Chapter Twenty-Six- Breakfast With... Everyone?
Day 15
It had been a week since Draco and Harry had started ignoring each other, and all of Harry's anger had faded.
Now all he felt was regret and mild stubbornness to not be the first to apologize.
Draco was reading a book, and Harry was finishing his drawing from a week ago, and the silence, a week ago, would have been peaceful.
Now it was awkward.
Harry glanced at the clock. 11:30.
He finished his drawing, folded it up, and set it on his nightstand before turning out his light and laying down.
A minute or so later, Draco silently put down his book and turned out his own light.
Harry couldn't sleep, however. While Draco's breathing evened out to indicate his unconsciousness, Harry was not gifted with sleep tonight.
He pulled his drawing out, and a pencil, and using the glow of his wand, wrote something at the bottom. He folded it again and carefully set it on Draco's nightstand, on top of his book.
Harry smiled. He hoped it was enough.
He whispered "Nox" and fell asleep.
Day 16
Draco woke up around eight in the morning. The morning sunrise spilled through the curtains, and Draco smiled softly at the warm orange glow of the room.
He looked at Harry, noticing the other boy was sleeping. He sighed, not wanting to wake him.
As he reached for his book, however, he noticed the piece of paper sitting atop it. He frowned, and unfolded it.
(credit to artist)
His thumb brushed over the drawing in awe. It was incredible.
He noticed the words on the bottom, in quick scrawl.
I'm sorry. I want you to know that I didn't feel pressured to do anything. I didn't have any ulterior motives. I wanted to, honest. And what I said about your parents... I'm sorry.
A smile spread over his face, and he decided Harry had slept enough.
He quickly moved so he was straddling Harry's hips, and gently shook him.
"Huh?" Harry's eyes opened sleepily, and they widened when he saw Draco sitting on top of him.
"All is forgiven!" Draco shouted, kissing Harry quickly. "I'm sorry too." Another kiss. "That was literally the worst week ever."
Harry was blinking rapidly at the kisses, a slow smile spreading across his face.
"Yes it fucking was."
With that, Harry sat up, running his fingers through Draco's hair and kissing him.
Draco smiled into the kiss, and after a moment, pulled away. Both boys blushed dark.
"Um..." Harry said, looking down at the bed with a dark blush.
"We just got excited and carried away," Draco finished for him. Harry smiled gratefully.
Both boys sat down at the Gryffindor table with bright smiles.
"Hey guys!" Harry said brightly.
"I see you two kissed and made up," Neville said casually, smiling.
Both boys immediately blushed dark at that. Neville's eyes went wide, and he stared at Harry for a long and uncomfortable moment.
"It's an expression, dumbasses," Ron cut in, not understanding why they were blushing. Neville coughed into his hand to hide his laugh.
"Babe!" a dramatic voice shouted, before Blaise Zabini landed in Neville's lap. "You abandoned me!"
"I didn't abandon you!" Neville protested. He lowered his voice, but Harry caught his words. "You wouldn't wake up! I just decided to get breakfast."
"Neville, you don't have to lower your voice," Harry teased. "We all know you weren't in the Gryffindor dorms last night."
Ron choked on his eggs. A dark red blush appeared on Neville's cheeks, and he gave Harry a murderous look.
Seamus giggled. "So Nev, what were you doing when you didn't come back last night?"
Neville glared at Harry. "Maybe you should ask Harry and Draco what they do in their private room."
Immediately, both boys' eyes went wide, and while Harry glared at Neville, Draco dropped his head down on the table.
"They make use of my collection of high-tech sex toys," Pansy's voice said, before she dropped in the seat next to Dean.
Ron choked on his orange juice, and Seamus had to cover his mouth with his hand to keep from giggling. Dean had a small smirk on his lips, and Ginny couldn't stop laughing.
"I knew you shared your sex toys with them!" Felix shouted, sitting down next to her. "Why don't me and Tabitha use them?"
"Because we're not dating, dumbass." Tabitha smacked the back of Felix's head, before shoving Hermione over and sitting where she had been.
"But why won't you date me?" Felix teased. "Am I not hot enough for you?"
"Because she is fully-blown homosexual, just like her best friend," Lucinda's soft voice cut in as she squeezed in between Tabitha and Felix.
"Oh yeah? But I'm her best- oh," Felix said, laughing with realization.
Lucinda snorted, pouring herself some orange juice.
Ron blinked. "May I ask why five Slytherins just sat down at our table?"
"Because now that Neville and Blaise are dating, there's a bridge between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Not to mention whatever the fuck Draco and Harry are up to in their private rooms," Pansy responded calmly.
"Shut the fuck up," Draco mumbled, head still against the table.
Pansy smirked. "So I was thinking we could have another study date tonight. Who's down?"
Seamus, Dean, Blaise, Neville, Ron, Felix, Lucinda, Tabitha, Harry, and Draco raised their hands. Pansy smiled.
"Great. I'll invite Damon and Luna too."
Draco's head lifted at the mention of Damon, and Harry saw something flicker across his expression before it returned to cool calm.
"Can I co-"
"No." Draco cut off Hermione before her question even fully left her lips. "No you cannot."
Hermione glared, and stood. "You know what, Draco Malfoy? You haven't changed a bit! You're still the same rude, sarcastic, racist asshole you were before, and I don't know why they hang out with you!"
Harry suddenly felt strangely protective.
"No," he said quietly.
Hermione's angry expression turned toward him. "What?"
"No, he's not. He's just an asshole to you, because you were an asshole first."
Seamus gave a low whistle, and Draco snorted quietly. Pansy covered her mouth with her hand to stop her giggles from escaping, and Lucinda covered her hand with her mouth to cover her shocked expression.
Hermione glared. "How can you even defend him? I've been your best friend for seven years!"
"Actually, Ron's my best friend."
Pansy now had two hands over her mouth to stop her giggles. Blaise was biting his lip to keep from smiling. Ron didn't bother hiding his smile.
"You hang out with all these... Slytherins, and they're corrupting you!"
"Who's racist now?" Harry commented sarcastically, getting more and more irritated.
Small giggles were escaping Pansy. Neville had a small smirk on his lips. Blaise was biting his lip harder. Even Lucinda was now trying to hide a smile behind her glass.
"Fine. Why are you friends with Lucinda?"
"She's a sweetheart," Harry replied simply.
Lucinda no longer bothered hiding her smile.
"She's awesome."
Damn right, Tabitha mouthed.
"He's chill. And I kinda have to." Harry lifted their joined hands.
Draco smiled shyly at him.
"He's hilarious."
Felix grinned.
"He's funny. And Neville's boyfriend."
Blaise winked at him from across the table. Harry prepared himself for the last one.
"What about Pansy?" Hermione grinned, sure that she had him stumped.
A slow smirk spread across Harry's face. She had made a mistake.
"Her collection of high-tech sex toys," he said simply.
That did it.
Ron, who was trying to hide a smile behind his glass of orange juice, choked. Felix dropped his head on the table laughing. Pansy pretend screamed, giggling hard. Blaise laughed so hard he knocked himself and Neville backwards onto the floor. Tabitha fell onto the floor by herself, laughing. Dean and Seamus were both laughing so hard they were in tears. Lucinda giggled. Draco dropped his head on the table again, shoulders shaking with laughter.
Hermione stared angrily at the chaos in front of her. Harry gave her a smirk that said I win.
"This isn't over, Potter," she spat.
Harry winked, which sent a recovering Dean into another fit of giggles.
Hermione stormed off.
Pansy fell off her chair.
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