Chapter 12~ And you'll never break it, until you learn to see
I am so sorry for taking forever to post this chapter! I've been busy and have two other stories to write. This chapter is all over the place lol so please bear with me, everything happens for a reason. Please don't forget to comment and vote. Enjoy! :)
After Harry's and Louis' talk that morning they spent the whole day together just the three of them when Anne had called Harry wanting them to have alone time and so did Zayn. By dinnertime they had every single board game they owned out on the corner of the game room after they had played almost all of them.
Louis and Harry both watched their son removing a block from the tower as gentle as he could after Harry had proposed they played Jenga. They had it on top of the coffee table and just when Blake was sure he was going to be successful, Harley yapped at him startling him a bit making the whole tower collapse. Louis burst out laughing followed by Harry and finally Blake who looked at the blocks as he did so.
"I wanted to win." Blake stopped laughing just to pout again letting Louis hug him.
"But you've already won so many times! Give papa and I a chance." Louis hugged him tight then started kissing his cheeks as loud as he could making Blake laugh while Harry watched them with a big smile on his face.
"I'm gonna go make dinner. You guys stay here, okay." Harry got up intending to head up to the kitchen when Blake stopped him.
"Can we make dinner together?" He asked from where he was still in Louis' arms grabbing his hand that Louis was quick to grab too.
"What do you want to make?" Harry asked him looking at Louis who was looking equally excited.
"Pizza!" Blake exclaimed trying to get up but couldn't when Louis wouldn't let go of him.
He decided to stay still somehow knowing his dad liked to hug him a lot because he had missed so many years of his life already and that was okay with him. He enjoyed his hugs and now he had someone giving him all the attention he craved. He had his father and he loved him to pieces just like he loved his papa.
"Is pizza okay with you?" Harry asked Louis who was still sitting on the floor reminding himself not to forget to take him to physical therapy starting monday, "You can eat a bit, just make sure you do it slowly. I can always make you something else."
"Yeah! More than okay." Louis smiled at him.
They stared at each other until Blake screamed kicking his legs out begging Louis to let go when Harley started licking all over his face. As soon as Louis did he sat up then got up running up the stairs with Harley chasing after him and Harry shouting at him to be careful. Louis let Harry pick him up and take him upstairs looking at the mess they had left behind wanting to at least pick it up until he could no longer see it. He figured out he'll just ask Harry later that day.
When they finally made it upstairs Harry gently placed Louis on the wheelchair and wheeled him towards the kitchen where Blake already was. He had half his body in the fridge looking for the ingredients pouting when he announced that they didn't have any pepperoni and tomato sauce.
"I'll go get them and while I'm gone both of you can get everything ready." Harry said as he grabbed his car keys.
"Okay!" Blake said, "Can you get me lunchables too for next week? Please." He asked giving him a sweet smile.
"Okay." Harry agreed then looked at Louis, "Do you want anything?" He asked.
"Umm...Fruit punch juice? The one I like if they still sell it." Louis timidly asked.
"They do. Anything else?" Harry asked them.
"That's it." Louis said glancing at Blake who nodded.
Harry ended up leaving a few minutes later after getting his coat and telling Blake to be careful around his father completely forgetting his Iphone. Louis watched his son as he walked around the beautiful modern kitchen gathering ingredients as he talked about anything that would pop into his head.
"So you like classical music?" Louis asked completely fascinated watching Blake nodding as he peeled a banana.
"Yeah! My favorite is Mozart." Blake happily nodded offering a small piece of banana to his father knowing he still couldn't eat much after Harry had explained to him.
"Thank you, cupcake." Louis smiled taking the banana.
"If you want...we could, but only if you want to, okay." Blake looked away from Louis feeling his cheeks getting hotter, "We could listen to him sometime." He finished feeling his father's hand on his cheek.
"I would love to." Louis gave him a reassuring smile, "Anything you want to do, okay?"
