Bottled up anger
Scabbers had become increasingly tense and alert noe that Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban and Remus Lupin was so close to him.
He was currently hiding in the corner of professor lupins office, watching him and harry practice casting the patronus charm.
Why does he have to look so much like James?
He could see a wisp of light coming from Harry's wans after a few tries.
"Very good Harry."
He watched as Remus snapped of a large price of honeydukes chocolate for harry and then him walk out, leaving his old friend alone.
"It was very foolish to be here tonight Pettigrew." He said, still packing away the boggart.
Scabbers froze. No one knew who he was, everyone knew that he was dead, right?
"Oh don't bother pretending, I could tell it was you without being a werewolf."
He sighed and transformed, wand in hand.
"Re-remus, my old friend, have you h-heard the terrible news, o-of Black, escaping?" He asked, bringing back his fake stutter.
"Oh yes, but it isn't terrible news. And I know that he was innocent all along, you filthy price of vemin."
"I don't k-know what-"
"-yes you do. I know Sirius wasn't secret keeper of the Potter's that night, he switched with you. And unfortunately for you maybe, I've been in contact with dear padfoot, and I think he would like to see you."
"Y-you m-m-mean he is here?'
"Oh yes, I'm definitely here," said a voice from behind him, a man with shaggy black long hair.
"And I am going to kill you."
And with a large slash of fury that had been bottled up for the last 12 years, Sirius Black swiped a pointed claw through his throat, and he dropped dead in an instant.
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