Holiday Priorities
Some more smut ahead. And if Babs Whaley reminds you of Kathy Bates a little, that's cool. I have the same problem.
The snow was piled up past the tires on Kit's truck. Jude trudged through it single-mindedly, grateful for Kit's too big boots and coveralls. It was a short walk, but the drift made it very challenging. She paused a few times to catch her breath and soothe the burn in her leg muscles. And the snow was still falling somehow, light flutters of swirling down.
The Whaleys' long drive was a relief - plowed. The banks on either side were taller than Jude. She climbed the front steps slowly, still catching her breath, and the red door opened. "Judy!" It was tall jolly Jim. "Babs! Our Judy's here!"
Barbara came bustling to the door. "Judy! Heavens then, get in here! What's got ya out in this weather?"
"Barbara." Jude accepted a hug. "I'm so sorry to show up unannounced like this."
"Nonsense." Barbara was leading her to the kitchen. "Jim! Grab Judy a towel and some tissues, will ya? The phones are down in this mess. What's on, Judy? Must be important."
"It's the kids. And Kit." She sat in the offered chair. "They're all sick as hell. I'm nurse maiding all day, but I'm gettin' worried. I came ta ask far a favah. If we could get the plow in the drive? So's I can get in town ta Dr. Brown?"
Jim had appeared with a towel and tissue box, heard Jude's plight. "Nah. Ya sit right there, Judy. I'm gonna plow yar drive right aftah I make that trip far ya. Babs?"
"Go on, hon." Barbara waved him. "Best far Jim ta go, Judy. He's got the chains on."
"Aw, Jim." She could have cried with gratitude. "I can't thank ya enough."
Jim was laughing as he stepped into his boots. "Oh, aftah all the pies and mendin'? I think yar more than covered there, Judy. I'll be back, ladies!" The door slammed behind him.
"God, he's a fuckin' gem, Barbara."
"I know, I know." She chuckled, gathering a basket of things. "Listen here, Judy. I'm gonna send some tea. Far Kit and the kiddies and you if ya need it. And I got a soup in the fridge."
"By the time they have yar tea, we won't need the doctah."
"It's good ta have a witch around." Babs grinned, packing the basket. Her kitchen was a magical hearth, indeed. An old fashioned wood burning stove was lit, warming the whole house. A pot bubbled atop it, not food - but some tincture or another. "Look. This jar here? A salve. Rub it on their chests. Helps 'em breathe. Ya know my brood just went through this same shit? It's a hell of a thing. Fevahs?"
"Yeah. They've been coming down with aspirin, but still not broken yet."
"Mmhm." She pulled another jar from a cabinet. "Shake a little bit of this into their soup, eh? It'll help with that fevah and help 'em off ta sleep. How are you doin,Judy?"
"Fine so far." Jude shook her head. "Thankfully. If it hit all of us at once, I don't know what we woulda done."
"Yep. It's funny ya showed up like this. I was plannin' ta bring ya some of this bread this afternoon and check on you's." She wrapped a loaf in soft cheesecloth and added it to the basket. "Guess I've got a sixth sense."
"Bless ya, Barbara. Honestly. Yar saving our lives here, you and Jim."
Barbara set a teacup before Jude. "Take a wee break, hon." Slid a jar of honey over and sat. "I was worried last week when Kit called ta say you was stayin' in Boston overnight. Worried ya had some bad news. But he said all was well?"
Jude smiled, shaking her head. "Um...yeah. Really good news, actually." She didn't know how to begin, dipped some honey into her tea.
"Ya look great. Even bettah than when I saw ya on Thanksgiving. I tell ya, Judy. I thought you was gonna leave this plain on Samhain.What an improvement. Ya look like a new lady."
"Thanks." Jude blushed.
"So." Barbara leveled a stare. "What did the doc say?"
Jude licked her lips. Took a deep breath. "He said...the cancer's gone."
Not the shock she'd expected. In fact, Barbara didn't seem terribly surprised at all. "That's the finest doctah news I've heard since Dr. Brown told me I was pregnant at 46."
