so last time i updated it was jan 25 2016, i expect every one of you to be pissed (if anyone reads this now) so i could give you a thousand excuses but first of all i m sorry and i hope i would be able to make it up to you guys with the interview with my another fav author on wattpad
here you go :
do vote and comment
1.Describe yourself, anything and everything you want us to know? What should i expect if i meet you?
pt2:What is the story behind your username ?
CREST: I don't really know what to describe myself as. Hmmm. I like makeup, cute clothes, shoes, girly stuff. Favorite color is pink. I love listening to instrumental pieces of music. Don't really have a favorite food but I love mangos. I like to think I'm nice, but I'm rather blunt. Oh, and I have a resting b*tch face.
pt2. It has no special meaning. Crestfallen sounded cool and I couldn't leave it as just crestfallen, so I added star. At the time I thought it was kind of poetic. Like a sad star, or something like that.
2. What does writing mean to you and why? do you ever think of taking it as a career ? why and why not?
pt2:When,where,how and why you entered the world of writing? Give us your own cute writer story :)
CREST: Writing means a lot to me since I've been doing it for such a long time. I remember storytelling ever since I was a little kid. I would always make up stories and tell them to my sister. It wasn't until middle school that I started writing down my stories. I'm hoping that I can make it as a side job. I'm in college right now and I'm focused on getting my degree and stuff, but I'm in the science field, which is the complete opposite of English and Literature. Though, it would be cool to be published and hopefully one day. BUT, I'm not planning on becoming a fulltime writer. Unless I hit the jackpot, haha.
pt2. My friend suggested I write down my stories. I don't really have a cute story to go along with it.
3. Give your hobbies, and favourites and things you hate. Give your strengths, weaknesses, pet peeves, hobbies, passion, dreams, desires
pt2:State 25 random yet interesting facts about you and your characters.
CREST: UHHH. I like watching anime and reading manga. I like baking. I like makeup, shopping, eating out. Ignorant people annoy me. I hate when people selfishly ignore what's happening around the world and live in their own little bubble of happiness.
I don't really have any strengths or weaknesses that I can think of. Physically I think I'm sorta strong. I'm pretty weak when it comes to kids and animals, though. I, surprisingly, have a HUGE soft spot for kids and animals.
My dream is to . . . I don't really know, haha. I just want to make it in life.
1. Hunter is the sarcastic, rude, and blunt part of me, but multiplied by one hundred. Most times I'm not able to express my feelings since I'm TRYING to be polite. Hunter isn't so nice. (Decoding Life)
2. When I was younger I wished I was taller, but as I grew older, I wished I was shorter. I'm 5'4''. People at my school made a huge deal with short people, saying how they were really cutesy and pretty or whatever. I wanted to be shorter because of that.
3. When my brothers are home together, they scream so loudly when they play video games. I seriously want to punch them. It sucks since my brother's room is next to mine and I can hear him scream, "YES, LET'S DO THIS. NO, THAT'S NOT FAIR. WTF. WTF.WTF!"
4. Peccata means 'sin' in latin, and there are six members of the Peccata. So, six sins. Meilin could be included as seven, like their leader or whatever, but then Bohai and Fang would also have to be added. Anyway, it wouldn't work as 'seven sins'. It would be nine. Technically, though, there's only six. SO YEAH. THERE'S THAT. (Drakkon)
5. Daiyu is actually a really weak type of person since she's scared of bloodshed and hates the thought of death, but she's supposed to be a complete 180 from Meilin, who kills and doesn't care. (Drakkon)
6. I hate the idea of the dude changing his ways because of a girl. Like, you can improve yourself, but don't change who you are. One of the themes in Drakkon is ACCEPTING him for who he is, even if he isn't what you like. Daiyu has never asked Meilin to change and Meilin made it clear that he's not going to change who he is. He's evil and she better accept it, or . . . You get the picture. (Drakkon)
7. Schemers was so much fun to write because there were so many manipulating and planning to do with it. I loved toying with the characters. I'm kind of sadistic when it comes to my stories, haha. (Schemers)
8.Bohai is actually much sneakier and sadistic than he looks or acts. (Drakkon)
9. I'm so disgusted with my writing style back when I wrote Chasing Danger. Like I want to puke anytime I see someone voting or commenting on it. Like please, don't put me through the torture of reading my horrible grammar and limited vocab. Please. (Chasing Danger)
10. When I was writing Schemers, I was always really nervous when I wrote the Spanish that Miguel would speak, because I was scared that I would mess up the words or convey a different feeling. I guess I was scared I would offend someone with my horrible Spanish skills. I took Spanish classes, but my Spanish obviously isn't the best. (Schemers)
11. I'm so in love with anime and manga. It's such a beautiful and artistic way to tell a story. It's a form of storytelling and as writers, I think we should respect ALL forms of storytelling since that's what we do. Writing, drawing, photographing—whatever it is, we have to appreciate the story behind it.
