billy tried his lightening powers on an nearby jungle gym and it was pretty cool to see the whole thing lit up.
" okay, we definitely need you're name to be lightening themed." freddy spoke up.
suddenly, I heard a scream and it sounded nearby.
" guys, do you hear that?" I ask and glance over at them.
we look over to our right to see a someone trying to steal a girls purse. freddy looks at the both of us and gestures us to go over there.
" yeah, go billy." I mutter and shove him in that direction since I didn't want to do it.
" oh, right. hey, yo! back off!" billy yelled and then suddenly he zoomed forward, a trail of yellow lightening was behind him as he ran towards the guy in less than a second and knocks him over.
me and freddy look at each other with wide eyes. " hyper speed, check!" freddy said with a grin on his face.
freddy starts to walk over to them and I follow him, but suddenly I'm standing right besides billy and I blink. freddy laughs. " you have hyper speed too!" he said excitedly.
my eyes widened. " woah."
" I'm sorry, I thought you were the one that screamed." billy said as he looked at the woman who shook her head. " no, I gassed him with pepper sprayed him. " she explained.
" good job, I would've done the same thing. " I pointed at her.
" smart move. " billy said and goes to pick the guy that was still in pain from being pepper sprayed.
" okay, guy, give the old lady her purse back." billy told him and I wince. the lady didn't look so happy about that comment.
" uh, I'm the same age as the both of you, and he didn't get my purse because I didn't let him take it." the lady said and showed us the purse she held in her hand.
me and billy share a look before looking back at the lady. " good, yeah, yeah good. your really on top of this stuff. and that should teach you," billy starts to say, pointing at the guy. " that old ladies - I mean regular age ladies like yourself don't need your protecting."
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and look at billy. where was he going with that? did he have a point because I am totally lost.
the lady looks at billy. " I'm sorry, who are you?"
" his name is thunder crack." a voice says and I look over my shoulder to see that freddy had walked over to us. " and this is his faithful sidekick, turbo wonder! together they fight crime, hero to the people and conjure the power of speed and lightening all in one. "
billy looks at him weirdly. " dude that name sound likes a butt thing." freddy nods. " yeah," he mutters and then blurts out, " mr. philadelphia!"
I look over at him this time with a weird look. " seriously?"
" that's a cream cheese thing dude!" billy told him and it was obvious that he was embarrassed.
" power boy, he has all the powers and sometimes pepper sprays against evil." freddy quickly says and I roll my eyes. the lady looks at us weirdly. " okay, power boy, " she starts to say as she looks at billy, then glances over at me. " turbo wonder, " I sheepishly smile and wave at her as she looks over at freddy, " do you two know this child?"
freddy looks at billy then at me and then back at billy. " like a teeny tiny bit. " billy says and I nod in agreement. " we don't really know him." I speak up and glare at freddy as he hits my arm. " yeah, I mean he's like our manager I guess." I quickly add.
" yeah, just like a little manager." billy says.
the guy goes to leave but billy grabs onto him to stop him from leaving. my eyes widened and I can't help the gasp that leaves my lips when billy shoves the guy, the guy goes flying backwards and crashes into trash bags.
" electricity manipulation, hyper speed, super strength! dude, your stat!" as freddy continues to speak, I notice that the lady was opening her purse and getting some money out which confused me.
" your almost as cool as superman! I mean, almost." freddy exclaims excitedly.
the lady hands the money to us. " I don't want to know what happened here." she says as freddy takes the money from her and we watch as she leaves.
" she gave us seventy - three bucks!" freddy exclaims. me and billy share a look with wide eyes. " seventy - three bucks?!" we repeat what he said.
" hey, wait a minute. I just got a idea." billy says.
minutes later were at the nearest store and me and billy stand in front of the counter.
" we would like some of your finest beers please." he says. the lady behind the counter looks up at us with a blank expression and points over to where they are.
" maybe we shouldn't do this. this is a bad idea. this feels bad. I don't like this. " I start to freak out.
" yeah, I don't know about this. I haven't even thought about a fake ID yet. " freddy says.
" freddy relax, I am a a fake ID, so is skylar. " billy says gesturing to me and himself.