"I was...shocked."
Barbara sighed happily. "Judy. When ya get Kitten and the babies nursed back ta health, I think you and I ought to have a long conversation."
Jude smiled, standing and collecting the loaded basket. "That sounds lovely, Babs. And again - thank you."
"Jim's probably got that drive cleared enough far ya ta get home easier now. I know ya got ta go wait for the doc." She saw Jude to the door with a kiss on the cheek.
Indeed, she passed Jim in the big plow on her way home. He gave her a thumbs up, leaned out the window. "Doc Brown says he'll be by Judy but might be late. Says everybody's got this nasty bug."
"Thank you again, Jim! Yar a dear! I'll bake ya some of them meringues ya like!"
"Ya spoil me!" He gave a quick horn burst as he drove away.
Kit was up when she entered the house - barely. He was loading their own wood -burning stove, or trying to. Jude took over quickly, setting the basket on the table. "Go back ta bed," she admonished. "I'm gonna bring ya some soup and tea in a minute."
"From Babs?"
"Yeah. I went ta visit."
"I heard Jim plowin' the drive."
"He went ta Dr. Brown far us, too. We should see him a little latah." She placed her hand against his forehead. "Yar still a little warm."
"You make me hot undah the collar. What can I say?" A sickly smirk.
"Mm, I bet. You should be happy to see me visit yar bed, then."
"Always." He kissed the top of her head. "Hell, I hope you don't get this sick, Jude."
"Doesn't mattah. As long as I can get you and the kids squared." She sent him to bed and began unpacking. Brewed up tea and heated soup. She followed Babs' instructions and shook the herbs she'd sent into the soup mugs. It smelled savory and delicious. A visit to the kids' room first, softly knocking. "Hello, monstahs."
Their pitiful faces brought tears to her eyes. They were propped up in their pillows watching cartoons. Kit had moved the TV for them - a little comfort that went a long way. "Jude," Julia murmured. "I missed you."
Thomas had no comment. Of the two of them, he had the sorest throat. But the shaky smile told her he was happy, too. "My babies." She kissed both heads, setting the tray on the nightstand between them. "I need ya both ta drink this tea far me. And have this soup, huh? Guaranteed ta make ya feel bettah." They made no complaints, sipping the honeyed mint and herb tea. "Doctah Brown will be by latah today." She removed the lid from the salve, sniffed it. "Nice. Here. I got some stuff to rub on ya. Help with the breathin.'" Once the children were settled and smelled like eucalyptus farmers, she moved on to her next patient.
"Soup. And tea." She sat on the edge of Kit's bed, back of her hand against his forehead. "You feel a little cooler." He'd stripped off his shirt, comfy in loose pajama pants.
"I actually feel a little bettah." His voice certainly sounded stronger. "I'm just wiped out far some reason." He sipped. "Mm. Good tea."
Jude offered the jar. "You want some salve?"
"Where you gonna rub it?"
Her smirk quirked. "On yar chest." She started rubbing it to prove her point.
"Boring." He stopped her hand. Kissed her fingers. "This isn't fair, ya know."
"What isn't?"
"Getting sick as hell as soon as I find out how good in bed we are."
She chuckled. "Well. You already said yar starting ta feel bettah. Maybe you'll be in good shape to get me in good shape far Christmas."
"Shit! I gotta get bettah in time ta wrap the kids' Santa presents. And we gotta chop a tree!" He sat up.
Jude pushed him back. "You will. Drink yar tea. Eat yar soup. And sleep." She stood, ignored his hand on her ass. "I'll bring Dr. Brown in when he gets here."
"Judy." She turned in his doorway, holding the empty tray. "You sure are pretty."
"It's the fevah talkin'."
Jude napped herself. She curled under the soft afghan on the couch, didn't wake until she heard knocking on the door. Kit heard it, too, walking into the living room as she opened the door. "Dr. Brown. Thank you so much far coming."
"Oh, yah yah." Dr. Brown was probably a hundred. Old fashioned and kind. He carried a black satchel, stethoscope still wrapped around his neck. "Everybody's got this bug. He there, Mr. Walker."
