It Started Out a Day Like Any Other
(For those of you who want to know what my Lone Wanderer looks like: he looks like the standard one you see in the trailers. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He's a good karma character who's main skill is stealth. His main outfit is the armored Vault 101 jumpsuit, and his main weapon is the Ol' Painless hunting rifle.)
Albert Lincoln Jefferson, the Lone Wanderer, woke up in his home in Megaton. He got up, and went to the room next to his.
"Hey, Marie, come on. It's time to wake up" said Albert quietly as he opened the door to see his two year old adoptive daughter, Marie Jefferson, starting to wake up with Dogmeat sleeping at the foot of her bed.
"Ok, Daddy" said Marie as she rubbed her eyes and got out of her small bed.
They went downstairs to eat breakfast where he saw Fawkes, Charon, and Wadsworth there waiting for them at the table.
"Good morning, sir! Good morning, Marie!" said Wadsworth as he put two dishes on the table for them.
"Good morning, Wadsworth" said Albert.
"Good morning, my friend. Good morning, Marie" said Fawkes.
"Morning, Fawkes" said Albert.
"Morning, Uncle Fawkes" said Marie.
"Good morning, sir. Good morning, Marie" said Charon.
"Good morning, Charon" said Albert.
"Good morning, Uncle Charon" said Marie.
They sat at the table and ate breakfast.
"So, what are our plans for today, my friend?" asked Fawkes.
"I got a message from Elder Lyons saying we need to meet him and Sarah at the Citadel" said Albert.
"Can I come, too?" asked Marie with big innocent eyes.
"Sorry, Marie, but we've talked about this. You're too young to leave Megaton. It's dangerous out there in the Wasteland" said Albert.
"But, Daddy, I wanna see Mommy and Grandpa!" Marie whined.
"Marie, no. I'll take you out there when you're old enough. Besides, Mommy'll be coming here to visit soon anyway" said Albert.
After breakfast was finished, the Lone Wanderer and his companions geared up. Albert put on his armored Vault 101 jumpsuit, and equipped his weapons. He slung his 'Ol' Painless' hunting rifle over his back, holstered his 'Blackhawk' revolver on his hip, sheathed his 'Occam's Razor' combat knife on his boot, sheathed his Shishkebab on his left hip (he had found away to use it without the gas tank on his back or the oven mitt), and equipped a few grenades on his belt. Fawkes put on his Gatling laser and equipped his super sledge, and Charon slung his combat shotgun nicknamed 'The Terrible Shotgun' on his back, and sheathed the 'Stabhappy' combat knife on his left hip.
They then dropped Marie off with Sheriff Lucas Simms and his son, and the three of them headed outside the front gates of Megaton. When they got out there they saw the rest of Albert's companions, minus Star Paladin Cross, waiting for them as well. There was Butch, Jericho, and Sergeant RL-3 waiting outside for them.
"About time you showed up. We were about to go without you" said Butch.
"Sorry to keep you all waiting. We had to drop Marie off" said Albert.
The team then traveled across the Wasteland until they eventually reached the Citadel. When they entered the Citadel they were greeted by the young Arthur Maxson.
"G-greetings, Star Paladin Jefferson" said Arthur.
"Arthur, we've been over this. You can call me Albert" said Albert.
"Oh, right. S-sorry, Albert" said Arthur.
They then headed downstairs to the Citadel laboratory where the Scribes were repairing Liberty Prime. When they got there, they saw Elder Owyn Lyons, Scribe Rothchild, Star Paladin Cross, and Sentinel Sarah Lyons.
"Construction of the new airship has been going smoothly. It should be up in the sky in a few years time" said Rothchild as he talked with Elder Lyons.
"Yo, we're here" said Albert.
"Albert, I'm glad to see you actually made it on time for once" said Sarah as she walked over and kissed her boyfriend on the lips.
"Ah, Albert. Good to see you and your team" said Elder Lyons.
