Friends Again
Kelly's Perspective-
"Hey, I'll see you in the Common Room, alright?" Kelly told Venus.
"Wait, why- "
Kelly didn't answer her friend as she dashed up to talk to Jimmy.
"Er- hey Jim." She said awkwardly.
Tom, Scott, and Jay stopped their conversation.
"Do you mind if I walk with you to the Common Room?"
Jimmy exchanged looks with his friends, who all had different reactions.
Tom shrugged, Scott looked nervous, and Jay gave Jimmy a worried look.
"Er- sure." Jimmy said.
Tom quickly roped Scott and Jay into a conversation as they walked away.
"So...look, I'm really sorry for being such a bitch to you." Kelly apologized, "I'm so, so sorry, I don't know why I ignored you and said we couldn't be friends- "
"I mean... I understand." Jimmy said awkwardly.
"But." Kelly said, smiling, "I do wanna be friends. If it's okay with you."
Jimmy's face lit up, "Yeah! That'd be great! But...well...I just wanna say I'm sorry. I should've probably explained that I liked someone else instead of you overhearing my conversation."
"It's fine." Kelly said impatiently, "Besides, you can Scott are really cute together!"
Jimmy froze and his face turned red.
"Er- how'd you know it was Scott?"
"Earlier today! At Hogsmeade I saw you guys buying flowers. You guys are soooo cuteeee!!"
Kelly squealed, "It was magical! I was just waiting for you two to kiss!"
Scott, Tom, and Jay looked back at Kelly for her loud squeal.
"Shut up!" Jimmy hissed and Kelly giggled.
"Both of you two were blushing, flirting, and dancing with flowers! It was adorable!" Kelly said and a sparkle appeared in her eyes, "And you cannot stop me because I've already come up with a ship name!"
"You did not. Please stop." Jimmy groaned in his hands.
"It's Flower Husbands! It suits you guys perfectly! And your names fit each other! Jimmy and Scott. Scott and Jimmy. It just has that sort of feel to it, you know?"
"Do you just wanna be friends so can ship with another guy."
"No. I wanna be friends since I miss hanging out with you and I wanna help you get the guy you like! It should be easy since he likes you back."
"Kellyyyyy, please stoppppp."
Kelly giggled again as she kept saying how much she loved the ship name she came up with.
"Don't you think husbands is a bit far?"
"But Flower Husbands works!"
Jimmy shook his head and Kelly was in a fit of giggles as they got to their Common Room.
"Well, friends?" Jimmy asked.
"Friends." Kelly smiled before disappearing into the girl's dorm.
Jimmy's Perspective-
"So what'd Kelly want?" Jay asked Jimmy as they sat down to play a game of chess.
"She wants to be friends."
"Wasn't she being dramatic the past couple of months due to you breaking up with her?"
"That was in January."
"Why'd she want to be friends anyway?"
"Because she realized how cute of a couple me, and Scott would be."
Jay raised an eyebrow.
"Those were her words!" Jimmy said, putting his hands up.
"I mean, do you think you and Scott would be a good couple?"
Jimmy shrugged and moved his pawn.
"I thought you were flirting with him earlier."
"When you were getting flowers." Jay said, moving his knight, "I mean, you did kind of start dancing."
"I was just doing him a favor." Jimmy said, though his heart did flutter when he
remembered the way Scott looked in the flower crown.
"Mhm. So that's why you were blushing so much."
Jimmy shot his friend, who laughed, a look.
"Come on, Jim. You know I'm messing with you. But I do think there might be something. I mean...why did you break up with Kelly?"
Jimmy shrugged, "I don't know. I just didn't like her anymore."
"Was it random or did it decrease over time?"
"I don't know...I think it was random. Like one day I started to like someone else."
"Do you remember what happened that day?"
"Er- I think me and Scott got teamed up in Herbology."
"Did you guys talk?"
"Not really. I mean, we did but only if we had too. But he did get dirt smudged on his face and he didn't know it and we had like a petty argument. That was kind of cute..." Jimmy mumbled, thinking about Scott's smile and laugh.
Jimmy then snapped back to see Jay with a smug smile.
Jimmy had a moment of realization and Jay put his hands behind his head.
"See? Told you."
Jimmy groaned in his hands, "This just sucks."
"What do you mean?"
"I Scott's been acting weird- "
"That's because he likes you and you started to go out with Kelly. But now he knows you guys broke up...right?"
"Er- about that."
"Jim! Do not tell me Scott doesn't know about your breakup."
Jimmy laughed nervously, "I... I may have left that detail out."
"Oh, my cod! You made this so much harder than it needed to be!"
"I'm sorry! It didn't come to mind."
"Look, I know you get all fluttery when you're around him, but you need to tell him about Kelly."
Jay then moved his piece and said, "Checkmate, come on."
"Hey wait!" Jimmy called after his friend who started walking towards the portrait hole, "I didn't move!"
"You were too slow I decided just to move!"
Jimmy sprung up and ran after his friend out into the halls.
"Where are we going anyway?"
"To talk to Scott." Jay said as if it were obvious.
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