"Doc." Kit rubbed his bare arms. "I'm not so worried about me, ya know. More tha kids. Just wanna make sure they're alright."
"Mmhm." But Dr. Brown was seating Kit on the couch anyway. "Let's just have a listen. Ya don't feel too hot. How bad's the fevah been?"
"About 102 far Kit." Jude answered. "Same far the kids."
"Mmm. Lungs sound good." He patted Kit's back. "Let's have a look at those little 'uns." Kit took the doctor to the kids' room. Jude started a chicken boiling in the kitchen, keen to make her own soup for the family. Barbara's vegetable was great, but there was nothing like chicken noodle. She was chopping carrots when Dr. Brown came into the kitchen with Kit.
"I'm leaving some antibiotics. You and the kids. Keep it in the fridge. Come along, Judy. Have a sit for me. Gonna give you a quick check, too." Jude sat. The physician pressed fingers into her neck, gauging the lymph nodes there. "Arms up." He pressed in her armpits and she couldn't control the giggle. "Feeling good." He patted her upper arms. "No fever for you?"
"None so far."
"Well. It's important that you monitor yourself." He was pulling pills and liquids from his bag, reading labels. "Especially with your cancer." Jude and Kit locked eyes over the doctor, Jude shaking her head. Tabling that conversation for later. "You've got a thermometer, I assume."
"Yes, Doc."
"I'm leaving extra meds here. Just in case. If this snow continues to pile up, I might not get back here or back to the office for a day or two."
"Thank you, Doctah." She was rolling out noodles when Kit walked the older man out, paused when arms wrapped her from behind. For a moment she melted into the embrace and gave Kit her neck to nuzzle. "Mmmm. Babies doing okay?"
He nipped her earlobe. "Yeah. Doc Brown says their lungs sound good, which is what he was most worried about. Their coughs are productive."
"Good. Oh, Kit." His hands were wandering, cupping her breasts through her sweater.
"I would feel much bettah if I could bend you over this table right now, Judy."
She was on the verge of agreeing - of bending over the table - when a coughing fit interrupted. They sighed, Kit's forehead resting against her spine. "That's Thomas."
"Poor baby."
"Me or him?" He let her go. "I'll check on 'em. Might as well give 'em their first doses."
"They're gonna love that," she chuckled.
"Jude. Thanks far taking such good care of us."
Two more days of miserable children. Two solid days of sleepless nights and snot. Kit at least was feeling better and able to help, but nursing was a full time job. They took turns delivering meds and soup and tea and juice, rubbing salve, changing channels, reading stories, making shadow puppets...
But neither complained even once. And on the third day, it all paid off. Jude was sewing when Thomas wandered into the living room. She was quick to leave the machine. "Good afternoon, sweetheart." His arms around her legs. He looked up, eyes clear and bright.
"Hey, Jude!"
"Oh, ya sound so much bettah!" She kissed his forehead. "How's yar sister?"
"Still sleeping."
"I bet we can wake her up with the smell of grilled cheese, eh?"
"Grilled cheese?" Kit popped up from the couch. "No offense ta our Jude, but I'm kinda tired of soup."
"We all are. Come on, then." She ushered the fellows into the kitchen, and indeed Julia was roused soon by the smell of melting cheese.
"Being sick sucked." Julia groused, nibbling her way around a second sandwich.
"Well, I'm glad yar both feelin' bettah. Because we are running late on finding a Christmas tree. And I ain't going out ta find one by myself." Kit ruffled Thomas' hair. Their excitement was muted - still not feeling their 100% - but it was there. "How about this weekend? I gotta go back ta work tomorrow if the roads are plowed."
Jude frowned. "Kit. Are ya sure yar feeling back up to work already?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Under the table, he stroked her knee. "Mr. Putnam wants ta shut the shop down week of Christmas, so we gotta get this work cranked out before then."
"Well, if yar sure." She sighed. "Guess I'll bake some cookies far the fellas down there."
