*Save song until after you read...
Did the last chapter leave you wondering what happened during Legolas' and Aerlinniel's afternoon together? Consider this, the chapter that ties together the loose ends.... Enjoy.
Legolas walked down the steps of the Homely House and returned to the pathway that he and Aerlinniel had walked. He planned on gathering a bouquet of flowers to present to Aerlinniel that evening. Along the path were several different varieties of flowers he had made note of so that he could later return and gather them.
Humming softly the tune that had been in his head since the early morning hours, Legolas gathered a host of fall blooms in his hand. Aerlinniel would receive flowers everyday if he could manage, he thought as he placed several star flowers in his left hand.
Overhead, Legolas heard the distinct sound of clothing brushing against bark and then observed a branch dip down lightly followed by the scattering of many leaves. He had just escorted Aerlinniel to her home and had watched her walk inside before Lindir had shut the door. It could not be her! He peered up into the branches that arched above him. Not far up in the tree, two scrubby bare feet dangled from a pair of short legs that lightly swung to and fro. Legolas peered higher up and there looking down at him was the toothy smile of his young human friend Estel, with his eyes dancing and his mess of shaggy dark hair framing his youthful face.
"You make a habit of spying on people from trees." Legolas chirped.
"See anything interesting?"
"I saw you escorting my sister home," he accused. "Where have you been all day?" Estel's dark eyes narrowed quizzically at the elf.
Legolas raised both his hands innocently, "Your sister was a gracious hostess and showed me some of your family's favored spots."
Estel appraised the elf's intentions and deemed them harmless considering the flowers the elf held in his hand.
"You love my sister?" Estel accused with a hint of jest.
Legolas was surprised by the lad's question and giggled at his deduction.
"Well, you haven't answered my question prince." Estel eyed the elf skeptically.
This family is full of interrogators, Legolas sniffed.
"Do you love my sister?" Estel boldly pressed the elf.
Legolas felt his cheeks flush and with his eyebrow arched innocently, he shook his head not in reply but at the lad's precociousness.
"I am very fond of Aerlinniel."
"Yes, that is obvious. But I think that you love her."
"You do?"
"Aye. I do."
Legolas nodded his head matter of factly and glanced at the flowers in his hand.
"I might." He shrugged. He hadn't put a label on his feelings yet but he certainly felt strongly for the elleth. There was no sense in denying it.
Estel narrowed his eyes at the elf and Legolas almost felt threatened by the wily lad.
"You will treat her well. No underhanded trickery or lying. She abhors dishonesty." He waved a finger of warning at Legolas.
Legolas' eyes widened as he nodded. The boy was right. Aerlinniel required honesty, he had experienced that first hand.
"Of course. No trickery or lying – ever."
Estel scowled at him, "good."
Legolas's mouth formed a tight line as his eyes rolled up to the sky. He had just been put in his place by a ten year old . . . human no less!
"Prince Legolas, I have kept what Thalen did last night a secret but it does not sit well with me. I must tell Lord Elrond."
Legolas sighed, "Yes, he must know."
"Then tell me why did you ask for me not to mention it?"
Legolas climbed up into the tree and sat next to Estel to have a more private discussion with the lad.
"Thalen is a captain which is a position of great respect and responsibility within Imladris. If his actions were brought to light in front of many, Lord Elrond would have had to punish him harshly to show others that acts against him or his family are considered treachery."
"And well he should! Thalen is an arrogant traitor?" Estel griped.
"Consider this," Legolas raised his finger. "Thalen fancies Aerlinniel and he thought he could craft a way to get her attention."
Estel rolled his eyes, "There are other ways to fetch a maiden's attention than to underhandedly release her horse – and I am ten years of age and I know this!"
"I understand your fealty to your sister and that is commendable – and I agree with you. But, had we told Lord Elrond last evening he would have had to make an example of Thalen. Likely, Lord Elrond would have been forced to strip Thalen of his title and his position as captain. I am not certain the ellon deserves that degree of punishment. The heart can cause us to do things in the heat of passion that others might deem irrational."
Estel nodded his head reluctantly, "Still, Lord Elrond must know," he grumbled.
"Yes, shall I go with you?" Legolas asked understanding the task may seem daunting to the lad.
Estel agreed pensively, "Yes, thank you. That would be best."
