21. Untitled
I'm crap at updating and I apologize. This chapter is kinda eh, but I hope that those of you who are still reading like it. I didn't edit! Enjoy!
It was already one in the afternoon and Louis still couldn't get up from bed. Blake had come in to see him before he left to school, and his mother had brought him breakfast in bed. He had barely finished the pancakes when he wasn't hungry at all. All he wanted was to sleep when he felt exhausted. He looked at a sleeping Harry next to him, and tried not to move when the man hadn't slept at all the night before.
He ran his fingers through Harry's hair and held him closer. He placed his hand on his stomach, willing himself not to cry. It was for the best when he was barely getting used to this new world, when he didn't know yet what he wanted to do with his life. When sometimes he was terrified of closing his eyes and never open them again. After thinking too much, which was something he didn't want to do, he got up and made his way to the bathroom to take a shower.
He took his time in there, making sure to really clean down there then stood under the spray of hot water until it turned cold. He grabbed a towel and dried himself before going to the closet to find something to wear. He did the daily routine and when he was done, he walked back to the bedroom and grabbed the laptop Harry had gotten him. It took him a while to get comfortable with it, but as soon as he did, he went straight to google. If you wanted to know something, all you had to do was to google it. He smiled when he remembered his son telling him that.
As soon as the search engine was displayed on the screen, he started looking up schools. He didn't know what it was, or why he was doing it, but he wanted to do his research before making a decision about whether he wanted to go back to school or not. He didn't know what he wanted to study when he didn't want to do dancing anymore. That part of him was gone and he didn't have any desire to do it again. He was in the middle of reading when Harry stirred, making him look up at him.
"What are you doing?" Harry asked him, his voice deep and raspy after sleeping for so long.
"Looking up schools." Louis shrugged, hurrying up to explain when Harry sat up. "I'm just looking. Doesn't mean I'll enroll in one."
"There's no pressure for you to enroll now." Harry laid back down on his side, facing Louis then scratched the back of his neck. "What would you study? In case you do decide to go back."
"I don't know." Louis shrugged.
Silence filled the gray room when the curtains were still closed. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and rested his head next to his back, closing his eyes soon after. The sound of Louis typing had him smiling when he was still just as fast as he used to. Harry was starting to fall asleep when Louis moved, disturbing his nice sleep.
"It's time to pick up Blake." Louis announced, getting up to put his shoes on.
"Just give me a minute to change." Harry got up as he rubbed his still red eyes.
"Umm..." Louis stood in front of him, playing with his fingers. "If you don't mind, I'll like to pick him up by myself. I want to spend time with him... just the two of us."
"Oh." Harry's eyes widened in surprise.
"Nothing bad will happen to him. I just want to spend time with him, I– I feel like I don't spend a lot of time with him and now after–" Louis took a deep breath. "After what happened, I just want to be alone with him. Bond a little more."
"You don't have to explain yourself to me." Harry said. "He's yours too and if you want to spend time with him then you have the right to. Go get him, I'll be here. I'm taking the day off." Harry smiled.
"Thank you!" Louis jumped on the bed and gave Harry a quick kiss. "Can I take your car?" He asked, his hand already reaching for the keys.
"Of course, love." Harry told him, then watched Louis leave before laying down again.
Louis was already parked in front of the school waiting for his child. The line of cars with parents in them waiting for their children was starting to get long and he was lucky to be the first. He watched with a smile on his face when all the kids started walking out of the school in groups, then grabbed the name tag with his son's name on it and placed it against the windshield of his car. He started the car and unlocked the door as soon as he saw Blake making his way to the car and made sure to give him his biggest smile as soon as Blake opened the back door.
"Hi baby!" Louis greeted him. "Come sit next to me." He reached for his backpack and threw it on one of the seats.
"Papa says I have to sit in the back until I'm thirteen, and then I can sit in the front seat." Blake told him, ready to climb in.