"Aw, they'll love that, Jude. You uh - you gonna bring 'em down and -"
"Not on yar life." Her lips tensed. "Ta be ogled by a buncha pimple faced grease monkeys and their pervy boss?"
"And me!" Kit defended.
Julia yawned, clearly still fighting the last vestiges of illness. "I'm tired. Jude? Will you brush my hair til I fall asleep?"
"Me, too!" Thomas chimed in.
"Oooh, that sounds nice." Kit stood with them. "Come on. Everybody on my bed far hair brushing." Jude shook her head, following the family to bed.
Kit returned to work the next day after a twelve hour sleep. Jude had her hands full of two stir crazy children, so she was thrilled to open the door for Barbara Whaley after breakfast. "Oh, Babs. Am I glad to see ya. Hi, Jim!"
Jessie and Kyle - the Whaley children - crowded Barbara's long skirt. "Are Thomas and Julia better?" Jess asked, blowing blonde curls out of her face.
"See for yarselves." Jude chuckled, catching Thomas by the collar. "Coats on! And snow boots!" The kids were a flurry of giggling activity.
Babs laughed, "Amazing. When they feel bettah, it's like somebody hit a reset button."
"I wish somebody would hit mine," Jude grumbled. "Coffee?"
"Actually, I have an offah for ya, Judy. Jim is gonna take the kids out sleddin' if'n you wanna hit the town with me. I need some yarn. And we can grab us a coffee at Lou's cafe like two fancy ladies."
"Brilliant." She meant it. "I'll get my coat on."
Downtown Chatham was a far cry from the busy streets of Boston, but a speed Jude found far more comfortable. She had come to know people here; the shop owners were kind and friendly. Lou's cafe was a staple, and filling up with folk who'd been shut in by the snow. The energy was positive and jolly, and the decorated Christmas tree cast a colorful warmth.
Jude and Barbara managed to snag a table by the main window, watching all the businesses come to life. "Ya look like a new woman, Judy. I gotta tell ya. And you was already a lookah."
"Thanks, Babs." Jude stirred cream into her coffee. "Yar not too bad yarself, ya know."
Barbara coiffed her curly dark hair. "What can I say. Some people know how ta carry tha cushion and some don't." She was buttering a croissant. "So. I've been dyin' ta hear what the doctah said. I didn't think you were doing treatment?"
"I didn't. I wasn't." Jude shrugged. "I...have no explanation."
"None?" Babs was savvy and suspicious.
"A deep subject."
"I suppose it is." Jude took a deep breath. "Somethin' weird happened. Back on Halloween. I haven't even told Kit about it. But...I don't know, Babs. I feel like you'll understand."
"I enjoy a hot cuppa weird, Judy. Whatcha got?"
"You remembah how ya told me that night I could get a visitah?"
"Yeah. Did ya?"
"I dunno. I guess? I think so." She chewed her lips. "This is hard far me, Barbara. Ya know my background is in the church. So stuff like...ghosts? It's a stretch."
"So what's the difference between the holy spirit and a regulah old spirit? Huh? You can believe in a virgin birth but not a restless soul? Messages from the beyond..." A friendly shrug. "What's the beyond anyway? Heaven? Hell? Could be the backyard far all we know. Amiright?"
Jude shook her head. "You have a point. And I'll admit I've...seen some things I can't explain in this life. Even when I was in the church. In fact, some of the most fucked up shit I've evah seen I saw with the church."
"Bet. So who came? Who was it?"
"A sistah I knew. I worked with her far a time. A long time. We were...close, I guess." Jude toyed with her cup. "I was hard on her, bless it. But such a sweet soul she was. A real angel on earth."
"So who's ta say she's not an angel off earth now? Say her name, Judy. I can tell it's hard far ya."
"Mary Eunice."
"Yeah, that's a nun name." Barbara chuckled."What did she say?"
"Not a lot." But a lot. A lot Jude wasn't ready to talk about yet, or maybe ever. "She said that she would see me soon enough, but not yet. Said it wasn't time. And she...kissed my forehead. And when she did..." Her throat tightened. She blinked back tears she hadn't expected. Babs handed her a tissue. "When she did - I can't explain it. It's like the pain - everything - just went away. So sudden."
