Chapter 38
"Anna I swear to god!" I scream as the small girl runs around the house with me chasing behind her.
"You can't catch me!" She yells. I groan as I make an attempt to grab her. The door bell chimes and Sophia runs to the door.
"Don't open that!" I yell at her. She does it anyways and reveals good old Jughead Jones. "Sophia!" I walk towards the door and look at Jug. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk about serpents stuff but you look busy," He says as he looks at the war zone. Anna's clothes across the room and Sophia smashing a large bowl of ice cream that I swear I took from her ten seconds ago.
"Lily left me with the girls," I tell him, "they kinds suck!"
"Hey!" They squeal. I look apologetically at Jughead only to see him smiling.
"You enjoying this Jonesy?" I ask him. He raises his arm accusingly.
"Me? Enjoy you're suffering? Never," He says.
"Haha," I mock, "now I have to get these delinquents ready." Another loud knock hits the door. "Come in!"
"Sweet Pea!" Sophia yells as she runs towards him. Sweet Pea had been around the girls for a while since Lily kept them around the Serpents quite a bit. Anna stops running around and looks at the tall raven and smiles.
"Sweet Pea!" She cheers. I take the distraction to scoop her up in my arms.
"Hey girls," Sweet Pea says, "ya giving Y/n a hard time?"
"What does it look like?" I ask. He chuckles and shrugs. Sharing an uneasy look with Jughead. "What are you doing here anyways?"
"I knew you would need help getting these little monsters ready for school," He says, "so I wanted to stop by and help."
"Thats really sweet but you didn't have to," I say.
"Yeah she was doing fine," Jughead says. I look at him. I was not doing fine at all. I mean fuck Anna's not even kinda ready, and Sophia has consumed her weight in sugar.
"Oh yeah?" Sweet Pea asks as he picks up Sophia. He takes the bowl of ice cream and moves it to the back of the counter so she couldn't reach it. "Because it looks like a tornado hit you're living room."
"Fuck off," I groan.
"Yeah fuck off!" Sophia yells.
"No! Soph No!" I yell, "bad word. Bad bad word." I sigh and look at Sweet Pea and Jughead. "Listen, I have to get them ready. So if someone would like to help that would be great."
"Anytime," Sweet Pea says. Jughead steps forward and glares at Sweet Pea.
"So can I," Jug says.
"Great," I tell them, "I'm gonna go get Anna dressed. One of you get a non ice cream breakfast ready and can the other get the chocolate off Sophia's face."
"Yeah of course," Sweet Pea says, "I'll get Sophia."
"And I guess I'll get breakfast," Jug says. I smile and nod quickly.
"Then its settled," I say, "come on Anna." I carry her back to her room and sit her down on the bed. "Dress today?"
"Overalls" She squeals.
"Of course," I say. I walk to her dresser and dig through until I see the oh so familiar pink overalls. Anna practically lived in them. I take out a white shirt to put under them and walk back to her. I help her get them on and she giggles. Anna is such a sweet heart. She's only five, while Sophia is the older one at 7, both still pretty little. "Stunning." She smiles and hands me her brush.
"Buns!" She demands.
"Jeez okay," I say, "come on lets get yours and Soph's hair stuff. I doubt Sweet Pea can do hair."
"Correction I can braid hair pretty well," I hear Sweet Pea say from behind me. I smirk and turn back to him.
"Oh really?" I ask. He nods.
"I have female cousins and growing up I watched them do it and kinda picked it up," He says, "I can do it. Just nothing fancy."
"Interesting," I say, "where is Sophia?"
"Living room with Jughead," He says, "no de-chocolated." I nod and wave to Anna.
"Then lets join them," I tell him. I leave the room with them behind me and sit down and the couch joining Soph and Jug who both had cereal bowls with 3 more on the coffee table. "Cereal?"
"We are on a time crunch," He says, "and your fridge is empty."
