Chapter 10~ So take me home
This chapter is 6, 809 words! Sorry for the long wait, don't forget to comment and vote and I hope you like it. Enjoy? :)
It had been almost an hour ever since Louis had finally met his little boy and he had yet to let go of him. He was still sitting on the same spot with Blake on his lap hugging him tight, none of them wanting to let go anytime soon. Louis would run his fingers through his hair or rub his back making a great effort to move his arm, even more when Blake had cried out of happiness. All Louis had been able to do was comfort him like he had always wanted, and god did it feel great. He felt like he was on top of the world with Harry by his side and their son in his arms.
"Daddy, when are you coming home?" Blake asked leaning back to look at Louis reaching out to pull his hair out of his forehead.
The word itself made Louis smile and his chest feel all warm as he gave Blake a loving and maternal look. It made Blake feel funny, but a good funny, when his papa or anybody else had never looked at him the way his daddy did. It made him feel special and loved.
"I hope soon enough." Louis answered looking at Harry for confirmation just as Blake did.
Harry was already noticing similarities between them like the way they would scrunch up their cute nose and how they seemed to almost have the same eyes. It was endearing.
"We have to monitor you for a few more days and once I see there's no risks of complications then you can go home." Harry told him.
"I can't wait until you meet Harley!" Blake exclaimed receiving Louis' full attention loving the way he paid full attention to him.
"May I ask who Harley is, cupcake?" Louis asked caressing his left cheek with the back of his fingers.
"He's my puppy, papa got it for me and he's going to love you!" Blake happily told him then furrowed his little brow, "Why do you call me cupcake?" He asked as he grabbed Louis' hands to play with his fingers. They were really soft and small.
"I've always called you cupcake, you silly boy. Ever since you were a few hours old." Louis smiled, even more when Blake smiled too blushing when his stomach growled and he made an adorable squeaky sound out of embarrassment.
"Are you hungry? Do you want me to order something from the cafeteria?" Harry asked already getting up to get the phone.
"What do they have?" Blake asked getting off of Louis' lap to get the menu, "I want...the chicken fingers and fries with lots of ketchup, please. Thank you papa." He happily said then went back to sit with Louis who opened his arms as soon as Blake had started making his way back to him.
Louis was about to ask him what his favorite food was when he heard him gasping making him worry, "What's wrong?"
"We didn't order anything for you! Are you hungry?" Blake asked him trying to get up to go get the menu and bring it to his father.
"I already ordered for him, buddy." Harry said still on the phone ordering something for himself and when he was done, he went back to sit next to Louis wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
"What about nana?" Blake asked, "And uncle Liam, Niall and Zayn."
"They're down in the cafeteria getting something to eat, they'll be back in a few." Harry smiled at his son reaching to poke his cheek making him giggle while Louis watched them with a smile on his face. He loved watching them interact.
"Anne is here?" Louis asked wanting to see her.
"Yeah, she's in the cafeteria with the guys." Harry told him gently stroking Louis' cheek with his thumb feeling a flutter in his stomach when Louis rested his head on his shoulder still holding Blake.
"I would love to see her. And Gemma." Louis sighed.
"And David and Michelle, and uncle Michael too." Blake smiled not saying a thing when Louis squeezed him a bit.
"Yeah, them too." Louis nodded not letting him get up when Blake tried to.
There was no way he was going to let him go, he had just gotten him back and having him out of his hold and sight was enough to freak him out. He didn't let go when the food got there and Harry got up to help Elena who greeted them with a cheerful hello then left telling them to enjoy their food.
Harry helped Louis with his food bringing the overbed table closer to Louis then gave him the spoon so he could eat the broth he had asked for intending to start giving him solids soon enough. He watched him try to eat noticing the way his hand was shaking deciding to help him while Blake was busy dipping the chicken fingers in the ketchup.
"Thank you." Louis thanked him then ate not saying another word.
"Why are you eating that?" Blake asked still holding onto the chicken finger blushing when Harry gave him a pointed look.
"He can't handle eating heavy foods, not yet." Harry explained giving Louis a smile even though Louis never returned it choosing to stare at his lap.
"Oh. But you will soon! And then we can eat pizza, it's my favorite." Blake smiled at him making Louis smile too as he nodded.
"What kind?" Louis asked, "My favorite is pepperoni."