"Okay!" Blake sighed in relief taking a bite out of the banana, "I like Lindsey Stirling too. Uncle Liam showed me her music and I love it. I think I want to learn how to play violin one day. We can listen to her too."
"We should tell papa, so he can sign you up for some classes if you want to." Louis told him already excited at the idea loving how interested his son was in learning how to play an instrument.
"Papa told me you used to dance and that you were like an angel when doing so. He said you looked like one." Blake said then giggled when Louis blushed.
"It was my favorite thing to do in the world." Louis sighed, "That dance studio is where I met your papa." He said letting Blake sit on his lap.
"I'm sure you did look like an angel, I know it." Blake told him so sure of himself feeling his father's arms around his waist and his cheek resting on his shoulder.
They ate it in silence until Harry's phone went off disturbing the peaceful silence that had settled in in the room. Blake was quick to pick it up from where Harry had left it on top of the countertop by the stove feeling Louis' eyes on him. He smiled as soon as he saw who was calling and without hesitation answered it having missed her.
"Grandma!" Blake nearly shouted never seeing Louis stiffening on his spot then trying to get to him, "I missed you and grandpa."
He was still busy talking to her with his back to Louis never seeing him getting closer until he finally did and that's when he turned around seeing him right behind him. He talked to her for a few more seconds before he was handing the phone to Louis when his father silently asked for it.
"And I'll go see you one of these days, okay sweetheart." Jay continued talking completely unaware of who she was talking to now.
"Why don't you stop calling instead." Louis spoke in the coldest tone making Blake take a step back away from him, "You're not allowed to see my son anymore and Harry agrees with me. Do let Mark know. Goodbye." He hung up not letting Jay respond then looked at Blake who was looking at the floor and fiddling with his hands.
He reached for him just as Harley barked standing in front of the backdoor wanting to go outside feeling bad when Blake took off running with him outside leaving him alone. He sighed trying to convince himself that he had done the right thing feeling some sort of emotion after hearing his mother's voice but one look at himself on the window's reflection was enough to do so. He now hated the way he looked. Harry came back thirty minutes later to Louis sitting all alone in the middle of the kitchen and Blake still outside sitting on one of the porch chairs with Harley on his lap.
"What's going on? Where's Blake?" Harry asked seeing his phone still in Louis' small hands as he put the bags of groceries on top of the kitchen island.
"I thought I told you Jay and Mark can't see Blake anymore." Louis said refusing to look up not wanting Harry to see him. See the teenager he had been back then while Harry had gotten older just like he had been supposed to do too.
"Louis we talked about this." Harry groaned, "He's allowed to see them as much as he wants to."
"Jay had the nerve to call you and I told her to stop calling. I missed ten years so now she doesn't get to see him. An eye for an eye." Louis said as he turned the phone around in his hands seeing Harry crouching down in front of him.
"Do you even hear yourself?" He grabbed his chin with his thumb and pointer finger making him look at him, "Louis, this is not you. This is not who you are."
"Then who am I?" Louis glared at him smacking his hand away, "You thought I was going to continue where I left off? Be the same fool I was years ago? They kept me from you so now I'm keeping my son away from them."
"I never did and you know that, but before you think about yourself and all that anger just take a few minutes to think about Blake. Your first priority should be him and his well being, not yourself." Harry said seeing the tears in Louis' eyes no longer knowing if they were real or not, "That's what every parent does."
"Oh great! So now I'm a bad parent, why don't you just go ahead and tell me once and for all I'm not his father anymore!" Louis went off shouting at him unaware of Blake hearing everything outside after he had left the sliding door a little open.
"I never said you were!" Harry shouted looking like a wild animal ready to attack startling Louis.
They both looked at the door when Blake ran in going straight for the stairs with Harley in his arms and seconds later his door slamming shut. Louis looked up at Louis with tears in his eyes seeing him leaning against the countertop then slowly make his way to put the groceries away. He did so in silence while Louis watched him until he started making mac and cheese for dinner instead of the pizza they were going to make. Louis felt guilty and slowly started trying to get out of there and go somewhere else, maybe make it to the front door and disappear forever.
