Flower Husbands
Thanks guys for 1,000 reads and #1 in Jellie!! I posted this chapter early in celebration!Also, warning, you may die of cuteness
Scott's Perspective-
"Where do you wanna go first?" Tom asked Scott as they entered Hogsmeade.
Scott shrugged.
Just then, Jimmy and another guy walked past them.
Scott noticed that Jimmy wasn't with Kelly and was confused.
"Where's Kelly?" Scott asked.
Tom looked around and pointed at her.
She was talking with Venus.
"Why's she not with Jimmy?"
"Maybe something happened." Tom shrugged.
"Should we ask him?" Scott suggested, though he didn't want to.
"Yeah, why don't we hang out with them today? You've been wanting too and Kelly's not with him."
Scott blushed, "No! Maybe Kelly's just talking with her friend and then going with Jim."
Tom shrugged, "Let's go see if we can hang out."
Much to Scott's dismay, Tom walked over to Jimmy and the ginger.
"Oh, hey guys!" Jimmy waved at Scott and Tom.
"Hey. You mind if we hang out with you guys?"
"Sure." The ginger who Jimmy was hanging out with shrugged.
"I'm Jay."
"Tom. This is Scott." Tom introduced them.
"Wanna grab some Butterbeers? I'll pay." Jay said and the others agreed.
Scott was looking out the window of the Three Broomsticks, watching as a woman set up a stand selling flowers.
Jay was in line to order their drinks and Tom and Jimmy were talking.
Scott looked up at Tom.
"You okay? You're staring off into space." Tom said before catching at what Scott was looking at.
"What, you want a flower?"
"I wanna send one to my mom. Her birthday's this month."
"Oh, okay." Tom searched his pockets before panicking, "Of fucking course."
"I left my money up in my trunk. Sorry, Scott."
Scott sighed, "It's okay."
"I have money." Jimmy said.
"Oh!" Scott felt his face heat up, "You don't have to."
"No, it's fine! Come on." Jimmy got up, "Tom, do you mind telling Jay where we went?"
"Course not." Tom smiled and nudged Scott to get up.
Scott death stared him and followed Jimmy outside.
They saw that the woman was selling flower crowns, as well as individual flowers.
"A single flower's two Sickles, a flower crown is 10, and a custom crown's 15." The woman said.
Jimmy was looking at the crowns.
"Why don't you get your mom this?" Jimmy put the crown on his head.
Scott giggled, "I don't think she'd wear it."
Scott then picked up a white tulip.
"I think she'd like this though."
"Alright. One crown and one flower then."
Jimmy said, taking out 12 Sickles.
"Thank you very much!" The woman said.
"Why'd you get a crown?" Scott asked as they walked towards the Three Broomsticks.
"Cause, it's fun!" Jimmy put it on Scott's head, and he blushed.
Jimmy laughed, "You look so scared!"
Scott rolled his eyes and put the crown on Jimmy's head.
"You paid for it, I'm not gonna take it away from you."
Jimmy laughed and Scott blushed.
They then started laughing as they chased each other around with the crown.
It was...perfect.
The sun had highlighted every detail about Jimmy.
Starting at the fluffs in his dirty-blonde hair to his light pink blush.
Jimmy's laugh made Scott feel on Cloud 9.
Jimmy ended up going in circles and slowed to a stop.
"Oh my cod, Scott!" Jimmy laughed, out of breath, "I got you the crown, take it!"
Scott giggled and watched as Jimmy walked up to him.
"Wear the damn crown." Jimmy said with his stupidly cute smile on.
He put the crown on Scott's head.
Scott's heart skipped a beat as he felt Jimmy's hands brush against his face.
"There." Jimmy put a strand of hair behind Scott's ear.
He had a soft smile on his face as he and Scott looked at each other.
Scott leaned into Jimmy's hand, but Jimmy didn't move.
Their hearts were beating at a fast rate as they both knew what they wanted to do.
Scott and Jimmy's eyes closed as they moved closer.
They then heard someone squeal.
Scott quickly looked away and the butterflies in his stomach disappeared as he was washed over with guilt.
Kelly had seen them.
She's probably heart broken and furious with me.
Scott knew exactly how she felt.
Or at least, he thought he did.
I don't know about you, but I could picture exactly how it looked. Them dancing and laughing at each other in Hogsmeade, the sun perfectly lighting every little detail on Jimmy's face. It was perfect. And I also almost cried from cuteness while writing this (I have a very weak heart) :')
Also go check my latest announcement
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