Ten - The Jinkook Solution
What! The! Fuck! These hoes are acting like I haven't been raising them for the last few years, how could they do this to me?!
I felt the muscles in my face contort into a deep frown as Hoseok paced back and forth in front of the empty stretch of brick wall, the others were gathered around like it was some sort of cult. Namjoon didn't let me down yet, I was still hanging over his shoulder, but by now I was used to the feeling of no blood in my feet.
"Let me down."
"Let me down."
"Let me down!"
"Let m-"
"Shut up!"
Namjoon and I both fell silent when Yoongi told us to be quiet, usually I'd fight back but I was in no position to do so at the moment. I sighed and tapped my fingers along Namjoon's back for something to do while Hoseok took his sweet, sweet time, until I heard the bricks start to move and there emerged the Room of Requirement.
Hoseok hadn't wished for something very big. It was a small room and everything was white, except for the only piece of furniture, a table in the middle accessorized by a slab of cheese on the wood.
"Uh, yeah, I'm actually not going in there."
"Me neither," I heard the rabbit child mumble.
"Hoseok, we're not putting them in a psych ward, for God's sake," Taehyung sighed. Hoseok pouted, but Jimin quickly spoke up.
"I think it's a good idea. This way they'll only have each other to stay entertained, hopefully they'll bond."
"We are not putting them in a literal box!" Taehyung said loudly, canceling the idea completely. Yoongi had just walked away completely, clearly not wanting any part in this.
"We could just hang out like normal people," the one with the very irritating voice that makes my happiness flee suggested.
"Well, knowing Seokjin, he won't stay with you for more than a few seconds before running off." Namjoon sighed. I didn't want to speak, so I stayed silent, whining in Namjoon's ear before deflating on his shoulder like a balloon.
"Can I leave yet?"
"After you spend the day with Jungkook."
"Don't make me put the sugar glider in the microwave."
"NO!" I shrieked, squirming to escape Namjoon's grip. He wouldn't hurt RJ, not on my watch, he's my pride and joy!
"Oh my God, just shut the fuck up, you two never stop bickering," Jimin groaned, rubbing his temples and closing his eyes. "Here's the plan; Jin and Jungkook spend the day in Hogsmeade, and don't even think of trying to leave each other because we'll have eyes everywhere. Simple as that."
"But Jimin hyung," Jungkook said, I rolled my eyes. "I-I don't have my permission slip signed yet..."
I gasped in total shock, finally escaping Namjoon's arms. I was just flabbergasted, who doesn't have their slip signed yet? Does that mean Jungkook has never gone to Hogsmeade before?!
"You, my dear child, are coming with me." I demanded, grabbing Jungkook's upper arm and dragging him away. I was so focused on getting Jungkook to Hogsmeade that I couldn't process Jimin's words to the others, but it was something along the lines of "that was easy".
"Hogsmeade is the greatest place to exist." I explained to Jungkook as I dragged him along the corridors to the One-Eyed Witch passage which led to Honeydukes. I decided to sneak him into Hogsmeade since he didn't have his permission slip yet, he wouldn't be allowed out of school grounds without one.
"There's Zonko's Joke Shop, Honeydukes, The Three Broomsticks, Hog's Head, the Shrieking Shack..." I continued to ramble like a machine as I opened the back of the witch statue, still dragging Jungkook along as I led him down the passage, momentarily forgetting my hatred for him. "The food is the best part. Let's get a butterbeer, have you ever tried it before?"
"N-no, I haven't," Jungkook stammered. I gasped.
"Oh, you poor soul! 13 years old and you haven't tried a butterbeer yet, tsk tsk..." I muttered, stopping in front of the staircase to the trap door. I made a shushing motion and let go of Jungkook's arm before climbing up the stairs, slowly and silently pushing the door open. I peeked into the room, but nobody was there except for the boxes crowded around the door.
"Quiet," I mouthed before climbing out, crouching by the boxes. I moved the tile back into place once Jungkook got out too, grabbing his hand and leading him to the back. He seemed surprised that my hatred for him just vanished on the spot after hearing that he hadn't been to Hogsmeade, and honestly, I was surprised too.
Once we got out through the back door unseen, I sighed loudly and stretched my arms above my head, wrapping one around Jungkook's shoulder. "This, my dear child, is Hogsmeade."
As it was late September, the leaves were starting to fall, autumn was coming early this year. The orange and red leaves falling from the trees over Hogsmeade added a certain charm to the little village full of students and adults roaming around, visiting shops or going for a drink in one of the pubs, it was a magical little place just on the outskirts of Hogwarts. Jungkook looked amazed, who wouldn't be?
I started leading him to The Three Broomsticks so he could try a butterbeer. Seriously, who hasn't had butterbeer before? It was the best drink on the planet, so sweet and melty, it was perfect for any time of the year.
Our cloaks billowed behind us as the gentle breeze blew by us, the weather was nice. Jungkook was pretty quiet, but he just seemed to be admiring the place. Stupid kid hasn't been to Hogsmeade, what a joke...
I opened the door for Jungkook and waited for him to go inside. It was nice and toasty inside with the beautiful (but not as beautiful as me) Madam Rosmerta tending to the fire, poking the logs around before shooting a flame from the tip of her wand. She dusted her hands off on her apron before standing up, smiling at Jungkook and I before heading behind the counter.
I sent Jungkook to find us a table while I grabbed two butterbeers from the counter, sitting across from him. He looked all small and nervous wrapped in his cloak with his Ravenclaw scarf nestled around the lower half of his face, his big, dark doe eyes peeking out from under his red and blonde hair. I didn't even notice he dyed half of his hair blonde until now.
