the Chicago Tylenol killings!
11) sports?: I play tennis, and recently I've been playing golf with a friend. I don't know the rules to football, basketball, soccer, or Lacrosse and I don't live in a family that pays attention to sports/teams. I like watching UFC tho, if that counts
12) are you healthy?: HELL NO! I drink a lot of coke and redbull but drink very little water. I'm actually severely dehydrated. I eat like shit, do no physical activities, and recently I've messed up my sleep schedule.
13) how much do you cost?: It depends on what you want me to do.
14) favorite singer: I'd say probably LAUV, bc I like everything he does.
15) siblings?: Three, all older.
16) can you draw?: Technically, yes. But should I? No.
17) how many lessons do you have on Monday?: I have no idea. With covid-19 around I assume I will be doing online school on Monday (I was on spring break when it really hit and social distancing was put in place). Normally I have six academic classes every day though.
18) crush: none. I have probably only ever had one crush bed and it was in like 2cnd grade so 🤷
19) relationship status: single.
20) if I could take home an idol, who would it be?: Uh, I wouldn't? That's pretty creepy and I'd be cast into a spotlight which = yucky.
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