12. People don't expect me to be an anime/manga lover since I don't 'look' like it. I'm a nerd at heart, though I may look girly-girlish on the outside, haha.
4. What would you say to your fans/readers? do you have a name for them? Who has really been a big inspiration for you in writing and why?.How does your stories inspire, help others
pt2: Who do you want to see interviewed and why?
CREST: I would thank them for their support, of course! My 'fans' (it's kind of weird referring to them as that, I guess. haha) are the best. They're really supportive and I love them. Anyway, I would probably tell them to continue writing if they want to become a writer or write a story. Nobody starts off as a great writer, so you just have to keep writing. Even if it sucks at first, KEEP WRITING. In the beginning, I was HORRIBLE at writing, but I kept at it and actually rewrote some of the old horrible stories I made when I was younger.
My biggest inspiration is probably from anime, manga, movies, books, tv, people in my life, the world, history, etc. Everything I see in this world, I learn from, and as a result, I'm inspired from that.
My biggest supporters, though, are my mom, my sister, and my really good friend (You know who you are, N.A.)
I don't really know how my stories help people. I hope they help people quench their boredom, haha. I have gotten one message saying that my story, Forgetting Innocence, helped them see the pain they were causing their loved ones by being suicidal and by self harming. That's the only message I've gotten that told me that my writing helped someone.
I don't really know. On wattpad, maybe Lana_sky, since her stories are awesome.
5. What do you think is the ideal chapter length and why? Do you like reading cliche idea or does it have to be unique every time?why?
pt2: Give a list of bizarre things you believe in. Have you ever in your life or anyone you know encountered anything supernatural. details?
CREST: UM. I don't really care about chapter length, tbh. If the author wants to make it five pages, then I'm fine with reading five pages. If it's twenty, then I'm fine with that too. BUT, personally, I think on wattpad four-five pages is good enough. Chapters that are too short annoy me.
I believe in myself, so that's bizarre. Haha, jk. UM, supernatural? I'd rather not talk about it. (THEY'RE WATCHING US, BRO. YOU CAN'T ASK SO CASUALLY!)
6. Where do you get the inspirations for your story ? Describe the development process (for eg Drakkon)
pt2: What type characters do you strongly believe in and love to read about?
CREST: My inspiration, like I said earlier, comes from the world and history. Drakkon, for example, has a lot of inspiration from history. For example, the people of Lebel were inspired by what happened to the Africans back in the slave trade and what happened with the Native Americans. The Africans were treated as something less than dirt because of their skin color while the Native Americans were seen as savages. I made the people of Lebel as tribesmen who were seen as savages, and I gave them red hair.
pt2. I love reading about the darker and more twisted characters. Now, i'm not talking about the characters that SEEM twisted, dark, cold, but are actually really nice and sweet once you get to know them. No, i'm talking about the characters that had to fight through hell and back to be where they are. I love characters like that. They're complex and they don't do typical things that we do. They're wild and I love that.
7. What makes a really good description?Does cover matter? why and why not? What factors do you need in a book to start reading it and why?
pt2: What makes you vote and comment on a story and why?
CREST: The description has to have no grammatical errors. It has to sound interesting without giving away the whole plot. I hate when summaries ramble on about the story. Like, let us read the story and figure out what happens for ourselves.
Covers matter a lot. Although there's the whole 'Don't judge a book by its cover', on wattpad, I definitely judge by the cover. If the cover is crappy, I don't read it because I think the writer didn't put much work into the story if their cover is like that. Of course that's not always the case, but that's just how I think.
I'll vote if it's good. Surprisingly enough, if a story is popular, I don't comment. If it barely has any comments and I like it, I'll comment a lot. Of course, if i'm going to rant about something, i'll do it regardless of how popular or not the story is.
8.Would you rather be a hero and villain? why?
CREST: Who would want to be a villain? Villains ARE evil, after all. Who would want to be Voldemort? It's tough being the bad guy. Being an anti-hero is cool, but the villain? I don't have a black enough heart to do that.
State a theme song/movie/book that is somehow narrates the story of your life.
I narrate the story of my life.
9.How did you come up with the unique name of your characters? give us a behind the scenes of how you developed your personal fav characters? pt2: what was the thinking behind them? are they inspired by someone ? details...
CREST: I just look up ancient names. Each region in my story has different ancient names. For example, the Huo Empire (in Drakkon) mainly has Chinese names, and the northern part of the empire has Japanese names. Sanguis has ancient Greek/Roman names, as does Kadios. I don't have a favorite character, but the few that I love are actually from another story that i'm working on (I haven't posted it on wattpad yet) hehe.
pt2. None of my characters are really inspired by real people. They just come to me when I'm doing my daily things. On the train, listening to music, watching TV, sleeping (lol). I think of them and further think of their backstory.