"Shit," I mumble, "I'll have to run to the store after school. I'd make Lily go but she can't take these monsters to the store... Whatever." Anna sits in front of me with the box of hair supplies for the girls. I take hair ties and a brush out and quickly pull Anna's hair into two buns on the top of her head. As I finish she moves to the table and grabs her bowl. I then move to Sophia's hair, pulling it up in a simple bun then tossing the box down on the table and grabbing my bowl. "Well thanks for helping guys," I tell the boys. Both scarfing down the food.
"You're welcome," Sweet Pea says with a mouth full of food.
"Gross," I scoff.
"Welcome," Jug says in between bites. As we finish off the food I collect the bowls and sit them in the sink as the girls get their shoes on. Then get their bags.
"Alright I think we're ready," I say, "come on guys." I grab the girls' hands and lead them to the door. The boys following behind like puppies. Once we reach my truck I load the girls inside then look at the boys. "Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it. Now get to school."
"Don't want help getting them to school?" Sweet Pea asks.
"Yeah or company?" Jug asks.
"Nope," I say flatly, "you both drove here. Drive to school. I'll meet you there." They both protest as I climb into the drivers seat but I just wave. "Bye guys." I start the car and pull away leaving them standing in the drive way.
We pass around Betty Mc Cunt Muffin's phone. A picture of the long lost cooper covering her screen. His name is Chic. And he's fairly attractive. "Well, he's very fetching for someone who was living on Skid Row," Veronica says.
"Yeah, he's a hottie who looks incredibly familiar to me, by the way," Kev says as he takes the phone.
"Your adventures in the woods?" Jug asks.
"I don't know, but maybe if we were allowed to meet this hottie in person-" Kev says I roll my eyes.
"Chic's still acclimating," Betty says, "And I'm trying to get him to trust me, but my mom is treating him like he's a ten-year-old and my dad's acting like he's the devil's spawn."
"Well, I have an amazing idea," Veronica says.
"You can have ideas?" I ask her.
"Yes actually, I was thinking you can bring The Omen to Pickens Day and we can all meet him. Everyone's coming, right?" Veronica asks.
"No, because the Serpents weren't invited," Jug says angrily.
"The Serpents were specifically asked to come," She corrects.
"Yeah, to provide security," Jug says, "It's like we're all on the Snowpiercer train, but the Serpents happen to be the ones eating the cockroaches."
"You don't have to work if you don't want to," She replies. He sighs.
"The damage, as they say, has already been done. Talk to you guys later," Jug says.
"Plans with Toni?" Betty Mc Fuck Face asks.
"Uh, yeah, I'm interviewing her grandfather for my oral history report," Jug says, "The oldest living Serpent."
"Bye Juggie," I tell him. He waves and leaves me with the group.
"Are you at least coming?" Veronica asks me.
"Nope," I tell her, "I'm working that day. And I don't feel like going to an event that I was asked to work and watch my friends have fun. Just because I have a silly little tattoo and hang out with people in leather jackets."
"Got it," She says.
"Can I please search your brother?" Kev asks.
"If you must," Betty says to Kev.
"Great," Kev says as he stares at the picture, "because I have to figure out why the hell he's so familiar to me.... Wanna help me Y/n? Tonight at Pops?"
"Oh um actually," I say as they all look at me, "I can't."
"Why?" Veronica asks.
"Yeah," Betty says.
"If I tell you will you promise not to tell Jughead?" I ask them they all nod and I sigh. "I'm going on a date tonight with one of the southside transfers. And I don't want Jughead to know until its something more serious."
"Woah," Kev says, "no more Jughead and Y/n?"
"Yeah I can't picture you with anyone else," Veronica says, "which Lucky guy gets a date with you."
"Um Sweet Pea," I tell them, "which is why you can't tell Archie either. Actually just don't tell anyone. Because I'm not starting fights over who I chose to see."
"Sweet Pea?" Betty asks, "the one with the neck tattoo?"
