Many years later
Todoroki's P.O.V
It's been many years since that incident. We hoped for it to never happen again and we're keeping to that. We're out of high school and almost out of college. There was this hero college that we both wanted to go to and we both got in. I was at my last class of not just the day, but of my college experience. Izuku's in this class with me and all we're doing is making jokes while others are on their phones. The professor let us do whatever we want today.
"You ready to be out of school, Sho?" Izuku asks, looking at me with his green eyes. We may have been dating or years, but his eyes never got boring. They're always so full of life that I always found something new and more beautiful each time I looked at them.
I snapped out of my gaze and looked at him. "What? Oh. Yeah! Even though college was fun, I'm ready to get out of this crazy place." I spoke truthfully, gaining a nod and a giggle from Izuku. We continued making jokes and shit until the bell rang. We all got up and left.
"Wanna head to that new coffee shop? I forget what it's called. I believed it started with a 'd'. 'Dipping' something or whatever." I say, trying to remember the name. I see Izuku's eyes open wide.
"Dunkin' Donuts?! Hell yeah! I heard that place has the best cold drinks called 'Coolattas'. I've been dying to go! I know where it is!" Izuku shouts, dragging me to his car. We both took his car today because I dropped my keys in my couch and didn't have time to find them. I watched Izuku drive happily, smiling, even more, when we pulled into the parking lot. He eagerly parked, not doing the best job. We got out and walked inside. On the inside, it had an orange and brown theme with pink mixed in there as well. The coffee smells nice and the donuts smelt delicious. Izuku and I walked up to the counter and started to order.
"Hi, I would like two donuts. Can one of them be 'Boston Cream' while the other one be Oreo filled, please? And could I get a small Blue Raspberry Coolatta, please? Thank you!" Izuku ordered. The cashier nodded and asked for my order.
"Could I get two glazed donuts and a small mint hot chocolate, please? Thanks." I order the cashier nods and gives us our total. Izuku was in the middle of pulling out his wallet when I paid for it. I turn Izuku and wink. He playfully glared at me.
We picked up our drinks and grabbed that two bags of donuts and sat down. As we eat, I watch as Izuku's eyes light up.
"Jesus Christ! This Boston Cream donut is amazing!" Izuku says with his mouth full of donut. He quickly finishes both of his donuts and reaches to grab a napkin. I grab his hand and lean forward. I kiss his lips and use my tongue to clean up the crumbs and frosting. I pull away when I know I cleaned up everything. This left Izuku a blushing mess
"You're right. It is good. Not as good as you, though." I say, winking at him. Izuku buries his face in his hands, trying to hide his blush. I just laugh and finish my donut. I drink some of my hot cocoa and get up. I beckon Izuku to come with me and he follows, bringing his Coolatta with him. We drive to his dorm to hang out more.
Time Skip to Graduation
I hold my diploma in my hands while standing next to Izuku. His mom wanted a picture with us to show off to her friends. My mom was here along with my sister. That sad excuse for a father didn't come because he was in prison due to abuse and child neglect. I didn't care too much. He always hated me. He used me as his own puppet, but that's in the past now. We're in the present now.
I walk with Izuku to my car and let him inside. My mom grabbed my cap and gown while Izuku's mom grabbed his cap and gown. I was driving him to a date. A special date. I was nervous, but I knew I could do it. We pulled up to another new restaurant here called 'Olive Garden'. A lot of new restaurants around here. First Dunkin' Donuts, the Friendly's, now Olive Garden.
I help Izuku out of the car and bring him inside where we got our reserved table. I did all this gentleman like stuff for Izuku. I open the menu and look at all of this Italian themed food. I watched Izuku look around for something.
"What did you lose?" I asked, curious as to why he lost something already. He looks at me with a confused look on his face and holds up the fork.
"Where are the chopsticks?" He asks. I try to hold in a laugh but fail. Izuku is still confused. It takes me a while, but I can finally breathe again.
"It's an Italian themed restaurant. I told you this. There are no chopsticks. Just forks, knives, and spoons." I say, catching my breath a bit. Izuku blushes out of embarrassment and looks down. Instead of feeling bad, Izuku starts laughing. We laugh until someone walks up to us.
"Are you two all set to order?" A waitress asks. We nod and order our food.
Time skip to After Dinner and at a Field
"Sho, why did you bring me to this field? I thought the date was over? The sun's almost completely set." Izuku states. I nod and start tearing up. I lean in and kiss Izuku passionately on the lips for a while. I pull away and look at his beautiful green eyes. I shakily breathe in and kneel down on one knee and pull out a velvet box. I see Izuku cover his mouth with both of his hands and gasp while I open the box to reveal a ring. It was a silver band with a small diamond in the middle. There was red on one side, swirling around the band and green on the other side doing the same. The colors meet and swirl up to the diamond with interchanging colors.