"Dinner's almost ready." Harry spoke up when Louis was right by the door, "I'm gonna go get Blake." He said heading for the stairs leaving Louis alone.
Louis didn't say anything until he saw the saucepan Harry had left at the stove knowing it was going to burn if he didn't move it soon. He slowly made his way there turning it off then reached for it but the angle was awkward and all he managed to do was burn himself with the side of it holding in a scream almost dropping it all over himself and the floor. He held it in and when he heard Harry's and Blake's voices he pulled away holding in the urge to cry at the pain on his hand. He figured he deserved it for being a shitty parent to Blake and just shitty in general.
"We can make the pizza tomorrow, okay?" Harry said just as they walked in seeing Louis near the stove.
"Okay." Blake shrugged still a bit upset but smiled as soon as he saw Louis still there.
"Okay! Let's eat!" Harry said as he grabbed plates to serve the mac n cheese smiling when he saw Blake wheeling Louis to the table kissing his cheek after. Louis never smiled.
When they were done eating Blake went up to his bedroom to take a shower while Harry cleaned the kitchen feeling how tense the room was until he turned around and saw Louis cradling his hand.
"Lou?" He said getting Louis' attention who let go of his hand.
"I'm sorry." Louis whimpered not being able to handle the pain anymore.
"What happened? Let me see." Harry dropped the towel he was holding in the sink then rushed to Louis gently grabbing his hand seeing the skin looking a bit red.
"I just wanted to help, you left the saucepan on top of the burner and it was still on." Louis explained letting Harry take care of it sighing in relief when he poured cool water over it. He let him wash it with soap and water then cover it was a sterilized gauze feeling better after it was cleaned up.
I'm sorry for yelling." Louis apologized feeling his cheeks heating up.
"I'm sorry too." Harry apologized, "But you have to understand that Blake loves them and he wants to see them."
"But they-" Louis started getting interrupted by Harry.
"You're doing to him exactly what they did to you. It's not the same situation but you're keeping him from people he loves and likes to spend time with. Just think about it, okay." Harry wrapped his arms around him kissing the side of his head rubbing his back making Louis feel warm and loved.
"I still don't want to see them. I don't think I ever will." Louis sighed.
"And I understand it." Harry pulled back placing his hands on Louis' cheeks, "Do you want to take a shower before we go to bed?" He asked taking Louis upstairs when he nodded.
Once they were in the room he helped Louis try and walk there smiling when he saw he had regained a bit of mobility now that the cryoprotectants he had been filled with long ago had been wearing off. He helped him shower deciding to go ahead and take one too stripping all the way down to his boxers somehow not feeling comfortable with his body. He relaxed when Louis didn't say anything when there was nothing sexual about it and instead tried to hurry up wanting to go to bed.
When they were done showering they changed into their pajamas and Harry felt bad when he realized he was yet to take Louis shopping for new clothes. He figured he could take him later when Louis was able to walk while he put Louis on the bed seeing Blake walking in with Harley and a teddy bear in his hand. Louis' teddy bear that Harry had given him their first christmas together.
"That's my teddy bear." He said without thinking seeing Blake looking at im with wide eyes hiding it behind his back. He loved it since he had had it ever since he was a baby.
"No, it's mine. Papa gave it to me." Blake said looking at Harry with a nervous expression.
"I know! It's okay cupcake, I'm not gonna take it away." Louis opened his arms sighing in relief when Blake ran into them, "Do you want to sleep here again?" He asked and before Harry could stop him, Blake had already said yes.
They went to bed earlier than usual but already exhausted waking up late the next day which was a sunday. The weekend pass by quickly then so did a whole week where Louis was still refusing to talk to his parents much less see Blake see them. He would let him talk on the phone with them swallowing his anger every time he would hear him laughing then refuse to let him see them whenever Blake asked.
