Chapter 8
I walk through the dark halls of Southside. My arms full with a box of things for Jughead. Once I get to the door I knock slightly. I see Jughead jump up and I smirk. "Oh Y/n," He says.
"So, this is the Red and Black," I say walking to the table and sitting down the box.
"You cannot be here at night unless you are armed," he says.
"Well, I am," I say pulling out a kettle. "And you know for a fact I can do some damage." I chuckle and he stands up.
"Okay, honestly N/n I hit pay dirt," he says. I look over confused, "Do you remember how no one could explain the local component of Clifford Blossom's drug pipeline? That jingle-jangle, the stuff Moose, and Midge were on? It's coming from here."
"Here?" I ask.
"Yeah," He says, "My dad said that Serpents never deal in hard drugs, but the Ghoulies do."
"Are you sure it's a good idea to play spy while you're here?" I ask.
"You worried about me?" He asks teasingly.
"Duh," I say.
"I thought you liked me reckless?" He asks as he places his hands on my waist. He connects his lips with mine and pushes me against the table to deepen the kiss. A soft moan slips from my mouth as he moves down to my neck biting it. The door opens and he pulls away quickly. It was a short girl with brown and pink hair messily put in braids along her hair. She had on a leather jacket and sweater. She was really pretty. Like ridiculously pretty.
"Oh, sorry, guys," She says, "I didn't see the sock on the door."
"It's okay," I say awkwardly.
"Hey, Toni," He says. So her name is Toni? "Ah, Y/n, this is Toni. She is the photographer for the newspaper."
"Photographer?" I ask. He got another photographer. "Oh."
"This is Y/n," He says pointing to me, "This is my girlfriend."
"Hi, Toni," I say shaking her hand. I step back and place my arm around Jugheads torso.
"Huh," She says, "You are not at all what I pictured." What a bitch.
"Excuse me?" I say.
"N/n," Jughead says.
"What did you picture?" I ask attempting not to sound bitchy.
"Uh, Emily the Strange. Winona Ryder from Beetlejuice," She says and walks back towards the door. I look at Jughead with wide eyes.
"I like to think of myself as more of a Wednesday Adams," I say.
"I don't see it," She says.
"Jug," I say not needing to say anything else.
"Hey, look what Y/n got us," He says holding up the kettle.
"Great minds," She says holding up an older version of a kettle.
"Great minds," I say. I look back to Jughead and start to talk to him. "I wish I would have known your friend was gonna be here because I got us Pops and I would have gotten her something." I go back to my box and hand him the Pops bag and a coffee.
"We can share," he says.
"Of course we can," I say.
"Actually I think I'm gonna head out I just wanted to drop the box," Toni says.
"Alright Bye Toni," Jug says.
"Bye," I say. She waves and leaves the room. I turn to Jughead and he looks away. "Hey Jug."
"Yeah," He says.
"I love you," I say.
"I love you too," He says.
"So hows Southside going?" I ask.
"People still suck here, there is a gang who apparently hates serpents, Toni is hanging out with me, and I'm writing still," He says.
"That's good, you writing," I say.
"Yeah," He says, "although I've been writing about you a lot recently."
"Why?" I ask him.
"Because I miss you," He says.
"Awe Juggie," I say, "I miss you too."
"Hows it up in the northside?" He asks.
"Archie started a Militia of high school students, and the black hood gave Alice and Hal a letter to print. Along with the wallet of Fred Andrews and sunglass of Grundy," I say, "oh and Kev and Betty are fighting over Kev cursing Fox Forest."
"Great," He says sarcastically.
"This town is falling apart," I say eating my fries.
"Let's not let that affect us," He says.
"Agreed," I say.
"I left Jughead for this why?" I ask.
"I need you here in case he won't listen to me," Betty says.
"I am not yelling at him for something I already said something to him about it," I say to her, "but I'll stay for emotional support."
"Fine," She says as we get out of the car. We walk up to Kev and he rolls her eyes.
"Oh, my God. What are you guys doing here?" Kev asks.
"To make sure she isn't completely crazy," I say.
