First Fight
✧You were mad that he hurts himself a lot when he goes out
✧At first it was a calm conversation
✧Very worried
✧He probably got a bit irritated that you were worrying about him too much
✧You got annoyed that he wasn't taking this serious
✧It ended up with you yelling at him, and him pushing you over
✧He felt extremely guilty
✧Boi just ran away
✧You were a crying mess
✧What if you two broke up? What would
You do then
✧You just stayed on the ground for an hour or so
✧He was just taking all his frustration on things in deepnest
✧Hornet came to comfort you
✧Quirrel went to go talk to the knight
♛Grimm, the dashing bug he is, gets a lot of fangirls
♛And lately he's been interacting with them more
♛Been a bit more touchy with them
♛And that made you mad
♛So like any normal person you went to confront him about it
♛It was after a show and he was doing his usual talk to the fans even though he's tired
♛You tried getting his attention, but their were too many bugs
♛Kinda fuelled you're anger
♛You waited for around 6 hours for him to decide to go to sleep
♛For those 6 hours you've been playing ever possible conversation in your head
♛But let's just say it turned heated real quick
♛You ended up staying in a hotel that night
♡You weren't in the mood to cook
♡You were tired and all you wanted was tiso to cook for one night
♡But he didn't like cooking
♡So it turned into a fight
♡Which very quickly strayed away from the cooking topic and into other things in the relationship you both didn't like
♡Was it a fun experience?
♡No of course not
♡You both ended up crying
♡And you both left the house to stay somewhere else
+pure vessel+
✣At first you just wanted to hang out with bb
✣But ofc he was training, so being the bug you are you went to annoy him so he would hang out with you
✣That was a mistake
✣He was already in a bad mood so you coming over to annoy him wasn't helping
✣He just ignored you at first
✣And then you started poking him, and he almost hit you with his nail
✣He stopped training which made you get all excited
✣"Could you go away I'm busy!"
✣First time he's ever yelled at you, so you yelled back
✣It turned into just a bunch of yelling
✣"You're just like your father!"
✣And then you left
✣He was in tears
△a Normal day
△with Normal things
△And you were meant to be at lunch with some friends
△Did you go?
△Why? Well because you decided you didn't want to speak to anyone for a while
△Not even Quirrel
△Obviously he was worried for you, but you just didn't have a good reason why you didn't want to talk to anyone
△He tried to pry to get an answer but you didn't budge
△You were a bit frustrated and so was he
△He just wanted to be able to help you! And you just wanted to be left alone
△But then you both started saying pretty hurtful things to each other
△So he kinda just went in another room and left you alone, and then he left the house
△And for the second time in your life, you were truly alone
◈You two have been getting annoyed at each other more and more over the past few days
◈It was only little things as well, like one of you were walking too loud or something
◈You both weren't sure why this was happening
◈Didn't want to talk it out though
◈So all that annoyance with each other was slowly building up
◈Until you made one snarky remark about how she ate or something like that
◈And everything just poured out
◈Saying stuff like "I'M SO DONE WITH YOU, YOU'RE ALWAYS LIKE THIS!" Which was met with "ME!? HAVE YOU EVEN SEEN YOURSELF?!"
◈You decided to leave the house after you both were silent for a bit
◈Not a very fun day
[broken vessel]
▦You've just been finding it hard lately
▦You weren't mad or annoyed, just tired
▦So you just wanted a few days to relax in the springs in the city of tears
▦But you wanted to go alone
▦So vessel clung to your leg as if you were going to die!
▦You tried explaining to him like 100 times that you were only going for 3 days
▦But he just didn't listen
▦So in your efforts to get him off you accidentally kicked him
▦Which made you feel bad so you tried to apologise, but you never expected what was going to happen
▦He slapped you.
▦He slapped you!
▦You couldn't believe what happened, as he just left
▦So you just went to the springs, your thoughts left to yourself
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