chapter 6
I crossed my legs and sat up straight on the couch one hand was on the left side of my body and the other was next to Tyler's on the seat between us.
We were watching saw 5 and my eyes were glued to the screen. That is until I felt Tyler's hand very close to mine. From the corner of my eye I saw tyler look between our hands and the TV looking as if he were scared to hold my hand or something. I didn't know what to feel at this moment all I knew was that I had butterflies in my stomach. Tyler's pinky finger intertwined with mine and he left it at that.
My cheeks became heated and I looked down at our hands immediately.
When I looked at Tyler's face he kept his eyes on the TV avoiding eye contact but his cheeks were red. I went back to the movie and just left our hands as is.
I couldn't even focus on the movie anymore all I thought about is why Tyler did what he did. I mean I always thought he was attractive but my eyes were set on Jesse but could I be falling for Tyler?
No I can't be.what if Jesse put Tyler up to this? What if this is to see what I'd do? I can't take this!
"Want a drink? I'm going to get a drink." I said quickly getting up. Tyler's eyes followed me as I went around the couch running my hands through my hair as I do when I get nervous.
"Redbull?" I ask tyler from the kitchen.
I pulled a red bull from the fridge door and a fizzie blackberry drink for my self. As I was walking back into the living room the bell rang for the pizza guy. Tyler got up and grabbed the money and paid for the pizza.
The movie ended and the next movie that came on TV was the nightmare before Christmas. It was my favorite movie but it was hard to watch it because it was mine and Jesse's thing.
After the beginning song I broke down crying. Tyler stopped eating and looked at me with the pizza still in his mouth. He put down his food and pushed everything further in front of us. He pulled me towards him and hugged me.
I pushed him off and he looked very confused.
"He put you up to this I just know it! Stop pretending like you care!"
" what are you talking about? No one put me up to anything I'm here cause you're my friend and I like you. Jesse is an asshole that's why I was never really friends with him."
"I thought you guys were friends?"
"Ha no I'm friends with addam his little brother but not Jesse."
"Well addam is more likeable."
"Why do you think I'm pretending to care?"
"Because people do it to me all the time." I said turning away and crossing my arms.
"Im not like that. I do care about you."
"You barley know me."
"We've been texting for a few days now and we've met on Addams birthday so I think I know enough."
"You'll end up leaving like the rest of the friends who said they'd stay."
"I can garentee you that I won't leave you." I turned around and tyler gave me his adorable half smile as he held his arms open for me to hug him.
I took the hug and kissed his cheek making his blush badly.
I giggled and laid against him as we watched the rest of the nightmare before christmas even though I cried on the inside and some on the outside during the whole movie.
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