"Yeah, but papa is not here and I want you to sit next to me." Louis insisted, biting on his bottom lip when people started honking at him to get him to move. "Just get in the backseat then climb over here." Louis ordered, and as soon as Blake had sat down and shut the door, he drove off.
"I don't think it's a good idea." Blake looked at him.
"But I want to talk to you and be able to see you." Louis pouted. "C'mon, baby. Please." He begged. "Sometimes you have to break the rules, Blake. We won't tell papa. I promise."
Blake chewed on his bottom lip, until he sighed and moved to the front as soon as Louis had stopped at a red light.
"See! It wasn't so bad. Now you can see me and I can see you." Louis smiled. "Buckle up, please." He said. "So how was school?"
"It was good." Blake looked out the window then at his father, noticing how happy he looked. "Jeffrey wants me to go spend the night at his house tomorrow. Can I please go?" Blake asked.
"We'll ask papa later, and tomorrow is saturday so I'm sure he'll say yes. But now how about we go get pizza! And then we can go to the arcade." Louis said, unable to sit still as he drove to a restaurant.
"Okay!" Blake smiled. He was starving and wouldn't mind going to the arcade when it had been too long.
When they got there, Louis carefully parked the car then made sure he had money before getting out of the vehicle. He walked alongside Blake and opened the door, letting his son go in first. The smell of pizza made his mouth water as they made their way to the line to pay and then grab whatever they wanted. Louis let Blake grab whatever he wanted to eat as well as a large sprite, knowing he was supposed to have a small but he didn't care when Blake wasn't going to finish it anyway. They found a booth at the very back of the restaurant and sat down to eat. They finished a whole slice of pepperoni pizza then Blake wiped his mouth with a napkin.
"Where's papa?" He asked.
"At home sleeping." Louis answered before taking a bite of his second slice of pizza. He was starving.
"Can we have ice cream after this?" Blake asked again, having decided to try his luck.
"Anything you want, baby." Louis smiled.
Blake gave him a wide smile, silently thanking him. Louis felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He put the slice down on the plate, wiped his hands with a napkin and grabbed his phone seeing a text from Harry asking him where they were. He quickly replied to let him know they weren't going to be home for a while then put his phone down and continued eating.
Louis let Blake eat whatever he wanted and as much as he wanted, his eyes widening when his son almost finished a whole pizza. When they were done, Louis drove to the nearest arcade located in a mall after googling one near them. When they got there, Louis watched the way Blake's eyes lit up as soon as he saw all the games. He ran straight to the Pac-Man one before anyone else could take it while Louis went to the front desk to get coins. He came back a few minutes later with a small bag full of coins. He gave Blake a few then used some for himself to start playing on the Pac-Man right next to Blake's. It had been so long since Louis had last played and now that he was getting the chance to do it again he forgot for a moment about everything else.
He forgot how messed up everything was. He forgot he had lost a child, even for a few seconds as he cheered his son on. The heartache was still there, but seeing Blake's smile made everything better. He left Blake playing MarioKart while he went to get them ice cream and came back with two ice cream cones. He didn't think two big scoops was too much.
"I won, dad!" Blake told him as soon as Louis was standing next to him.
"I knew you were going to win!!" Louis gave him a quick hug then handed him the chocolate ice cream cone.
"Thank you!" Blake took the ice cream and followed Louis to one of the tables taking a seat in front of him.
They ate in silence until Blake cleared his throat and looked at Louis who was completely focused on his ice cream cone,
"Have you ever had a trampoline?" Blake asked him, having remembered seeing them on their way to the arcade.
"When I was like eleven. Dad got rid of it when I fell and broke my arm and sprained my ankle." Louis told him, then licked the ice cream that was starting to melt.
"What hurt more?" Blake leaned forward.
"Hmm... definitely my ankle." Louis said. "Papa has never gotten you one?" He asked, furrowing his brow when Blake looked down then back at him.
