Tensions Run High
The next day, Albert, Sarah, and Charon were in the old classroom, waiting for the vault dwellers to arrive.
Most of the vault dwellers then entered the classroom, some didn't bother to show up.
"Alright, first up we're gonna talk about the dangers or radiation" said Albert.
"What, to get super powers?" Wally Mack said.
"No, dumbass. So you'll avoid ending up looking like Charon here" said Albert as he pointed to Charon with his thumb.
"What happened to him?" asked Christine.
"Too much radiation transformed me into a ghoul. Now I'm stuck like this" said Charon.
"So, if you don't wanna end up like him, then listen to this presentation we have" said Albert as he activated the projector and began the presentation.
Most people listened to the presentation, save for Wally, who was scrolling through his Pip-Boy the entire time.
After that, they went down to the lower levels, where there was the shooting range Albert's father set up for him years ago.
"Next up, you're gonna learn how to use a gun so you'll be able to defend yourselves out there in the wasteland" said Albert.
The vault dwellers were each handed a laser pistol.
"We'll start with these, since they're standard Brotherhood issue and do a decent amount of damage" said Albert.
Some vault dwellers, like Stanley, Wally, Pepper, and Ellen Deloria glanced at the guns they were holding, then glanced at Albert.
"Don't even think about it" said Albert.
Once the vault dwellers had some target practice (on the targets, not Albert) Albert and the Brotherhood called it a day.
Over the next few days, Albert and the others trained the vault dwellers who participated to the best of their abilities. But there was a lot of hate growing from the vault dwellers who still blamed Albert for what happened two years ago.
Then one day, when they were all in the atrium.
"Alright, everyone. Good job on your training. We'll call it a day" said Albert as he was about to head back to his room with Sarah.
The vault dwellers who had a grudge against Albert couldn't take it anymore. They had to say something.
"You have no right to be here!" said Alphonse.
"Excuse me?" said Albert.
"We were doing just fine before you and your mutant freaks and Power Armor freaks showed up! Now you're gonna get us all killed!" said Pepper.
"If you all stay trapped in here then eventually you're gonna run out of supplies and people to run the vault. With the vault opening, you'll get more trade and people who can help you keep things going" said Albert.
"Bullshit! All you outsiders are savages who are gonna kill us all! You're father opened the vault during the radroach infestation, and look what happened! People died! It's all because of you, your father, and Jonas!" said Allen.
"First of all, I had nothing to do with my dad opening the vault, so you can't blame me for that. Second, he only left to help the people of the Capital Wasteland. Didn't Amata ever tell you what he and my mom were working on before me and him came here?" asked Albert.
"Some bullshit thing about water! Who cares?!" said Officer Wolfe.
"The people out there do. This may come as a shock to you all, but there are people out there who have it harder than you. The world doesn't revolve around you people" said Albert.
"He still opened the vault during a radroach infestation, plunging the vault into even more chaos! We had no doctor to help people!" said Alphonse.
"Says the guy who was already planning to open the vault. I read your other logs, Alphonse. I know you were planning to frame me and my dad for causing trouble so you could kick us out. You were perfectly fine with him no longer being here as long as it was in your favor" said Albert.
"It doesn't matter! People died when your bastard father opened the vault! My wife and daughter were killed in a fire caused by the radroaches!" said Officer Kendall.
"And where were you and the other security officers when that happened? Where were you when your wife and little Monica were burning to death?" asked Albert.
"I- I- Uh..." Kendall stuttered as he was taken back by this.
Albert then turned his attention to Officer Taylor.
"And you, Officer Taylor, you keep blaming me and my father for your wife's death, but where were you when she was having a heart attack?" asked Albert.
Taylor was also taken back and couldn't think of anything to say.
Then Albert turned to Officer Wilkins.
"And you, Officer Wilkins. Amata said you blamed me and my dad for Jim and Janice's deaths. But when I first arrived back in the vault, Jim's corpse was the first I saw. You didn't even bother to move him, and I'm guessing you didn't move Janice's corpse, either. Some father you are" said Albert.
Wilkins gritted his teeth in rage and his face began to turn red.
Then, Albert turned his attention to Security Chief Hannon.
"And you, Chief Hannon. You always blamed me and my dad for your wife and son's death. But where were you when your wife was killed by radroaches and Paul died from his injuries?" Albert asked.
"We had orders to hunt you down and kill you! And Paul would've lived if we had a doctor!" Hannon said.