Harry had started taking Louis to physical therapy and by the end of the week Louis was already walking with the help of a walker making him feel awkward. He thought everything was going great with them when he and Harry hadn't gotten into another fight like the one on saturday and had gotten closer. That's what he thought never noticing Blake slowly missing his grandparents more and more until the day Harry couldn't find him anywhere.
Louis had felt like dying again when they had called everybody and nobody knew where he was, even more when Harry had called the police to report their son missing. The only thing they knew was that he had taken his golden retriever with him and his school bag, Louis had cried for two hours straight in Zayn's arms wanting to go out and look for him. At least do something when Blake had been gone for almost a day.
The clock ticking was driving him crazy the longer he had to stay in that damn wheelchair not knowing where his baby could be. He could walk, slowly, but he could walk and Harry not letting him go out to look for their son angered him. He was holding onto Zayn's hand who was sitting on the couch next to him trying to stay calm even after he hadn't seen his son for over six hours. He didn't know how much longer he could take.
He was already so desperate and his eyes filled with tears for being so stupid enough to make his son pick between his grandparents and him. If he had just let him see them then Blake would still be there in his arms and not somewhere in the streets of London probably scared, hungry and cold. He sat up straight with the intention of asking Harry to go out and look for him when he saw the black SUV slowly parking in front of his house wondering who it could be.
Jay got out first from the passenger's side followed by who Louis assumed was Mark and finally his son, his child getting out of the backseat holding onto Harley and the backpack he had taken with him. He got up not caring when he stumbled a few times ignoring Zayn who was telling him to sit down, and ignored Harry as soon as the father of his child begged him to stop and calm down.
He opened the front door letting it slam against the wall seeing his parents walking next to Blake who was looking down at the ground. He stared at Mark then at Jay seeing her eyes filling with tears as soon as her gaze settled in on him making him want to hug her but his anger towards her was stronger. They stared at each other not knowing what to do until somebody cleared their throat and Louis saw Harry running past him to get to Blake.
"Where were you!? I was worried sick." Harry hugged him then kissed the top of his head and that's when Louis made his way to them hugging him as soon as he had the chance.
He hugged him tight until he pulled back feeling his eyes stinging with tears, "Don't you ever do that to me again. Do you understand?" He started crying making Blake cry, both of them hugging the other.
"He showed up at our house about three hours ago." Mark informed them seeing Harry nodding.
"And you didn't think about calling?" Louis glared at them, "I thought something bad had happened to him and turns out he was with you all this time."
"It completely slipped our minds...I'm sorry." Jay apologized trying not to cry at how cold her son was now instead of the sweet boy he had been ten years ago.
"You can leave now." Louis let go of Blake to grab his hand and pull him inside.
"No. Dad, I want them to stay. Please." Blake begged pulling his hand out of Louis' hold then went to stand in between his grandparents wrapping an arm around his grandmother.
"Blake." Louis said in a warning tone, "Please go inside while I talk to them."
"Bu-" Blake started.
"Blake, just go inside please." Louis gave him a tired look that had Blake sighing in defeat before he went inside after hugging both Mark and Jay. Louis could only watch the way they held onto him and kissed his forehead before they had to absolutely let go.
Louis waited until he was inside when he turned to look at his parents giving them the most venomous look feeling Harry wrapping his arm around his waist. His mother looked down at the ground while Mark never faltered angering Louis more than he already was.
"I hope you really enjoyed your time with him because I haven't changed my mind. I bet you were the ones that brainwashed him into running away." Louis looked them up and down in disgust taking a step back as soon as his mother reached for him.
"Don't you dare touch me." Louis snarled pushing the guilt away when Jay started crying and Mark wrapped his arms around her.
" least let me hug you, just once." Jay begged him wanting to get closer but Mark held her in place.
"No, now leave." Louis said before he pulled away from Harry and walked back inside the house never seeing Jay going after him until he was in the living room having passed by the kitchen where the rest were with Blake.
"Sweetheart..." Jay called after him already in tears making Louis freeze on his spot.
