the next day we decided that we should test out mine and billy's abilities we might have. so we found an abandoned place that we could practice in. because where well would we test them out?
freddy wrote on some notebook paper ' the following features stunts are preformed by superheroes. ( under supervision of their manager ) don't try at home like an idiot.' to show to the video camera he brought with him since he was going to record this.
the first test is super strength.
I roll my eyes, watching as billy does the floss, not realizing that he was suppose to test out his super strength now.
" billy!" I scold.
" oh, right. " billy said and stops flossing. he then punches the pillar that was on his right and breaks half of it.
I step in and punch what was left of the middle of the pillar, breaking in half so it only had the top half and the bottom half. I grin as we high fives each other. " that was awesome."
next we found a old barrel and billy flicked it, sending it flying backwards crashing into the wall.
I laugh as a wide smile formed on my face. " super strength, check."
the second test, flight.
we find a skate ramp nearby where were practicing our abilities and decide to use it since no one was using it.
billy stands on top of it and starts running down it and once he was at the other end he goes to jump. he doesn't go that high and eventually falls back down, landing on his back.
I wince. " that looked like it hurt."
freddy nods in agreement. " you okay?" he asked.
after a moment of silence I was beginning to think he wasn't okay but then billy gives us a thumbs up.
next, I pick up a bat that we found laying nearby and go up behind billy without him knowing. I hit him in the head with it and the bat breaks in half.
" so cool." I mutter but freeze as billy turns around and looks at me with a glare.
" ha ha ha ha, so funny." he said sarcastically.
he then shoots a lightening bolt at me but I raise my arms up in front of me only to have the lightening bolt bounce back off of what seemed to be a force field and billy super speeds out of the way just in time before the lightening bolt hits him.
" you can create force fields!" freddy exclaims.
we keep trying out different things, like for example, billy tries hitting his hand with a hammer, and the hammer breaks in half. that was sort of dumb because that could've gone really wrong really fast.
the third test is laser eyes.
billy tries it out first. he stands in front of a barrel and looks at it. nothing happened at first. I then notice that he raises his hand up, trying to hide it on his left side and shoots a lightening bolt at it, pretending that he had laser eyes. " ooh, I did it."
the next test we're trying is teleportation.
we get two boxes, marking them number one and number two. billy gets in the first box, closing the lid on top of it with him in it.
but, what billy didn't know was that freddy was planning to play a prank on him. marking out the teleportation on the notebook paper he then wrote below it ' secret fire immunity. '
I was against this whole thing but part of me wanted to see what would happened so I went along with it.
freddy hands me the oil and I pour the oil over the box billy was in and make a line. I make sure I'm out of the way as freddy lights a match and then drops it on the line of oil. the fire spreads all the way to the box billy was in.
the box soon erupts with flames and me and freddy looks at each other worriedly since we haven't heard anything from billy. but, soon billy breaks through the box perfectly fine and I let out a sigh of relief.
billy glares at the both of us. " it was his idea!" I point at freddy. but billy was still walking towards the both of us and he looked angry.
freddy glared at me. " throw me under the bus why don't ya." he said sarcastically but I ignore his comment.
" okay, we're sorry!" I say and I start run to the other end of the place, seeing that freddy was still trying to get away from billy and I realize that I ran a lot faster to than I normally run.
" you still have hyper speed! great!" freddy smiled.
freddy decided it would be great if he made a youtube channel. so, he made one, naming the channel heromanager.
he then uploads the videos he has of us practicing our powers and so far it seemed like we were getting really popular.
since billy still hasn't been able to fly, we decided that I should give it a go.
freddy's great idea was for me to jump off one of the small buildings that were nearby and we had billy standing on the ground below us ready to catch me if I don't have flying powers. freddy was standing besides me with his video recorder pointing at me.
" are you sure this is a good idea? because I don't want to end up like a pancake." I mumble as I look over the edge of the building down where billy was standing. it looked so far away.
freddy nods. " yes, I came up with it, so of course it's a great idea. now hurry up and go."
" yeah, don't worry! I'll catch you!" billy yells but, it didn't do that good of reassuring me. I'm still nervous. I take a deep breath and do a running start then jump off of the building.
I scream as I began free falling, shutting my eyes closed beginning to think that I don't have the ability to fly and that I would end up flat like a pancake.
I stop screaming whenever I didn't hit the impact of the ground. I open my eyes to see that I was flying in mid air and I grin.
" yes! you can fly!" billy cheers.
" flying, check!" freddy exclaims and I twirl around in the sky in excitement.
next we try billy's flying powers again to see if they work now.
I stand besides freddy with my hands on my hips, watching as he holds the video recorder aiming at billy.
" remember, single bound." freddy reminded him.
billy nods and super jumps upwards, it fails and he crashes into a window of a tall building and I wince hearing the screams of frighten people from the inside and my eyes grew wide whenever he crashed into the building.
" so, no flying powers." I mumble.
freddy nods in a greement. " it seems like you only have them so far and we probably could've figured that billy doesn't have them yet with a different way, but, oh well."
A/N so sorry for the late update!! my senior year of high school has started and things have been busy!
I'm so happy you guys are enjoying this! and I'm realizing that if they make a sequel to shazam later on that there will probably be a seventh member of the team so you guys can drop down some ideas of what I should do with skylar since she's billy's sidekick and there are only seven thrones in the cave. I need some ideas bc I honestly have no idea what to do when I write that part.
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