Chapter 2: Powers!?
The day went by smoothly, only a few moments of bullying. It was now the last period, gym. Mr. Leer was gone for a moment, leaving the 13 kids there. They consisted of Sayyer, Vriska, Sollux, Mituna, Equius, Horuss, Rufioh, Aradia, Nepeta, Porrim, Kankri, Latula, and Meenah. Vriska was bored, and some of the others were talking like good friends.
Vriska noticed that Sollux and Mituna was talking to Sayyer, and she thought of an idea. She grinned, putting her hands on her forehead as if using mind powers. "IIIIIIII command you to use your psionics on you and your 8rother to make 8oth of you pass out!!!!!!!!" She commanded through her mind, it reaching Sollux. He spazzed out slightly, yelling in pain in sync with Mituna as red and blue sparks flew from the two of them. Sayyer backed away, surprised at the sudden action Sollux did. The two Captors fell to the floor, passed out. Latula and Porrim ran over, checking to see if Sollux and Mituna were ok.
Sayyer turned around, looking for the culprit. She spotted Vriska, who grinned at the sight. "YOU!!!!!!!!" Sayyer shouted, sparks crackling from under her gold shades. "Me what????????" Vriska asked, pointing to herself. "You hurt my cou2iin2 liike iit wa2 a joke two you!!!!!!!!" Sayyer snapped back, taking off her glasses. They were fully purple, not like the normal green ones she had. Equius and Rufioh noticed, running over and trying to hold Sayyer back. "D--> Calm down, Sayyer....." Equius said, holding Sayyer's left arm. "Yeah, we don't wanna cause a short out or someth1ng, just calm down....." Rufioh commented, adding onto Equius' statement, holding onto her right arm. "NO!!!!!!!! 2HE HURT MY FAMIILY, 2HE PAY2 FOR IIT!!!!!!!!" Sayyer shouted, the purple sparks coming crackling out of her eyes before shooting at Vriska, making Equius, Rufioh, and herself go back at the force. Vriska's eyes widened at the sight before dodging the attack, it luckily not making any damage to the school. Sayyer growled as she stood up, planting her feet into the floor, rubbing her right arm before shooting at Vriska again.
It was a repeat of dodge and attack. Dodge and Attack. That is, until Mr. Leer showed up. Sayyer stopped, almost immediately after shooting at Vriska again. Vriska looked up behind her, gulping. "Sssssssshit........" She stated, both of them landing in the principal's office.
Sayyer groaned as she rubbed her temples, the psionics causing her a headache. Vriska crossed her arms as the Principal, Andrew Hussie(aaaayyyy lmaoo) talked to them. "So Sayyer almost tried to kill you, correct, Miss. Serket?" Hussie said, Vriska nodding. "Nice, Nice....I called your caretakers to pick you up after your 4 hours of detention." Hussie stated.
"Thii2 ii2 terriible........" Sayyer stated as she sat in her desk, writing down the statement written for her on the board by Mr. Vantas. "II wiill not u2e my p2iioniic2 iin 2chool for hurtiing purpo2e2.....II wiill not u2e my p2iioniic2 iin 2chool for hurtiing purpo2e2...." Sayyer said, written the sentence 17 times. However, Vriska was slightly worse. She had to write without her glasses, and she could see a bit without them. "IIIIIIII will not harm others with my mind powerssssssss........" Vriska said, written it 8 times. "Do we have to write it twenty times????????" She asked, whining. She didn't want to break the 8 streak and make it twenty. "Ye2........IIt 2uck2, II know........" Sayyer responded.
There was a moment of silence before Sayyer spoke. "Waiit, what diid he mean by 'niice' for almo2t kiilliing you????????" Vriska thought about it. "MMMMMMMMaybe he just likes seeing people in pain????????" She said, shrugging before grabbing another paper. "HHHHHHHHey, at least I know how to not 8reak the eight rule!!!!!!!!" She stated, smiling as she started writing again. "Actually you 2ort of have two.....eiight tiime2 three ii2 twenty four, not twenty. 2o that means iif you wriite iit eiight tiime2 on two diifferent paper2, you have two wriite 2iix more 2entence2, not eiight." Sayyer replied, finishing up. "Whiich ii2 why II only apply the eiight rule two punctuatiion iin textiing." She added, making Vriska groan and facedesk. "SSSSSSSSometimes I hate that your family is smart........" Vriska said. "WWWWWWWWell, if it'll get me out of here, I'm gonna have to write reaaaaaaaally small words to make it eight." "Exactly, my miind powered friiend." "WWWWWWWWait, you use mind powers too????????" Vriska asked, looking over. "Only two make my cou2iin 2ollux do 2omethiing for me." Sayyer responded, putting the paper on the desk. "You fiinii2hed or what????????" Sayyer asked Vriska, who finished writing the small sentences and placed the papers on the desk before leaving with Sayyer, talking about their day and mind powers.
"Look2 liike 2ayyer made a friiend wiith one of the wor2t giirls iin 2chool." Sollux said, arms crossed against his chest as he looked at Sayyer from the passenger window. "2hut up, are you okay though." Sayyer responded, sitting in the back as Mr.Captor started driving home. "Yeah, Yeah...hurt2 a lot though.." Sollux responded.
"Huss, you really gotta stop your webcomic tendencies to power you." "I know...."
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