Chapter 11~ This is how you remind me
Not edited. Please don't forget to comment and vote! Enjoy! :)
After all, a body, mind and soul brought back to life after almost a decade frozen in time faces a future full of uncertainty. The dormant identity may emerge and bloom, like a flower from a patient seed, or new thoughts and emotions may supplant the old.
The rain pelted against the glass door making a pitter patter sound that did nothing to disturb the two figures on the couch watching tv. The beginning of october was a chilly one and because of that, Louis found himself wrapped in a throw blanket with Blake in his arms. He was watching Captain America trying to focus his eyes on what was going on but was finding it difficult when they were moving too much. Instead he closed his eyes and pressed his right cheek on top of his son's head who was wide awake watching the movie.
He opened his eyes when the guilt came out of nowhere knowing that what he had done was wrong. He had put his son in a situation where he made him choose between his grandparents and him then closed his eyes again trying to ignore the fact that he was already a crappy parent. He tightened his grip around Blake when he moved and it was something that was starting to affect him, too scared of waking up and finding himself back in that capsule or never waking up again.
He didn't even move when he heard the footsteps coming from the stairs and instead began fearing that Blake might say something. The mere thought sent shivers down his spine not wanting Harry to get angry at him but there was no way he was going to let them see Blake ever again.
"Lou, Blake?" Harry called for them as he walked in now dressed in grey sweatpants and a black shirt.
His hair was wet making it look longer than usual and Louis couldn't get it out of his head just how handsome he looked standing there, the tv light giving him a glowing look. The years had done him well and his heart ached wondering what he would look like had he stayed and aged with him, both of them growing old together like they had planned.
His eyes filled with tears guessing he'll never know and now the fear of Harry dying long before him had settled in piercing his heart like a dagger. He was sure that if that happened and he was left behind, he would follow soon after unable to live life without him.
"Is dinner ready?" Blake asked moving away from Louis as soon as he could.
"Yeah. Can you grab your dad's shoes for him while I carry him upst-" Harry stopped talking when Blake bolted upstairs leaving both his parents behind, "Did something happen?" Harry asked looking the way his son had gone to then back at Louis.
"I think he's just starving." Louis shrugged pushing the guilt away replacing it with hate thinking of all the things they had caused, "What's for dinner?" Louis asked expecting something like oatmeal.
"Mac and cheese for you and Blake, and for my mum and I, minestrone soup. Blake hates it." Harry chuckled as he picked Louis up with such ease it made Louis wonder when did he have time to work out.
"No offense but ew." Louis tried to hide his grin when Harry scoffed.
"You were never a fan of it, darling." Harry scrunched up his nose.
"That date was complete disaster, huh?" Louis reminisced still blushing at the memories.
"If you mean telling me how much you hated the soup long before you found out what I had cooked for you then no, it wasn't complete disaster because we still had fun." Harry gave him the sweetest smile holding onto him tighter when he started ascending the stairs.
"That was the night I lost my v card to you." Louis blurted out seeing Harry's cheeks getting a bit rosy, "Do they still use that term?" He asked trying to change the subject wondering why it affected Harry when they had been past that a long time ago.
He guessed time did change people after all.
"I have no idea, I'm too old for that now." Harry shrugged wanting to take it back when he saw Louis looking down and away from him staying silent the whole way upstairs.
He placed him on the wheelchair as soon as they got there then pushed him towards the kitchen seeing Louis looking around. When they got there Anne and Blake were already sitting at the table waiting for them while Harry helped Louis wash his hands then brought him closer to the table placing him right next to Blake. They started eating without saying anything until Anne noticed Blake giving Louis sad looks.
"So! What movie were you guys watching?" She asked looking at Blake then Louis.
"Captain America." Blake answered after a few seconds of hearing only the spoons sometimes clinking against the plate.
"Really!?" Anne smiled at him then looked at Louis, "Did you like it?" She asked.
"I didn't see much of it, I couldn't focus and it was giving me a headache. But I bet it's great!" Louis gave her a smile then looked at Blake who was staring at and playing with his food making him feel awful.
"What's wrong, bud?" Harry furrowed his brow seeing his son squirming under their gazes.