"You have nothing to fear my friend, Lord Elrond is just and fair. He will see the wisdom of our actions. And I will take full responsibility for keeping the information privy to just you and I."
The pair descended the tree and headed back to the elf lord's home. As they neared Lord Elrond's study, a scholarly looking elf with tome in hand, exited and bid them a good day. Legolas sensed the ellon had recognized him, however he could not recall having met him. It was no matter, he shrugged as he made entrance into Lord Elrond's study.
"Estel, Legolas, what do the pair of you want with me?" Lord Elrond greeted them, standing behind a large oaken table.
"My lord, I have something to tell you," Estel's voice sounded small and innocent as he pensively strode into Lord Elrond's study with his gaze to the floor.
"Yes?" Lord Elrond clasped his hands behind his back eyeing the young lad with concern.
With Legolas by his side, Estel preceded to share with him the events involving Thalen. Lord Elrond confirmed with Legolas all that he knew and specifically questioned the elf as to why they chose not to tell him sooner.
Lord Elrond, told Estel that he had done the right thing by coming to him with the matter in private. He assured the lad that he would address the matter with Thalen discreetly but that his disciplinary action would befit the captain's offense. He thanked Legolas for his discernment on the matter and credited his character to his many years of service in his father's guard.
After Estel and Legolas departed the elf lord's study, Legolas asked, "Will I see you this evening at the feast?"
"Yes, though I hate having to dress up for affairs such as this," Estel pouted, crossing his arms begrudgingly. By the looks of the lad, the last thing he wanted to do was bathe, don fancy uncomfortable clothes and be forced to act mannerly in front of the entire realm. Largely, Legolas quite agreed with the lad though a bath, some clean clothes and a moonlit stroll with the lovely Lady Aerlinniel sounded delightful.
"Me neither." Legolas rolled his eyes.
Estel looked at Legolas with surprise, "really, but you are a prince - you're supposed to like that sort of thing?"
"Yes, but fancy feasts and fussy attire are not my sort of thing . . . not to mention the ghastly dancing," Legolas confided.
Estel smiled as the elf grasped him by the shoulder, "we have many things in common my friend. I shall see you at the feast. Until then."
Aerlinniel found that Velenya had been waiting for her in her chamber when she had arrived back from her afternoon with Legolas. She had hoped she'd have a few moments to herself to run through the day for she could pinch herself that it had all truly happened.
Her day with Legolas drew by fast and she could hardly wait to see him again, though she wished they could spend more time alone instead of being on display at the feast.
She sat in an armchair by the hearth in her chamber, sipping raspberry-lavender tea that Velenya had brought up. She hadn't eaten anything all day or much the day prior, and she was famished.
"Velenya, I am quite hungry. Would you send for a small plate of bread and cheese?"
"Gallivanting in the woods with an ellon works up an appetite, does it not?" Her ladies maid cheekily winked at her as she fussed with gathering together various accoutrements needed to prepare Aerlinniel for the evening.
Aerlinniel scoffed blushingly behind her steaming teacup.
"Of course, my lady. I will fetch you a plate. Rest yourself in the bath I've prepared for you while you have the chance, because when I return you must be braided and bedecked."
Aerlinniel settled herself into the welcoming warmth of the bathwater – allowing it to soothe away the latent tension she'd been carrying around since the prince had arrived. The fragrant scent of citrus and verbena wafted up from the steamy water and delighted her senses. She hadn't felt this uplifted in a very long time. Her day with Legolas had been nothing short of amazing, she thought gliding the soapy wash cloth over her arms, causing the bubbly water to gently jostle around the tub.
Together they had strolled arm and arm conversing, through the private pathways that led to some of her family's favorite places – some of which were open and airy and provided views of the open terrain while other spots were tucked away and hidden beneath expansive oak and fir trees, knitted together with thick brambles and brush.
Resting her head back against the tub, Aerlinniel closed her eyes, and recalled the events that subdued her concerns about Legolas and allowed her heart to take precedence.
Laying upon the prince's cloak, in the meadow near her tree, Aerlinniel could not deny the attraction that resided between them. Her heart felt a sense of fear and she could not reason why. Was her fear simply of the unknown or was it a warning to guard her heart?
The gravitation toward Legolas became more consuming with every moment she spent with him. Though they had only just met, there was a comforting and familiar ease about him that soothed her fëa and consequently she instinctively wanted to draw nearer to him.
