Another lovely interview !!!!
1. Describe yourself and everything you want us to know about yourself?
My name is 8tracks. You can't know anything truly about me because I haven't lost myself enough to find myself.
Plus, all these answers will probably change a few years from now---time has a funny thing for making things that you never thought would happen, happen.
pt 2: State 20 random yet interesting facts about you and your characters?
1. I had a story named 'I Just Shot Your Crotch'.
2. One of my characters killed a man with a tampon.
3. I have seen all the legendary Pokemon.
4. I beat all my GameBoy games.
5. I did not beat all my Wii games.
6. My shoe size is 6--you better care even though I'm a female.
7. One of my characters pulled a man by his penis through the parking lot, into the airport and onto the plane.
8. Wendzel from my story Meet the Baxtards, threw a Xbox in the toilet but it got stuck.
9. I may have hit puberty.
10. I've always wanted to do a one night stand (and be the runaway)
11. I've always wanted to try Friends with Benefits
12. I secretly want to be filthy rich
13. I'm adopting one kid from every continent
14. I'm naming my daughter Alaska
15. My real name is a place but spelled wrong to a point where I have given up correcting people.
16. The universe has never sent me a message that I understood.
17. I love Phoebe, Chandler and Joey from Friends--and I'm watching Friends right now.
18. I hate chocolate.
19. I live in a three story house :)
20. I lied to the government, my parents, and accidentally to the Wattpad community
2. What is the story behind your username and how and why you joined wattpad?
My username is from my favourite website 8tracks.com
However, I have changed my username 5 times as of when I joined. I originally was a huge Hunger Games roleplayer on Goodreads and I found a link to Wattpad and started from there. I was first a reader, and then when my fave author wouldn't update, I decided to make my own story.
3. Would you ever wish to be a writer why and why not? What would you say to your fans/readers? do you have a name for them?
Yes I would wish to be a writer--if it could make me an extremely large and absurd amount of money where I will be living my parent's basement.
To my readers, I would tell them to never let anyone stop you from writing anything you wanted. Don't set a limit for yourself.
pt 2.How did you come into the wonderful world of creation?
My mother pushed me out of her vagina.
4. What are your inspirations? What are your greatest weakness and strength? why do you write?
Movies are a huge inspiration to me and so are the things that I can't have. I always writer about the moments that I know will never happen to me--so I can bring them to life myself.
My weakness is: Using an excessive amount of adjectives.
My strength is: Writing the first that comes to mind.
5. Make a list of your hobbies and favourites? What is the best gift i could or anyone could give to you?
Hobbies: Breathing techniques and writing and eating---a lot.
6. What makes you unique from others in writing and other things? What are your deepest and darkest obsessions and desires?
What makes me unique--I never let the limits that other people set stop me from being as far our of the box as I can.
What sets me apart from others--no one will ever be like me (unless clone machines exist which in that case, I'm ordering that shit).
My darkest obsession is Western novels. My darkest desire to eat a 40 pound hamburger.
7. What is your personal philosophy and pet peeves also why? What for you it means it understand something? What would you want to change in this world?
My philosophy--chairs don't exist if you're not in the room.
Pet Peeves--when I have to repeat the same thing twice.
What does it mean to understand something--I don't understand this question about understanding because I don't understand anything.
What would you want to change in the world--No such thing as fake pockets?
Pt 2 : what is the best and worst genre to write in for you ? why?
Best genre--Southern Love stories (oops.)
Worse genre--don't hate, love everybody
8. What is the most pressing issue you generation is facing? Why? How are you helping the society? Do you write for social issues? How?
The fact the generation before us blames us for this current generation problems. Guys, I don't help the society. I sorta write for social issues--I mean, I incorporate pop and racial culture in my stories if that counts.
9. Do you think opposites attract in reality? Do you think the bad boy and good girl romance is a bit over rated? Who would you want a valentine gift from and why?
I think it IS possible for opposites to attract in reality. And I do think IT IS possible for the same people to attract as well. On wattpad, yes I think bad boy/good girl romance is overrated. In real life--it's totally not overrated. Something isn't overrated until you make it overrated. It's subjective.
I would love a valentine gift from:
Chris Evans.
Chris Pratt.
Ryan Reynolds.
Adam Levine (I so spelled his name wrong).
And I'd want roses :) Basic, I know.
pt2: Prepare a recipe for your dream boyfriend (eg: two cups of sweetness etc)
Six pounds of loyalty.
Eight pounds of trust.
Five cups of humour.
Four cups of sweetness.
A dab of blue eyes (because I'm obsessed with them).
A sprinkle of a hopeless romantic.
A few cups of intelligence.
Crack nine eggs of confidence.
And a smidge of height ;) (maybe a slather of some abs too?)
10. What advice would you give to your younger self and why? What secret tips would you wanna give to a young writer and a girl going through hard times?