"I'm tired, school was boring and hard today and Jeffrey didn't go so I was alone." Blake shrugged then ate a spoonful of mac and cheese.
"I bet fourth grade does get boring sometimes." Louis commented as he finished his food.
"I'm in fifth grade, I skipped a grade." Blake barely looked at him before his attention was on Harley now that the puppy was awake.
"Oh...then you must be really smart." Louis tried to smile but it quickly turned into a grimace, "Just like your dad."
"Papa is way more smart." Blake said giving Harry a knowing smile that had Louis squirming on his seat, the jealousy slowly clawing at his insides.
What Blake had with Harry, he wanted just that and it hurt to be so out of the loop when it came to his child. He was like a complete stranger or the least, someone that had no point being there when they all had moved on without him. He didn't nor had he ever belonged there like he had made himself think just a few days ago in order to make it through the day knowing how fucked up his life was now. He wondered if it was better he had stayed in that capsule never to be bothered again, it sounded so appealing at the moment.
"Are you okay, Lou?" Anne asked giving him worried looks seeing the way his hand that was holding the fork was shaking.
"I...I don't feel too good." Louis responded unable to tell them that physically he was fine. Mentally and emotionally, he was hurting.
"What's wrong?" Harry immediately got up to go to him and see if he could figure out what was wrong.
"I'm just really tired, it's nothing." Louis assured him wanting to cry for no reason other than the house he was in didn't feel like home and neither did his parents house. He no longer had a home.
"Are you sure? You look a little pale." Harry told him getting more worried when Louis tensed up as soon as he grabbed his hand.
"I said it's nothing!" Louis snapped startling both Blake and Anne then looked down as his eyes filled with tears not knowing what the hell was wrong with him. It was starting to frustrate him, "I just...I'm sorry. I think I should go to bed, I'm exhausted." Louis refused to look them in the eye as he fiddled with his hands.
"Okay." Harry smiled at him then wheeled the chair over to the stairs where he picked him up, "Where do you want to sleep? We have the guest bedrooms or...or my bedroom. Wherever you're comfortable in." Harry looked him in the eye hating the way tears were pooling in them.
"Your bedroom...I hate being alone." Louis mumbled resting his head on his shoulder just wanting to be in bed, "And I want to be with you."
"Whatever you want, darling." Harry kissed his forehead then his lips without hesitating taking Louis by surprise who didn't have time to kiss back when the kiss ended too soon.
When they walked into the bedroom Louis looked around unable to shake off the thought that this was Harry's bedroom, something they didn't share and wasn't his. Harry went straight to the bathroom after Louis insisted on taking a shower and when Harry tried to get an actual bath ready, he refused not wanting to be sitting down in his own grime. He didn't care if he was being difficult, he just wanted things to go his way for once.
Harry ended up bringing a chair from the kitchen glad that they weren't wood and set it in the middle of the large shower putting a towel so Louis could be comfortable. He set the water at the right temperature then helped Louis take his clothes off placing him on the chair seeing him shivering a bit not caring that he too was getting wet.
When they were done he helped him get dry then put clean clothes back on before helping him do whatever he had to do before going to bed. As soon as Louis was in bed and about to fall asleep was when Harry finally went back downstairs feeling bad when he saw his mum had already cleaned the kitchen and was now helping Blake with his homework.
"Mum, you didn't have to clean the kitchen." Harry said as soon as he stepped into the game room seeing Louis' shoes neatly placed by Blake's.
"It was nothing, sweetheart. I want to help you as much as I can." Anne shrugged then wrapped an arm around him when he sat down next to her, "How's Louis doing?"
"Thank you, mum." Harry kissed her cheek, "He's asleep now."
"Is daddy okay?" Blake asked as he fiddled with his pencil.
"Yeah bud, he was just tired. It's been a long day for him." Harry said moving to sit next to him to help him with what was left of his homework finding out he was already done.
"Did I make him sad?" Blake asked starting to get upset at the thought.
"No, of course not. Why would you say that?" Harry gave him his full attention wrapping an arm around him.