"So is mine!" Blake exclaimed getting excited out of nowhere making Harry chuckle as he fed Louis then took a bite out of his food, "What kind of movies do you like? I like Marvel and my favorites are Captain America."
"Captain America?" Louis asked turning to look at Harry, "They made into a movie?"
"Yeah, first one came out four years ago and the third one is coming out may next year." Harry informed him.
"Papa's taking me to see it, you can come too." Bake invited him before going back to only paying attention to his food.
"All he'll have eyes for is his food now." Harry said.
Louis nodded and continued eating until he was done feeling a little bit bad for keeping Harry from eating his food while it was still warm. When they were all done eating they piled up the dirty dishes on the overbed table then Harry rolled it to a corner going back to Louis who once again had Blake on his lap. Harry was just getting comfortable when somebody knocked on the door then it opened revealing Liam followed by Zayn, Niall and then Anne. She looked ready to cry at any moment now but held it back and instead gave them a watery smile.
"Anne..." Louis smiled seeing how much she had changed yet she was still as beautiful as ever.
"Oh sweetheart." Anne rushed to him wrapping her arms around him and Blake where she finally let out a few tears pulling back to take a good look at him unable to believe that he still looked the same, "I missed you...I- I missed you so much." She started crying hugging him tight again.
"I'm here now, I'm not going anywhere." Louis told her so sure of himself. He wasn't going anywhere, at least not willingly. He finally let go of Blake to be able to hug her watching his son go to Niall who placed his hands on his shoulders while they all watched them.
"Wait until Gemma sees you! She's coming in a few days with her husband and their kids." Anne gushed still holding Louis letting him rest his head on her chest seeking that maternal hold he had been craving for a while now.
"So much happened." Louis chuckled trying to hide that ache on his chest, "And she said she was never going to get married and have kids, look at her now."
"It was all talk, sweetheart." She started running her fingers through Louis' hair hearing him sighing in content.
"I can't wait to see her in person, I did on video and she's as gorgeous as ever." Louis looked up at her getting startled when Blake started laughing.
He looked his way seeing him on the bed and Niall next to him tickling him while Liam and Zayn watched with a fond smile. Niall stopped when Blake started begging for him to do so and when his uncle let him go, he was quick to get off the bed and go to Louis sitting next to him.
"I'm afraid we have to go, it's been a long day and we need to rest." Liam spoke up seeing Zayn looking exhausted.
"Same here." Niall sighed not wanting to go yet but it was starting to get late, "It was wonderful to see you and I promise I'll come see you tomorrow after work." He made his way to Louis giving him a hug as soon as Anne let go of him then after saying his goodbyes to the others, ended up leaving first.
"I'll come see you tomorrow. Love you." Zayn hugged Louis followed by Liam and a few minutes later left leaving Anne, Harry and Blake alone with Louis.
"Are we spending the night here?" Blake asked breaking the comfortable silence that had settled in the room.
"No buddy, you're going back home with nana. You can come see your dad tomorrow after school." Harry told him seeing him pouting already and Louis giving him a nervous look, "I'm staying here with you, I'm not gonna leave you alone." Harry told him bringing him closer to him kissing the side of his head.
"But I want to stay here with daddy, I don't want to go to school." Blake insisted clinging to Louis trying to push Harry away from him.
"I know, but you have to go to school. No buts." Harry gave him a warning look that had Blake glaring at him for a few seconds then settled down when Louis whispered something on his ear.
"Promise?" Blake mumbled looking at his father.
"Promise, I'm not going anywhere." Louis linked his pinkie finger with him giving him a smile.
"We'll be here tomorrow after school." Anne promised Louis smiling when he hugged her grandson as tight as he could.
"I'll see you tomorrow, okay." Louis kissed Blake's forehead over and over until his son was giggling before he kissed his forehead then the tip of his nose making Louis smile when his son showed him how much he loved him too, "I love you, baby. I'll see you tomorrow and I'm not going anywhere, I'll be here waiting for you."
"Okay, love you too." Blake wrapped his arms around Louis' neck and kissed him one more time before going to Harry to say goodbye before leaving.
When he finally left Harry helped Louis to the bed being careful with his IV only to end up taking him to the bathroom to help him brush his teeth. He still didn't have any bowel movements, something Louis was glad of not wanting to go through that embarrassment only having to pee once before bed. As soon as he was in bed he let Harry brush his teeth and change into more comfortable clothes wondering why he had done it in the bathroom when there was nothing to hide. He wondered if Harry still felt the same, if deep inside he still loved him like he used to.
