later that day the three of us are walking inside the mall. billy was in shazam form and I was just in my normal form I guess you could say.
billy was using small lightning bolts, aiming them at people's phones as we walked by while saying, "your phone's charged!"
as we walk through the mall everyone looks at us weirdly probably because of how billy looks right now but we don't care. " hey, you know what. you need like a mic drop catchphrase."
billy nods in agreement. " yeah, I was thinking about that. what about, ' that's why you don't mess with electricity.' "
freddy and I share a look. " obviously catchphrases aren't one of your superpowers." he said with a roll of his eyes. I nod in agreement. " yeah, that was awful."
billy just rolls his eyes and shoots a lightning bolt at a guy's phone who was walking and said, "your phone is charged."
I look over my shoulder seeing that the electricity messed up the guy's phone, making him drop it and I wince. the three of us keep walking as if nothing happened though.
•••• time skip ••••
the three of us are now at the real estate, why you might ask? I honestly have no idea. I'm just going along with them to make sure they don't do anything stupid.
they said something about wanting to buy a lair.
" a lair?" the real estate lady questioned, looking at us as if we were crazy. billy was still in his shazam form so I understood why she might think we were crazy.
she looked over at me for confirmation and I just shrug my shoulders in response.
freddy nods. " yes. and obviously, we're gonna be making this purchase anonymously." billy nods in agreement.
the real estate lady nodded although a blank look was on her face. " obviously."
" if you have a location, like on a cliff or a castle type thing, " freddy starts to say and billy adds in, " or looking over the water."
freddy nods. " or looking over the water, overseas - " billy nods in agreement and does a motion that I guess is supposed to be a waterfall. " or waterfalls, - "
freddy looks over at him. " yes, waterfalls." I facepalm and rethink why I'm friends with them in the first place.
" listen, maximum...voltage is it?" the real estate lady asked as she looked at billy.
billy pointed at her. " you can call me max."
" look, max. why don't you just with how many bedrooms you're looking for." the real estate lady suggested.
" 1. " " 7. " billy and freddy both said in usion.
I look at the both of them with a raised brow. " seriously? this is all stupid. I just wanna go back to the house and sleep."
" 1?" freddy asks as he looks at billy and billy looks back at him. " 7? what? am I running a foster home now?"
freddy rolls his eyes and looks away.
•••• the next day ••••
I walk down the hallway with billy and freddy the next day at school. I'm standing on the left side of billy as I look around the hallway, noticing a lot of students are watching freddy's videos of me and billy on youtube.
" hey guys, you're probably wondering who's filming those videos. I mean, that's bravery in itself." freddy spoke up.
I raised a brow and look at him curiously. " are you a little jealous, freddy?"
freddy scoffs and rolls his eyes. " I'm not jealous."
" I mean, is it though?" billy speaks up with this question suddenly and I glance at him. " what?" I ask with confusion. " is it brave filming the videos we make." billy asks quieter this time so others won't hear us.
freddy nods, obviously offended that billy even asked that. " yeah, I could even argue maybe even more brave."
me and billy both chuckle. " holding a camera?" billy asks. " I'm sorry to break it to you freddy, but I don't think holding a camera is that brave." I admit with a shrug of my shoulders.
" I was staring into the face of danger." freddy continues to argue.
" you sound like some weirdo fanboy." billy says and chuckles just as brett bumps into freddy.
" hey, hey, freeman." he says, grabbing ahold of freddy's arm roughly as I move to stand on the other side of freddy.
" I wouldn't do that if I were you." freddy told him and I look over at him with confusion.
" what're you gonna do about?" berke asked.
" is you're bestie gonna hit us with a wheelchair this time? or is your girlfriend gonna hit us with one?" he asked and my blood boiled. I hate both of these idiots so much. I glanced over my shoulder realizing that a crowd of students had formed, watching us probably to see if anything interesting would happen.
" s-she's not my girlfriend. a-and maybe not him, but I have another best friend who might hunt you down and destroy both of you." freddy stutters and billy gives him a look that says ' are you crazy?'
" freddy." billy warns and elbows freddy in the side but freddy slaps billy's arm.
" you may have heard of him. the uh, human power storm. frequency stringer. sir zaps a lot. yeah, he's a man of many names." freddy says and billy looks from his left to right I guess he was just realizing there was a crowd of students around us.
" you know the red cyclone? you?" brett asked and scoffed, not believing any word coming out of freddy's mouth.
" oh, we're a lot closer than you think." freddy nods. " maybe even at this very moment."
" this is when things go bad." I mutter under my breath.
" prove it." brett spoke in a harsh tone.
" called it." I mutter and billy shoots me a glare that makes me shut up.
" I will. t-tomorrow. he's gonna come to lunch. right, right, billy?" freddy asked as he looked over at billy who I could tell was panicking. billy only nods.
" oh yeah, and superman's gonna be bringing us desert, right?" berke asked sarcastically.
" no but, skyvolt might." freddy adds and I glare at him. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to be brought into this.
" so you know skyvolt too?" brett asked and freddy nods and glances at me with a pleading look. " right, skylar?" I let out a heavy sigh and eventually nod. " yeah, he's right."
" yeah, red cyclone and skyvolt are like a package deal. you know one you know the other sort of thing. " freddy says as brett and burke continues to stare at us intimidatingly.
I let out a relieved sigh as the bell rings and look around as students that had crowded around us were leaving now and that's all I wanted to do right now.
" tomorrow. at lunch. you'll see. " freddy said.
" and when they don't show, then well, you'll know what will happen." brett said and patted freddy on the shoulder before walking down the hallway with berke.
" finally, I thought we would never get to leave this hallway." I said as we walk down the hallway.
" so wait, our identity is a secret so no one we know can get hurt. except when it makes you look cool, then, then it's all good." billy gestures to freddy and he seemed pretty upset about it by the tone of his voice. now that I think about it he does make a lot of sense.
" yeah." I nod in agreement." yeah, why is that?" I ask and look over at freddy as we turn a corner.
" guys, it's not like they're supervillains. they're super douchebag." freddy quickly says.
" so, you're breaking your own rule. got it." billy scoffs and avoids eye contact. freddy glares at the billy and then at me. " this thing is as much as mine as it is the both of yours."
me and billy share a look before billy looks back at freddy" I'm starting to think it's all your thing." billy says as he walks into his class he had this hour.
" billy, you're still gonna do it though, right?" freddy asked before the door closed. " I mean, what would a good brother do?"
I honestly felt bad for freddy, but part of me agreed with billy. I put my hand on freddy's shoulder which seemed to startle him, maybe he didn't realize I was still here. " don't worry, I'll talk to him. I don't promise anything, but I'll talk to him about it." I try to reassure him.
he nods. " thanks." I sent him a small smile, patting him on the shoulder before walking into the classroom billy walked in a few seconds ago since we had the same class.
A / N so sorry about the late update & about this chapter being so short! the weekend is coming up & I finally own the movie so I'll be updating this book hopefully more this weekend! thank you all for reading. please continue to vote, comment & read some of my other books!
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