She turned on her side, tucking her prayerful palms beneath her cheek and observed the exquisite elf as he lay unwitting beside her, resting gloriously with his face to the sun. The blonde ends of his hair gently tousled with the wind whilst his strong arms wrapped casually behind him, cradling his head. His handsome visage left her humbled by his sheer beauty. He exuded a strength and confidence that she craved to know and abide in. Simply looking upon the ellon gratified her fëa which elicited a frenzy of butterflies loose inside her belly.
Might he, be the one? The father of the child she had dreamt of – the ellon the Valar intended for her to bond with? The mere thought caused her cheeks to flush.
She pulled the image of the child from her dream into her mind's eye and she could see similarities in Legolas. The child's light blonde hair and her cornflower blue eyes, and the dimples – she had his dimples. Aerlinniel's heart glowed at the thought that Legolas was the ellon she was intended for and yet she remained fearful.
In the peace of the meadow, basking in the sunshine, she prayed to the Valar for clarity. Not only to the Valar did she pray, but to her mother – asking for clarity, specifically with Legolas.
In the stillness, there began a gentle rustling from behind them. Aerlinniel heard what sounded like a soft rain begin to fall yet there were no drops felt nor a grey cloud in the sky. She felt the wind rustle, lifting her hair and the gentle waft of the breeze brush by them.
Upon looking up, she noticed the trees that surrounded them began shedding their leaves in a gentle rain. Wisps of burnished leaves began to sail past, as if carried by waves – whimsically floating up and down.
It was a beautiful sight to see the autumn leaves escaping the branch's clutches and lift them free up into the air to soar wildly into the open meadow. Legolas opened his eyes and sat up on his elbows to ascertain what was happening. A faint gasp escaped him and a small smile appeared on his face.
Aerlinniel could sense his peace and reverence in that moment for she could feel that his fëa was blissful and happy. She drew her face toward the dance of the leaves and vowed she'd trust the Valar with her heart like the leaves innately consigned to the wind to guide them into the unknown.
Tears sprang in her eyes, as she felt the calming warmth of a strong hand envelop around her own. It was within Legolas' grasp, she found peace with her decision for she felt an accord with the Valar in that moment.
She would lower her guard to him which seemed like the most natural thing to do yet it terrified her. But at his side, with her hand held in his, she decided that if ever there was an ellon that she'd allow admittance to her heart, she felt that it would naturally be him and that deep down she knew her heart would be in the most caring of hands.
Aerlinniel led Legolas to a gentle stream that she imagined he would find enchanting. It wound its way through the wood path back to her home and eventually fed into the Bruinen. She sat upon the creek bank watching Legolas strip himself of his boots and shrug his jacket off in preparation to wade in the river. The ellon certainly paid no mind at shedding his clothes to hop into the water, Aerlinniel laughed to herself.
No sooner had Legolas straightened than he turned to her expectantly, "Will you come in the water with me?" His tone hopeful and boyish in nature.
"But isn't it cold?" She protested halfheartedly. She wore a dress after all, which was not the sort of attire to be traipsing down a river in.
Legolas leaned over at the waist causing his silky blond locks to fall on either side of his face as he pushed the legs of his breeches up above his knees. The sight of his exposed limbs, caused Aerlinniel to blush and avert her eyes.
"It's only a little cold water," he teased as he returned to standing and outstretched his hand down to her. His azure eyes warmly invited her to action.
Finding him impossible to refuse and enjoying the subtle flirtation that was happening between the two of them, Aerlinniel, happily reached for Legolas' hand and accepted his invitation.
With the hem of her dress twirled up into her left hand, Aerlinniel stepped into the brisk water and relished the enlivening sensation it had upon her skin.
As she waded further in, she watched him expertly move through the water inspecting the creek floor until he came upon an area where large rocks and boulders were scattered across it. He waited until she had neared him and he continued on by leaping from rock to rock effortlessly until he had traversed the tallest boulder and stood tall, atop it, eyeing what lay ahead. His blonde hair wafted against his shoulders with the gentle breeze. His stance - elegant and proud. He looked handsome standing there she thought; every bit a warrior-prince. She found him fascinating to watch. He was the embodiment of confidence, wonder and mystery . . . she sighed to herself – feeling desire for him ignite in her heart. The feeling was exquisite and she flirted with the sensation; allowing the fire to swell and lick at her heart.
