Chapter three
"Foxy! Get you stupid ass up!!" I fall off my bed at Freddy screaming at me. Looking up into his angry crystal blue eyes I yelp and crawl under the bed. Sadly for Goldie who I forgot was on the bed fell off and still was asleep.
"Who the Hell is that!!" Freddy screams. I was still amazed how Goldie could sleep like that. He is kinda hot.... I yelp when I was yanked out under the bed by Bonnie! Where did he come from!!!
"One more time dumb ass! Tell me where the hell he come from!" I whimper at Freddy's yelling tears come to my eyes. Freddy looks at Bonnie and nods, panic fills me and I scream really loudly waking Goldie who jumps up and kicks Freddy in the nuts.
Goldie blinks, "I didn't know I could do that! Hahahha!" Freddy was Whimpering in pain, and tears in his eyes. Bonnie let's me go and hugs Freddy. Running into Goldie's arms I smiles and kiss him softly.
"Your a hard sleeper. I crawled under the bed and you fell and never woke up. Then Freddy's in bearable screaming still didn't wake you-" Goldie kisses me as a shut up sign. I smiles and my tail wags happily.
"Can you stop kissing face and tell me who the fucking Golden guy is!" Bonnie yells. Goldie pulls away and sighs. I turns around and growl.
"Goldie is his name! Now go fix Freddy's dick with you mouth out my cove!" I yell making Bonnie yelp. I was clearly pissed for him stopping the grand kiss I was having. Bonnie stands and walks away leaving Freddy. Who passed out from the pain.
"Hey Foxy. I wanna do something." Goldie gos to Freddy and undresses him. I watch trying hard not to show I got a boner seeing Freddy nood. Goldie looks over Freddy and drags him and puts him in a box. Taping it.
"This is fun. But what about his clothing?" I ask hiding my boner.
"You hide them giving Freddy some notes so he can find them." I mind went wild with it and I hide them all in different places. When I walk past the stage seeing the box there and a marker. Quickly I put my name. Foxy♥
Walking back to the cove I walk in seeing Goldie undressing. Eyes wide I slip into the darkness watching. As Goldie slips of his boxers. I bite my lip as my boner gets bigger. Goldie sighs and roles his eyes.
"Foxy I can smell you. Stop hiding." My mouth drops and I pout. He can't smell me. I tell myself. I close my eyes smirking but when I open the Goldie was no were to be seen. Tilting my head I frown.
"How can I lose a big, sexy, golden bear?" I ask myself aloud. Arms snake around my hips and Goldie laughter comes. Feeling his hard manhood pushing at my ass I gasp and blush.
"Did you just call me a big, sexy, Golden bear?" Nodding I slowly turn around watching Goldie. Lust was in his eyes as he looks down and sees my boner.
Hitting his shoulder, "eyes are up here" I say as he laughs and kisses me. Lust shows in his every movement. I couldn't help but moan when he grips me through my jeans. If he wants to be lustful will show him at grand time~ I pull away from the kiss and move down to his manhood and take him hole. Goldie moans at the warmness in my mouth around his manhood.
"Dam it Foxy, your good...." I smiles as I started to suck and bob my head up and down. Goldie's moans were music to my ears as I lick and suck more Faster and harder. The sounds of voices came but I didn't mind I knew it wasn't 6:00 yet. Goldie grips my long red hair and starts trusting in and out my mouth. This moment I was glad I didn't have a gag reflex.
"FOXY! GIVE ME-" Freddy walks in blinks and walks right back out. Goldie came right After and laughs softly.
"Freddy walked in at the wrong timing...." I nod and swallow all the cum licking the left over from his manhood. Goldie just watches me. Standing I hug Goldie and smile softly.
"Goldie!" I wine, "I am hungry!" Goldie roles his eyes and kisses me. Grabing his clothing and putting it on we walks out to see Bonnie watching Freddy find his clothing in animatronic form and not human.
"Having Fun Freddy?" I say playfully. He looks at me as if he forgot about what it did.
"Foxy! Please tell where they are!! I only found my shirt!!" I laugh and nods.
"Two are in the office the rest is hidden in the basement." Freddy nods. And teleports to the places.
"He can teleports! That's so cool!" Goldie gos crazy over it as I laugh at him. We walk into the Kitchen to have Chica glears at us. My ear go down and I whimper a bit.
"Well well well, if it isn't the trash bag and the fake golden statue! You to look so-" Golder had solved the problem by pushing pizza in her mouth.
"The pizza eating duck is talking Foxy! Feed it!!!" I just laugh really hard as Chica storms out pissed. Skipping to the frizzer I look in to find stake and I my all time favorite! RIBS!!!
"JACKPOT!! I FOUND RIBS!!!" Goldie laughs and roles his eyes helping me cook them. We cooked to much tho. The other sure do love ribs as well... I think. Once we were done I look at Goldie.
"Hold on tight." He was about to ask why when I opened the door and screamed out, "WHO ELSE WANTS TO EAT RIBS WITH USS!!!!!!!" suddenly everyone flies in and Goldie laughs watching them scramble to eat. I grab five ribs knowing that is all I can eat Goldie grabs six. Everyone else has the other 46 ribs.
We ended up telling jokes and having a grand time. I want to be friends again..... I look down and get up. "I am going to putter my nose." They all laugh and Chica falls backwards laughing hard. Girly thing....
Walking out I go hide in the office crying. Both doors were shut. I was kind glad I could fit under the desk. Why did I have to bite that poor girl... I ask myself, feeling the kid in and wake and move around. I bite bite......I am sorry .... I shake my head showing that it didn't need to say sorry. You were in defense, I was hurt by the girls words and you helped me.... The quite greets me as I sigh in sadness.
"Foxy! Come out the office! We know your in there!" Frowning I role my eyes. PG was still passed out. "Foxy! We can see your tail!" I growl and hide my tail. As if that pissed off Freddy and Goldie both doors get kicked down. I whimper and ball up more.
"Foxy come on out... I won't hurt you..." Goldie's voice came and I bolt into his arms hugging him. The others watch as Goldie hugs and calms me down from my about to cry stage.
Freddy sighs, "Foxy why were you hiding in here?" I just whimper not wanting to answer him. Goldie looks into my eyes making me feel weak again.
"I didn't want to cry in front of y'all.... I miss being together.... I miss not begin hated and bet up because of the child in me was trying to defend me...." Sobs came from me as I say this and I cry on Goldie. The others look down thinking about what I said.
"Let's go Foxy.... Your going to have a crying fit if you don't calm down." Goldie coos and picks me up like and small child and carry me out. I miss the fun times we had.....
PG = Phone guy here
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