To my younger self--you should've said yes to all the boys who asked you to dance and should've said yes to all the boys who asked you out and said yes to all the boys who wanted to kiss you.
Why? Now that's a secret.
Tips to my young writer self? Write what makes you happy :) Don't let your rhythm stop and don't get cold feet because the numbers stopped flowing.
A girl going through hard times? Read my profile. It'll cheer you up. :)
11. Do you believe in supernatural creatures and witchcraft? why and why not . PT 2: give five strong predictions for the future.
I believe in witchcraft because why the hell not. I mean, we already have a box that can heat up food in less than 30 seconds which is pretty rad. And yes to supernatural creatures because personally, I think humans are supernaturals in their own way. Plus, there is over a million other species that we have yet to discover to perhaps a werewolf or two could be in there.
PT.2. Strong predictions for the future:
1. I'll be eating soon.
2. I'll eat again after lunch.
3. I'll eat at midnight.
4. I'll still be up after 3am because I'm stupid.
5. I'll get less than the amount of sleep that I should be getting. :)
12.List your worst, best and most weird habit? Lately many fanfics had been published as books what is your opinion??
pt 2:what you see as yourself on wattpad in like 15 yrs??
Worse habit: not committing to things
Best habit: eating
Weird habit: walking around without pants
Pt2. I see myself still on Wattpad...Oh boy, I'd be in my late twenties. Eat, sleep, rave, repeat ;)
13. What things make you super insecure?? Will you desire to be someone else secretly???? If yes then whom and why?
pt 2 : what are your pet peeves?
Tall people make me insecure. Because I'm short. Ha. Don't listen to me kids. You're perfect just the way you are. ;)
pt.2 pet peeves: Repeating things for people who didn't listen. (I'm guilty of that too lol)
14. Do you have Mary sue syndrome and are your characters based on yourself if yes then why and whom?
pt 2 :If you could change 3 things or more about yourself what they would be and why?? Would you want to be somehow supernatural world??
Some of my characters were based on me when I was younger. :) It was easier to write back then if I wrote with some of my personal traits.
15. What type of person do you classify yourself as?? If you were a book/movie what would the title be and why??
pt 2:Do you wish to be super famous in your life and what is your secret dream that you want to achieve but cant?
I classify myself as different. Because I can't be anyone else and no one else can be me: no matter how hard I try or they try. We're all original.
If I was a movie, it would be called: The One Who Ate Everything. Because I'm always hungry.
pt.2. Yeah, I've always wanted to be an actress to be honest. To play the role as someone else and explore different lives of fictional characters. But I suck at being serious so I'd make a terrible actress. Haha.
16. Do u do collaborations? why and why not? What sort of plot instantly wants to run and read the book and why? What would you say to me for your book that would want me to read it ?
pt 2: You have a written quite a no. of books which one is closest to your heart and why?
I did do collabs with two other writers before but those eventually died out because we drew apart. :P But we still talk now which is good. :)
pt.2 One book I hold close to me is Meet the Baxtards because I've grown attached to that family since I started Wattpad. They've been with me for three years now and I can distinctly tell you who they are and they are three dimensional for me unlike some of my other characters.
17."Mirror mirror on the wall .......!" You could ask your magic glass anything and get the honest truth what it would be and why?
pt2 : What if you could call anyone in the world present, past, future.
Mirror, mirror on the wall... 'Would I get a happily ever after?' (Sorry, I've watched too many Disney Princess movies.)
pt2. I probably wouldn't call anyone in the future because I like a good surprise. In the present I'd call...no one. Because everyone I love is already with me. And the past...maybe Audrey Hepburn. :)
18.Any people you want to see interviewed? Which type of book you crave and wish it was writtten?
pt2:What is your most prized possession??? And what r the 3 things you can't live without excluding basic necessities like food water etc.
Anyone who wants to be interviewed xD (I have no idea.) I wish I continued writing my nanowrimo story from last summer because that was a very deep and serious book in comparison to all my other stories.
pt.2 Awe, I was going to say food. Okay:
1. Someone who I can't live without (I have yet to find them).
2. A pen that doesn't run out of ink and unlimited supply of paper
3. A pair of samurai swords
^^^Those are my prized possessions :)
19.What do you think of the wattpad community? List its 5 best and worst features. did you like the interview?
Wattpad Community.
Best: Friendly, Original, Diverse, Welcoming, Fun!
Worst: Trending punctuation and grammar errors (popular books have them, thus their readers think those mistakes are correct and write with those errors)
Amount of appreciation from some writers
Discouraged writers that compare themselves to other writers (in negative ways)
I can't think of anything else Haha
I did! This was a blast! :)
20 . Do you have any supernatural experiences or know someone why does?detail? do you believe in ghosts? why and why not?
I have a friend who could control herself in dreams... Lol. Um, the only supernatural experience I've ever had was watching Teen Wolf. xD That stuff was creepy as hell.
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