"Try it," I said as I slid a glass across the wooden table to Jungkook, sitting on the other side to see his reaction. I saw the way his eyes lit up when the liquid touched his lips.
"Good, eh?" I grinned, nodding before taking a sip. I groaned in satisfaction and smacked my lips, I always did it, even though it annoyed Namjoon and he'd always tell me to shut up.
Namjoon. My Joonie.
I narrowed my eyes and snatched the glass from Jungkook's hands. "Tell me what you want with Namjoon."
"Hyung, I-I just want to be his friend, please don't get the wrong idea," Jungkook squeaked, looking thoroughly disappointed when I took his drink away. Satisfied with his answer, I handed his mug back, nodding.
"Why are you so, uh... upset about it anyway?" He asked as I took another sip of butterbeer. "You're not dating him, are you?"
I felt my throat constrict when I heard the last sentence before I spit out my butterbeer, coughing violently for a few seconds. I glanced around with fiery cheeks before grabbing Jungkook's hand.
"No, my child," I said in a sweet tone, using Jungkook's sleeve to mop up my mess on the table, ignoring his mortified expression. "We are not dating, and quite frankly, the thought disgusts me. He hates seafood, I love it, we could never date." I aggressively patted Jungkook's cheeks.
"Sorry," the rabbit gulped, looking down. "I just don't understand why you're so... so possessive over him."
"I'm not possessive." I huffed. I cut him off before he could say anything else. "Hurry up, chug that. Jimin asked if I could grab him a pair of Extendable Ears from Zonko's while we're here."
I watched Jungkook intently as he chugged his butterbeer, wondering why he looked so nervous. I clasped my hands together and put my chin on my intertwined fingers, slowly looking him up and down with bulging eyes. "Are you done yet?" I pressed, grabbing a napkin from the elderly couple sitting at the table next to us to wipe Jungkook's upper lip, which was covered in whipped cream. He shook his head nervously.
"Chop chop, then!" I grabbed his mug and made him drinking faster, receiving odd looks from people around us. Must be staring at my handsome face.
I left a few Sickles and Knuts on the table before grabbing Jungkook's arm and leaving. I pulled him down the little road to Zonko's Joke Shop, a red little building with many trinkets and displays in the window, it was a charming place. The bell rang above our heads as we stepped in, and that's when the chaos unfolded.
Kids running around and screaming, chasing each other with Nose-Biting Teacups, dodging around a group of teenage boys who'd spilled a few bars of Frog Spawn Soap on the floor. A baby was crying, but soon silenced by a Sugar Quill as the mother held it by the front counter with a tired look. A toddler sat at her feet, hiccupping uncontrollably, obvious the affects of Hiccough Sweets. Chaos, I loved it.
Usually Hoseok and Jimin were the ones running around in here, but now I was being sent in for their dirty work. Not that I minded, Zonko's was always fun, and the rabbit would soon learn the ways, oh yes.
"Go find Extendable Ears, I'm not going over there and stepping in Frog Spawn," I scoffed at the group of teenagers, still standing around dumbly by their mess. I gave Jungkook a shove to get him moving, watching him navigate through the chaotic crowd with difficulty. I didn't follow him directly, but I stood close by.
He weaved past the group of older boys, who laughed unkindly at him. Who did they think they were, picking on some 13 year old? Only I can do that! I started heading over, just keeping an eye out.
"Filthy little Mudblood," one boy sneered. I felt a tingle in my stomach, more like a boil, actually. I assumed Jungkook was a Muggle-born, but I never thought I'd hear someone call him that... that word. As a pureblood myself, I've never looked down on anyone of lower blood status, it's just wrong. Fists clenched, I made my way over.
Swinging my hips on purpose, I shoved right through the group of younger teens, shoving the one who called a tomato-like Jungkook the M word. Using the force of my hips to lean into my shove, I pushed him right to the ground, then grabbed an Ever-Bashing Boomerang from the shelf, ripped the packaging off, and threw it directly at the kid's head.
"Oops, sorry," I pouted mockingly, speaking in a sweet voice as the boomerang repeatedly smacked into the kid's head, watching as he pathetically tried protecting his face. But it was no use, once thrown, the boomerang wouldn't stop, it was one of the many reasons Filch banned them. I crouch down to his level.
"Maybe next time you should choose your words a little more wisely when speaking to a kid who hasn't done anything wrong," I sneered, standing back up and shoving his other friends out of the way. Grabbing Jungkook's hand, I tossed a few Galleons onto the counter, then pulled him out of the store.
We walked in silence for a bit. Jungkook was red in the face, probably from humiliation, the kid had no ability to stand up for himself. I could feel his gaze on me from time to time, but chose to ignore it. He was basically hiding in his scarf, clutching the box of Extendable Ears, the gentle breeze pushing his hair back. I glanced down when he finally spoke.
"Um, thanks... for that." He said quietly.
"No problem." Was all I responded with, very softly, it even surprised me. We kept walking to Honeydukes so we could take the One-Eyed Witch passage again, something had definitely changed between Jungkook and I. Instead of seething jealousy, I felt... fondness. It was funny how little acts like that could change so much.
We were still silent when we arrived back at Hogwarts, but it wasn't awkward. Jungkook went on his phone for a minute, and my own phone dinged soon after. I checked; Jungkook added me back to the group chat.
I smiled down at him. "Thanks."
"No problem," Jungkook smiled back. And we kept walking in silence.
Jeon Jungkook wasn't too bad at all.
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