Home at Last
I never thought I, Dulcina, would find my way home ever again.
However, here I am, jumping from one tree leaf to another, exhilarated that I am finally going back where I truly belong. That I will soon be in the world of myths and legends, magic and beauty.
Being in the human world for the last twenty-five years was fun, but I have missed home so much that when the chance to take up the quest to the Magic Lands came to my desk, I had to say yes.
After all, home and adventure are my two favorite things, so doing both was as if all my dreams were coming true.
Don't get me wrong, being a private detective in the human world is one big adventure. But after some time, I realized that it is sadder than anything else I had ever done in my long life. So much pain, betrayal, and lies. It would make any pixy crave for the simplicity of home.
"Did the Fortune-teller say that I should jump two leaves down one up, or was it the other way around?" I start mumbling to myself, annoyed that I couldn't just use my wings and fly home.
I wish going back to Magic Lands was as simple as that but no such luck. So, I checked the instructions for the hundredth time because one mistake can make the whole quest come crashing down. Then, who would go and find the woman's lost daughter?
"Yes, two down and one up. Now I should encounter..." I started to murmur to myself before I was interrupted by a sleepy voice.
"Who dares disturb my slumber!" the dryad asked, grumpy for being awakened before she was ready.
I should have known better because no matter how sweet and caring the dryads are, everyone is angry when awoken from sweet dreams.
"I beg your pardon for disturbing you, but I was sent to you. It's said that you might have seen a human child travel the Long Way to the Magic Lands," I said.
I was as respectful as I could be because it was in her power to grant me passage home or deny it.
"They had the gnome's protection! How was I supposed to know that she was a human-transformed?" the dryad said defensively. "You know that the gnome's protection is sacred."
"I am not here to judge. It's my job to find the child and bring it home. You know as well as I do that a human in our lands can only cause trouble," I said rationally.
"It was my mistake. I should have checked," the dryad said with sadness. "Now, it's my job to make sure that you get whatever help you need to find the child."
"That would be wonderful, thank you," I said. "And a Time Grant would be much appreciated."
"A Time Grant?" She asked, surprised.
"I have family back home. I think it would be nice to visit them before I have to head back to the non-magical realm with the child," I said.
I hoped that she would have mercy on me and provide me with even the smallest Time Grant possible.
"Fine, you'll get a two-day Time Grant. After that, we will have to restart the time, and you'll have to take the mortal back to the human world the moment time restarts. Understood?" the dryad asked.
"Yes, of course," I said, happy with the arrangement.
"Here, the magic beans of the times long gone should take you directly to the Magic Pass. Once you get there, activate the Time Grant, and time will immediately pause for you and your family," the dryad warned.
"Thank you," I said, grateful that she had provided me with much more help than I could have ever dreamed of.
I swallowed the magic beans, and soon enough, I sprout out towards the top of the tree, to the Magic Pass faster than I ever thought possible. It was even better than using my wings.
Once on top, I was back to my usual pixy self, my wings bursting back out as I opened the golden door to my home.
Finally, I was home.
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