I Wish You Would've Jumped
Midoriya's P.O.V
It's the next day and I'm walking down the hall with judgmental stares from everyone. I lower my head, keeping my eyes on the ground. I can still feel their eyes piercing my head like daggers. Shoto noticed this and I see him glaring at everyone. I feel better knowing Shoto is there to save me. I feel a smile tug at my lips while we walk to class. The large door comes up quicker than expected and I open it, causing others to stop their chatter. I look up to see people with mouths open and eyes wide.
"You're back!" I hear multiple people shout too loudly. This makes me flinch and cower closer to my Shoto. He wraps a protective arm around my waist. This makes the others back up. Only one person stays, and that's Kaminari. He just scoffs and breaks me and Shoto apart, keeping me on one side while Shoto is on the other side of him.
"That's how it should be and stay." He says, turning his head to look at Shoto. This would be a great time to push him back, but I'm horrified. This all happened in seconds. Soon, Kaminari is staring straight at me intimately. He leans closer, making his lips close to my ear.
"I wish you would've jumped." He whispers with so much venom in his voice. This makes me gasp, tears filling my eyes. I thought he was done, but he continued to speak.
"Everyone would enjoy life without you. Especially Todoroki. He hates you. He hates you so-" Kaminari was cut off by Shoto grabbing his neck and strangling him. Shoto pushes him to the ground, hand still grasping his neck. I see Kaminari start to struggle with breathing, taking in large gulps.
"Shoto, please, stop. I don't want you to kill him!" I plead, looking at Shoto in the eye. He gives me a questioning look, but let's go, letting Kaminari drop to the ground. Yes, Kaminari wants me dead, but even with what he's put me through, he doesn't deserve death. I'm like this a lot, always scared to kill even a fly. A fly has a life, too.
"I'm glad you're okay. I hate how much he wants you dead. Don't fear, I love you. He's wrong. There are many people who would mourn your death. I love you." Shoto whispered to me. I smiled and replied with an 'I love you, too.'
Time Skip to after school
Todoroki's P.O.V
Izuku and I were walking down the path in the park, after a short but nice date. We were holding hands and not giving a care for anyone else but each other. This nice moment, however, was ruined when I heard a voice I never wanted to hear. I scoff and turn towards the voice.
"There you are, you faggot. You're coming home. I don't care about what I said earlier, I need you to prove I'm not a bad parent to the press." That shitbag sad excuse for anything said to me. This made my blood boil. I let go of Izuku's hand, turning towards that bastard. I see Izuku look at me.
"So that's all I am to you?! Some dumb publicity item you use for your own use? Was that the only reason why I was brought into this world?! To make you even more popular?! To carry out your 'legacy' that doesn't exist?!" I shout at him. I see his eyes fill with hatred as he grabs my arm and drags me towards him.
"That's exactly why. My legacy will go on, and you will be the next Endeavour after I've retired. I don't care about you. I need you for this." What he said made my eyes fill with tears. I'm just his dumb puppet that's going to be a replacement for someone so cruel and evil. I decided that this can't go on and ripped my hand out of his grip. He stopped and stared at me, about to say something, but I was already dragging Izuku to his home.
We reached his home and went inside. That's when I broke. I started to sob like the whiny baby bitch I am. I sobbed into Izuku's hair. I couldn't take the stress and burden of the old man.
"He isn't right. That may have been what he wanted you to be and what he thought you were brought into this world for, but he isn't right. You chose your own path. You control yourself. You dream your own dreams. You love whoever you want to love. His wants aren't what you are, okay? Be yourself. Don't try to be someone your not to please others. You being you is why I love you. Oh God, I'm rambling again, aren't I?" Izuku says, looking away with a blush on his face. Cute. I face him towards me to look at his big, sparkling, beautiful green eyes, but It's hard to see with the tears in my eyes. He really his a hero. Nothing will change that.
"You really do help people, Izuku. That's why I love you. You're my hero. You're selfless, brave, and willing to fight when no one else is. Whether it be against villains or help fight other's battles with them. You're going to be a great hero one day, I just know it." I say, kissing his forehead. Izuku blushes, even more, looking away. I gently grab his hand and lead him to his room. I fall on his bed, bring Izuku with me and we stay and just cuddle for the rest of the day. It's times like these where I realize that one person can make a huge difference.
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