She felt so small and her chest ached when he turned around giving her the most hateful look wishing she could go back in time and let him be free. Let him be happy.
"Don't call me that! Don't call me anything! You think that after what you did to me we would go back to how things used to be, go back to that time where I used to look up to you. You ruined my life, Jay. And you ruined Harry's and Blake's." Louis wiped his tears away.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Jay sobbed taking a step closer feeling her chest aching at seeing him so upset.
"Jay, let's go." Mark spoke up from the door where he was standing with Harry, the rest standing behind them including a frightened Blake.
"No, I need to apologize. He needs to listen to what I have to say." Jay looked at him then back at Louis taking a step closer, "I'm so sorry."
"Sorry sorry sorry, that's all you can say. Sorry is not going to give me back all those years I missed, sorry is not going give me back the chance of watching my son grow up. I missed everything and you and that man are the only ones to blame." Louis started crying pushing his mother away when she tried to hug him.
She stumbled a few steps back trying not to sob out loud aware of their audience and all she could do was watch her son glare at her refusing to call her mum. She lifted up her arm with the intention of reaching for him but quickly put it back down not wanting to upset him any further and damage his heart again. Hers was already breaking into many tiny pieces but she was the only one to blame.
"I- I was wrong and blinded, I only wanted the best for you and Blake. I'm so so sorry." She sobbed wrapping her arms around herself shivering even though she was sweating, "I thought I was doing the right thing."
"You only wanted the best for us?" Louis laughed making her flinch but ignored it, "You killed me, it's your fault Blake had to grow up without me."
"And I've lived all this time regretting it! It hurt to see you like that every time I got to see you, it hurt to know you ended up in there because of me." Jay took another step closer not caring when Louis put his hands in front of him to keep her away.
"You brought it on yourself." Louis sighed tired of everything, "Please leave, just leave me alone. I don't want to see you ever again." He said before he took a seat on the couch trying to ignore his mother's cries.
"Louis..." Jay continued crying until she stopped and put a hand over her chest trying to catch her breath having to hold on to the edge of the couch when she started feeling lightheaded.
"Jay?" Harry took a step closer recognizing the signs right away, "Mark, call an ambulance!" He shouted as he rushed to her just as she collapsed barely giving him enough time to catch her.
"Grandma!" Blake shouted completely terrified while all Louis could do was watch with wide eyes.
Watch the way she collapsed in Harry's arms then Anne and Zayn pulling a hysterical Blake away from there before Liam and Niall blocked his view. It all became a blur to him seeing Mark talking on the phone yet he couldn't hear what he was saying as he pulled on his hair. He looked at Harry who was kneeling next to Jay already doing chest compressions then mouth to mouth trying to save her life.
"Mum..." Louis mumbled unable to take his eyes off of her until Mark blocked his view, that's when he got up as fast as he could kneeling next to her hating the way Mark was quick to pull him back.
"Come on, Jay." Harry said checking her pulse before doing mouth to mouth again then chest compressions starting to get desperate until dread and sorrow filled his beating heart. Hers no longer doing so.
"Harry?" Mark questioned him still holding onto Louis knowing that was it yet still held onto the last bit of hope he had.
"Mum?" Louis whispered seeing Harry looking at Mark as his adam's apple bobbed up and down before he looked down and gently lay Jay's hands one on top of the other on top of her stomach.
"No..." Mark let go of Louis crawling around him to get to her where he watched her for a few seconds before speaking up again, "Jay? Love, wake up. Please, don't leave me...please."
He bit on his bottom lip holding it all until he hid his face on her stomach fisting the fabric of her sweater letting out the loudest sob even though it sounded muffled when he finally broke down. He set Louis off when he continued crying sitting up to pull her close to him and away from Louis where he held her close, her back against his chest and her face on the crook of his neck as he cried not caring how loud he was being.
"Mum!" Louis broke down crying trying to get to her but Harry held him back making him thrash in his hold.