" why am I always drag into things I don't want to do but have to do it anyways?" I mutter.
hearing noises from behind us, I look over my shoulder to see two masked robbers trying to get money from the lady that's behind the counter. billy quickly moves to hide behind one of the shelves behind freddy and I roll my eyes as I follow him.
" guys, this is your chance." freddy whispered to us.
" oh, right." I mumble and I start walking over to them quietly, glancing over my shoulder seeing that billy was following me and freddy went down the other isle.
" gentlemen, why don't we just settle this like real adults?" I say and the first guy aims his gun at me but I grab it out of his grasp before he could shoot.
" billy, look out!" I hear freddy shout and I look over my shoulder just in time to see the second guy had his gun up and shoots at billy in the chest and my eyes widened.
" billy!" I say worriedly.
we then realize that the bullet didn't hit billy at all, it just bounced off of him and fell to the floor. billy looks over at me and freddy with wide eyes.
" bullet immunity! you have bullet immunity!" freddy cheers as he punches billy in the arm with excitement.
" I'm bullet proof." billy breaths out.
" ooh! shoot her so we can see if she has it too!" freddy says to the second guy with that has a gun left and I glare at him.
" freeman! if I die because of this I will come back and haunt you!"
before I have a chance to say anything or do anything else the second guy aims the gun at me and I close my eyes waiting for the impact of a bullet but it never comes. instead I hear the same noise that happened earlier when the guy shot at billy.
" you have bullet immunity also!" freddy exclaimed and got his phone out to start recording.
" today is december 8, and this is proof of authenticity. shoot them again!" freddy says, gesturing to me and billy.
" oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. here." billy says, taking the gun from my hand and handing it to the other guy and I give him a look.
" these idiots are robbers and your giving him the gun back?" I ask him.
the first guy takes the gun back and glances at the other guy. the first guy aims at billy and the second guy aims at me and they both shoot at the same time. out of the corner of my eye I notice that freddy continues to record us the whole time. each bullet they shoot at us falls to the floor.
" wait, wait, wait. we still don't know if both of your suits are bullet proof or if you are." freddy speaks up.
I groan. " I hate it when your right."
" shoot them in the face." freddy said.
" shoot me in the face - in the face?!" billy starts to say but then questions it with panick and before he could say anything else both of the guys aims at our faces and shoots.
but like when they shot as us before, the bullets fall to the floor. I touch my face seeing that both of the guys had no more bullets in their guns.
" it kind of tickles." I admit and glance over at billy and he nods in agreement. " yes, yeah, totally agree."
the three of us share a laugh before me and billy look over at the two guys with a glare.
" your dead." the both of us said.
we send the two guys flying out of the room and they crash through the glass window of the store, wrapped in christmas lights we tied them with since we couldn't find any rope.
soon me, billy, and freddy are walking out of the store with a box of beer in billy's hands.
" oh, sorry about your window!" I call out to the lady in the store.
" have a good day." freddy added.
" your welcome for not getting robbed!" billy calls out to the lady as he gets two bottles out and hands them to us and gets one out for himself.
" to fighting bad guys." he said and the three of us clicks our bottles together.
" yeah, I'm not drinking this." I put it back in the box, watching as the boys take a drink of it and then immediately spit it out and I can't help but burst out laughing.
after going back inside the store, we come back out with a lot of junk food in our hands. " we should've bought this the first time, but no." I say and roll my eyes.
" stop being so dramatic." freddy said.
as we walk down the sidewalk, a girl that looks like the age me and billy look like now walks by. " hey, I'm a superhero." billy tells her. the girl looks at him weirdly.
" yeah, and his name is captain sparkle fingers." I laugh.
" no its not. no its not!" billy glares at me. " we should hang out, were like the same age." billy tries again but the girl walks away.
" no? okay. " we continue walking down the sidewalk, hearing the sound of a police car horn and me and billy quickly walk around the corner so we wouldn't be seen.
" hey, wait up!" freddy yells.
soon the three of us are sitting on top of some stairs, eating some of the junk food we got.
" this view is pretty great." I speak up and billy nods in agreement. " yup, totally sick view."
" y'know I like you guys like this. it's so cool, but no offense you were the opposite of how you are now." freddy tells us.
" that's harsh." I mutter.
" alright, I think all the drug stores are safe right now so wanna head home guys?" freddy looks ask us. me and billy share a look before looking at freddy.
