Chapter 4
9:50 am
"Are you insane?! No, I don't want to play a game!" Max barked. Ignoring the Jack Russell terrier and his anger, Snowball announced, "Today we are playing Home Before Dinner! It's a fun little game that me and the boys played when I used to live in the sewers."
"Ooh, how do you play it?" Mel asked, his curly tail wagging. The pug loved playing games. This one sounded interesting and exciting. Delighted that at least someone was excited about the game, Snowball cleared his throat and explained proudly, "Home Before Dinner was a race that me and the Flushed Pets created. All you need to do is get from point A to point B in a certain amount of time."
"That doesn't sound too bad. Come on Max, maybe he actually has a good idea for once," Duke commented. Some of the other dogs agreed with the Newfoundland mix. Unconvinced however, Max shot his brother a look that silenced the mutt. Turning his attention back to Snowball, the terrier asked, "We're gonna need more details before we agree to this. I'm guessing we're at point A so where is point B and how long are we supposed to race for?" Smiling, Snowball happily chirped, "It's a race home before our owners come home!"
"WHAT?!" everyone exclaimed. "You idiot! None of us are going to get home in time! We don't know the streets that well!" Chloe hissed angrily, her tail puffed up like a bristle brush. Having calmed down from his initial shock, Tiberius chuckled softly and purred, "Ah yes, most of you probably won't survive the streets. But I shall be home in five minutes tops once we begin."
"Uh, yeah, no you're not. You're not flying home, that's cheating," Snowball pointed out. His eyes widening in horror, Tiberius cried, "Wait, I have to WALK home?!" The rabbit nodded his head and gave the hawk an innocent smile. Speechless for a moment, Tiberius grumbled, "Excuse me everyone, I'm gonna hurl myself out of a tree."
"No you're not, you're gonna be fine," Gidget barked. Glaring at Snowball, Daisy growled, "Okay, so no flying cuz it's cheating apparently. Anything else you wanna tell us?!" Raising his paws defensively, Snowball spoke softly, "It's not that bad, I swear. The rules are very simple." Rolling his eyes, Buddy scoffed, "Heard that before."
"I swear on my life, now just shush and listen. I'm gonna explain the rules," Snowball declared. Everyone huffed but remained silent as the white bunny rabbit continued, "It's a race like I said. We start here and the finish line is at the apartment. You may use both the streets and the sewers. Heck, you can even get outside help. But I better not see anyone in the sky. Oh, and by the way, try not to get caught."
"What?" Max yelped. This was just sounding worse by the second. Still looking awfully chipper for someone spouting utter nonsense to his friends, Snowball answered, "Yep! You see, this isn't just your typical average race. It's more like race home or you're dead, cuz the Flushed Pets are down in the sewers right now and about a half hour after we start they're gonna start hunting us down. If you get caught by them, you lose. If you get home without getting caught, congratulations you win."
"Anything else?" Max muttered. Scratching his chin thoughtfully, Snowball remarked, "I believe that's everything. But I do advise that you all be careful. The streets and sewers are a very dangerous place. And if you get caught by animal control and taken to the pound, not only are you technically disqualified but you're gonna have to figure out how to escape." Laughing nervously, he added, "That's how we lost Cheesesteak. But whatever! You guys in?"
"Absolutely not!" everyone shouted.
"Oh, I'm sorry. But you guys are here already and the Flushed Pets think you're all playing so... you're in."
"Great, of course we are," Chloe muttered sarcastically.
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