"Do you need anything else before we go to sleep?" Harry asked him.
"No." Louis answered, "Do you have to work tomorrow?" He asked.
"I'm taking the rest of the week off so I'll be here as long as you want me to." Harry informed him as he fixed the blankets around Louis.
"Why wouldn't I?" Louis gave him a questioning look.
"I don't know." Harry shrugged.
"I'll always want you here. Isn't that what we wanted? To be a family." Louis stared at Harry seeing the way he fidgeted under his gaze.
"Yeah, but after all this years don't feel obligated to be with me. If that's not what you want then I won't force you and...and please don't force yourself to be with me." Harry clarified waiting for Louis to say something afraid of what it would be.
"My feelings haven't changed." Louis spoke up after what to Harry felt like eternity, "I'm not too sure about yours. You- You don't look at me the same. You sometimes have this look on your face like I'm a stranger, but I'm not, I'm still me. I didn't get a chance to get old like you did and I'm stuck at eighteen but I'm still Louis and you're still Harry no matter how old you are or how much you've changed."
"They never changed, okay. I never stopped loving you." Harry placed his hands on Louis' cheeks making sure to look him in the eye freezing when Louis started leaning closer.
Their lips barely touched before Harry closed the space left in between them feeling Louis' fingers tangling through his hair just like they used to. It still had the same effect on him. He kissed him slow and sweet not wanting to frighten him and when he pulled back, he opened his eyes to see Louis still had his closed. He kissed him one more time making Louis smile before he opened his eyes.
"Never doubt how much I love you." Harry told him before he let him go seeing Louis nodding as he licked his lips.
"That's all I needed to know." Louis finally said after a few seconds of silence where Harry stared at him.
"Come on, you need to sleep. You look exhausted and I just know Blake will exhaust you tomorrow when he gets here." Harry let Louis get comfortable before he kissed his forehead then his lips making Louis smile as he made his way to the couch.
"Stay here...with me." Louis shyly said holding his breath when Harry said nothing then ended up sighing in relief when Harry grabbed an extra blanket and made his way to him.
"Goodnight, darling." Harry mumbled once he was comfortable next to Louis smiling when Louis slowly linked their fingers together as soon as he had put his arm over his waist.
"Goodnight, love." Louis said closing his eyes and falling asleep soon after; however, it wasn't a peaceful one when he started remembering things he wanted to always remember and others he wished he could forget.
He looked down at his three week old baby who for some reason wouldn't go down to sleep for the night and he was exhausted. Blake had his eyes wide open showing Louis how blue they were much like his own wondering if they will ever change into green or stay like that. He smiled when Blake let out a squeaky sound and stretched his little arms out before curling up into a ball right in Louis' warm hold.
"You are sleepy, cupcake." Louis chuckled seeing him yawning before he leaned down to kiss his tiny fist starting to rock him again.
The rocking chair was his favorite out of all the things they had gotten for Blake and he loved to sit there and hold his son. Loved to hold him even though he could almost never do it for long always feeling exhausted.
"You want me to sing to you?" Louis whispered smiling when his son yawned again but refused to close his eyes.
Louis smiled and began to sing as he rocked themselves back and forth wishing Harry was with them.
"Hush, little baby, don't say a word, daddy's going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won't sing, daddy's going to buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns brass, daddy's going to buy you a looking glass. If that looking glass gets broke, daddy's going to buy you a billy goat. If that billy goat won't pull, daddy's going to buy you a cart and bull. If that cart and bull turn over, daddy's going to buy you a dog named Rover. If that dog named Rover won't bark, daddy's going to buy you a horse and cart. If that horse and cart fall down, you'll still be the sweetest little baby in town."
When Louis finished singing he smiled when he found Blake fast asleep staying there for a bit just watching him until he got up to put him in his crib. He took a deep breath feeling his body too heavy for him to be able to get up with ease. It took him longer than it would someone else for him to get there and when he did, he placed his baby in his crib kissing his forehead.
"I love you, cupcake. Papa loves you too." Louis whispered.