"Yeah thats the one," I say, "he's a great guy. He might have an awful temper but he's great."
"You must have a thing for the Donnie Darko types," Kev says.
"Is it weird if I say I do?" I ask. The bell chimes loudly signaling us to class. "I'll see you guys."
"See ya," Veronica says.
"Bye," Kev says.
"Sweet Pea is here!" Lily yells back to me. I take one last look at myself in the mirror smoothing out a faint wrinkle in the black dress. It was weird. I never was this nervous with Jughead. Yet the whole time I was getting ready I felt like nothing was right. Maybe it was because everything was so unique with Jughead. He had seen me at my best and my worst. And showed that he loved me at every point. While Sweet Pea had only been on the soft side of the roller coaster. He hadn't dealt with my mood swing or self hate yet. Although he was there for major mental break downs. The dad one and the Blood one.
"Coming!" I yell back. I slip on my converse and take a deep breathe. I walk out to the livingroom to see Sweet Pea standing with Lily. A white button up under his leather jacket. We weren't doing anything fancy but had agreed to look less biker gangish than normal. He looks away from Lily to me, his eyes growing wide.
"Whoa," Sweet Pea mumbles. I look down with a smile.
"Hey," I say.
"Hey," He says, "you look nice."
"Thanks," I say, "so do you... Should we get going?"
"Yeah," He says, "I'll have her home by 11 Lily."
"As long as you don't knock her up you're fine," She says, "but if you do knock her up I'll have FP skin you alive."
"Got it," Sweet Pea says.
"Bye Lily," I say, "come on lets go."
As we walk into Pops I could feel the curious looks hit us. Between us being completely over dressed and Sweet Pea's serpent jacket we stuck out like a sore thumb. Which I actually didn't mind. I take Sweet Pea's hand and lead him to the booth a couple tables behind mine and Jughead's. There are just some lines I will never cross. And thats bringing another man to our special booth. I sit across from Sweet Pea and hand him a menu. "I already know what I want. So this is just you," I say.
"I forget you practically live here," He says, "so any recommendations?"
"I personally find that everything on that menu is fucking amazing," I tell him, "hence why I have to join a gym." He rolls his eyes at the comment and sits down the menu.
"Well you kids sure are dressed up tonight," FP says as he walks towards the table, "you two look nice."
"Thanks FP," I say.
"Whats the occasion?" He asks. Why? Why ask?
"We are actually on a date," I say.
"Oh," FP says. Clearly not expecting that answer. He looks back and forth from Sweet Pea and I. My god.
"Yeah," I say.
"Well I should get your order," He says, "usual for you Y/n?"
"Of course," I tell him. He looks to Sweet Pea who nods.
"Oh yeah um can I get a burger and fries with a coke?" He asks.
"Of course," FP says. He walks away and I start to laugh.
"Dear god every time we tell people about this were going to get that reaction," I say, "and Its hilarious."
"I guess I'll just have to show up Jughead," He says.
"Well Jughead and I never went on a date that wasn't a school dance so you're already showing him up," I admit.
"You guys never went on a date?" Sweet Pea asks.
"Nope," I say, "we always were busy. So it never happened."
"Huh," Sweet Pea says, "then am I you're first ever date?"
"Oh not by a long shot," I tell him, "I dated a lot before I moved back to Riverdale. But you're the first date in a while."
"I'll take it," He says, "its still something."
"Bye Pops!" I call out as we leave the Diner. My hand carefully clutching Sweet Pea's. As we get on his bike I clutch his torso tightly. He was speeding down the road. As we finally reach my house I couldn't wait to get on the ground. As we get to my door he sends me a sweet smile. "I had a lot of fun tonight."
"Me too," He says, "we should do it again."
"We should," I tell him. Sweet Pea's eyes shine with victory.
"I'll get to planning," He says. He leans down and I connect my lips to his. Moving my hands to his raven locks. As we pull a part a smirk grows across his face. "Night."
"Night Sweet Pea."
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