Legolas turned his head and looked down to where she stood and he gave her a knee weakening smile. Graciously, he moved to the boulder's edge and he leant down his hand to help her scale up. She didn't need his help though she was happy to oblige him and it was a lovely excuse to take his hand.
They sat together upon the rock. Legolas with his breeches still hiked up and his legs casually crossed at the ankles and Aerlinniel with her blue dress fanned out to dry the bottom hem that had dampened from the river - her slender calves and bare feet, exposed to the warm sunlight.
"Do you get to enjoy creeks such as this in your homeland, Legolas?" Aerlinniel wondered.
Legolas turned his gaze to her; his eyes shone bright in the sunlight, "Not like this, not any longer." He shook his head, his voice taking on a somber tone. "The woods that surround the Gulduin River and the Forest River have become dark and treacherous. The Gulduin is enchanted with a spell - so it is to be avoided," He shrugged. "The two rivers meet near my father's halls and it is there that the water is safe to enter, however the current is fast moving and not like this at all." He turned his head back to marvel at the tranquil beauty and the soothing sound of the meandering creek.
Aerlinniel sat in awe of the elf beside her. She had heard the stories about the Greenwood darkening into shadow but it wasn't until she heard it from Legolas' lips, that she realized the weight of it.
"I cannot imagine what that must be like Legolas . . . for you and the elves of your realm." Aerlinniel's voice trailed off. Her heart ached for him and his father.
"I tell you Aerlinniel, coming to Imladris, seeing your free lands, meeting Estel and . . . you –I have seen that hope is possible despite the growing evil. There is a reason to fight against it . . .And that reason is life." Legolas turned toward the creek and sighed pensively. "All of Arda should be this alive and verdant. No one should have to remain hidden to stay safe!" He looked back to catch her gaze again –his eyes blazed with conviction, "I will stop at nothing, to rid these lands of the plague of evil and see my father's woods restored! The peoples of Arda -Will. Have. Peace!" His impassioned words slid eloquently from his lips and had a convicting effect on Aerlinniel's heart. She felt in that moment, she would follow Legolas in whatever purpose he proposed.
Later, as the two walked back toward the Homely house to prepare for the feast, their conversation had turned much more personal.
"Aerlinniel, how is it an ellon hasn't stolen your heart?" Legolas' forward nature surprised her again, though she thought she should be accustom to his mercurial ways by now.
Eying him warily, she continued to walk beside him, not knowing how to answer. Her normal calm and clever responses escaped her. Perhaps she should act flattered, she wondered.
Unexpectedly, Legolas took her arm that had been entwined with his and he spun her around so that she stood before him. The movement was abrupt, yet graceful . . . as if he had twirled her around on the dance floor. She stood only a foot away from the handsome and imposing elf.
Aerlinniel's stomach plummeted to her feet. Her breath quickened and she felt dizzy – not for having been spun round, but from the shock of his brazenness.
He searched her eyes – imploring her, whilst she scrambled for an answer. Why was he always doing this to her? Pushing her to the edge – to the brink of her sensibilities.
"Are you trying to prove yourself dance worthy for this evening's festivities, my prince? She coolly attempted to play his flirty game but surely she was failing miserably at it for her cheeks were aflame and his gaze, too blue and unnerving to hold.
"You avoid the question, my lady." He leaned in gripping her arms, allowing his words like that of velvet, brush huskily at her ear. The intoxicating and familiar scent of sandalwood and his musk filled her nostrils.
Dizzily, she slowly inched back from his scorching-close proximity – her body grieving the loss of the primal seduction of his touch.
"I have met no such ellon in Imladris," was her fumbling, but certain retort. Aerlinniel eyed him confidently but on the inside she had shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.
Legolas' chin slid to his shoulder, never leaving her gaze. Drawing his chin up, he centered his gaze back upon her, "Not in Imladris, but in Lothlórien, I am to assume?" His tone was curious not accusatory, yet Aerlinniel felt under his scrutiny.
Her breath hitched. How could he determine there was another in Lothlórien who had once beheld her heart? Had he seen it in her eyes?
