Let Go!
This is a time skip to a few months from the chapter before the... yeah. So if you read the last chapter (The smut chapter), you don't have to worry about this. Let's go!
Todoroki's P.O.V
Izuku and I walked into school the next day, holding hands and huge smiles on our faces. We've been a lot happier these last few months, even though Izuku had to go to therapy and rehab. He's doing a bit better, but his smiles towards me are real this time, I can feel it. Momona and Kaminari still hated us and tried to break us apart.
So far, the day hasn't been too bad. I was at Izuku's side and no one really bothered us. We walked into Mr. Aizawa's class, which was our last class of the day. He started teaching, nothing unusual, until the end. He started talking about how since All Might is retired, Endeavor is the next Number 1 hero. He's coming in to talk to us. Oh no. He's talking to us today.
The door opened and the biggest douche of the universe walked in with his flames engulfing him. He walked up to the front. Mr. AIzawa was already asleep in his yellow sleeping bag. I watched as that ass looked around the room. His eyes landed on me and the look on his face was priceless. He was trying to glare at me with the dog shit of a face. I hold in a laugh, watching as he tries to scare me.
"There's a lot you need to know about being a hero. You have to fight villains and make sure no one is injured." He spoke, making me scoff under my breath. Yes, he fights villains. But he put his life before anyone else's. He just thinks about himself. There have been times where he's not doing anything and pushes someone away who wants an autograph. He doesn't deserve this fame.
"And that's how I became the number two hero. Now, I want you all to follow in my footsteps. You can get whatever you want when you want it. Now, enjoy the rest of your day." He finishes, walking out of the class. I watch as everyone grabs their bags and walk to the door. Right as the door opens, the bell rings. I sigh and walk out of class, looking for Izuku. I turn the corner, only to find the old hag there.
"Ah, Shoto. I hope you follow my instructions. Oh, wait. You're a fag who won't listen to me." He speaks with hatred. I cross my arms and turn away. I only face him when I feel him grab my arm. I open my eyes wide and open my mouth to scream but he covers my mouth. I only let out muffled noises.
"Now, shush and give me the fame I deserve. I need to prove that you're okay to the press." He speaks, yanking me towards the back door. He only stops and freezes when he hears a voice.
"Shoto, I saw you come back here. I was waiting for you at the-" Izuku starts to speak but is cut off by seeing me with wet eyes and in the old man's grasp. I see the rage and anger in his eyes and I watch as green sparks come out of him. He launches at that shitbag of a human while screaming, "Let go!" The dumb cunt dodges Izuku and starts to drag me towards the exit. I kick and scream until I see a teacher come this way. Not just any teacher, All Might.
"Endeavor, let Young Todoroki go. Now. I don't want to fight you." All Might speaks in his deep, booming voice. I watch the old man scowl at All Might and Izuku and start pulling me closer to the door. All Might comes closer, Izuku inching closer towards me as well. I flinch as All Might grabs the douche's arm and drag him away from the door. This shocks him and makes him loosen his grip on me enough to let me out. I wiggle out of his grasp and run to Izuku's side. He wraps his arms around my neck and starts to cry into my shoulder.
"I was so worried about you. Wh-when you didn't come to the front of the school, I immediately started worrying. It's not like you to be late. I walked back to class and heard your voice. I was so scared when I saw him. I was scared I-I wouldn't b-be a-able to be w-with you a-anymore, Shoto!" Izuku starts sopping into my shoulder, his arms still wrapped around me. I lay my head in his hair and start whispering to him.
"I will never leave you. Not for that old hag, not for another man, and not for a girl. Never. You are my one and only, Izuku." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. I feel Izuku pull away from my shoulder and I look down to see his eyes looking into mine. I lean down and place my lips on his. Izuku happily accepts and starts kissing me back. I pull away and look into his eyes again. I only break contact when I hear a voice.
"Listen here you faggot, sad excuse of a son. I will be back and I will show everyone that I'm amazing and great. Everyone keeps on saying that you were born lucky, but you were actually lucky to be born." That scumbag shouts, walking away from All Might. I look down and start walking towards the exit, not wanting anyone to see me. I had tears in my eyes. He was right. I'm lucky I am even alive. But I don't feel lucky because I didn't ask to be born. I didn't ask for life. A life full of pain and sorrow. My only light in this dark world is Izuku. If he ever left, I would kill myself.
"Shoto, he isn't right." I heard Izuku's soft voice behind me. I stopped in my tracts and continued to look down. As much as I want Izuku to be right, he isn't. My father's right. I'm just a publicity stunt that will die out. Like everything in this wretched planet. I take in a shaky deep breath and continue to walk out of the school. I hear Izuku follow. I listen as his footsteps become louder, indicating that he's close to me. I'm stopped in my tracts as I feel my lover's arms around me.
"Don't you dare listen to him. He isn't right. You're amazing and wonderful. Don't ever forget that." Izuku says while in tears. I started to feel guilty. I'm sorry, my love, but he's right. My only purpose is to be number one in the name of my father. I'm just his dumb puppet that he will throw away easily if he wants to.
I am so sorry for not updating. I just haven't had much inspiration. Whenever I start a new story, I like the idea and the story, but then lose inspiration because I feel like I'm horrible at writing. Which I am.
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