"So, what's the mission, Lyons?" asked Albert.
"We've learned that there's an Enclave squadron hiding out in the north west side of the Capital Wasteland. You, your team, and my daughter need to go and take them out" said Elder Lyons.
"Consider it done, Lyons" said Albert.
"Alright, Dad, it's time to open up the vault. We've been preparing everyone for the wasteland for two years, and now we're finally ready" said Amata.
"Very well. I still think this is a bad idea, but you're the Overseer and you make the decisions, Amata" said Alphonse.
Amata then put on some security armor (minus the helmet), holstered a 10mm pistol to her hip, attached a security baton to her other hip, and slung an assault rifle over her back.
She then called some of her security team, as well as Christine Kendall and Susie Mack, into her office.
"Today we will be opening the vault to venture out into the wasteland. Our mission will be to set the vault up as a shelter to help wastelanders and have a good relation with the wastes" said Amata.
"Overseer, is this really the best idea?" asked Office Kendall.
"Yes. It's for the greater good of the vault" said Amata.
"You open that door up, and we're all gonna die!" said Officer Wilkins.
"Quiet! All of you!" said Officer Gomez.
"Thank you, Officer Gomez" said Amata.
They then headed to the vault door. Some people cheered for them and said goodbye, but not Allen Mack, his son Wally Mack, and anyone else who hated the idea of opening the vault.
Amata gave a hug to her father before opening the vault door. She and her squadron then walked through the cave until they reached the wooden door at the end. When they stepped through they were nearly blinded by the bright sunlight.
They had sent scouts out there before. And they had come back with some very interesting information... specifically about Albert Jefferson. Her childhood best friend and former lover.
When she exiled him they had a huge fight which led to him storming out; but out here he was a pretty big deal. He was known as the Lone Wanderer and fought with a group called the Brotherhood of Steel against a group called the Enclave. Apparently, the reason James left the vault two years ago was because he and Albert's mom, Catherine, were working on a thing called Project Purity: a device located in the Jefferson Memorial, built to purify the water in the Capital Wasteland and make it clean for wastelanders to drink. Albert, his dad, and a few other scientists were trying to get it up and running again when the Enclave came and tried to take it over. James then sacrificed himself so that the Enclave couldn't have the project, then right after that Albert got Amata's distress signal and came back to the vault to help them, only for her to exile him afterwards. Some time after that, Albert joined the Brotherhood of Steel and they stormed the memorial with a giant robot and took back the facility. Albert activated the purifier, but it resulted in him ending up in a coma for two weeks. After that, he and his companions wiped out all the Enclave at Adams Air Force Base.
She also heard many other stories about the Lone Wanderer and his adventures. She heard stories of him disarming the bomb in Megaton. Stories about him saving a little boy in a town called Grayditch and giving him a new home. She heard stories about him ending a conflict between a superhero called the Mechanist and a supervillain called the Antagonizer. She heard stories of him going into a VR simulation of the liberation of Anchorage Alaska. Then she heard stories of his adventures in a place called the Pitt, and stories of his adventures in a place called Point Lookout. She even heard a few stories about him being abducted by aliens and then taking over their ship, that one she didn't believe.
Susie also said that she encountered Albert out there in the wastes when Amata first sent her out there. Susie said that he wasn't very happy to see her, and she also said that Albert had a dog with him, as well as a big yellowish-green creature that people out there called a 'Super Mutant.' But both the dog and super mutant were friends of Albert's from what Susie said.
When they got to Megaton they were greeted by a man in a duster with a sheriff's badge, a cowboy hat and a Chinese assault rifle on his back. He looked surprised to see them.
"So, I take it you folks must be from Vault 101, huh? Name's Lucas Simms. Town sheriff, and mayor when the need arises" said Simms.
"Nice to meet you, sheriff. I'm Overseer Almodovar. We're here to discuss trade negotiations" said Amata.