"He doesn't want to get me one because he says I'm going to break something. But you can put a net around it and I'm not stupid." Blake frowned.
"He doesn't think you're stupid." Louis quickly denied it. "He's just trying to keep you safe."
"I'm not a baby anymore. I'm going to ask grandpa Mark for one for christmas." Blake decided.
"Dad hates them." Louis burst his bubble, knowing very well that Mark wasn't going to get it for him if he didn't have Harry's permission first.
"Why is everybody so anti trampoline!" Blake exclaimed, making Louis laugh.
Louis stared at Blake and suddenly he got the best idea ever and leaned forward as soon as he had Blake's attention. "How about... we go and look at them and if we like one, we buy one." He suggested, smiling when Blake quickly nodded. "Finish your ice cream first and then we can go."
Louis had never seen Blake eat an ice cream cone as big as the ones he had gotten as fast as he had done it. When they were done, they walked around trying to find a store. They had to google where to find one and ended up finding a trampoline park instead. Louis didn't think twice and drove there, feeling like a little kid again when he saw all the trampolines.
"I bet I can jump higher than you!" Blake challenged him.
They were only wearing socks and jumping around on one of the trampolines right next to the foam pit.
"You obviously haven't seen me jump before." Louis started jumping, going higher and higher while Blake giggled and tried to jump higher than his father.
Louis was having too much fun seeing his son struggling to jump higher than he was. He watched him give up and jump his way to the edge of the trampoline screaming "Incoming!" before jumping into the foam pit. He quickly got out of there then jumped again, seeing Louis still jumping a few feet away from him. He did it a few more times and stopped when his stomach started hurting. He slowly made his way to where Louis was now sitting waiting for him.
"Can we go?" Blake asked as he took a seat next to his father.
"Sure, bud." Louis slowly got up. They went back to the lockers to retrieve their shoes and then made their way out of there, shivering as soon as they walked outside.
"Do you still wanna go look at the trampolines?" Louis asked Blake, stopping to let a car pass before they started walking again toward their car.
Blake thought about it for a few seconds then nodded. "Don't we have to ask papa first?" He looked up at Louis with a questioning look.
"I'm your dad too and I'm allowing you to have a trampoline." Louis answered. "I don't have to ask your father permission for everything."
He was starting to get annoyed when every time he wanted to do something with Blake, his son always asked if they had to ask Harry first, or if Harry was okay with it. He didn't blame his son when he was used to only seeing Harry as the parental authority in their home, but now he was there too and things were going to change. If he wanted to get Blake a trampoline, then he was going to get the damn trampoline.
"Okay! We're getting the biggest one." Blake shrugged and got in the car.
Louis drove to the store and when they finally got there, they ran straight to the area where a few were set up and there were dozens of boxes lined up in big shelves. They looked around until they found the one they wanted then had someone help them buy it. Louis didn't blink at the price when they had picked the biggest one. He paid and scheduled a delivery for that same day when the trampoline came in four big boxes then paid extra to have the guys assemble it for him.
When they got home, his parents and Harry were gone. Louis knew they were in the hospital doing an assessment for his mom to see how she was doing. It was perfect timing. The delivery truck had followed them there and now they were bringing the boxes to the backyard through the door on the side of the house. They got to work right away while Louis and Blake were sitting on the floor in front of the backdoor watching them. Louis got up and offered them something to drink then went inside to get their water after telling them where he wanted the trampoline.
"Are they almost done?" Blake asked him. He was sitting on the couch with Harley watching tv while Louis entertained himself on the computer.
Louis paused what he was doing to look out the glass doors, noticing they were already picking up their tools. "They're done." He got up and walked out of the house.
He thanked them and he watched them leave just as his father's car turned into their street. He ran inside the house and found Blake already jumping on the trampoline. He closed the laptop and put it away then went to sit on the couch to wait for them. The first to walk in through the door was Jay followed by Mark and finally Harry. Louis stared at him, watching the way he stopped and looked out the glass doors and at Blake who was happily jumping away.