"Because of what I said. When I told him I was in fifth grade and not in fourth...he didn't know that and I know I made him sad. I didn't mean to, papa. Is he gonna leave us again?" Blake asked confusing Harry even more as well as Anne who was starting to get worried.
"Okay, what is going on?" Harry asked him, "Your dad is not leaving us, we just got him back and he's not going anywhere. Why do you think he's going to leave us?"
"I don't know..." Blake went back to doing his homework and started fidgeting when Harry kept staring at him.
"Did something happen to make you think he's leaving?" Anne asked him sensing how nervous her grandson was seeing him letting out a loud sigh. Blake couldn't keep anything from his nana.
"Because I made him sad and grandpa Mark and grandma Jay made him sad, that's why he got sick and went to sleep. That's why he left me and papa." Blake explained knowing he shouldn't have had told them when Harry's face started getting redder and redder but kept going anyway, "It's their fault he left us and I don't want to see them ever again."
"Who told you this?" Harry raised his voice, "You know Mark and Jay are sorry and they love you just as much as they love Louis."
"Daddy told me it's their fault and he doesn't lie." Blake shrugged before he picked up his things and left taking his and Louis' shoes with him knowing Harley was going to follow him.
"There's an explanation for this, Harry." Anne said seeing Harry about to get up.
"Yeah, he's turning him against them. He's filling him with hate and I'm not going to allow that, I've worked so hard all this time to keep myself from doing that." Harry said, his voice getting louder the closer he got to the stairs.
"Don't do something you'll regret later." Anne ran after him grabbing him by the arm but Harry was bigger than her and easily pulled his arm away, "He's hurt and confused, Harry." She said nearly sighing in relief when that made him stop in his tracks.
"That still doesn't excuse what he did." Harry sighed.
"You saw him at dinner, you saw the way he is now. Don't act like nothing's wrong and he's the same because you know better than anyone else he's not. He's going through a hard time right now and maybe seeing that his parents know Blake when he doesn't is enough to anger him. We have to be patient, we have to be understanding and be there for him. We're all he has in this world, this world that is nothing like the one he left behind." Anne's eyes filled with tears hating to see Louis like that.
"I still need to talk to him. I don't like what he's doing and it's not right, I'm not gonna let him keep doing that." Harry ran a hand through his hair seeing his mother nodding.
"I have to go now but please promise me you're not gonna do something stupid." Anne gave him a warning look before hugging him.
"I promise." Harry kissed the side of her head as he wrapped his arms around her, "Are you coming tomorrow? I know it's a saturday so if you don't want to then you don't have to."
"I'll be here everyday as long as you want me here." Anne squeezed him hearing him groaning.
"Then I think you should permanently move in, I'll always want you here, mummy. Thank you for everything you do." Harry rubbed her back.
"I have my home and you have your own with Blake and now Louis too. Just the three of you...and of course Harley too." She chuckled pulling away from her son.
"Yeah, it still feels like a dream." Harry smiled holding onto her hands.
"It isn't love, Louis is here now." She gave her a smile full of hope for a bright future for her sons and grandchild. Maybe a few more grandchildren from Harry and Louis.
She ended up leaving a few minutes later getting in her car with Harry standing close enough not wanting anything bad to happen to her. He walked back inside about to tell Blake to take a shower finding out that he was already taking one then made his way to his bedroom quietly walking in. Louis was asleep in the same position where he had left him and as he watched him he wanted to still be angry at him but now he couldn't.
He couldn't when he had missed him so much for the past decade and now that he was there in his bed he only wanted to give him the world. He wanted to make him happy and show him a brand new world where Louis had to learn how to live in and he was going to be there for him every step of the way. He watched him for a few more seconds until Louis stirred in his sleep mumbling Harry's name and that was his cue to go to the bathroom and take a shower.
He took his sweet time doing everything he had to do and when he was done he said goodnight to Blake, turned off all the lights, turned on the security system and went to bed wearing only a pair of grey sweatpants. He lay as close to Louis as he could smiling a little when the smaller man placed his head on his chest and wrapped an arm around him because even in his sleep, Louis knew it was Harry.