"But surely your families are more important than hunting down one person. You all could've saved your loved ones, but instead you focused your attention on me because Alphonse told you to do so. I guess you're all more loyal to him than you are to your own families. As for having no doctor to save Paul and the others who were injured; Jonas could've easily saved them. He may not have had as much medical skill and experience as my dad did, but he would've known how to heal the injuries of Paul and the others. Maybe if Alphonse hadn't ordered Stevie Mack to kill him, or if you and the other security guards had simply stopped Stevie from killing him, then Paul and the others who were injured would still be alive" said Albert.
"Except that you are. When my dad left, you ordered your men to kill anyone who wasn't in their quarters. But I reviewed the security footage from that morning. Most of the people who were outside their quarters were on their way back to their rooms, or just wanted to know what was going on, and your men killed them on sight. You were the one who ordered to have those people killed, not me" said Albert.
"There were also people who were trying to leave the vault like your father did! I couldn't let that happen!" said Alphonse.
"So you had them killed?! You could've just had them detained, but instead you thought you had the right to take innocent lives. Tom Holden, Mary Holden, Chip Taylor, Steve Armstrong, Jim Wilkins, Janice Wilkins, Jonas. They all were trying to leave because they didn't want to be your prisoners anymore. They wanted to live their own lives and decide their own futures, and you murdered them for it. You decided that if you couldn't control their lives, then they couldn't have lives at all" said Albert.
"Steve was only trying to leave the vault because you and your father got in his head and made him want to leave! And he wasn't even killed by any of the security team, he was killed by a radroach!" said Stanley.
"But the security team found his body shortly afterwards and didn't bother to move him, either. If they had focused on killing the radroaches instead of killing their own people, then maybe he would still be alive" said Albert.
"Jonas was conspiring with your father from the very beginning to doom us all!" said Allen.
"Him and my father never meant for anyone here to die. When I was reunited with my father in the wasteland, I told him about what had happened here, and he was horrified that so many people died because he opened the vault. He blamed himself for it, even though it wasn't his fault. He said that if he knew this would've happened, he would've found another way to leave without making you all go crazy and kill each other. As for Jonas, I watched the security footage of his death. He was completely defenseless and unarmed, just like the others were, and yet your son beat him to death with a baton while screaming like a psychopath. And you say us outsiders are the savages, Mack" said Albert.
"By accident. I saw him beating Amata, so I tried to stop him. He then tried to kill me, but I only shot warning shots at him with my gun, I wasn't a cold-blooded killer like him. But then, while trying to avoid being hit by him, I stumbled back and accidentally pulled the trigger and shot him in the head. His life was the first I ever took, and it was an accident" said Albert.
"It doesn't matter! You're an outsider! You're like all the others! You brought chaos with you, and people died!" said Alphonse.
"That's your excuse for everything, Alphonse: blame the outsider. Well guess what? I am so fucking done with being blamed for your actions. One person leaves the vault, and you go crazy and order your thugs to kill anyone who isn't obeying your every command. You had innocent people killed, left other innocent people to die, and had your own daughter beaten. And yet you blame me and my father for it, just because we weren't born in this shithole like the rest of you were. Their blood is on your hands, not mine. And certainly not my father's" said Albert.
"Well, now thanks to you, the vault's opened up! And now we're all gonna die!" said Alphonse, trying to change the subject.
"I thought you supported the idea of the vault opening" said Albert.
"Not anymore! I've changed my mind!" Alphonse said.
"Of course you did" said Albert in annoyance.
"Ok, everyone, let's just stop fighting!" said Amata.
"You left the vault, and it caused more chaos!" said Stanley.
"I left to go find my father. Besides, I knew that if I stayed you all would've had me killed anyway. So, what was I supposed to do? Stay and be killed while the only family I had left died out in the wasteland?" said Albert.
"You, your father, and the rest of these idiots are all scum! We shouldn't have kicked you out when you came back, we should've just killed you!" spat Allen.
"The only scum this vault has ever had is you, Alphonse, Stevie, and the rest of you hateful pricks. You know, I regretted killing Stevie at first. But looking back now, I wish I could kill him all over again. Because he was a murderer and a psychopath, just like you and the rest of the Vault 101 security force" said Albert.
"Hey don't talk about my dad that way! He's a hero!" said Wally.
"Oh, why? Because he saved Stanley from a couple of radroaches? I watched the security footage of that event also. Stanley wasn't in any real danger, your dad just killed the radroaches before he could!" said Albert.
"Bullshit! I saved his life!" said Allen.
"Actually, I did have it under control. I was about to smash the radroaches with a pipe, but you got to them before I could, Allen" said Stanley.