Absolutely nothing in Babs' expression read disbelief. The acceptance was comforting. "Sounds like some angel shit ta me, Judy."
"But you - you know - witchy types. You don't believe in angels."
"Different words far the same things." Babs leaned forward conspiratorially. "You'd be surprised how many pagan heathen religions cross paths with the Catholics. You oughta take a look at voodoo sometime. Give ya the heebee geebees that one will."
"I can imagine."
"One day, Judy. When do we have some time? I'll take ya home with me. Ta Salem. Where I'm from. We'll visit my family there. The Goodes. You'll like 'em."
"I would like that, Babs. I'd like ta learn about you and yar family. I know it's an old family."
"One of tha oldest. We got some skeletons in the closet. And maybe some talkin' goats. But anyway." She glossed over the goat thing quickly. "I wanna ask ya anothah question. Judy. Probably a real...personal one."
"You and Kitten..." Barbara's voice lowered. "Are know?"
A brow. "Are we what?"
"Are ya sleepin' togethah?"
A long pause "No." It sounded more like a question than a reply. But she wasn't lying, per se.
"Mmhm." Barbara sipped her tea. "Is this gonna come down ta semantics, Judy? Like...'oh, we're not sleeping right now so I can say that'?"
Jude could feel her bright blush. "No, no. It's's not like that." She rolled her eyes. "It happened one time. Almost two weeks ago. The night in Boston. But then we came home and the kids got sick and Kit got sick and..." She waved dismissively. "And I guess I don't really know now."
"I see."
"Do ya?" Jude chuffed laughter. "I could use some of yar clarity."
"Do you feel like it was a one time thing?"
"No. Kit's made it quite um...clear that he is um...interested in continuing the tradition of making me feel like I'm way too damn old to be carryin' on like a frippet with a man young enough ta be my grown ass son."
"Oh good." Barbara grinned. "That's good far ya. Healthy."
"Healthy?" Jude couldn't control the rise in her tone. "How so?"
"Lotsa ways!" Her jolly friend was waving at a passing waitress. "Who knows? Maybe his dick is the cure far cancah. Check please!"
On Saturday, Kit and the kids went out to find a tree. Jude opted to stay in. There was only a week until Christmas and she had baking and sewing to do. Often, homemade gifts were not only cost effective, but the most heartfelt ones. And she knew Barbara Whaley felt the same; the time they'd spent in the fabric store told her that she and the Walkers could expect soft, warm knitted goods, which sounded wonderful. Jude had never taken the initiative to learn knitting, but she could sew like a demon. So she'd churned out an entire set of kitchen towels and oven mitts, having noticed Babs' getting a bit worn. Monogrammed hankies for Jim. Duvet covers for the children in their favorite colors.
And a bit of a secret sewing project for herself. Well, for Kit. Kind of. She wasn't sure.
She wasn't sure about a lot of things.
He'd flirted all week. Teasing touches, sneaked embraces, and quick kisses that did little more than frustrate her and leave her a bit stymied. Logistics were to blame, she knew, at least partially; he was working later and tired, the kids were excited and constantly under foot, and usually she was exhausted herself at the end of every day.
Not to mention the not mentioning of things. That was complicated. They'd not even really talked about any of it. What parameters were to be set. Whether the children should know. Hell, what the relationship even was. If it was a relationship?
She lowered the foot on the machine, forehead creased in thought. She didn't know. And this red velvet was a slippery bitch to work with. Somehow, she managed to get the last seam sewn, and happily added the white fur trim. She was scowling at the finished product when she heard
laughter and voices outside. She hid the surprise away in the cabinet beneath the Singer and went to the backdoor..
"WE GOT A TREE!" The children were dancing around a large fir like Druids at a sacrifice.
"I see that!" She smiled, accepted a cold kiss on her cheek from Kit as he entered the house.
"Yeah," Thomas leaned against the neatly sawed tree. "It's a real beauty." He patted the stump.
"I gotta get the tree stand." Kit was scratching his head in the kitchen. "I think it's in the attic. Or maybe the barn."