"Let him mourn her." Harry whispered in his ear making Louis cry harder.
"No!" He finally set himself free crawling towards them where he grabbed her hands, "Mum, mummy. Wake up, please wake up!" He sobbed pushing Harry away who was crying as well.
He tried to hold her and beg her to forgive him but couldn't when Mark had a tight grip on her refusing to let go. He settled with laying down next to her wrapping an arm around her stomach still begging her to wake up until he saw the paramedics coming in to take her away. If they had given him another chance then why not give it to her too, Louis needed her to know how sorry he was and that he hadn't mean what he said.
"Y- You have to freeze her." Louis sat up catching his father's attention whose face was red and wet with tears, "We can't let her go, please." He begged starting to get desperate when Mark didn't say a thing until he did.
"I- I can't." He finally said making Louis cry.
"I promised her I wouldn't, I- I pro- promised her." Mark started crying again unable to look at his son.
"Please! Dad...I don't- I don't want to lose her, please. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Louis begged trying to grab his father's hand.
"I'm sorry." Mark mumbled not expecting Louis to completely lose it.
He felt every punch against his side and back but the pain couldn't compare to the one in his heart letting him go off before Harry pulled him away. He watched Harry holding Louis down getting worried when too much stress wasn't good for him just like it hadn't been good for his wife.
He caressed her almost cold cheek with his thumb wondering how was he going to live without her, how was he going to move on finally understanding Harry's pain. His son's cries only got louder getting mingled with Blake's breaking his heart all over again when his grandson didn't deserve what was happening. He didn't want him to suffer, he didn't want his own child to suffer and he had already done enough.
"Harry, call the institute." Mark spoke up catching their attention, "Tell them to get the capsule ready, we don't have much time left." He got up picking Jay up into his arms.
"Which one?" Harry asked letting go of a now calm Louis to grab his phone.
"Same one Louis was in." Mark answered before he left.
Louis tried to follow but was stopped by Harry and instead stayed listening to Harry talking to someone on the phone. When he hung up he got up without acknowledging Louis as he headed straight to the front door until Louis stopped him by shouting his name.
"I have to go now, we're wasting time." Harry told him trying to get Louis to let go of his arm.
"I want to go with you, please." Louis begged getting ready to beg but didn't have to when Harry nodded and helped him to the car.
He had to hold on to the door and the side of the seat when Harry was driving faster than usual and when they got to the institute he promised himself to never go back to, he saw the paramedics taking Jay out of the ambulance rushing her inside followed by Mark. As soon as Harry parked his car he got out then wrapped an arm around Louis' waist barely letting him take a few steps as they rushed inside. He was left alone in a private room while they did god knows what while Louis couldn't stop crying as he waited.
He would never forgive himself if she didn't make it.
It was hours later when Harry finally walked in looking exhausted taking a seat next to Louis when Louis didn't move at all. He wrapped an arm around his shoulders letting him rest against his chest hearing him crying again wanting to call his mum and ask for Blake, he needed to make sure his child was okay.
"I want to see her, please." Louis sat up letting out a shaky breath when Harry nodded.
Soon he was standing in front of the cold metal door blinking at it when he had no idea when he had gotten there unable to stop thinking about her. When Harry opened it he shivered but walked forward until he was standing in front of the locked capsule waiting for Harry to open it. What he saw when he finally opened it frightened him and broke his heart wishing he could go back in time. Oh how the tables had turned.
"Mum..." Louis started crying when he saw her almost white skin, wondering if he had looked as pale as her, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
He didn't say anything else and instead watched her thinking that if she never forgave him then he deserved it, there was so much to be forgiven between the two. He doesn't know how long he stayed there watching her and feeling the room get colder and colder as the minutes passed by. He didn't know if he would ever be able to leave her behind when the time for him to go arrived. It was probably how she had felt every time for almost ten years when to him it had only been minutes since he had gotten there, he couldn't imagine how she had been able to do it for so long until it hit him.
Thoughts? :)
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