She looked away for a moment, then met his gaze which had softened into a kind smile. "I mean not to pry, I am simply wondering at your status. Are you available or not?" He innocently asked with a playful twinkle in his eye.
Aerlinniel swallowed hard as her eyes widened, "I . . . there was one in Lothlórien but, he . . . we . . . were not meant to be."
Legolas' eyes flared with interest, "For how long?"
Aerlinniel ground down her teeth and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She wasn't angered or offended by him; it was his brashness that disoriented her. Ellyn were not like that, where she was from. He was blunt and made no attempt at excuses. It was almost refreshing though being on the receiving end of his inquisition was unnerving.
"I was young, Legolas. It spanned a long while," she confided. Inwardly, she cringed at speaking of her past with Haldir for it had been a piece of her past she cared not to revisit.
"Is he why you left Lothlórien?"
"Partially . . ." She nodded and looked away not able to keep the intensity of his gaze and felt that if she said more she would reveal too much.
"Did you love him?"
"I thought I did, for much too long." She looked up at him in earnest.
"You still have not answered my original question." He smiled, toying with her as a cat would with a mouse between its paws.
"And what question is that," she laughed nervously.
"Are you available?" His voice teetered at sounding smug but his face revealed both sincerity and desire.
The ellon was completely confounding!
Her throat felt as if a flame licked at her skin, "I am attached to no one." Aerlinniel gently shook her head with wide, doe-like eyes - lost in his azure gaze as if he had her in some sort of trance.
"Well then," he cooed, tipping his chin upward and gazed at her ear, whilst gently tucking a few strands behind it. "If I ever find myself in Lothlórien, then I shall have to thank this ellon for occupying you all of those years – so that no other could win your heart. And then I would tell him what a fool he is for letting you go." His last words purred silkily from his tender lips.
Aerlinniel remained frozen, speechless.
What was he implying?
Legolas' response had an air of possessiveness to it. He spoke as if he had intentions on making her, his! And oddly enough, every bit of her desired to be the bearer of his intentions. It all felt like a natural progression that seemed to be nascent between them but still, it felt incredibly swift and threateningly consuming.
She had loosened the reins of her heart, allowing to see what would manifest with Legolas this day. But, she couldn't allow herself to completely lose herself in this moment nor make any foolhardy assumptions about their future. This was moving much too fast!
Swallowing hard, she summoned her wits and retained her composure. "What about you? Surely you have a special maiden back in Mirkwood?" She countered, though it wasn't half as sharp as it seemed in her mind.
A crooked smile inched across his face. "None that warrant mentioning."
Her eyebrow arched up quizzically. His lofty reply was not an acceptable answer. She was no fawning maiden and she wouldn't be treated as such. No, not again would she settle for an ellon who regarded her as such. Rallying her wits and dousing the burning flames of her heart, she turned on her heel and began to walk away, down the path that lead to her home.
Aerlinniel heard the quick strides of Legolas as he caught pace with her again. Feeling the weight of him looking at her as she walked, she coyly opted to gaze forward and said nothing. It was his moment to squirm.
"My lady, have I offended you?" His innocence and concern softened her resolve a little.
Aerlinniel slowed her pace but kept her gaze forward and replied coolly, "None? Though you imply that there were many?"
Legolas sniffed, "I have not given my heart to any . . . One." His voice seemed slightly flustered and gritty with annoyance.
"You speak in riddles, Prince," she scoffed, picking up her pace as she walked in the direction of her father's home.
Aerlinniel cared little for semantic games that toyed with the heart. She would have him be honest and not speak in riddles -leaving unanswered questions to fill the air and addle her mind. She deplored games with ellyn. Haldir had been a master at such games. She found it debasing and repulsive. She didn't care if he was the prince of Mirkwood, son of Thranduil nor an ellon that inspired her heart to swoon. She could walk away from that sort of nonsense.
Legolas kept pace with Aerlinniel, trying his best to make amends with her. He had assumed too much and he had regrettably offended her. He shouldn't have spun her around like he had, nor asked her questions about her personal life. It was too much for her, he could tell he had come on too strong.
"I mean not to offend my lady. Please stop and hear me." Legolas stood in the path and waited for Aerlinniel to turn around.
To his relief, she glanced back and immediately stopped walking. Turning fully to look at him, she called to him, "Pray tell then, what do you mean?" She wasn't defiant – more like angry and frightened.
