Chapter 44
I sit with the phone on my desk, fiddling with settings and blocking certain things to make it practically untraceable. While Jughead and Betty pace around my room. "You guys are really distracting," I tell them. I search through the recent calls going in and out. Noticing some from yesterday. "Betty when did he die?"
"The night if Veronica's conformation why?" She asks.
"There are outgoing calls from yesterday," I say turning from my desk, "have you been calling people from his phone?"
"Betty," Jughead says.
"I wanted to know who he was," Betty says, "get some information."
"By calling people off his phone?!" I ask, "please tell me you were at least off of your property."
"Yes," She says, "I was at Pops."
"Fine," I say. I take the phone again and hit the factory reset button then toss it to her. "You can't recover old files, and nothing will be on the phone. Even if the police try to recover it I've made it virtually impossible."
"Why do you know how to do this?" Betty asks. I shrug.
"I'm a woman of many talents," I say, "this is just one of them. Now wheres the body?"
"Right to the point," Jughead says, "okay."
"Its in an old sewer pipe," Betty admits.
"Its just sitting in a sewer pipe?" I ask her, "anything to decompose it faster?"
"No my mother assured me it would be fine," Betty says, "its all abandoned."
"You better hope she's right," I sigh, "now got the gloves and such?"
"Yeah," Jughead says. I nod.
"Then lets Norman Bates this car," I say.
"Okay before we get in this car hair up and covered, gloves on, make sure everything is together, I'm not getting arrested for murder," I explain, "now who's driving?"
"I will," Jughead says. I nod and get in the backseat. Then Betty and Jughead climb into the front. We drive down to Sweetwater river and get out by a clearer, flat piece of land.
"Alright Betty you this side, I'll get the other side, and Jughead you get the back," I order. They follow the instructions and we start to push the car getting it closer and closer to the River.
"Norman Bates made it look so easy," Jughead groans as he pushes harder. The strain of pushing the car was extremely painful. We get in to roll the rest of the way down and sit back and pant. Our muscles finally relaxing. We watch as is slowly sinks, the other two slightly panicking at how slow it was going. But a breathe of relief went around as it finally went under.
"Phone," I demand. Betty nods and hands me the phone. I take it and chuck it towards the middle of the river, landing with a splash. As they get close and hold on to each other I roll my eyes. "Come on," I say as I walk away from the river.
"As mayor, I have seen us through a triumphant Jubilee and the terrors of the Black Hood killer," Mayor Mccoy says on the news, "But my friends, it has taken a personal toll. I have decided to step down as Mayor, to spend more time with my family and to return to my own legal career right here in Riverdale. It has always been my intention to do what is best for the people of Riverdale."
"What the hell is going on?" I ask myself.
"Mayor Mccoy is resigning? Why?" Lily asks as she places bowls in front of the girls.
"I don't know," I say, "but this seems like a Hiram Lodge thing."
"Jesus christ," She mumbles.
"I should get going," I say as a loud knock hits the door. I walk towards it and pull it open to see Jughead. "Hey?"
"Hey," Jug says, "can I get a ride my bikes acting up."
"Oh yes of course," I say, "come in, I need to get my bag. I'll only take a sec." He walks in behind me as I rush back to my room grabbing my bag. "Bye Lily! Bye girls!"
"Bye," Lily says as she watches Jughead.
"Bye!" The girls yell. I pull Jughead from the house to my truck. He climbs in as I start the truck.
"Seat belt," I tell him. He complies and clicks it. As we drive to the school he keeps looking over at me, expecting something. "What?" I finally ask.
"I just- thanks for helping Betty and I," Jug says, "even though you don't like her."
"I fucking hate her," I admit, "and if her going down didn't drag you along I would have called the cops on her."
"Noted," He says. I catch a quick glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye. "So Sweet Pea... What are you guys?"
"We started dating," I tell Jughead, "you and Betty?"
"I think we are dating," Jughead says, "we haven't exactly said it."
"Neat," I say as I shift awkwardly. As we pull into the schools parking lot I'm met with Sweet Pea and the other Serpents. As we get out I can see the confusion on their faces. "Hey," I say to Sweet Pea and I walk towards him and pull him into a hug.
"Hey," He says cautiously, "whats Jones doing?"
"I needed a ride," Jughead says, "but I'll get going.."
"Jug thats not necessary," I tell him, "I mean we are all your friends."
"Right..." Jughead says. Sweet Pea drapes his arm around me as we lead the rest of the group into our corner of the student lounge. Jughead with us as we all spread out. His eyes avoiding Sweet Pea and I will every move.
"You need to come over now," Jughead says over the phone, I had answered it seconds ago.
"Why?" I ask him.
"I told my dad what we did, and he wants us all over to fix this," Jughead says.
"I'll be right over," I tell him. I hang up quickly and pull on my shoes. Running out the door over to FP's. Once I get there I pound on the door and quickly Jughead opens the door and grabs my hand pulling me inside. Keeping claim on my hand. My heart beating rapidly. "Um Jug?"
"Sorry," He mumbles as he releases it. I move into the living room where FP was pacing.
"Alice and Betty coming?" I ask them.
"We hope," Jug says. I nod and sit down on the couch. Soon loud knocking filled the room and Alice and Betty Cooper were rushed in.
"FP, I -" Alice starts.
"Save it, Alice. Jughead just told me, all of it. I'm not gonna let the four of you make the same mistake I made with Jason Blossom. Come on," FP gets them into the living room with us.
"You need to dispose of the body," I tell them, "make it unrecognizable, you can't have anything remain. They can recognize someone even by using teeth, so all of it has to go."
"Why do you know this?" Jughead asks.
"Yeah I'm concerned as well," Alice asks. I wink at them and then look back to FP.
"You need to get a hold of sodium hydroxide, buy it with cash not a card of any sort, it should get rid of everything," I explain, "it has some pretty common uses so it should work."
"Remind me not to cross you the wrong way," Jug says. I smirk and bow.
"A woman of many talents," I tell them, "one is being well informed... Now who is doing this? I can if I must."
"I can do it," FP says.
"FP-," Alice interjects.
"No I'm fixing this mess for you guys," He says, "You guys get to Pops, I'll meet you there." We nod and split up. The Cooper women head to their car while for some reason Jughead follows me.
After hours of awkwardly sitting with the group at Pops finally FP walks through the door. We stay silent as he makes his way to us, running his fingers through his raven hair. "It's done," FP says as he sits beside Alice.
"Jeez Dad, you reek," Jughead says.
"It's the sodium hydroxide," I tell them, "it has a very pungent smell... I should have warned you FP."
"All that matters is that for now its over," FP says.
"Thank you, FP," Alice sniffles, "I'm sorry for involving Betty, and that she pulled Jughead and Y/n into this." She was sobbing.
"We take care of our own," FP says, "The circle ends here. No more loose ends." Jughead lays his head on my shoulder as I sip on my coffee, his hand taking mine under the table.
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