" uh, like this? I think everyone would freak out if we came home with you looking like this." I said.
" usually we would have a lair to go back to. that's long term." freddy shrugs his shoulders.
" right now we got a bunk bed and another bedroom." the three of us share a laugh.
" this is a bad idea." I mumble but freddy pushes me inside of the house after billy starts to go inside and freddy follows us.
we quietly walk through the house and towards the stairs seeing that victor and rosa were talking in the living room and they had the christmas tree lighted.
half way up the stairs, billy steps on one of the steps and it creaks and the three of us freeze.
" hello?" rosa calls out.
" had trouble finding the bathroom." freddy quickly says and that seems to do the trick.
" oh, okay, sweetie. good night." rosa says and we wait to continue walking up the stairs until we hear her footsteps move away from the bottom of the stairs.
" night." billy suddenly says and covers his mouth after realizing he said something and looks at me and freddy with wide eyes.
" billy!" I whisper - yell at him and then cover my mouth quickly, hoping they didn't hear that.
" freddy, who is that?" rosa asks.
" it's billy! he's really tired and has laryngitis. " freddy said making up a horrible excuse as me and billy quickly get to the top of the stairs.
" freddy!" billy scolds him. freddy shakes his head.
" wait, I thought I heard skylar, is she back too?" we hear rosa ask.
" I'm kidding, billy's just really tired. and uh yeah, skylar's back too." he then pushes billy towards a room which makes me go with them since I was standing in front of billy.
" guys, let us come see you." rosa says and it sounded like she was moving towards the stairs and we quickly go into the bedroom we were near, not knowing who's room it is.
" I told you this was a bad idea!" I scold freddy as the three of us get inside of the room with the door closed.
then suddenly a light turned on.
" freddy?" a voice ask.
we look over only to realize that this was darla's room. oh no. were doomed.
my eyes widened as billy zooms forward and covers darla's mouth with his hand. " yeah, covering her mouth is not gonna make her less scared okay?" freddy whispered - yelled.
billy then takes his hand off of darla's mouth. " darla, it's me billy," he starts to say and darla looks over at me. " who's that?" she questions.
" it's skylar okay? I know we don't look like ourselves but wizard made us look like this. " billy tries to explain.
" billy, she probably doesn't even know what they are." I whisper to him.
" some old guy did this to us in a temple and I said shazam. " then suddenly there was a bright light and then billy was standing there in his normal form.
" you can switch by saying shazam!" freddy said excitedly.
I look at myself, seeing that I was still in my superhero form you could say.
" uh guys, we got a problem." I say and look at my adult hands.
" yeah, that's not good." billy mutters.
" try saying shazam. maybe you have to say it too." freddy told me and I shrug my shoulders.
" couldn't hurt to try. " I mumble.
" shazam." I said but I didn't feel anything change.
" yeah, that didn't work." billy told me and glanced at the door making sure no one came in.
I look at myself, looking at the superhero suit and I notice that I had something that looked like a watch on my left wrist that I didn't have before me and billy met the wizard dude.
I press the top of the watch and then there was a bright light. I look at my hands and smile seeing that they were my normal hands.
" whatever you did worked!" billy said with a smile.
" what did you do exactly?" freddy asks and I show them the watch on my wrist.
" I pressed the top of this watch. the watch wasn't there before, I don't think I even recognized it before. I think it appeared on me when we met the wizard." I explain.
soon the three of us our outside in the hallway with darla. " so your not going to tell anybody about this right?" freddy whispers to her.
darla frowns. " but it's skylar and billy. they're a hero."
" is she good at keeping secrets?" billy asks.
darla shrugs her shoulders. " moderate." but as me and billy look at freddy for confirmation he shakes his head and me and billy share a worried look.
" were doomed." I mutter and he nods.
" listen, you cannot tell a single soul about this. " freddy told her but it seemed like darla wasn't understanding how important it was not to tell people about this. " why? what if it someone we trust?"
billy bends down to her height. " because sisters keeps secrets. " he tells her.
darla smiles. " I'm a good sister."
freddy nods and pats darla on the shoulder. " you are. you would be a even better sister if you fixed the doorknob." he then hands her the doorknob I didn't even know he was holding.
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