Legolas shrugged softly looking confused and at a loss for words. He didn't mean for all of this. He had only meant to be flirtatious.
"You have gall enough to lay your hands on me and ask me details pertaining to my past relationship and yet you cannot do the same courtesy for me?" Her hands rested challengingly at her hips.
This elleth was different than any elleth he'd ever met. She was as elusive as she was sweet. Most elleth allowed for him to act however he wished. No maiden, ever dare question him. She was confounding and she was irresistible. Legolas racked his brain for something to say that might assuage the situation.
"Aerlinniel, forgive me," his eyes tenderly implored her.
"You evade the question, Legolas."
She had used his name, which brought a knot to his throat the way she confronted him without consideration for his station. He thought he should be offended, and he would if she had been anyone other than her. Instead he felt like a naughty elfling that had been caught with his hand in the treat jar.
She approached him and stopped a foot away. She met his gaze and held it. Her eyes were blue. He had seen them that color before - yesterday in the meadow when he had upset her. He wished to make them emerald again.
"What do you want to know?" Legolas acquiesced.
"Are you . . . available?" She smiled as her eyes shone with jest.
His breath released as if it had been held in for some time. "Yes." He breathed. His lungs felt as if they'd shivered when he confessed it
"There was an elleth then?"
Legolas looked at her confused. Did he miss something?
"You said none worth mentioning. So there was one . . . but?"
Valar, what had he gotten himself into? She was as stealth-like as his father with her interrogational skills.
Legolas' eyes narrowed, "I have never been in love with another. I thought I might have been once but she wasn't meant for me." Legolas took a deep breath as he looked down at her feet.
"This was recent, the relationship with this elleth?
Legolas nodded, keeping his head bowed. Then he dared to look up appearing as if he had committed something shameful.
Aerlinniel cocked her head to the side, "You remain tender from this?"
Legolas could not deny her question but he wasn't pining over Tauriel. He hadn't thought of her for the entire day. In fact he had thought of her very little. Aerlinniel had been the one to monopolize his thoughts since his arrival in Imladris.
"Nay." He sighed. "Aerlinniel, being a prince complicates my life in many ways. Ellith have preconceived notions about me, desire me for my position, or fear me."
Aerlinniel's eyes softened as she listened intently.
"Never am I seen as myself. I am my father's son. A prince and heir to my father's throne. A commander of the Woodland Guard. Always my position proceeds me. No elleth has seen beyond the trappings of my titles . . . the facades." Legolas scoffed waving his arm for effect.
Aerlinniel stepped forward, her eyes appeared green again and it gladdened his heart. "I see you." She murmured barely above a whisper. Her eyes gazed into his eyes and slipped down to his lips and then back again to his eyes. He desperately felt the urge to kiss her but he thought he had only begun to make amends with her. He would not ruin it with an embolden move such as a kiss.
Instead he stood squarely before her basking in the warmth of her light, for she glowed radiantly as if the golden sunshine shone upon his face. Even as he closed his eyes, he could still see her light. He felt her fëa warm and open and he wanted nothing more than to dwell within it. By the Valar this elleth, she was different. She saw beyond the titles - straight to the center of his being.
When Legolas opened his eyes, he managed a smile to which she returned him a smile that rendered him speechless.
Aerlinniel stepped closer and reached for his hand. "I am glad you are here, Legolas."
His smile remained but he managed to softly say, "I am as well."
Garnering his wits he wrapped her hand around his arm as he stepped beside her. "We must get you back so that you have your two hours. I wouldn't want to be the cause of distress when Velenya made her request quite clear."
"Your dress should arrive any minute, my lady and we shall get you fixed right up." Velenya muttered, inspecting Legolas' cloak, which she had picked up to hang as she tidied the room.
Sure enough a clumsy knock sounded at her chamber door. Arwen peeked her head in while propping the door open with her toe, "sister are you decent?"
"I'd say so." Aerlinniel jested, looking down at herself clad in a white silken robe. She had been sitting at her dressing table whilst Velenya put the finishing touches on her hair.
Arwen pushed the door open with her foot and entered carrying a luxe crimson velvet gown. "I met with Frendland in the hall and he said you'd be expecting this." She hefted the gown upon the bed before twisting around to appraise Valenya's exquisite hair masterpiece gracing her sister's head.