"I'm not too sure about that. I'm not sure if you know this, but Albert Jefferson lives here. He said he came back to your vault a week after he first left, but he looked upset when came back here. He never told me exactly what happened, but I take it things between him and you people aren't so good. Not to mention, he saved this town and the entire Capital Wasteland; so I'll be damned if I'm gonna let people who wronged him come marching in here and try to make things worse for him" said Simms.
"I assure you, sir. We're not here to cause any trouble for him, especially me. I want to make things right between me and him and invite him back into the vault. He can still be your hero out here, but I want to also give him his old home back" said Amata.
The Vault 101 security guards looked surprised at Amata. She didn't tell them they were gonna be letting Albert Jefferson back in.
"Not to mention, we can offer other wastelanders shelter in our vault, too. Heck, we can even give the people here some supplies to help you and other people in the wasteland" Susie butted in.
Lucas stared at them for a moment, then sighed.
"Fine. But if I here you tried to attack Albert, or if you piss him off in any way... none of you are allowed back here" Simms said coldly.
Amata nodded, then turned to her team.
"Alright. Susie, Christine, you discuss things with the Sheriff, the rest of you wait here. There's something I need to do first" said Amata.
"Say hi to Albert for us" said Susie.
"I will" said Amata.
Amata knew that Albert had a house here in Megaton. It was given to him as a thanks for disarming the bomb here.
She knocked on the door to be greeted by a Mr. Handy.
"May I help you?" asked the Mr. Handy.
"Uh, hi. Is Albert Jefferson here? I'm a friend of his from Vault 101" said Amata.
"Ah! Come in! He isn't home right now, but you're free to wait in here" said the Mr. Handy as he opened the door all the way.
When Amata entered she noticed the inside of the house looked like the vault, Albert had been trying to make it look like his childhood home. She also noticed there was a whole stand of Vault-Tec bobbleheads. There was a weapons workbench. There were two lockers. She opened the one next to the door to see it was full of weapons and armor and other things, there was also the modified utility jumpsuit she gave him when she last saw him. She then walked over to the other locker to see it had a few things she recognized. One was his Vault 101 jumpsuit that he left in, another was his old BB gun, then there was his baseball bat, then there was his favorited baseball mitt and baseball, there was a weird gray thing floating in a jar and there were a few other things. She wondered why the utility jumpsuit was in the other locker and not in this one since it seemed to have more things that Albert treasured. Was he still angry at her for exiling him?
She went upstairs to see there was a Nuka-Cola machine, a jukebox, a doctor's station, and a chemistry lab. She then noticed there were two doors. She opened one of them to see there was a bed and a desk; she assumed it was where Albert slept. She entered the other room and was surprised to see what it had. There was a small bed with pink sheets, a toy box, and a few other things. Did Albert have a daughter?
Back with Albert and the gang...
They had just finished wiping out the Enclave squadron.
"Alright, team, good job. We don't have to report back to Elder Lyons until tomorrow, so let's head back to Megaton" said Albert.
As soon as they arrived back at Megaton they were greeted by Simms.
"Hey, Albert, there's something you should know" said Simms.
"What is it, Simms?" asked Albert.
"There's a group from Vault 101 here" said Simms.
Albert just stood there for a few seconds.
"...Come again?" he said.
"Albert?" said an all-to-familiar voice.
He turned around to see Amata standing on top of the hill that led to his house.
'You gotta be kidding me' Albert said in his head.
My first Fallout fanfiction ladies and gentlemen. The very first fanfic I ever read, not just the very first Fallout fanfic, but the very first fanfic I ever read at all had a plot similar to this. Back then a lot of Fallout 3 fanfic writers made stories like these. But they stopped. Not me though. I'm bringing Fallout 3 fanfics back. Until next time, this is HansenTheMan! OWWWWW!!! Bringing you all the fanfics your little hearts can handle.
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