Chapter Forty-Four- A Universe Unknown
Harry was aware that he could see, but he was pretty sure his eyes weren't open.
He couldn't come up with a logical explanation for any of this.
Draco? he thought in desperation. If he was alive, surely Draco was too, right?
Was he alive?
Draco? he tried again. He got no response.
He watched the strings in front of him, pale and weak, but still colorful. The blue ones twisted around each other, flowing around Harry's head in a strange sort of halo. The red ones slowly wrapped around his wrist, tugging his hand. He followed where they pulled him.
(Cut here to remind everyone of what different colors of strings mean. Green is negativity, purple is sadness, red is love, blue is rationality, pink is false attraction, yellow is happiness. All other colors haven't been labeled as specific emotions, and are open to interpretation.)
He gasped, and almost cried at the sight he was greeted with.
It was a field of sorts, created by thousands of strings bound together. In the middle of them stood Draco.
His eyes were closed, and he appeared to be crying. A sort of halo of purple strings swirled around his head. Green strings tightened arouns his wrists, trying to pull him into the field.
Draco? Harry asked.
Draco's head snapped up in shock. The purple halo disappeared, replaced with a bright yellow. He tore his arms away from the green restraints, and ran towards Harry, wrapping him tightly in a hug.
Harry sighed in happiness, wrapping his arms around Draco.
I missed you, Draco whispered.
I missed you too, Harry whispered, barely able to comprehend this. What happened?
I'm not sure. I was knocked out, and next thing I knew I was in my basement, and then I think I talked to you, and then I was here.
Harry pulled away from their embrace, and smiled at the red string wound around their wrists, keeping them holding hands. It felt familiar.
Are we in Heaven? he asked.
Now that you're here, yes. I think so.
Sap, Harry teased, smiling.
I try.
I think I'm okay with this being Heaven, Harry said quietly. I'll miss my friends.
I know. I never thought I would miss Pansy's "collection of high-tech sex toys" jokes.
Hermione and Damon were Imperiused, Harry said. I never even got to talk to Hermione. My last words to her were yelling at her.
Ironically, I think your exact last words to her were "her collection of high tech sex toys" when she asked you why you were friends with Pansy, Draco replied with a small smile.
Harry laughed. Yeah. I forgot about that. His smile faded. What if they didn't make it?
They're tough. They made it. And they'll make it through this. Draco squeezed Harry's hand. Knowing Pansy and Felix, they'll have the most extra funeral for us of all time.
And knowing Tabitha and Neville, they'll argue with them and want to tone it down, Harry said, laughing.
Ten bucks says Felix will incorporate a glitter cannon.
Oh, please, Seamus is bringing the glitter cannon for sure.
Draco laughed, and Harry realized that even if he could never see his friends again, maybe eternity with Draco wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
Remember Paris? he asked.
Of course, Draco replied, smiling. It was one of the best days of my life. Mostly because it was with you.
The strings in front of them shaped themselves into the sunset Harry and Draco had watched from the Eiffel Tower.
Remember this? Harry murmured quietly.
How could I forget?
I wanted to kiss you so badly, but I was so afraid of what you would do.
Well now you can.
Harry smiled, leaning forward and kissing his lover.
Do you think when the ten weeks is up, and our bond is over, we will be split into seperate Heavens? he asked quietly.
Draco's smile faded. Harry, when did you guys come to get me?
Same day you went missing. Why?
We only had seventy days of our bond. That was day sixty-one.
Draco, how much time do we have left? Harry asked, panicked.
I don't know. Time is weird here.
Draco, Harry choked. Look.
Draco looked down at the fading red string wrapped around their wrists.
It's not Heaven without you, Harry whispered.
Maybe it was never Heaven at all. Maybe this is Hell and this is how we are tortured.
I love you, Draco.
I love you, Harry.
And then the strings faded, and Draco was gone.
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