How Can One Relax?
I crossed my arms in annoyance, staring up at the moon of Hueco Mundo. We had all split into groups to see if we could find Aizen within the halls of Los Noches, but...
Well, me and Orihime came out empty handed.
"Where do you think he could've gone, Ulquiorra?" Orihime asked, rocking on the heels of her feet.
"I have no idea," I answered truthfully, wishing I could say something else for her. "He could have built another palace in Hueco Mundo, have some hidden base in the Soul Society, or he could be hidden somewhere in the World of the Living. There are plenty of places Aizen could be." For all we know, he could be hiding in the Muken, though that would be a bit strange for him to hide in the place he was locked up in.
"Hmm..." Orihime bit her lip in thought. "We should probably stay in pairs at all times, then. That way if he chose to attack someone, we wouldn't be alone."
"I agree a hundred percent with that," Kisuke stated, emerging with Chad and Yoruichi. "It's too dangerous at this point for any of us to be alone."
I looked down, shame flooding me. I uncrossed my arms remembering that I had kidnapped Orihime the second I knew she was alone. I will not allow it to happen again.
Orihime grabbed my hand, leaning against me. "So, how are we going to do that?"
"Do what?" Uryu emerged along with Ichigo. They shook their heads, signalling that they, too, had no luck.
"Its too dangerous for any of us to be alone at this time," Yoruichi answered.
"As long as you guys are fine with it, we'll need to spend the night at one another's houses, until Aizen is dealt with," Kisuke said.
"I'll stay with Orihime," Yoruichi said, slinging her arm around Orihime's shoulders and pulling her away from. When we both gave her a confused look, she only gave us a cheeky smile. "I can't let you two getting naughty at night."
"H-hey!" Orihime objected, her cheeks blazing bright red. "It wouldn't be like that at all!"
I felt my face heat up, I turned away in embarrassment. Its hard to believe I would actually feel some embarrassment for some stupid joke.
"I can stay at Ichigo's house," Chad said.
"Uryu, can Ulquiorra stay at your house?" Kisuke asked.
Uryu pushes his glasses, a thoughtful look on his face. "I'll have to talk to my father about that, though I'm sure I'll be able to convince him."
"Perfect." Kisuke nodded. "I'll allow Grimmjow, Halibel and her Tres Bestias stay in my shop for the time being. Who knows what Aizen's next move is going to be."
I stroked Orihime's hair, barely paying attention to my surroundings. How could I? Aizen was on the loose, and we were all just sitting around, doing nothing to find him.
"Ulquiorra... Please relax." Orihime leaned back onto my chest, staring absentmindedly out the window. Snow lightly floated down, the only thing preventing outside from becoming a blank wasteland are the buildings of the city.
I leaned back into Orihime's couch, trying to force myself to calm down. "Sorry. I can't help but feel worried."
My Princess nodded. I glanced down at her and saw that her eyes were closed, as if not seeing anything would make all her problems disappear. I lightly kissed her hair, causing Orihime to look up, smiling a little.
"I think we'll be fine." I smiled back at her. Orihime giggled, reaching out for my hand and looping our fingers together.
"If you say so."
I closed my eyes and leaned back, smiling.
"Play nice, you two," a voice called from the kitchen.
Orihime and I bolted up, blushing madly. "Yoruichi! Please stop that!" Orihime protested, covering her face in embarrassment.
Yoruichi laughed. "No."
I leaned forward, rubbing my temples, shaking my head. I was trying to get my blush to cease, but to no avail. She has been doing this to us ever since Hueco Mundo, and she has shown no signs of stopping. This only made me wish we would find Aizen sooner, just so we wouldn't need to be anyone's bodyguard, and Yoruichi would leave us alone.
I glanced out the window. Despite the amount of time I've spent away from Hueco Mundo, sunrises and sunsets still amazed me.
"It is time for me to go to Uryu's house," I stated, standing up. "I want to get there before its dark."
Orihime nodded in understanding. She pecked me on the cheek and followed me into the kitchen, but she stopped there. Yoruichi's stomach was bottomless.
"Bye Ulquiorra," the two ladies called, as I slipped on my jacket and walked out the door.
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