Chapter #1-What Happened
Kirishima's P.O.V
Sharky Boi has entered the chat
To: Manly Broccoli
Hey, you free today? I asked Denki and Ser but they weren't :)
Manly Broccoli has entered the chat
From: Manly Broccoli
Sorry Kirishima I'm busy as well, doing stuff you know
To: Many Broccoli
Really!? You to! What are you doing anyway!?
From Manly Broccoli
Oh! Look at the time I gotta go see ya
Manly Broccoli has left the chat
To: Manly Broccoli
Midoriya that's so unmanly!
I stare at my phone waiting for a reply but none comes.
"Dammit. No one's free, what are they doing anyway." I mutter angrily to myself
A sudden realization hit me as I jumped from my couch.
"Are they having a party without me?! So UNMANLY!" I screech and stuff my
phone in my pocket.
I walk to my kitchen and grab gummy worms from my cabinet
before ripping them open and stuffing a handful in my mouth.
Well there's no point in slouching around, might as well
go for a walk.
I throw the bag of gummy worms on the counter before
grabbing my jacket and slipping it on, black streaks of
hair going through my red, not caring for styling it because
people would probably recognize me.
I step out of my small house and onto the sidewalk,
"Oh! Hello Kirishima, how was your day!" I hear an old lady say
I look to my right and see Ms. Benny. I grin and wave to her before
walking over to her as she waters her plants.
"Not so well I think all my friends are ignoring me." I wipe away a
manly tear.
"Oh my!" She exclaims and smiles gingerly at me.
"That's not nice, do you know why?" She asks before setting down
her watering can and standing up, popping her back.
"I'm not sure but I have a feeling they're having a party without
me!" I exclaim and she chuckles.
"That's okay! Maybe they're setting up a surprise for you,
I'm sure they wouldn't ignore an amazing guy like you."
A grin spreads on my face and I nod happily.
"Thanks Ms. Benny, you always help. Anyway, I should get going,
have a wonderful day."
I wave by to her as she waves back. Suddenly feeling giddy because
of her words I walk over to the park, near Midoriya's and Todoroki's
apartment because it's the closest park to my house. I sit on a bench.
I watch the kids play on the swings and slides, I catch a glimpse of
blonde spiky hair and I quickly look towards it.
No, it's Todoroki and Midoriya, of course, what was I thinking.
But speaking of Midoriya...
Time to take my revenge.
I thought smirking as I walk over,
"He Midoriay, Todoroki!"
Midoriya flinches and Todoroki freezes up, Midoriya turns around
rigidly and awkwardly smiles.
"H-hey Kirishima..." Midoriya laughs awkwardly.
I furrow my eyebrows and walk in front of him.
"How come you just left me! That's so unmanly, look you're not
even doing anything important!" I exclaim.
Todoroki steps in front of me and separates me from him.
"You're a little to close for my liking Kirishima."
Oh did I mention they are dating?
I watch as Midoriya whispers something to Todoroki. He nods
and pulls Midoriya in front of him and wraps his arms around his
"Actually Kirishima, you are interrupting something very important
so I suggest you leave." Todoroki glares at me.
"Fine whatever, don't talk to me for the rest of the week then! I'll be '
I hold up astricts as I walk backward.
I turn around and put my hands to my sides, clenching them.
"Kirishima wai-!"
"Izu leave him be."
Of course, Todoroki is holding him back from running up to me
and apologizing.
Tears swell up in my eyes and I shake them away as I walk away
from the park.
Manly men don't cry... at least that's what I thought.
When Bakugo disappeared and I found out he moved away all I
could do was cry, for these past few years I've been crying, I even
had to change my hero outfit because if some difficulties.
I walk to the mall instead and go to a restaurant. I sit down and
sigh heavily,
"Lonely once again," I mutter to myself.
I look out the window, seeing Kaminari and Mina, my eyes widen,
Kaminari lied to me as well.
I get up and walk out of the restaurant just as the waitress was
about to take my order.
I stomp out of the place and up to Kaminari and roughly put my
hand on his shoulder,
I harshly say as I feel him tense up and see Mina panic a bit.
"What is going on with everybody today, was I not invited to
something or do you all hate me?"
I ask, holding back tears. Kaminari chuckles awkwardly and
shakes his head,
"Of course not man."
"Then why is everyone avoiding me?" I ask and he sighs.
"Look we just had something to do together and Ba-"
Mina hit his arm and Kaminari jumped.
"I mean nothing, nevermind but Ashido and I should
really get going."
He slips my hand off his shoulder before running off as I watch them.
Why is everyone avoiding me?
I tear up at the thought and don't try to wipe them away
this time. It's whatever, if they don't want to be around me I
don't care.
I start to laugh like I'm crazy as I walk out.
What happened that I wasn't told about.
-Welcome to my first story on this account! I haven't been on wattpad in a while and I think last time I had an account I liked steven universe but I don't remember much, you know.. time passes anyway. Hope you liked it, bleh.-
I purple you
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