Chapter Four- Issues
After the boys had gotten all of their stuff put away, they sat on the bed again.
"What would my mother think of me?" Malfoy muttered to himself. "Getting myself glued to you of all people."
Harry bristled. "I saved your damn life Malfoy, as well as the rest if the Wizarding World," he said coldly. "She, and you, should be damn well honored."
"Well you don't even have a mother, Potter, so how would you know?" Malfoy spat.
Harry reacted without thinking. He tried to pull back his right arm and hit Malfoy, but instead, as he pulled back, a searing pain went through it as he attempted to pull away from Malfoy's hand. Both boys screamed and clutched their arms.
"My God," Malfoy gasped. "That was almost as bad as getting the Dark Mark."
A moment later, he realized what he had said and turned a light pink. "Forget I said that."
Harry stared at Malfoy's left arm, the one attached to his. He slowly reached over, and when Malfoy did not stop him, pulled up his sleeve.
There the Dark Mark lay, black against pale skin.
"I'd forgotten," he whispered.
Malfoy was quiet, and then whispered, "I wish I could."
"We all have our scars," Harry murmured, looking at the black snake distractedly.
Malfoy scowled. "Well not all of us are famous for ours."
Harry shook his head. "I have more scars, scars most people don't know about."
Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Look, if this is some 'Dark Hero with internal scarring thing', I do want to hear-"
"Nope," Harry interrupted, smiling. He enjoyed this kind of argument with Malfoy, more friendly banter than wands-drawn battle.
"The scars I'm referring to are on the hand joined with yours."
Malfoy lifted their conjoined hands and studied them for a moment before he saw the pale white scratches.
I must not tell lies.
"Potter," Malfoy whispered, shocked. "Did you... Did you do this to yourself?"
Harry smiled bitterly. "In a sense."
"Why?!" Malfoy hissed.
Harry explained about Umbridge, their argument, her punishment, and his revenge.
Malfoy laughed when he was done. Not a cruel, mocking laugh, but a genuine, amused laugh. It shocked Harry.
"Seriously! That's awesome!" His smile faded, however, when his gaze went back down to his hand. "But how could she do that to you...?"
He seemed to catch what he had said- almost a compliment-, so he quickly corrected it by adding, "I mean, obviously, you're the Saviour of the Wizarding World and all that. Who would dare mess with you? You're Harry bloody Potter!"
Harry smirked. "You seemed to enjoy 'messing with me' very much for seven years."
Malfoy's face change into something Harry couldn't read. "About that-"
Suddenly, the door burst open.
"Harry!" Hermione ran to give him a hug. "I heard about- oh my God what?!"
Both Harry and Malfoy had screamed loudly the moment she had touched Harry.
"My God, that one was worse than- th dmm mm."
Harry had slammed his free hand over Malfoy's mouth before he could say The Dark Mark. Malfoy realized what he had been about to say and shot Harry a quick, grateful look.
Hermione and Ron looked worried.
"Harry, what the bloody hell was that?!" Ron cried.
Harry shook his head. "I don't know. Hermione touched me, and it felt worse that a white-hot iron pressed against my skin."
Ron looked at them. "May I?"
They nodded, and he brushed Malfoy's arm over his shirt. Both boys screamed loudly again, and Ron snatched his hand back.
"Good God," Harry gasped. "It's worse than the Crutiatus."
Draco shot him another look, one Harry couldn't read, and said "It's the bond. Since the bond is meant for two people deeply in love, two who would never cheat, no one can touch them, in any way, until they consummate the bond."
Hermione gasped. "I can't hug Harry? What if he brushes someone in the halls? What if he wears layers to cover his skin? Is there a spell to reverse it?"
Ron groaned. "You and Harry have to...... consummate the bond!?" He looked ready to vomit.
"How do you consummate a bond?" Harry asked innocently.
The three other people in the room stared at him.
"Seriously?!" Malfoy said in disbelief.
Ron glared at him. "He was raised by Muggles."
"So was Granger, and she knows!"
"I read!"
"Yeah, I've heard, it's all you do. No wonder you're single."
"Don't talk to her like that!"
"Guys!" Harry shouted. "How do you consummate a bond?"
Malfoy rolled his eyes. "There are three steps to consummating a bond. Step one is to fall in love with the person."
Harry groaned.
"Step two is a kiss and a gift," added Ron.
Harry's eyes widened. "Seriously?"
"Step three is sexual intercourse," Hermione stated calmly.
Harry choked. "What!?"
Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Honestly, Potter, we don't have to do any of that. In ten weeks we will be free. We just can't touch anyone in that period of time."
Hermione frowned. "You need to tell Dumbledore and McGonagall and Snape and Malfoy's parents and-"
"Hermione," Harry said, at the same time Malfoy sighed "Granger."
"We're tired," he said. "We can tell them tomorrow."
Hermione frowned. "Oh, you won't remember. I'll tell them."
The second they left Harry snorted. "She's so smart and yet I can play her so easily."
Malfoy looked mildly impressed. "Whatever. I'm gonna go take a shower-" he cut off, and his eyes widened with horror, as did Harry's.
"Potter, how are we supposed to shower?"
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