Louis tried to turn around in his sleep but couldn't when he had an arm wrapped around his waist and couldn't move his legs at all. He whimpered wanting to go back to that dream where he was with Blake and they were somehow okay. Instead, he found himself stuck in a dream where it had been the last thing he could remember before waking up again almost ten years feeling frightened and cold.
"C- Call him...mum!" Louis started crying feeling weaker by the minute still holding onto his one month old.
He watched her through blurry eyes as she ran to get the phone dialing as fast as she could making him wonder why now. Why was she so compliant now when there was nothing left to do and he was slowly slipping away, why now when it was too late.He let out a sob when he heard his Blake crying making sure not to let go of him knowing that could be his last moments with him. He took a deep breath feeling his chest hurting just by doing that shedding more tears when he heard his voice.
Oh how had he missed it.
"H- Hello?" Louis heard his voice making him want to cry yet held it in wanting to pretend that everything was okay, at least for a little bit, "Hello, who is this?"
"Ha- Harry." Louis whimpered when the ache in his chest got stronger leaving him gasping for air.
"Lou! Lou, love where are you? Is our baby-"
"Harry, I- I don't have time." Louis interrupted him already seeing dark spots clouding his vision, they only got worse when he started coughing.
"Tell me where you are...I- I can go get you, but please just tell me where you are." Louis heard him start to cry hearing his mother telling him to hurry up while all he wanted was to tell Harry everything was going to be okay, "Lou..."
Louis smiled a little hearing his voice even though he sounded so broken, so exhausted and that's not how Louis wanted to hear him for the last time. He reached down to kiss the top of his Blake's little head as his lips trembled not wanting to leave him behind and alone, but what else could he do.
He couldn't fight it any longer and the last thing he could do was reassure Harry he still loved him and always will. He mouthed a sorry against the top of Blake's head feeling the soft strands of his hair against his lips as he let more tears fall, one of them landing right on the top of his small head.
"I just...I want you to know that I will always love you okay. No m- matter where I go, or how much time passes, I- I will always love you. I lo- love you f- forever..." Louis finally spoke up feeling nothing when everything went dark.
The last thing he had heard being his son's cries mixed with his mother's sobs, he could care less about her pain when it had been nothing compared to his.
Louis woke up screaming, that was something he was sure of when he opened his eyes desperately searching for a source of light. He didn't want to be in darkness anymore. He thrashed in the bed trying to hold onto something doing so when he felt a pair of warm arms wrapping around him and seconds later, the pressure of lips against the top of his head shushing him.
"I- It's dark..." Louis sobbed against his chest, "I don't want to be in the dark, I don't- not again." He started shaking feeling Harry rubbing his back then running his fingers through his hair.
"You're okay, I'm right here." Harry rubbed his back again then reached for his phone turning it on casting a faint white light around them.
His heart broke when he saw Louis' cheeks stained with tears putting his phone down to wipe them away hugging him again when more kept falling. He started getting worried when Louis started shaking and without thinking started humming a lullaby holding Louis close to him.
"Was it a bad dream?" Harry asked closing his eyes when Louis nodded against his chest, "Then it was just a bad dream, darling. Just a bad dream, you're okay. Nothing bad's going to happen, you're safe here." Harry soothed him feeling his small hands holding onto the sides of his shirt.
"It wasn't just a bad dream." Louis cried, "It was real, i-it was the last time I t- talked to you."
"It's all over now, darling. We're here now, we're together and nothing's going to separate us again. Blake and I are going nowhere and neither are you." Harry spoke in a soothing nod feeling Louis nodding, "Go back to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up."
Harry helped Louis get comfortable again and fell asleep a few minutes later wishing he could take away all of Louis' painful memories, he just wanted him to be happy once and for all. That night he slept as close to Louis as he could and by morning he was the first to wake up already having ordered food for both of them. He was going to start him on soft foods then go from there as well as help exercise his legs wanting him to be able to move them soon.
He got up when he heard a knock on the door and thinking it was Elena he told her to come in but instead saw Mark slowly walking in. He knew he had to check on Louis and was glad he was still asleep or else it would be hell when Louis wanted nothing to do with his parents.
"How is he doing?" Mark asked waiting for Harry to allow him to get closer doing so when Harry nodded.
"Good so far, no complications with his heart at all." Harry explained letting Mark make sure of it on his own unaware that Louis was now awake and listening to their conversation.
