Bucky grunted exhausted, the TV was on and the disturbing voices from his nightmare kept banging inside his head. He looked up his ceiling, he wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep again, that was for sure, and even if it was not right to think it he repeat it to himself, "i deserve it" he deserved being deprived from sleep, he deserved being taunted by the people he have killed all this years.
He looked at his phone watch , 6:16 am, he decided to get up and go running, exercising helped him a lot, it was useful to drain all his super soldier energy, at least partially.
After an hour running his stomach made a noise indicating he needed to stop and get food, he looked at his phone. Just in time. He returned to his apartment, hopefully she would be up now.
A knock on his door was his signal. He opened the door an a small woman greeted him with the most charming smile he had seen.
"Eva" he said copying her smile.
"Bucky! Breakfast is done, come quickly before it gets cold" she grabbed his hand and dragged him from his apartment to her own, wich was beside his. The warm feeling spreading inside his body from her touch.
The aroma of bacon invaded his nostrils making him almost drool. After he have spent so many years eating the synthetic food from Hydra, simple things for most of people like bacon, pancakes, hamburgers were delicacies to him.
"It smell delicious Eva, I'm starving" he sat on his usual spot. His breakfast looked so good, but being honest, to him everything she prepare was marvelous.
A small blush covered her cheeks and she gave him a shy nod.
"Thank you, I hope it taste as good too" she commented back while sitting herself on the other chair.
"I know it will taste good, as always" he replied.
She smiled watching him eat his food, she ate from her plate.
"How did you sleep?" Eva asked sipping from her cup. Her eyes examining his face, reading him.
He shrugged.
"It could be worse" He said, and he knew it was true.
"I see, well you can blame me for that, I shouldn't have cancelled our game night" Eva said, some nights they stayed with each other and played some board games or games she had downloaded on her laptop. She pouted.
"I missed beating you up on Mario Kart" She joked, it was really entertaining watching Bucky trying not to push the buttons hard with his metallic fingers.
He looked at her joyful face, her eyes sparked with light, the only light he had in his life. But he couldn't miss the dark circles formed under her eyes.
"What did he want?" His question hit her with force, her mouth twitched in discomfort.
"He gave me an extra shift, Sara had a domestic emergency. I was the only one available" she explained, her boss found a way to make her stay at work almost every night, she was getting sick of it but it was her job and it payed the rent.
"you're overworking, he can't keep making you stay extra time every day" he shook his head in disapproval.
"I know, but it's okay" she told him calmly "at least it's Friday, I can rest this weekend."
He nodded not convinced.
"Sam called me again." He informed abruptly. He knew he had to answer his calls sooner than later, but he couldn't.
"He's worried about you" she commented quite concerned.
"He doesn't have to be"
"You have to tell him that then" Eva watched the frown in his face, sure it was easy for her to say it but she knew that for him it implied much more. She didn't knew the reason though.
"Wanna watch the news with me?" She asked hopefully. Eva loved being with Bucky, he was a great companion.
"Sure" Bucky said walking to her sofa. He thanked her for the food and turned on the TV.
She sat beside him and his arm flew around her shoulders, Eva rested her head on his chest with her hand on his abdomen. Bucky thought how he became used to this type of affection, when they watched TV or stayed at night talking they always ended up snuggling. He couldn't complain, Bucky loved holding her in his arms, touching her.
"I like you Bucky" she confessed. This wasn't the first time she had said it to him.
He smiled.
"I like you too, doll" she giggled and hugged him harder, he returned the hug.
Bucky looked the hour on her wall clock. He had to leave soon.
"I gotta go, Eva" He said, the disappointment clear in his voice.
"I know, it's okay" she replied with a smile "We can spend the weekend together if you want"
His eyes shined hearing the promise.
"I would love that"
They said each other goodbye and Bucky went to his appointment, the therapist wouldn't like him being late. When he arrived he entered the room and took a sit. The woman entered just after him.
"Hello, James" she greeted him while she sat across him.
"Hi, doc." he said.
"Let's get started, how are you doing?" She asked watching him.
"I'm fine" he replied and it was true, he was feeling good, the nightmare left his mind as soon as Eva appeared on his apartment.
"I can see that, have you had any nightmare?" She inquired back.
He stayed silent. Then nodded.
"Want to tell me what it was about?" She asked again.
"I would prefer not to" he spoke hoping she wouldn't pressure him.
She looked quizzically at him, studying his movements.
"It helps some people talking about what it's disturbing them, Bucky" She informed. "To share the burden with someone"
"I know" He replied, he remembered telling Eva his dreams, she listened to him but her eyes where the most important, they never reflected hatred or disgust for the things he did in his dreams or should he said memories?
"Have you spoken to Sam?" He shook his head in negation.
"Bucky, you need to star meeting new people or contacting your old friends" she suggested. A pang of hurt stick on him remembering Steve.
"I have met knew people" he said instantly, the words spilling from his mouth. His therapist looked quite surprised but she disguised it well.
"Yeah? Tell me their names" she inquired.
"Eva" he mentioned. The doctor looked at his eyes trying to find if it was a lie.
"Where did you met her?"
"She's my neighbor, she is nice to me" he informed his eyes looking directly at her.
The women smiled content with the answer.
"Great, how much time do you spend with her?" This was a critical question, to know if they were becoming friends or were just being polite to each other.
He doubted answering. They spent a lot of time together.
"We have breakfast together, everyday" he answered omitting their others activities.
"Well that sounds good Bucky, it's a progress" she informed. The thought of him spending time with another person relieved her, he was trying.
He smiled, it was indeed a good progress. Eva was a positive addition to his life, she made his day brighter and his heart warmer. He could visualize her in his life.
"What are you thinking James?" The doctor asked him, knowing exactly what was happening.
He snapped back and his face blushed, he cleared his throat.
"Nothing, I think my hour has ended" he told her. She looked at her clock. It was true.
"I think we are done for this day, James. I'm happy you have know someone new, it's good for you to make a friends" she explained while he walked to the door. He nodded."You deserve good, Mr. Barnes".
"Goodbye, doc." he walked out.
It was good for him. Maybe he deserved something good after all he has done. Maybe.
Author note:
Hi, this is a one shot of my favorite character of the MCU, I would love to keep posting more of them if you would like to read more comment your suggestions ❤️
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