In the middle of the night Louis woke up a bit sweaty after dreaming once again of the time he gave birth to Blake and for some reason he found himself looking for his baby. He started getting desperate when he couldn't find him in the darkness that was the bedroom until he spotted a figure standing at the foot of the bed staring at them. That's when he noticed Harry had his arm wrapped around his waist, he was shirtless and his face was buried in the crook of his neck.
Louis looked up when he heard his child's small frightened voice and without thinking held out his arm feeling better when Blake held his hand. He let him crawl in bed with them right in the middle after he had a bit of trouble getting Harry to let go. As soon as Blake was underneath the covers next to him, Louis wrapped his arms around him wondering if his son had had a bad dream when he could feel him still shaking.
"Was it a bad dream?" Louis asked as he rubbed his back feeling Blake nodding against his chest and his little hands grabbing fistfuls of his shirt.
"Y- Yeah..." Blake mumbled closing his eyes again inhaling his father's scent, he smelt like apples just like his bodywash.
"Wanna talk about it?" Louis asked trying his hardest to be the best father he could not wanting to disappoint his child any further.
"I dreamt that you left with someone else and papa was so sad...and you didn't want me anymore because you had more babies with that man." Blake's voice trembled feeling his father's lips pressing against his forehead in the longest kiss he had ever gotten. It helped push his fears away yet he needed reassurance.
"Wanna know something about dreams?" Louis pulled away moving his hand to run his fingers through his curls.
"Yeah." Blake mumbled.
"They're not real, cupcake. And I will never leave you, I just got you back and I don't want to lose you again. I missed you and papa so much." Louis reassured him looking down at him when Blake pulled back to look up at him.
"And you're never going to leave papa, right? You'll have more babies with papa, right?" Blake asked.
"I am never leaving him and maybe some day but for now I want to spend lots of time with you." Louis hugged him bringing him closer to him.
"You pinky promise?" Blake asked holding out his pinkie finger, "Gentleman's agreement?"
"I pinkie promise." Louis linked his pinkie with his son's, "Gentleman's agreement."
"Can I sleep here?" Blake timidly asked.
"Of course you can, we just gotta make space for papa if we don't want him to fall off the bed." Louis poked Blake's side making him giggle and cover his mouth with his hand when he got too loud.
"I love you." Louis mumbled against the side top of Blake's head letting him move around until he was comfortable on his side facing him with his face pressed against his chest.
Louis couldn't believe that the last time he had held him like that was when Blake was just a newborn which seemed like yesterday but it had been forever ago.
"Love you too." Blake said before he closed his eyes and minutes later fell asleep feeling safe in his father's arm, more when Harry turned around and wrapped his long arm around them.
Both of them fell asleep ignoring Harry who had a big smile on their face having witnessed the whole thing yet had said nothing wanting them to have their moment. He too fell asleep into a comfortable dreamless sleep where he finally rested well enough to not be tired the next day.
When he woke up the next day it was to Louis shaking him a little and without saying anything, he got up and helped Louis to the bathroom almost tripping over Harley who was sleeping by the bed. He let Louis do what he had to do and when they were brushing their teeth, Blake walked in going straight to the toilet to pee not caring about the audience. When he was done he flushed the toilet and was about to go back to bed when Harry stopped him before he could make his great escape.
"You have to wash your hands and brush your teeth." Harry told him chuckling when Blake pouted.
"I want to go back to sleep." Blake whined but washed his hands anyway seeing his fathers smiling at him.
"You can once you do what I asked you to do." Harry smiled at him then continued brushing his teeth.
Blake went back to bed as soon as he could taking Harley with them and when Harry asked Louis if he wanted to go back to bed he saw that as his opportunity to talk to him when Louis refused. He took him down to the kitchen after showing him around upstairs then downstairs listening to everything Louis had to say about the house. He left him at the small table then started making pancakes and oatmeal for Louis planning to give him at least a pancake.
"I was wondering why Blake was upset last night." Harry started seeing Louis looking at him with wide eyes before lowering his gaze again.
"He was? I didn't notice..." Louis trailed off fiddling with his hands under the table.