"I think he's good to go home, the cryopreservation didn't leave lasting side effects after all the testing we did. Have you made accommodations for him at your house? Because I'm assuming you're taking him with you." Mark said.
"There's not much to change." Harry shrugged, "It's his home too, always has been." Harry made his way to Louis' other side grabbing his hand.
"How's Blake? I haven't seen him in a while." Mark asked gathering his things to leave not wanting to upset his son with his presence in case he woke up.
"He's been doing great, he met Louis yesterday." Harry smiled seeing Mark smiling too.
"How did it go?"
"Wonderful, better than I thought it would." Harry started rubbing circles on the top of Louis' hand seeing his eyelids moving.
"I'm glad. Well I better get going, Jay wants to know how he's doing so I'm gonna give her a call." Mark said as he ran his fingers through Louis' hair then left knowing he was going to wake up at any moment.
As soon as Mark was gone, Louis finally opened his eyes as he yawned receiving a smile from Harry returning it right away. There was a knock on the door then it opened revealing Elena who rolled in a cart full of food leaving it on the overbed table.
"Good morning." Harry smiled at him then got up to roll the table closer to them, "I'm going to start giving you soft foods. Is oatmeal okay?"
"More than okay, I'm tired of only liquids." Louis yawned as he tried to stretch his arms letting Harry feed him noticing how hungry he was.
"Good?" Harry asked pausing to wipe the sides of his mouth with a napkin.
"Tastes good." Louis confirmed seeing Harry wasn't eating, "You can eat too...let me try and eat on my own. I don't think it's fair that you have to eat your food when it's already cold."
"I don't really mind." Harry shrugged and ended up giving the spoon to Louis when he insisted.
He started eating his food watching Louis once in a while as he slowly ate his food and that's when he started eating his own without a worry. They ate in silence until Louis stopped telling him that he was full and Harry made a mental note to ask Elena for a smaller amount of food for lunch. When he was done eating his food he put away all the dishes getting ready to help Louis to the bathroom where he let him brush his teeth then helped him stand up in front of the toilet to do his business.
"I heard Mark." Louis said as soon as he was back in bed wincing a little when Harry folded his right leg at the knee and even though he hated doing the exercises, he knew it was for his own good if he wanted to walk again.
"Yeah, he was here to check on you. You'll be able to go home now so whenever you're ready...and I think Zayn's going to come see you." Harry informed him watching Louis deflate a little, "What's wrong?"
"Home. With you and Blake?" Louis pulled on the sleeves of his shirt over his hands.
"Of course, it's your home too you know. I acquired it with you in mind, I think you're going to love it." Harry winked at him making him blush.
"I want to go home, I'm tired of being here. I spent almost ten years here and I want to leave this place as soon as I can." Louis rubbed the top of his right hand.
"We can go now if you want to, your dad said it was okay." Harry let go of Louis' leg to start on the other one.
"That man is not my dad." Louis nearly growled, his face getting red with rage.
"Mark." Harry corrected himself not wanting to upset him any further, "He said it was okay for you to come home now so if you want to we could go now." Harry said only to realize seconds later that he wasn't ready at all.
He still had a lot to do like buy Louis a whole new wardrobe and other necessities he was going to need, he still had to call Rebecca to ask her if she could clean his house. He wasn't going to bring Louis into a dirty house and knowing Blake, it was probably a mess. He quickly grabbed his phone and sent her a text asking her if she could do it offering a bonus and when she replied with a yes, he was all set.
"I want to wait for Blake so we can all go together. Can you tell Zayn to meet us there later today?" Louis asked continuing when Harry gave him a questioning look, "I want to do something first before we leave."
"What is it?" Harry asked furrowing his brow when Louis took a deep breath.
"I want you to show me the place where I was kept for the past ten years." Louis finally said wanting to see it himself, wanting to be able to let go and start over with Harry and their son.
"Alright." Harry nodded surprising Louis at how quickly he agreed.
Harry quickly sent Zayn a text asking him to meet them later and when he was done with Louis' exercises, he picked him up and placed him in a wheelchair after he had made sure to bundle him up knowing it was still cold there. He slowly made his way there having to go all the way down to the basement always rubbing on a spot on Louis' left shoulder to bring comfort to him.
As soon as they were in front of the metal door Harry placed his hand on the scanner then stood in front of the biometric eye scanner so it could scan them. He took a step back wheeling the chair back just as the metal doors slid open and the cold air rushed out like always, the only difference being that Louis was now with him and was alive.
