Since these one-shots connected with Hogwarts, I decided to put them in Hogwarts.
A Hogsmeade Trip In December: Ethdubs
Etho's Perspective-
I was a bit nervous as me and Bdubs walked into Hogsmeade.
I looked over at Bdubs and blushed.
I couldn't believe it.
Bdubs had asked me out.
And it was December. The time of year when the town was beautiful.
The colorful lights blinded me as we walked into the town.
It wasn't snowing too hard, and there were Christmas trees all around.
I could see a small part of the castle from where I was, and I could see a light streaming through the castle window.
The town was bustling, and I could hear loud noises from each and every corner.
Suddenly, I spotted two girls in my Ancient Runes class walking towards Honeydukes.
They were holding hands and smiling happily.
They looked like they had just been on an incredible shopping trip, and they were wearing cute sweaters and boots.
"So," Bdubs said, causing me to snap back, "Wanna go grab some Butterbeer and warm up?"
I nodded, "Sure!"
We then started our journey to The Three Broomsticks.
There were a fair amount of people walking around, causing a crowd.
About halfway through our walk, I realized I had lost Bdubs and back tracked.
I chuckled lightly as I saw him inside of Honeydukes.
I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder.
He jumped and dropped some of the Chocolate Frogs he was holding.
"Gah! Sorry, I should've told you where I was going." He said, scrambling to pick up a Chocolate Frog.
"Why are you buying all of these?" I asked, watching as Bdubs took out a Galleon and some Sickles to pay for the candy.
"Uh- my siblings like to collect the cards."
I nodded and watched as Bdubs thanked the employee and grabbed the bag full of treats before we walked outside.
He held my hand, making me blush.
"Just to make sure you don't lose me again." Bdubs smiled.
I chuckled as we walked into The Three Broomsticks.
We sat down with our Butterbeers, and I took off my mask.
I saw Bdubs's eyes widen and blush form on his face as I blew on the drink.
"What?" I asked.
"I- I don't think I've ever seen you without your mask on."
"Sorry, is it bad?"
"No, no! I think...I think you look really cute." He mumbled before taking a sip of his drink.
I blushed as I drank the Butterbeer, warmth stretching through my body.
We continued talking and the more I found out about him the more I loved him.
I feel like this relationship would really work out.
I love you.
How We Met: Scarian
Grian's Perspective-
It had been a couple weeks since Grian got sorted into Slytherin, and he was fitting in nicely.
He had met a nice girl named Archer.
They were a bit scary, but nice.
Since Grian and Archer were both new to Hogwarts, they stuck together.
And soon Quidditch came around.
Archer, who was very fond of Quidditch begged Grian to go with them.
Grian reluctantly agreed, and off they went.
"I can't believe you're not a huge fan of Quidditch." Archer said as they found their seats.
Grian shrugged, "I'm okay with it, but I like watching the professionals play."
Archer nodded, "Agreed, but this should be fun."
Grian sighed and watched as the game slowly started.
It was Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw.
"Who's that as the keeper?" Archer asked as everyone flew off into their positions.
Grian could barely hear them over all of the cheers, but said,
"I think it's someone in their first year."
"No...we would've seen them."
"The Hufflepuff keeper?" Archer's brother poked his head in.
Grian and Archer didn't always hang out with Jack, Archer's older brother, but he was nice.
"He's in his second year." Jack said.
"Really?" Archer and Grian awed at the same time.
They watched as one of the Ravenclaw chasers dodged and weaved towards the Hufflepuff's goal, and the keeper saved it.
"Oh! What an incredible save made by Hufflepuff keeper Scar!" Commentator Skizz said loudly, "Despite him only being in his second year, he has amazing skills!"
Grian and Archer clapped, but only for a bit as most Slytherin's hated Hufflepuffs.
And soon, the Hufflepuff seeker obtained the snitch and the match ended.
"Well that was fun, wasn't it?" Archer asked as they walked out of the field with Grian.
"Yeah. That keeper's really good." Grian said and Archer agreed.
"Oh, I gotta head up to the library." Grian said, "I need to get some work done."
"Boo. Welp, see you later." Archer said, waving goodbye as they walked down to the Slytherin common room.
Grian smiled as he walked up to the library.
He set up at a table and got out his potions essay.
He took out his potions book and started writing.
Grian sighed as he closed his book.
He got up and heard someone's footsteps.
Someone's footsteps near the Restricted Section.
It's probably just Madam Pince.
Grian but his lip and looked over his shoulder.
Or it could be some kid who's not allowed there...
Grian sighed and walked over.
His eyes widened.
"What are you doing?"
The guy jumped and turned around.
"O-oh, why hello there!" Scar smiled nervously, looking caught.
"Wha-what are you doing?"
"I was just...wanting to get a book and- "
"You're not allowed in- "
Grian and Scar jumped and turned around to see Madam Pince standing there, looking furious.
"Detention! For both of you! You are not allowed in the Restricted Section! You know that!"
"Look, I'm so- "
"Don't." Grian interrupted.
They had to clean the trophies without magic, and it was taking forever.
"No, listen. It's my fault you're here and I'm so sorry." Scar said.
"N-no, it's fine." Grian said, his voice shaking, "It's just that my parents are going to find out, send a Holwer yelling about how disappointed they are in me, and then probably ground me for the rest of my life."
Scar's eyes widened.
"I'm so- "
"Don't, Scar. There's nothing you can do about it anyway."
"I could explain it to Professor Sprout." Scar said, "She's fair, she'll listen."
"You- you think so?" Grian asked, sniffing as he was on the verge of tears.
Scar smiled, "I know so."
Grian smiled weakly.
"And Grian didn't do anything wrong. It was all my fault." Scar explained nervously to Professor Sprout and Snape.
"Well, dear, that is very kind of you. We can take Grian's detention off, but you should do another detention in replacement." Professor Sprout said before turning to Professor Snape.
"That seems fair, doesn't it?" She asked and Professor Snape nodded.
"I can decided which detention he gets for causing one of my students to go through so much trouble." Professor Snape said, death staring Scar.
Scar gulped.
"Don't worry, Severus, I'm sure I can pick a fair enough detention. Scar is a part of my house after all."
Professor Snape narrowed his eyes but nodded.
"Let's just make you write lines, Scar, as you have already had to clean the trophy room without magic." Professor Sprout said and Scar smiled.
"I will see you in my room tomorrow night." She said, handing Scar a slip before dismissing him and Grian.
They both left, the distinct voices of Professor Snape and Sprout arguing in the background.
"There, see? Professor Sprout is always fair." Scar said.
Grian nodded.
"And uh...thanks for doing that. It means a lot to me."
Scar smiled and nodded, "No problem!"
They soon had to split up and they stood there awkwardly, not wanting to stop their conversation.
"I saw you at the Quidditch match today, you were good." Grian said.
Scar smiled, "Thanks! I didn't think too many Slytherin's were happy that Hufflepuff won."
"Not all. I thought you were really good."
Scar's smile widened and his face turned a bit red.
"So will you be at the next match?"
"Slytherin versus Gryffindor, right?" Grian asked and Scar nodded.
"Maybe we can sit next to each other and watch it together! It would be nice to talk to you again."
Grian blushed and nodded.
I love you.
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