" should know he's allowed to see Mark and Jay as much as he wants to." Harry slowly said waiting for a reaction not expecting it to get it as fast as he did.
"I am his father too and I don't want him to see them anymore, they're not welcome in this house." Louis glared at Harry seeing him putting the bowl of batter down before making his way to him.
"Louis...he grew up with them, they helped me raise him and you can't take that away from him. Blake is not the one to blame here for their mistakes, he loves them and they love him too. Think of how this is going to affect our son." Harry begged taking Louis' hands in his.
"You can't be serious, right? They did a lot of bad things to us and you're defending them, you're defending the people that killed me." Louis' eyes filled with tears hoping they were enough to convince Harry.
"They're also the people who took care of you all these years, kept you well preserved." Harry snapped knowing he needed to calm down but couldn't when everything was finally catching up to him.
"Yeah. Well preserved like a piece of meat." Louis glared at him, hate filling his eyes.
"That's not what I meant." Harry sighed as his anger quickly evaporated.
"Really? What did you mean then? You know it's nothing but the truth and I never asked for it, you and Mark should have left me rest in peace. It's better than sitting here still looking like a damn eighteen year old while you moved on and got to live a normal life." Louis said as the tears rolled down his cheeks.
"You don't know what I went through all these years." Harry felt his eyes stinging with tears.
"Exactly! I didn't because I was dead and frozen in that damn capsule like a piece of meat all thanks to Mark and Jay. I never got to see what you went through while you watched me there year after year." Louis started crying pulling his hands away from Harry's, "I...I just wanted to be with you and our son and look what they did to me, they killed me and I will never forgive them."
"I understand that." Harry grabbed his hands again refusing to let go when Louis tried to pull them away holding tight until he stopped trying, "I haven't fully forgiven them and I don't know if I ever will when they took you away but having all this hate for them isn't good for you. You should at least talk to Jay, she always texts or calls me to ask about you and if she can come see you. She's literally heartbroken...let her come see you and Blake." He begged.
"I was heartbroken too and they didn't care, why should I?" Louis coldly said before he slipped his hands out of Harry's warm hold, "Blake is not allowed to see them anymore."
"Louis don't do this to Blake." Harry continued begging.
"I said he's not allowed to anymore, either you accept it or you won't see me ever again. And know that if I leave, I'm not leaving alone." Louis threatened making Harry remember Blake's dream long ago.
"It was about daddy, he- he took me away from you and Harley. He said you were a bad person but I know that's not true, papa. He took me away from everybody and then he left me alone to go with someone else, told me he didn't love me."
"Fine then, just know you'll be hurting our son." Harry got up to continue making breakfast not speaking to Louis until Blake walked in going straight to give him a hug then went to Louis.
They mostly stayed silent as they ate and Blake did most of the talking telling Louis stories about him and his friends from school. He had told him about his fight with Jeffrey about their dads not being around making Louis feel bad because his baby boy had to go through that. He promised himself to make it up to him no matter what now that he was back and wasn't going anywhere and if he was, Blake was gonna go with him. He would never leave his child ever again.
When they were done eating Blake took Harley outside so he could do his business while Louis stayed in the kitchen with Harry watching him clean everything up. He felt useless when he couldn't help him around and when he was done, they went downstairs to watch a movie when Blake had begged them.
"I was angry, I will never leave you." Louis whispered in Harry's ear as soon as Blake had gone and lay down on the floor with the bowl of popcorn next to him, "I'm sorry I said that. I will never take him away from you."
"You were angry, it happens." Harry wrapped an arm around his shoulders smiling when Louis snuggled up to him.
His legs were over his lap and he was sitting as close to him as he could covered with a blanket. They looked at Blake smiling when he gasped and sat up just when Steve recognized Bucky, it was his favorite scene. Louis knew what it was like to be frozen just like the winter soldier except that he had been dead when the character had been alive and suffering.
Louis had felt nothing at all. To him it was as if he had gone to sleep for only a few seconds and then he was waking up again. It felt as if he was never going to get to move on and be happy but when Harry looked at him and smiled, he knew his family would always be there with him helping him get through everything.
His family was finally complete.
Thoughts? :)
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