"What the fuck, Armstrong?! You're on his side, now?!" said Allen.
"I'm not. I just thought I should point out that I had it under control" said Stanley.
"Exactly! Your dad's no hero, Wally. He's a scumbag like you, your brother, and the rest of the people here. My dad, on the other hand, worked for years to give the people of the Capital Wasteland clean water to drink, so they wouldn't have to drink irradiated water and die. Then he gave his life so that the Enclave couldn't use his work for their own personal gain. Heh, but I guess you wouldn't know what it's like to have a hero for a dad, would you, Wally?" Albert mocked.
Wally charged at Albert and was about to punch him in the face. But Albert moved out of the way, grabbed Wally's arm, and bent it backwards, making a loud snapping sound that echoed throughout the atrium.
"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" screamed Wally.
"Oh, my god!" said Pepper.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" said Stanley.
"Albert, why would you do that?!" said Amata.
"Relax. Just give him a stimpack and he'll be fine" said Albert as he kicked Wally to the ground.
"You didn't have to break his arm, though!" said Susie.
"He attacked me first. Plus he was a piece of shit, like the rest of you vault pricks" said Albert.
"What did we do?! Amata, Christine, Freddie, Butch, Mrs. Palmer, Mr. Brotch, Officer Gomez, and I never blamed you for what happened!" said Susie.
"Doesn't matter. Amata exiled me, even though I did nothing wrong, and you assholes just stood there and did nothing about it. None of you stood up for me, none of you tried to persuade Amata to let me stay. You just said 'Goodbye. We'll miss you,' and turned your backs on me like all the others. At least Butch left the vault because he didn't want me to be on my own out there" said Albert.
"It's true. Sure I left the vault because I was done with this place. But deep down, I also left because I didn't want Albert to be all by himself in the wasteland" said Butch.
"Albert, I only exiled you because everyone else still blamed you for what happened! They would've killed you if I let you stay!" said Amata.
"Bullshit! I was able to survive for over a week in the wasteland before coming back and you knew that! I told you about how I killed a ton or raiders, super mutants, feral ghouls, and I even killed a super mutant behemoth! If I was able to take on those kinds of enemies then you don't think I could handle a few angry vault dwellers?! You just exiled me so they wouldn't hate you as well!" Albert shouted.
Sarah placed her hand on Albert's shoulder to calm him down.
"Calm down, babe. They're not worth it" she said.
Albert took a deep breathe. Then regained his posture.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I've very tired" he said as he and Sarah left to go to his room.
Once they left, Wally's family went to see if he was ok.
"Come on, Wally. Let's get you healed" said his mother.
"*Sniff* Ok" said Wally.
"Quit your crying, boy" said Allen.
A few hours later...
Albert was feeling thirsty, so he got up from his bed in the middle of the night and went to go get a drink of water from the water fountain. But then he noticed something odd. He saw Officer Wilkins heading down the hallway.
'That's odd. Wilkins doesn't normally patrol this section of the vault. Did his patrol route get changed or something?' Albert said in his head.
Albert got a suspicious feeling about Wilkins, and decided to follow him. He followed him down to the lower levels of the vault. When he got down there he saw Wilkins meeting up with Allen, Wally, most of the Vault 101 security force, and a few of the other adults.
'What are they up to?' said Albert in his head as he hid behind a generator.
"Is everyone here?" asked Allen.
"We are, Dad" said Wally.
"Good. As you all know, our vault's now infested with wasteland scum, and they're planning to get us all killed by bringing even more scum in here. I say we put a stop to this. We take over the vault, remove that brat from her place as Overseer, and make me the Overseer instead. Then we kill that bastard Jefferson, and close the vault for good" said Allen.
"But what about those mutant freaks and the Brotherhood of Metal or whatever they're called?" asked Officer O'Brian.
"Don't worry. I've got a plan for those things as well" said Allen with an evil grin.
Albert eavesdropped on the rest of their plan, then he headed back to his room.
"Psst. Sarah. Sarah, wake up" said Albert.
"Huh? Albert, what is it?" asked Sarah as she woke up.
"There's something I need to tell you" said Albert.
Thx for reading. Also the part where Wally is ignoring Albert's presentation on radiation and thinking that radiation gives a person superpowers is a reference to the Fallout 4 Creation Club add-on 'Tunnel Snakes Rule!' Don't know what I mean by that? Play the add-on or watch a gameplay of it. I don't wanna spoil it for you. Anyways, there's only two chapters left in this book. It's been a fun ride, and I'm glad you enjoyed this book.
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