"Uh... what is this? Where did you get that from?" Harry asked him, finally looking at him.
"From the store." Louis answered then got up to help his mom to the couch. "Hi, mom." He greeted her with a kiss to the cheek.
"Hi baby." She kissed his cheek, "You got Blake a trampoline?" She asked him.
"Yeah. He told me he's always wanted one and I got it for him." Louis told her, trying to ignore the looks Harry was giving him.
"He's always wanted one." Jay smiled. "And he looks like he's having a lot of fun."
"Louis, can I talk to you?" Harry said, motioning for Louis to follow him.
"We're going to go outside with Blake." Mark quickly said. He helped his wife outside, leaving Harry and Louis alone in the family room.
Louis took a seat on one of the barstools and waited for Harry to start talking. Harry stared at Blake and the dog barking and running around the trampoline everytime Blake ran around in circles. Louis looked down and smiled, feeling happy just by seeing his son was happy and was having fun. That's what mattered to him.
"He wanted the trampoline. Said he's been asking you for one for so long but you wouldn't buy it for him." Louis decided to break the silence.
"I didn't buy him one for a reason." Harry said. "He could get hurt, they're not safe. He could fall off and break something."
"That's what the net is for." Louis fought the urge to roll his eyes.
"You didn't even ask me if he could have it, if it was okay."
"He's my son too and I wanted him to have it. It's okay, Harry. The net is there to keep him safe and he's not stupid. You treat him like he's still a baby when he's almost ten." Louis stared at him, starting to get annoyed.
"I never said he's stupid. I just want him to be safe." Harry told him.
"Yeah, I do too. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna keep him from doing fun things he likes just because I wanna keep him safe. Might as well wrap him in bubble wrap or keep him locked in his room forever if I'm gonna be this obnoxious." Louis snapped, not even caring that he had probably offended Harry. "And just so we're clear, I'm his dad too and I have the right to decide what's best for him and what's not. You make me feel like I'm no one around here. Like I'm not even his dad."
"I don't do that." Harry's face softened.
"Yes you do!" Louis raised his voice. For some reason he felt angry and he wanted to cry. "When I want to do something with him we always have to ask you if it's okay because if we don't then you don't stop bitching all day. I want to do things without having to ask you if it's okay with you. If I want my son to have a damn trampoline then he'll have it."
"Alright." Harry told him. "All you had to do was speak up, tell me what you want, what you need."
That was it. It was that easy.
"What?" Louis gave him a confused look.
"I know I can get a little...overbearing. I don't want anything to hurt him, I want him to be okay all the time." Harry confessed.
"And I understand, but you need to loosen up a little." Louis said.
"I don't want to fail again." Harry's voice trembled and it made Louis' heart ache.
"You never failed me." Louis willed his tears away. "It doesn't feel that way and I've never thought about it like that."
"From now on we're a team." Harry stood in front of him.
"Thank you." Louis looked down at his lap, letting Harry hug him when the man wrapped his arms around him.
"How about we go outside with the rest?" Harry suggested and kissed Louis' cheeks when he nodded.
They got up and went outside where Blake was trying to do a few tricks. Louis could see the way Harry would flinch every time Blake would fall. Louis wrapped an arm around his waist to let him know it was okay, that Blake was old enough and he was safe.
That night Louis and Harry were in charge of making dinner while Blake showered after the long day outside. They had to watch their step when Harley was laying down on the floor in the middle of the kitchen chewing on his toy obsessively and refused to move. He was getting too big and Harry had yet to find him a training school. He knew he should have done it since he was still a puppy, but always seemed to forgot about it. He was just glad Blake was always outside with him and the dog had gotten used to doing his business outside. When they finally sat down to eat they noticed the way Blake was pushing his food around, only eating a few pieces of the broccoli and beef.
"Are you okay, love?" Jay asked him. "Not hungry?"