"It's so cold." Louis mumbled as he looked around when Harry made his way in, "And looks lonely. I thought they would be more people here."
"They are kept in another room, this was only for you." Harry answered looking at the now disabled capsule covered in the metal doors he was always forced to shut down after seeing Louis.
"Can you open it?" Louis asked, his voice trembling in fear at what might be behind those doors.
"Louis, I don't think it's a good idea." Harry gulped not wanting to see it ever again.
"Please...I just want to see where I was kept." Louis begged knowing he had won when Harry sighed and started making his way to it.
He watched him type a password on the keyboard on the wall and after hearing a beeping sound, the doors slid open revealing the glass surface of the capsule. Louis gasped when he saw it, saw how empty and cold it looked then his eyes filled with tears at the sight of it. He had been stuck in there all alone in a place that was too eerie and away from the rest of the hospital. Upon seeing his tears Harry rushed to him kneeling down in front of him wiping his tears away even though more kept coming out.
"Why was I here all alone? Why wasn't I with the rest?" Louis asked trying to calm down but couldn't when he had been kept alone and away from the rest.
"I always came to see you everyday, so did Jay and Mark. That's why Mark decided to keep you here and I thought it was for the best. I'm sorry." Harry looked up at him with tears in his eyes only managing to make Louis cry more as he placed his hands on his cheeks.
"It's not your fault." Louis rubbed small circles on his right cheek with his thumb, "I want to see the others." Louis said.
He had to wait for Harry to ask Mark for authorization when Harry didn't have access to the rest of them. Louis had ignored Mark as soon as he showed up to open it and once he did he was the first one to walk inside followed by them. He typed his password and soon all forty capsules were opening at the same time showing the bodies inside them as Louis watched with wide eyes.
Most of them were male and female adults no older than fifty and what frightened Louis the most was a capsule with a boy as old as Blake. He looked frightening and he wondered if he had looked just like him, he wondered what had caused his death, how had his parents coped with it.
"He had congenital heart disease." Mark answered his question, "He was ten years old when he passed away five years ago. His parents haven't contacted us now that Harry's found a cure."
"What's his name?" Louis finally acknowledged him.
"Jacob." Mark answered surprising Louis when he automatically answered right away, "I never forget their names and why they ended up here."
Louis looked back at the boy unable to take his eyes off of him until Harry was taking him out of there and back to his bedroom to get ready to leave. He didn't say goodbye to Mark after he didn't see him again and he was glad he had stayed away. He was on the bed watching Harry packing a small duffle bag with a few clothes that consisted of shirts, sweatpants and hoodies. He let him remove his IV then put him back on the wheelchair where he held on tight onto the sides.
"Ready?" Harry asked after he had placed the bag on Louis' lap.
"Ready." Louis answered.
He didn't say a thing when they got to the underground parking lot or when Harry carried him into a black SUV seeing how shiny and new it was. He stayed quiet watching the city as Harry drove them home seeing just how much everything had changed, there were so many new things he had to learn. He then watched Harry until they entered what to him was one of the wealthiest neighborhoods having to wait for a gate to open just so they could enter it.
"Blake and mum are already waiting, Blake won't go inside unless you're there." Harry informed him after reading text from his mum while they waited for the gates to open.
"My baby is such a sweet boy." Louis smiled unable to wait any longer to see him.
They drove through it confusing Louis at the many turns smiling when he noticed Blake in the front garden of a two story house playing with a puppy, Anne sitting on a porch swing watching him. Blake stopped and quickly picked Harley up when he saw his father's car slowing down in front of the house then driving into their driveway. He stayed on his spot watching Harry getting out of the car going to the back to get a wheelchair out making Blake smile as he made his way to his nana. It felt like forever to him but soon his papa was wheeling his dad in seeing the way he was looking at everything.
"Daddy!" Blake put Harley on the ground then rushed to his father's arm smiling when Louis hugged him and repeatedly kissed his the top of his head.
"I missed you, cupcake." Louis told him not wanting to let go of him just yet.
"You saw me yesterday." Blake giggled then pulled away to pick up his puppy, "This is Harley, Harley this is daddy. I told you about him." He introduced him putting him on Louis' lap.
"Hi Harley." Louis chuckled as he petted him already in love with the sweet puppy.
