Chapter Thirty-Three- The Malfoy Manor
Day 27
Harry would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.
The teachers had discussed it and come to the decision that if Draco went to the Malfoy Manor, Harry would too, for safety reasons, just in case the bond acted up.
So that was why Harry and Draco were currently in front of a Portkey, and Harry's heart was fluttering with nerves.
All he felt was nervousness, overpowering and scary.
Suddenly, Draco wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
Harry looked up at him, surprised. Draco smiled.
"Jesus, Harry, you're overpowering our bond big time. Calm down."
Harry smiled shakily. "It's just... what if she hates me? What if she hates that you're gay? What if she forbids us from dating? What if-"
"Harry," Draco said gently. "You've spoken to my mother, like, twice in your life. I've known her for seventeen years. I can assure you, there's a reason I'm so calm."
Harry took a deep, shaky breath. "Okay."
Suddenly, he felt a wave of calmness and tranquility wash over him; peace and happiness and love. He relaxed, smiling.
"I didn't actually think that would work," Draco said, surprised. "Cool."
They both glanced at each other, and grabbed the Portkey.
Harry felt the almost painful pulling sensation, dragging him and pulling him, and suddenly, they were outside the Manor.
Harry stared up at the huge house.
Last time he was here....
He didn't realize he was shaking until Draco wrapped his arm around him again.
"Hey, it's alright," he murmured. "Come on."
Draco knocked twice on the doors, and they opened to reveal a house-elf.
"Hello, Master Draco, sir!" she squeaked.
"What have I told you about calling me 'master', Nicky?" he asked, a smile on his face.
"Nicky's apologies, Mister Draco. And-" She suddenly squeaked. "Harry Potter?!"
"Hi," he said softly, smiling at the tiny elf.
"Welcome! Welcome!" she cried, opening the doors wide.
"Nicky?" a soft voice that Harry recognized immediately said. "Who is it?"
"Master Draco, and Harry Potter!" Nicky exclaimed.
A pause, and then footsteps started coming from upstairs.
Narcissa Malfoy stepped down the stairs in a lovely pale blue gown, smiling at them.
"Draco, darling," she said, smiling and hugging him. "I've missed you."
"And I you, Mother." Draco handed her the flowers he had made.
"Draco, they're exquisite," she said, smiling. "Thank you, darling."
He smiled, and kissed her cheek lightly. She turned towards Harry.
"Mister Potter, thank you for coming to our home. I apologize for any... difficult memories it may bring. I have tried to change the appearances much as I can, but-"
"Thank you for having me, Miss Malfoy," Harry cut in. "Your home is beautiful, and I thank you for allowing me to be here."
She smiled, almost sadly. "May I hug you?"
He opened his arms, and smiled. Narcissa wrapped her arms around him, a soft smile on her face.
"Now, I suspect we have a lot to discuss," she said smoothly. "Let's have tea."
Harry and Draco had explained everything to Narcissa; how they were bonded, that they consummated the bond (Draco was blushing the whole time), the games they played with their new friends, what Diane and Hermione had done, and that they were dating.
"Well, I have missed quite a lot," Narcissa said smoothly. "Are you two happy?"
"Yes," they both said without hesitation.
Narcissa smiled. "Good."
Day 28
The second day of their visit, Draco showed Harry the gardens.
He picked a rose delicately, and held it out to Harry.
"My prince," he said in a fake breathy tone.
"My princess," Harry retorted. Draco fake glared at him, lightly punching him in the arm before handing him the rose again. This time Harry took it.
"Thank you," he said quietly. Draco smiled back at him, taking his hand.
"This is our Japanese cherry blossom tree," Draco said, gesturing to the pink tree in front of them.
Harry approached the tree, an expression of awe covering his face.
"It's lovely," he said.
"It was my favorite one to climb as a child," Draco said with a smile.
Harry looked up at the tree, smiling. "Do you still enjoy climbing trees?"
"I suppose." There was a hint of confusion in Draco's tone.
Harry smiled, placing the rose between his teeth, and started climbing.
"Harry James Potter, you're going to be the death of me," Draco laughed softly.
Harry rolled his eyes and continued to climb until he reached a wider area, and sat down.
Draco followed him, and sat opposite him, a small smile on his face.
"You're a strange person, Potter," he said, a smile on his face to indicate his joking tone.
"Back to Potter now, are we?" Harry replied.
"Indeed we are."
"Shame," Harry said, grinning as he leaned back in the tree. "I was really hoping we could make out, but if you're gonna disrespect me like this I think I'll go find Damon..."
Draco growled. "Don't even fucking think about it, Potter. You're mine."
"Mmm, possessive, are we?" Harry asked with a playful smirk, leaning forward.
"Damn right." Draco met his lips, and pushed him gently back against the large branch behind him.
Harry sighed happily as Draco continued pressing kisses all over his face before continuing to his neck, leaving a trail of heat wherever his lips touched.
"Draayyyy, we can't, we're literally in your backyard. In a tree," he mumbled.
Draco huffed, and moved back slightly, his lips an inch from Harry's. "So?"
"So I'd rather your mother didn't see us."
"Uggghhhh," Draco groaned, falling back against the tree. "You suck."
"If you want," Harry said nonchalantly, studying his nails with a small grin.
"Shut up. You're the one who basically cockblocked me," Draco muttered, draping an arm dramatically over his eyes.
"No I didn't. I didn't say we couldn't do anything. I said we couldn't do anything in a tree."
Draco pulled his arm away from his eyes. "I'm intrigued."
Harry gave him an evil smile and started climbing down the tree.
"Hey- what? Hey, get back here!"
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