"My stomach hurts." Blake looked up at his grandma, showing them how pale he looked. "And I'm tired. I want to sleep." He groaned.
"Did you go to the bathroom?" Harry asked him.
"Yeah, but it still hurts." Blake answered then pushed his plate away. "Can I go to bed now?"
Louis looked at the clock that marked seven thirty, hearing Harry telling him it was okay. Blake sat up and slowly picked up his plate and put it next to the sink then said goodnight and walked away. Harley followed him and this time they didn't stop the dog when they wanted their son to have company while they ate their dinner.
"He probably ate something bad." Mark said. "Kids these days eat whatever."
"He only had pizza and ice cream." Louis spoke up. "He was fine after it."
"He probably caught a bug. If he's not better by tomorrow morning then Jeffrey can't come over." Harry stared down at his almost empty plate. Plans had changed and now it was Jeffrey the one that was coming over saturday night.
When they were done eating, Louis made his way to check on Blake, seeing him asleep with the lights still on. He made sure he was doing fine and after he checked for a fever that luckily he didn't have, he turned the lights off and walked out, leaving the door open.
He spent the rest of the evening in bed with Harry who was looking up training schools for Harley. Later that night around ten, they finally got up to brush their teeth before going to bed. They were rinsing their mouths when Blake walked in looking green and holding his stomach.
"Papa, I don't feel good." He said, before he threw up all over their bathroom floor getting some on his bare feet.
Harry quickly made his way to him and picked him up to get him out of the mess and in front of the toilet, but when doing so, Blake threw up again and got it all over his arm and some on his shirt. He was placed in front of the toilet where he did it again, letting out a few tears when he felt a cool cloth wiping away the sweat off of his face.
"Do you feel better now?" Harry asked him.
He waited for Blake to answer him, having to pull him away when he was about to rest his head on the toilet seat. He watched the way Louis brushed his hair back with his fingers then rubbed his back.
"Stay here, I'm gonna go get his toothbrush and clean pajamas." Harry said before leaving the bathroom, having to step around the puddle of vomit.
"Do you feel better?" Louis asked his son.
"A little." Blake opened his eyes and leaned against Louis, letting his father hold him like a baby against his chest.
"You got puke all over yourself. Cmon, let's go wash you up." Louis tried to make him get up, but Blake refused to move, whining when Louis tried again.
"It was the pizza, dad." Blake groaned. "I'm not allowed to eat a lot because it makes me sick." He confessed.
"Well you learned your lesson, didn't you?" Louis kept brushing his hair with his fingers, seeing Blake nodding. "I didn't know this but you did, and you didn't tell me or paced yourself."
"I want to sleep." Blake cuddled further into Louis' chest.
Louis was surprised he wasn't crying when he, at Blake's age, would cry whenever he threw up. He kissed the top of his head and got up with Blake in his arms. He set him down near the shower door then turned it on while Blake clumsily removed his clothes. Louis helped him in, not minding that he was getting wet and when he was sure his son was okay, he closed the door and let him shower on his own.
"How's he doing?" Harry walked in with clean clothes, a towel and a toothbrush.
"Better." Louis said, his gaze on the vomit on their floor.
"I'll clean it up, I don't want you to get sick." harry handed him the clothes then walked out.
He came back with paper towels, a plastic bag and clorox. Louis couldn't even look at it without getting nauseous. He was thankful that it took a lot to make Harry sick when it came to those things. He leaned against the counter and rubbed his eyes trying to stay awake. It had been a long day and he was ready to go to bed and sleep. He gave the towel to Blake and let him dress up and brush his teeth on his own and when they were done, Harry had already finished cleaning up. Louis made his way downstairs to get his son a water bottle, finding Blake asleep in the middle of their bed when he got back.
"I want to keep an eye on him." Harry told him when Louis raised his brows, seeing their dog sleeping on his bed that hadn't been there before.