"Why did you even let her come?" He asks and I shrug.
"Cheryl called me, said you were going for a jog, headed towards Fox Forest," Betty says.
"Fact," Cheryl says sassily.
"You said you weren't gonna do this anymore," Betty says.
"For God's sake, Betty, what do you want from me?" He says.
"I want you to have more respect for yourself than this," Betty says.
"Respect for myself?" He asks loudly.
" - Yes," Betty says.
"We have been friends a long time, but you still have no idea-" Kev says.
"Well, then tell me, Kev, please," Betty yells interrupting him.
"You act like we've got the same set of options, but we don't!" He says, "You live in this pale-pink world of milkshakes and first kisses and 'Am I gonna date Archie or Jughead?'"
"Excuse me?" I ask as he mentions Jughead. "You better not be asking if you are gonna date Jughead." She gives me a look.
"Except for when she's Dark Betty," Cheryl interjects.
"Right, right," He says, "Except for when you're exploring your BDSM sexuality, which again, you're allowed to do, but I'm not, because why? This is what I've got, Betty. Me, these woods. So, please don't come here and tell me it's disgusting. If you can't accept what I do, whatever I do, then we're just We're not really friends." He ends the rant and runs off and I turn to my car. Betty follows behind in silence as we climb in.
"What he said about Jughead-" She starts.
"If you don't want to lose 2 friends in one night I suggest you stop talking," I say as I start the engine.
"Y/n get up your phone is ringing," Betty says chucking her pillow at my face.
"Ughhhh," I groan. I sit up and hit the answer button. "what?"
"It's me, Jughead, your boyfriend," Jug says.
"Hi," I say.
"I need you to come over here," He says.
"What why?" I ask.
"I got into an accident," he says, "with my bike."
"I'll be over in 5," I say jumping up. He replies and then hangs up. I run around getting dressed. "Betty I have to go. Can you walk with Arch today?"
"Yeah," She says.
"Great," I say and run down the stairs and out the door. I jump in my truck. I rush to the trailer park and harshly park the truck. I jump out and run inside. "Are you okay?" I ask as run towards him.
"I'm fine just a few scrapes and bruises," he says.
"I helped him get back home," Toni says from back behind me. I turn to see her propped against the counter.
"Thanks," I say.
"No problem," she says. I grab a rag from the kitchen along with a first aid kit and start to patch him up.
"Now what exactly happened?" I ask.
"There was a pothole and the bike skidded," He says, "but I'm fine."
"Why don't you take the day off?" I ask, "we both can."
"I can't," He says," and like I said its just some cuts and bruises."
"As hot as I think the motorcycle is You promised you were always gonna wear a helmet," I say.
"It was just around the block. Don't blame me, all right? Blame the pothole," he says.
"I blaming you," I say, "but since you aren't seriously injured I forgive you."
"Great," He says.
"You know when you said you got in an accident I thought you were gonna say that you got jumped by those Creepies-" I say.
"Ghoulies. But, no, the Serpents won't allow that. They got Jughead's back. Even though he's not a member," Toni says, "It's just family loyalty."
"I can respect that," I say, "Lily and my Mom always loved that about the Serpents."
"Your mom is a serpent?" Toni asks. Jughead shoots her a look.
"Was a serpent," I say, "before she died."
"Oh," Toni says.
"It is whatever," I say, "Toni, will you keep an eye on him for me?"
"-All over it," She says.
"Great," I say. I kiss Jugs cheek. "I've gotta jet. Kev and Betty are fighting and I have to be there for emotional support."
"Bye," He says.
"Bye Juggie," I say walking out.
~~Jugheads POV~~
"Motorcycle accident?" Toni asks.
"Don't tell her please," I say, "She would go nuts if she heard a gang member jumped me. She doesn't need to know."
"We warned you about the Ghoulies," Toni says, "You'll take them more seriously now."
"Yeah. I will now," I say.
"Also you need to learn to place your hickeys better," She says, "you can see her hickeys from a mile away," I smirk.
"Maybe that's what I wanted," I say.
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