"Oh Velenya, you have outdone yourself with this," Arwen mused as she glided over to marvel at the back of Aerlinniel's hair. Her excitement danced in her eyes as they met Aerlinniel's in the vanity mirror. "You. Look. Lovely!" She gushed clapping her hands together. "No doubt, you will enchant all who look upon you and most assuredly, the prince! What is this Velenya . . . gems scattered in her hair?" Arwen mused in disbelief.
"Aye, your ada sent them up shortly after breakfast this morning and asked if they might be of some use this evening. They were your naneth's. Diamond gems mined from the caves here in Imladris." She marveled as she needlessly fussed with Aerlinniel's golden tresses.
Arwen's smile spread lovingly across her face and her eyes bore a combination of reverence and awe. "Oh, how lovely and befitting! Ada, is so thoughtful, is he not?"
"Aye, Ada's gift has touched my heart. The gems shall serve as a reminder that Nana's grace is with me for I am quite overrun with nerves." Aerlinniel confessed whilst twisting her hands in her lap.
"Aye, and surely her blessing, for she would be beside herself with joy that you are accompanying Prince Legolas to his welcome feast." Arwen stroked her sister's shoulders lovingly.
Aerlinniel smiled, blushing demurely.
"So tell me of your day – did you spend the entirety of it with the prince?"
Aerlinniel nodded timidly though a smile snuck across her face. "Aye but not intentionally."
"So it just happened?" Arwen squealed in disbelief. "Valar be the catalyst!"
Aerlinniel sniffed at her sister's excitement. "We both couldn't sleep and found ourselves at the same tree."
"Your tree," Arwen arched an eyebrow. "What are the chances?" She mused. "Tell me everything!"
"Well, there is not much to say, really. We spoke of our lives as they are and mostly enjoyed each other's company." Aerlinniel shrugged attempting to remain guarded.
Arwen gave her a wry smile. "I'd say the prince has won you over after today, has he not?"
Aerlinniel rolled her eyes though her face bore a look of guilt that her sister could easily detect.
"Aerlinniel what has changed since last eve when you were unsure about accompanying the prince to the feast, to now?" Arwen attempted to get to the heart of the matter and purge her sister of her reluctant feelings.
Aerlinniel's right hand flew up to her chest as she absently curled it into a fist and fiddled with her robe. "Whilst spending the day with Legolas, I decided that if Naneth had believed I should meet him then perhaps I should at the very least see what could happen . . . despite what my mind says – for my heart blooms with regard for him, every second I am in his presence. It is like nothing I have ever known." She nearly gushed but she artfully remained restrained.
Arwen shook her head smiling at her sister's intellectual way of describing her affections for the prince. So much like Ada, she thought. "Did he kiss you?" She pointedly asked and enjoyed the look of shock on Aerlinniel's face.
Aerlinniel exhaled abruptly, "NO!" She paused for a moment and a shy smile spread across her face. She had indulged in fleeting fantasies of kissing Legolas and various other scenarios involving the prince – none of which she cared to share with her sister.
"I shall not mind if he does!" She admitted abashedly – her cheeks, a scorching scarlet.
"Oh, tonight I wager you shall have your kiss! Just look at you! How shall he resist?"
"We shall see . . ." Aerlinniel tempered her swooning with an air of doubt.
"You are not convinced? Have you not looked at your cards?
Aerlinniel sniffed with her eyes closed and shook her head mildly.
"Then why don't you go and speak with Ada and find out if Nana foresaw the two of you together."
"No, Arwen . . . some things are worth finding out on our own," Aerlinniel sagely cautioned her sister.
"Besides, it would take away all the fun if I were to know, for there is nothing like the sweet surprises whilst falling in love."
"Indeed, though, I pray your wisdom shall not lead you astray from your destiny. I admire your level headedness, Aerlinniel, though I do not think I could do the same!"
"Well, I do not know if it is a blessing or a curse!" Aerlinniel laughed! "I can make no claim at level headedness where the prince is concerned – for he has a way of knocking me off kilter."
"My ladies, we must put an end to this swooning – for the prince may very well be awaiting his fair maiden as we speak," Velenya chastised them playfully.
"Let us get you into this lovely dress so that you can go fetch your prince," Arwen giggled, taking her sister by the hand and helped her to stand.