"Is his friend still coming over tomorrow?" Louis set the bottle down on Harry's nightstand then got on the bed, climbing over Harry's and Blake's legs to get to his side of the bed.
"If he's okay by tomorrow morning then yeah." Harry looked at his sleeping son, making sure he was covered and comfortable. "It was probably a bug."
"It was...it was actually the pizza." Louis told him when he didn't want to keep that from him. Especially things that concerned Blake. "I took him to this restaurant to eat pizza and then ice cream. He ate a lot."
"He knows he's not supposed to eat a lot of it. Too much flour makes him sick." Harry informed Louis.
"I didn't know that. I don't know a lot of things." Louis sighed and laid down next to Harry. Blake was supposed to be in the middle, but Louis wanted to be close to Harry.
"You'll learn soon enough." Harry turned the light off and wrapped his arms around Louis. "Are you okay?" He asked him, knowing Louis knew what he was talking about.
"I'm sad." Louis confessed. "It hurts...a lot. And I try not to think about it, I'm trying not to think about it.i was doing so well." Louis cuddled closer to Harry.
"I'm sorry." Harry kissed his forehead.
"I have you and Blake. As long as I have you both." Louis closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep after the long day.
The next day Blake was good as new and eating normally. As he waited for his friend Jeffrey to get there. When he saw him and his father getting out of the car, he waited by the door, about to open it when they rung the doorbell. He giggled when Louis picked him up and got him out of the way to get to the door first.
"Dad, I was going to open it!" Blake peeked out the door, seeing Jeffrey smiling big and holding an overnight bag and his pillow.
"Hello." Louis greeted them, then moved aside. "Come in."
"Thank you." Josh, Jeffrey's father, said as he walked in.
"Would you like something to drink?" Louis asked as he led them to the living room, seeing Harley walking up to Josh and Jeffrey to sniff at them.
"I'm fine, thank you." Josh said then looked at Jeffrey, silently asking him if he wanted anything.
"Do you have juice?" Jeffrey asked Louis.
"We have orange and apple." Louis headed to the fridge to show him the juices.
"Apple, please" Jeffrey smiled. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Louis smiled at him, then looked at the door when Harry walked in.
He watch him greet Josh, narrowing his eyes when he could see Josh getting closer to Harry. It was over a fast as it had started, then they were walking Josh to the door. The man stopped at the door and leaned forward to be at eye level with his son to talk to him.
"I'm going now. Please behave and listen to mr and mr Styles. I'll come get you tomorrow at noon." Josh hugged his son and kissed the top of his head before letting go then looked at Harry and Louis. "Thank you for letting him spend the night. If he gives you any trouble please give me a call and I'll come get him."
"No problem. I'm sure we won't have a problem." Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and leaned closer to him, smiling when Josh did before he left.
When Harry closed and locked the front door, Blake and Jeffrey were already in the backyard jumping on the trampoline. Jay and Mark were out for the day and there was no one else in the house. Louis felt like the old days when he grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him upstairs and into their bedroom where he kissed him as soon as he had locked the door.
"We can't leave the kids alone for too long." Harry told him as he kept kissing Louis.
"They'll be fine on their own for a few minutes while you get me off." Louis told Harry.
Harry pulled back and gave Louis a confused Louis, but shrugged it off as soon as Louis' hand sneaked down his jeans and wrapped around his cock. Harry was fully convinced the kids were fine on their own for a few minutes when he pushed Louis onto the bed and returned the favor.
The "few minutes" turned into a full hour where they got each other off. Harry definitely wondered if it was normal that Louis was back to being sexually active, but forgot about it when he had to convince him that it wasn't the right time for them to have intercourse when they didn't have any condoms. Louis stopped insisting when the kids screams started getting too loud and he had to go outside and tell them to quiet down. When he went back inside, he found Harry getting ready to go out. He didn't stop him when he knew exactly what he was going to buy. Louis smirked, unable to wait for night to get there.
Thoughts? :)
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