"Welcome home, Lou." Anne hugged him.
"Thank you, Anne." Louis returned the hug pulling away when Harry spoke up.
"Shall we go inside?" He asked unable to hide his smile.
"Yes!" Blake exclaimed then grabbed the dog and ran to open the door.
The first thing Louis saw when he walked in was a set of stairs,the top half enclosed by a wall and to his right a big kitchen and further away a family room where he could see a giant flat screen and glass sliding door. To his left there was a dining room and in front of him another big room making him wonder what it was. Louis was already in love with the house and especially with the kitchen.
"Do you like it?" Harry nervously asked watching Louis who was still looking around.
"I love it, and the kitchen is amazing. Just what I dreamed of." Louis replied giving him a warm smile.
"You're going to love the game room, we have games and a lot of movies. Do you want to watch one with me?" Blake asked, his face showing nothing but hope and who was Louis to deny his baby that.
"Can I?" Louis looked up at Harry.
"Of course! You can watch movies while mum and I make something to eat." Harry smiled picking Louis up to take him downstairs through a door right underneath the staircase.
The stairs were straight all the way down and when they got there Louis could see it was a finished basement with the biggest tv he had ever seen and couches along a few bean bags scattered around. There was a shelf filled with action figures and in the tv stand there were a lot of movies behind the glass doors.
"Are you comfortable? Do you need something?" Harry asked after he had carefully placed Louis on the couch.
"I'm good for now, I'll ask Blake to go get you in case I need something." Louis smiled.
"Okay! Have fun you two." Harry grinned then walked back upstairs while Blake searched for a movie.
"Do you want to watch Captain America? Papa and I always watch it and sometimes I watch them with grandpa Mark when he comes over and we get bored of playing poker." Blake said as he searched for it, "Grandpa Mark is the best at poker and he's teaching me how to be the bestest, better than him but don't tell him I said that." Blake giggled.
Louis frowned when he heard that feeling anger running through his body at the fact that he had gotten to spend time with Blake and Harry had let them while he was just getting to know him. He didn't care how selfish he was being but he wanted Blake to himself and far far away from them who had ruined his and Harry's lives as well as his son's.
"Blake, baby come here." Louis gave him a sweet smile when Blake rushed to him and sat down next to him.
"Do you want me to go get papa?" Blake asked, concern written all over his face.
"No, but I want you to answer something." Louis told him then continued when Blake nodded knowing he was going to do what he wanted no matter what, "Do you love me?" Louis asked.
"Yeah, a whole lot." Blake immediately answered making Louis smile never noticing it was a different smile, one that wasn't pure at all but manipulative.
"I know you like visiting Mark and Jay but now that I'm here I don't think that's a good idea. I don't want you to see them anymore, cupcake." Louis grabbed his hands when Blake's smile turned into a frown.
"Why? Grandpa and Grandma are really nice and they love me. He plays poker with me and shows me lots of cool things and she bakes me cookies and reads me stories." Blake said seeing his father frowning then his eyes filled with tears.
"Because it's their fault I left you, they didn't want me to be with papa so they took me away and that's why I died. They made me sad and I got sick, that's why I don't want you to see them. Understand?" Louis tightened his hold on Blake's hands hating how his blue eyes filled with tears but it had to be done.
"But they're sorry." Blake whimpered as his bottom lip trembled and just like that, the tears rolled down his cheeks.
"Sorry is not enough." Louis snapped then his expression softened bringing Blake into a hug, "You love me, right?"
"Yeah." Blake nodded.
"And you don't want me to be sad again, do you?" Louis started rubbing his back.
"No, I don't want you to leave me again. I jut got you back." Blake started crying calming down when Louis kissed the side of his head and shushed him.
"Then you're going to listen to me and not see them anymore, I'm here and I'm all you need. Okay?" Louis pulled back wiping away Blake's tears then kissed his forehead.
"Okay." Blake agreed reaching to hug his dad again afraid of him leaving him again.
Louis smiled as he looked around the room ignoring the damage he had caused when all he wanted was to keep his child from the people who had done so many bad things to him. After all, a body, mind and soul brought back to life after almost a decade frozen in time faces a future full of uncertainty. The dormant identity may emerge and bloom, like a flower from a patient seed, or new thoughts and emotions may supplant the old.
Louis liked to think he still was the old him.
Thoughts? :)
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