"We saw Jessie and Kyle and their dad." Julia informed, hugging Jude. "And they said we can come over tonight and make popcorn garland and decorations with them!"
"Oh, that sounds fun!" Jude enthused. "So long as you don't eat the decorations."
"Go grab yar stuff you two. You need toothbrushes if yar staying the night."
"I got cookies ta send. And meringues." Jude set to packing baked goods. They sent the children out the door with treats and smiles.
Kit clapped his hands. "I been burstin' to tell ya about the surprise I got them all week." He was giddy, checking out the window to see that the kids had disappeared down the drive. "Come see!" He tugged her out to the truck. "This guy showed up with two busted axles yesterday on a flatbed right? His tires weren't up far all this snow. S'posed to be delivering this to a house a couple miles out. But it was the wrong model." Kit pulled a tarp. "Ta da!"
Jude peered into the truck bed. "Oh my God! They're gonna love it, Kit!"
"I know!"
It was a swingset. Still boxed. Bright red with yellow stripes. According to the picture, there was a slide, a see-saw, and a floppy blue swing. "He sold it to me far fifty bucks after I got his axles replaced in one day. Happy guy."
Jude leaned on the truck, grinning at him. "Yar a happy guy, too. I love how ya spoil yar kids."
"Well, they're good kids." He was pulling the ungainly box out of the truck. "I'm gonna hide it under yar bed if ya don't mind. They don't go in there much."
"Sounds good." She helped him carry the box in.
"I wanna get some of their stuff assembled while they're out tonight. Like that damn dollhouse." They slid the huge box under the bed. Kit tossed his coat carelessly, unbuttoning his oxford. "And we need ta wrap stuff, too." He dropped his shirt, pulling his tee shirt off next. "And hang the stockings up." He was dropping trousers. "After I get the tree up. They'll be excited to decorate it tomorrow."
"Sounds like you have a plan." She was watching him with mild concern. "Kit, what are you -"
"Why aren't you naked yet?" He was awkwardly pulling off socks.
"What?" She'd lost focus after noticing the massive tent in his undies.
"I got holiday priorities, Jude." He turned her briskly, pushed her sweater off her shoulders, tugging it off her wrists. "But I can't get any of that shit done until I fuck the hell outta you. So let's get this off, eh?" He was unbuttoning her skirt, pulling it over her hips.
"Oh!" Well, that made sense all of a sudden. In fact, it sounded fantastic. Jude's fingers shook unbuttoning her blouse. Kit was quick to pull it off of her. His fingers were cold unhooking her bra, even colder on her sensitive breasts. "Mmmm." She leaned back into his caresses. "I missed this. Missed you."
"Me, too." His eager mouth heated her pulse as he worked her panties over her hips. She lurched into this most intimate touch. "You did miss me." He sat on the bed, pulling her with him until he propped in her pillows. She straddled his thighs. "Sit back," he murmured in her ear. "Relax for me."
It was hard to relax when her body was screaming for release, but Kit had a way of gentling her. "Shhhh.Slow down. We're just gonna play for a while. Kay?" His legs were spreading hers, opening her.
"Kay," she whined, undulating her ass against his hard-on.
"Be nice." He chuckled, stilling her. "Here. Put your arms around my neck like this. Hold these." He settled her hands behind them on the spindles of her headboard. "Just like that. Don't let go."
"Kit -"
"If you let go - "
"If I let go what?"
"I dunno. Somethin' bad." They laughed breathlessly together, his hands starting to drift down her arms. "Maybe I'll spank you," he teased with his words like he teased with his fingers, stroking the sides of her breasts but not quite.
"I might not mind that." She growled at the torturous touch brushing her nipples.
"I'll remembah that." He slipped a hand over her belly, making her gasp at the tickle. "Far right now, I wanna be real sweet to ya. Will ya let me?"
"Yes," she whispered. Her grip on the spindles was getting sweaty. "Ah!" His fingers dipped into the most aching part of her.
"You're a little wet, sistah."
