Chapter Forty-Five- The Final Chapter
Fun Fact: the original title of this chapter was "Fine, I'll Upload A Chapter That Doesn't Make You Want To Tear Your Heart Out" but Wattpad said that title was too long so I decided to scare you guys a bit instead
(P.S. No, this isn't the last chapter. Yet.)
Happy New Year, fuckers.
I'll upload the next chapter at exactly midnight where I'm at. It might not be midnight for yall tho
Harry gasped sharply as he sat up in his bed. He was acutely aware of the tears streaming down his cheeks, and hastily wiped them away.
"Harry?" Ron asked, kneeling by him immediately. Instantly, all eyes in the room were on him.
"Are you guys okay?" Harry asked. "What happened? Am I alive? Is this Heaven again?"
Ron looked concerned. "No, Harry, it's not Heaven, and yes you're alive. Yes, We're okay. Dean knocked Bellatrix out. She's in Azkaban for life. Hermione and Damon were both pretty messed up, but they're recovering."
"Draco?" he asked hoarsely.
"Hasn't woken-" Ron started, but was cut off by a sharp gasp as Draco sat up straight in the bed next to Harry's.
Instantly, Draco's head turned to Harry.
"Are we still in Heaven?" he asked, eyes wide with terror.
Harry almost cried with relief. He jumped out of his bed and hugged Draco tightly.
"We're alive, Draco. Everyone's okay. Felix and Pansy don't have to plan our funeral," he whispered, breathless, crying, and laughing.
"Thank fucking god," Draco breathed. "I love you so much."
"I love you too."
The two boys hugged a little longer, and then turned around to see all eyes staring at them.
"Perhaps we should explain," Harry said, grinning.
"So do you not have the bond anymore?" Felix asked with wide eyes.
"Nope," Harry responded. "That's okay, though. We're okay with it."
Draco nodded from his spot on Harry's lap.
Felix leaned back in his yellow beanbag. "But you can't communicate mentally anymore. That's gotta suck."
"We communicate verbally," Draco replied, grinning at him.
"Ew," Felix replied simply.
Pansy laughed from her spot on Tabitha's lap. "Verbal communication is a key part of relationships, Felix."
Tabitha smiled up at her girlfriend, tracing circles on her hand.
"Well, sadly for me, I'm not in a fucking relationship," Felix muttered. "I'm still bitter that you all paired up without me."
"We didn't," Damon, Ron, and Hermione said in unison.
"Well fucking congrats to you," Felix grumbled. "Let me be edgy and relatable for two seconds."
He wasn't wrong. He was in a room full of couples. Draco sat on Harry's lap on a purple beanbag. Lucinda and Luna shared a green one. Pansy and Tabitha were on the blue one. Seamus and Dean occupied the pink one. Blaise and Neville were making out on the grey one.
Speaking of Blaise and Neville...
Harry poked their beanbag with his toe. "Cut it out, that's gross."
"No," Neville said before kissing Blaise again.
"Get a room, honestly," Ron complained.
"An excellent suggestion," Blaise said breathlessly, standing and dragging a blushing Neville out of the room.
"Ew," Ron said simply, scrunching up his nose.
"Ew indeed," Felix agreed. Ron grinned at him.
"While we're talking about gay people and getting a room," Dean said, standing up. "Me and Seamus have somewhere very important to be."
"Ew!" Felix called after them as they rushed out of the room, laughing.
Lucinda smirked at Luna, and they didn't even say anything before standing up and leavng the room.
"Christ," Ron said, laughing. "Everyone's getting laid but me."
"Hello?" Felix asked, spreading his arms in exasperation. "Virgin extraordinaire over here! Fuck you."
Ron laughed. "There's no way you're a virgin."
Felix raised a cocky eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean, Weasley? Taking me for some kind of slut? I'll have you know that I am, in fact, a virgin."
"I have some very handy toys that can help with that," Pansy called from her beanbag.
Felix snorted. "Not on your life, Pansy. My first time is gonna be damned special. And very very gay."
Ron snorted at that.
"My head's starting to hurt," Hermione said, standing. "I think I'm gonna go to bed."
"You okay?" Harry asked. The Imperius had had some lasting headaches on Damon and Hermione. It was not intended to be used long-term.
"Yeah, just need to lie down."
"I'll take you," Damon offered, helping her up. "Goodnight, guys."
"Night," everyone replied.
"And then there were four," Felix said, smirking.
"There's six," Harry started to say, but he realized quickly that Pansy and Tabitha had disappeared.
"Maybe we should copy everyone else," Draco murmured.
"Brilliant idea. Night, Ron. Night, Felix," Harry said quickly, pulling Draco out of the room, ignoring Ron's shout of "Ew!"
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