Velenya added, "The tailor knew that the prince would be wearing black and silver and thus had the dressmaker create this lovely scarlet and silver gown to coordinate. She's been working on it since his arrival," she winked. "The pair of you will look like you belong together." Velenya exalted.
"It is lovely," Aerlinniel murmured, running her hand along the rich fabric.
Legolas arrived to the Homely house precisely on time and he was escorted by Lindir to Lord Elrond's sitting room where the elf-lord stood regally with a wine chalice in hand as he spoke to his twin sons who both sat casually, with legs crossed in armchairs whilst sipping their wine. The ellyn where dressed formally in silken tunics and Elrond with an extravagant silken drape of fabric that swept around his back and threaded through his arms – a formal look, Legolas was accustomed to seeing his father don.
"Legolas, welcome. Come, share a sip of wine with us before the festivities." Lord Elrond bid him warmly into the room.
Legolas was dressed in the embroidered black and silver silken tunic, Frendland had brought him when he arrived in Imladris. He wore black breeches with high black leather boots. The sides of his blonde hair were gathered behind at the crown of his head and the silver circlet that was gifted to him by Lord Elrond, sat elegantly upon his head.
The elf lord was taken aback by the prince's maturity and likeness to his father - clad in such finery. Elrond missed his old friend and wished Thranduil could witness Legolas escorting Aerlinniel to his son's welcome feast. He smiled to himself imagining the satisfaction Celebrian and Thranduil would have with the turn of events that were taking place.
Legolas confidently strode in carrying a bouquet of freshly picked flowers and procured his chalice from Lord Elrond. He felt slightly self-aware awaiting the elf lord's daughter in the present company though they were most gracious and natural in their demeanor –he however, exerted and effort to act natural.
It wasn't long and Lindir opened the door to allow the ellyth entrance into the room. Arwen glided in first, looking fetching in a royal blue velvet gown followed by Aerlinniel in a bold crimson velvet dress. Sparkling gemstones trimmed the dress' neckline which plunged lower than the other gowns Legolas had seen her wear, which showcased her creamy skin. A silver ornamented belt draped exquisitely upon her slender hips. Legolas thought she looked stunning as his eyes met hers, but inadvertently they strayed to her hair which she wore down yet it had gleaming braided sections woven around her head in such an enchanting way, he could do little else but marvel at the detail. He blinked his eyes, perhaps because Lord Elrond had cleared his throat.
With his hand that contained the flowers tucked behind his back, Legolas moved to stand before Aerlinniel. She bade him a graceful curtsy and he responded with a formal bow.
"My lady Aerlinniel, you look beautiful this night," he mused as his eyes traveled her form.
"Thank you, my prince," she dipped down in a curtsy again.
When her eyes returned to meet his, he presented her with the flowers he had thoughtfully picked. The elves within the room could feel the happening between the two and stood smiling reverently, as they looked upon the tender scene before them.
Aerlinniel marveled at the flowers and pulled them up to her nose to indulge in the sweet fragrance. "How lovely! Star flowers!" She looked appreciatively up at Legolas. The look she made, harkened the young elleth he had gifted flowers to in his dream. Whether it had been only a dream or had actually happened, mattered naught to Legolas. She was before him now and he would delight in her radiance this night and see to her every whim.
Lindir approached Aerlinniel and offered to bring the flowers to her chambers but Legolas graciously interrupted and asked Lindir to pause.
"May, I?" Legolas moved closer to her and reached into the bouquet and removed a snowy-white star flower and artfully placed it into her hair, near her ear.
Still standing close, he leaned his head back and regarded her beauty - his eyes blazed with admiration. "Lovely," he murmured.
Have a listen to "St. Clarity," by Paper Kites. I heard this song play right after "Bloom," which is in the previous chapter and I couldn't believe how befitting it was for Legolas and his feelings for Aerlinniel. The song has an ethereal gravity that I love. The lyrics are perfection!
Let the feasting begin!
"It's the deep breath before the plunge..." -Gandalf
Thank you for reading! Please vote and comment!
Tell me what did you think of the interaction between Aerlinniel and Legolas?
A big shout out to @herwriteNess, @Dennirmar, and @LunarCrown for your comments and to all who have followed and voted for this story! You inspire me to continue this tale! XX
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