"Izu, I have loved you for years and years. That first year in high school was hectic. But we managed. I remember that sad day of when my father banished me his home and practically his life. I was left in the streets and thought that it would be the end. Then you, my ray of sunshine, came into my life as my hero. You took me into your home and also your heart. I felt hope in my life. Things went downhill when Kaminari and Monoma started picking on you. Your suicide attempt scared me. I was so lucky that I saved you. Then the tables turned when my father got to me. I was so depressed that the only thing I could think about was ending it all. Then you flooded my thoughts and I knew I still had something to live for. That was the day I realized that I would never be alone with you in my life. Then we started college and it was smooth sailing from there. Yes, we may have had our fights, but we always overcame them. Now, I no longer want you to be my boyfriend. I want you to be my husband. I love you, Izuku Midoriya. Will you marry me?" I ask after my speech that I made up on the spot. I watched Izuku start crying and nod.
"Yes. Yes! Yes! YES! YES YES YES!" Izuku shouts and hugs me. I stand up while taking the ring out of the box and slip it onto his left ring finger. I look at him and kiss him on the lips.
Time Skip to Wedding Day
Izuku's P.O.V
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY AND SCARED SHITLESS AT THE SAME TIME! I NEED HELP! I rush around the changing room to make sure I look good. I keep on fixing my tie that someone else did because I can't tie ties.
"You look fine. Just wait until Uraraka comes back to do your hair. You'll be fine." Kirishima, my best man, says while leaning up against a pillar in the changing room. He's right. He's been through this process before when marrying Bakugou.
I sigh and sit down when I hear Uraraka's voice in the room. "Is the groom ready for his groom?" Uraraka asked with a brush in her hand. I nod and she walks over. First, she combs her hair. Next, she gels it to make it slick. After that, she adds the flower crown that Sho made for me last week.
"There." She says while clapping her hands once. "You look perfect. Todoroki's going to be so happy!" Uraraka says while wiping a fake tear. I laugh a little and look at myself in the mirror. I have to say, Uraraka did a great job. I can't wait to see Shoto. I haven't seen him all day and I miss him. My thoughts are cut off by All Migh-sorry. Toshinori coming in. He was going to be walking me because he's been the only fatherly figure I've had since I was 5. He smiles at me and I smile back. I stand up and fix my tux.
"Ready to go, Young Midoriya?" Toshinori asks with tears in his eyes. I nod and get ready, palms still sweaty. My ears fill with the sound of the beautiful piano. The doors open and everyone turns to me while standing up. I see a few of my aunts and uncles and quite a few of my cousins. Of course, all of my friends were there. My mom turns to me and she has this huge smile on her face while tears were pouring down her face. My eyes meet Shoto's and time just stops then and there. His amazingly beautiful blue and grey eyes lock with mine and we both smile at each other. I'm pulled away by a tug on my arm. I look up to see Toshinori tilt his head towards Shoto's and we start walking towards the altar. People point their cameras at me and take as many pictures as they can. These people were mostly proud family members so I don't mind.
"I'm proud of you, Young Midoriya. Same with you, Young Todoroki. I'm happy for both of you." Toshinori spoke like a proud father. We both smile at him as a silent thank you. I stand across from Shoto and stare deeply into his eyes, ignoring the priest. I only listen when he starts the end.
"Do you, Izuku Midoriya, take Shoto Todoroki to be your lawfully wedded husband? Through thick and thin? Through sickness and health? Till death do you part? As long as you both shall live?" The priest asked, looking at me. I nod, tears in my eyes.
"I do," I whisper, almost inaudible, but Shoto still heard me and his smile grew. The priest turned to Shoto next.
"Do you, Shoto Todoroki, take Izuku Midoriya to be your lawfully wedded husband? Through thick and thin? Through sickness and health? Till death do you part? As long as you both shall live?" The priest asked Shoto, who nodded
Shoto proudly stated, "I do." I smile at Shoto as Tsu comes over with the rings on a silky blue pillow. The priest gave me Shoto's, which said: "I love you, so much~Izuku". I slipped the ring on his ring finger and looked up at him. Shoto did the same thing, but my ring said: "I love you, so much~Shoto". Shoto smiled down at me and I just wanted to kiss those amazing lips.
"I now pronounce you Husband and Man. You may now kiss the groom." The priest said, looking at both of us with a smile on his face while closing his book. Shoto and I waste no time to connect our lips. I haven't kissed him in a while and it filled me with relief when we did kiss. We pull away and clasp our hands together and run down the aisle to the long limo that awaited us.
Time Skip to Honeymoon
I slip the key into the keyhole and open the door. Inside is a nice suite that has a room that holds a king-sized bed, a full kitchen, a living room with a 75-inch T.V and a large couch that could hold up to 12. I look at Shoto with wide eyes and playfully glare at him.
"I told you not to get the most expensive room." I playfully scold him. Shoto just chuckles and little and places a kiss on my lips.