10. How did you develop the world of drakkon especially the paccata (i keep forgetting the spelling so forgive me)?
pt2: what would you do if you were stuck in one of your own books?
CREST: I've been developing my world since I was a little kid. Drakkon isn't even the tip of the iceberg to my world. Drakkon is basically brushing the surface of my world, haha. The Peccata just came to me randomly when I was stuck in Drakkon.
pt2. When i'm stuck, I just don't write, haha. I just give it a rest. I read, watch TV, listen to something--basically continue with my life. Inspiration and motivation come and go for me. I usually get back to writing once inspiration strikes. Usually, continuing with my daily life and not thinking about it too much brings me back to my stories and I overcome the block. UNLESS, I've completely lost interest in a story. Then, I don't even touch it.
11. Food OR True Love or True friendship? Which one and why? Do you have Mary sue syndrome?
pt2: What would you do if you were stuck in a different timeline? which one would you want it to be and why?
CREST: I've been developing my world since I was a little kid. Drakkon isn't even the tip of the iceberg to my world. Drakkon is basically brushing the surface of my world, haha. The Peccata just came to me randomly when I was stuck in Drakkon.
pt2. When i'm stuck, I just don't write, haha. I just give it a rest. I read, watch TV, listen to something--basically continue with my life. Inspiration and motivation come and go for me. I usually get back to writing once inspiration strikes. Usually, continuing with my daily life and not thinking about it too much brings me back to my stories and I overcome the block. UNLESS, I've completely lost interest in a story. Then, I don't even touch it.
pt2. I wouldn't want to be stuck in any timeline, tbh. Every part of history has its horribly gruesome and ugly parts. History and life is ugly, and I wouldn't want to go back to any of those time periods. Yes some aspects of ancient times seems interesting and beautiful, but there's an ugly side to all of those times.
12. Which emoji will you use to describe you and your characters and why ?What makes you SUPer Insecure? and super CONFident ??
CREST: I would want to the use crying-laughing face to describe me, but in actuality, I'm kind of a serious type of person and it's only in my head that I laugh/roll-my-eyes at everything around me. So maybe the -__- emoji? That probably sums me up. Meilin would be the dragon emoji while Daiyu would be the rabbit one.
Something I'm really insecure about? Hmm. I don't like going places without makeup on. Something I'm confident in? My fashion sense.
13. Which is your fav season? why?Which character do you most relate to ?why?
pt2: What is your famous tv/book/movie catching phrases?
CREST: Favorite season is summer because I hate winter. Character I relate with. HMMM. I honestly don't know. Probably Lanfen since she's in a scary situation and she doesn't really know what to do. Or possibly Daiyu since she's trying to find the best in the situation even though the future looks grim.
pt 2. Favorite movie is the Titanic (Sue me). Favorite tv show with real life actors is Game of Thrones, but animated fav show is definitely Naruto since I grew up watching it and love it. I don't have a favorite book.
14. What would you do and why:
+if you were a vampire
+if you were a witch
I+f you were a werewolf
all addition to the fact that your existence puts everyone in danger
+if you could be in any of your book (which one and why
+if you could time travel
+if you could be in any book (which one and why
+Be anyone
+Do anything you want for 4 hours and I mean anything!
CREST: If I was a vampire I would watch tv and read manga for an eternity. (i'm a nerd, get over it) If I was a witch I would travel the world. If I was a werewolf I would continue life like normal. If my existence put everyone in danger, I would possibly go away from them, or just continue living and save them.
I would go into Drakkon since I love my world, haha.
If I could time travel I would go to possibly every time period and find out all that's lost to history. I'm a huge nerd when it comes to history so I would thoroughly enjoy figuring out all the bits and pieces of history that has purposely been left out. As the saying goes 'History is written by the winners', I would find out the losers' sides of things.
I don't know what book I would want to be in. Nothing sounds that appealing, to be honest.
I would be myself.
I would continue life as normal. (I'M BORING, I GET IT.)
15. What really is hard for you in constructing a story? What affects your decision on writing a end to a story? Does it writes its own ending somehow?
CREST: I just go with the flow. When constructing a story I have to have a main overview of what I want to happen, but other than that, I don't do much other constructing. I give myself to think of the characters and think of their stories, and then I just write. The ending just comes to me naturally.
16. Do u do collaborations? what can we expect from drakkon ?? (sneaky -peeky?)
Which genre you most suck and best at writing at and why? What about reading?
CREST: I don't do collabs. My lips are sealed. Hehe. I don't like writing horror and I hate reading horror. It's boring to me and there's always those few stories that are great in that category, but in general I don't want anything to do with that genre. It's not that it scares me, it just bores me.
I think i'm best at writing romance. It's just the easiest to write, but I prefer writing fantasy-romance stories.
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