"Bet I can do bettah." The teasing finger sleeked her wetness up, circled her clit then further up, up until he took it in his mouth. "Mm. Sweet as pie." He sucked two fingers, wetting them thoroughly. "I'll have some more of that soon. Will ya let me?"
"Yes!" Christ, whatever he wanted he could have it. She was practically frothing. His wet fingers were fully exploring her quivering cunt. Stroking up and down leisurely, dipping in and out but never quite deep enough.
"Make some more of that sweet cream for me, Judy." Finally, a thrust of his fingers. The other hand came into play, too, licked before traversing her squirming torso. "Like this?" A steady in and out while he pinched her clit.
"Fuck yeah don't stop!" The pleasure was building already. She was more than primed for this.
"I'm gonna stop soon. Cuz I wanna taste ya. Kay? You trust me, Judy. Don't you?"
"Yes, Kit. I trust you. No!" He withdrew his fingers.
"Shhh." He pulled her arms down and kissed her lips. "Keep trusting me. Up. Come on. Just follow my hands."
He lowered his legs. Hers were shaking by now. Firms hands maneuvered her, bent her forward while pulling her hips back until she realized what was happening. "Oh!"
"Evah done this?" He asked, settling her knees in the pillows by his shoulders.
"No." She answered softly, lips already against the head of his cock. But she wasn't at all opposed to the idea...In fact, she was seeing a golden opportunity for revenge against his earlier teasing.
Kit was soon realizing his pleasurable mistake. He could barely concentrate on his task for her diabolical mouth. "Christ, Jude. I don't know if I can take this."
"It was yar idea," she shot back over her shoulder.
"I think it's the moaning."
"Well, maybe if you weren't using the devil's tongue on me, you wouldn't have me moaning."
"Fuck it." He was shifting again, climbing over her back. "Enough." A quick thrust and he was inside her. Now, they moaned together. "That's bettah."
"Definitely." Jude bucked a little. "Come on, Kit."
"I need a minute!" He was chuckling, really trying to control the frisson of pleasure already threatening his precarious longevity.
"I'm closer than you think," she encouraged. And she wasn't ashamed to use her own fingers. "Just fuck me, baby." He groaned painfully and she couldn't hide a grin. He loved when she called him baby. Kit loved a little dirty talk, and she was learning quickly how to surprise him. "Go on. Make me come."
"Goddamnit, Jude." Roughly, he delivered. Jude braced with one shoulder in the mattress while he rutted, bringing herself to completion and thusly - him. He roared in her ear, clutching her to him while he unloaded hot sticky seed in her.
A long suffering whine. "Who the hell are you, Judy?"
She blew blonde tangles from her face. "Yar best nightmare or yar worst wet dream?"
He laughed, rolling off of her. "I think you're amazing."
She stretched beside him, neck popping. "I do think we should talk about what we are."
"You asking me ta go steady?"
"I'm asking you what you want from me."
"Exactly what you're giving me now."
"Easy enough." She nodded, propped on her elbow. "And the kids?"
"I don't care if my kids know I love you. They love you. Kinda makes sense, doesn't it?"
"Maybe I'm a little more concerned about that." She confessed gently. "At least until they're older? And not occasionally calling me Nana?"
Kit winced. "How did that even start?"
"I don't know."
He took a deep breath, studying her ceiling. "I can accept that. I understand yar point."
"Good." She wrestled with her duvet until they were wrapped against the cold. "Don't fall asleep. You got a lot ta do today."
"I know."
"And a list of stuff outside of this bed latah."
"Oh ho ho! I see!" He gathered her to him, laughing freely. "You're gettin' a little randy on me lately."
"Me?" She poked his chest. "You flirt too much."
"We're gonna have ta get comfortable doin' this when the kids are home, Judy."
"I can be quiet."
"You weren't quiet just now." He was tracing designs on her back. "Threw a little dirty talk out on me."
"Did ya like that?"
"I loved it."
"Good." She kissed him. "Maybe we can just dirty whisper in the future."
"We'd have ta laugh less, too." But even saying that he was laughing.
She joined him. "Nevah."
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