"Anything for my Izuku." He says and walks into places his bag near the master bedroom. I follow him and close the door after me. I follow Shoto to the living room and sit down on the couch and cuddle up with him. He turns on the T.V and Disenchantment was on. I gasp and continue to watch. It's at the part where Bean is extremely drunk at her party. Shoto smiles down at me while I laugh.
After a few hours of watching nothing but Disenchantment, we get up to eat dinner. Shoto walks to the kitchen and pulls out a box of pasta that was stalked in there. He cooks it up and pours some oil and oregano on top. He serves it into two bowls and places them on the table. We sit down and eat. We decided to take our Honeymoon in America, so we have to use forks.
"I'm so excited that I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with you. You are amazing, beautiful, kind, selfless, and I don't know anyone who would want to hate you. I love you so much, Izuku. I always have and I always will." Shoto spoke, a smile on his face. I blush and look down with tears in my eyes.
"I'm so lucky I'm going to be with you, as well. I'm the happiest, or should I say gayest, man in the world. I will never stop ." I spoke and kissed him on the lips. I felt Shoto smile even more into the kiss. After dinner, we decided to turn in for the night and go to bed.
Time Skip to Many Years Later
Shoto and I just came home from the hospital.
We just adopted beautiful twins. The girl had soft red hair and piercing purple eyes. He was so beautiful. The boy had the same purple eyes, but black hair. We named the girl Shoza and the boy Lucky. We chose Shoza because we thought it sounded nice and we named the other Lucky because we almost lost him. He was born with a bad breathing problem and almost died on our way home. We quickly took him to the hospital and we had to stay there for a few days.
"Sho, babe, could you take Shoza to bed? I'll take Lucky to bed." Shoto nods and walks upstairs to the nursery. After Shoto placed Shoza in her bed and I placed Lucky in his bed, I snapped a picture of them to send to my mom.
I: Look at them. Aren't they just precious?
I: I still can't believe we're starting a family. I'm so blessed.
"She wants to see them soon. How about tomorrow?" I ask Shoto while looking up from my phone. He nods and I tell her the details.
Time Skip to Tomorrow
Todoroki's P.O.V
I hear the doorbell chime and I walk over. I open the door to see Inko there. I smile at her and let her in. She walks in and looks at me.
"Hi, Shoto. How have you been?" She asks. I respond with 'good' and start up a conversation. We start talking for a while and catching up. We stop when Izuku comes down, looking for me.
"Sho, could you grab Lucky? He might need a change." Izuku says. I give a quick nod and walk upstairs to the nursery. I walk to Lucky's crib where Lucky's awake and has a ghost of a smile on his face. I smile down at him and pick him up. I cradle him in my arms and bring him to the changing table and start the changing process.
After I change him, I was told by Izuku to bring him downstairs to Inko. I carefully bring Lucky downstairs with Izuku behind me with Shoza. Inko looks up from her phone and I can clearly see stars in her eyes.
"Are these two beautiful babies my grandchildren?" Inko asks in a whisper, cautious of their sensitive hearing. I nod and she goes to grab Lucky. I carefully place Lucky into her arms. I watch her smile grow and tears roll down her face. She starts baby talking Lucky and I can't help but let my smile grow. I realize that my mom will be in town today so she should come by.
"I'll be right back Izu," I tell Izuku, kissing his cheek right after. He smiles at me and I walk upstairs to grab my phone. I open up my chat with my mom and tell her to come over. I walk downstairs after, my phone in my pocket. I walk over to Izuku, who has moved to the couch with Inko. I sit next to Izuku and rest my head on his shoulder. He places his head on mine.
I'm forced to get up when I hear a knock at the door. Izuku looks up at me with a confused face. I just give him a smile as I walk to the door. I open it and see my mom. She smiles at me and I give her a big hug. I let her in and she looks around.
"It's good to see you, mom," I say to her. She nods and her eyes finally land on Izuku. Her eyes go wide and she places her hands over her mouth.
"Shoto, is this the surprise? Are you a father of that beautiful child?" She asks me with hope in eyes. I nod and start to talk about Lucky, who she couldn't see.
"She's not the one, mom. We adopted twins. In Izuku's arms is Shoza and in his mom's arms is Lucky." I say, pointing to the children. Her smile grows as she walks up to Izuku and asks to hold Shoza. Izuku nods and I watch as the two new grandmothers quietly chat with each other. I turn to Izuku and look into his eyes.
"We did it," I say. "We started a family. We have our own children. We have parents who are now grandparents. Not only that, but I have you, the best person in the world I love you, so much Izuku." I speak kissing his lips. I watch Izuku blush and look at me. He starts to speak.
"We have a family."
AND THERE YOU HAVE IT, FOLKS! THE END OF HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS! THIS IS MY LONGEST CHAPTER AND I HAVE TO SAY, I'VE BEEN PLANNING IT SINCE THE BEGINNING. Yes, this is the end of the book. Tell me if you liked it, hated it, or just ignore this. This is the fastest book I've ever done and it's because I'm so passionate about this ship. See ya later, folks!
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