Chapter 6 - Box talk
Virgil's P.O.V:
After we were done with lunch, Patton and I walked towards our next class. Half way there we met Logan and Roman.
"Hello." Logan said and greeted us. "Greetings!" Roman said in his normal flamboyent style.
"Sup." I said. "Heyo~" Patton said.
We all started walking up the grand staircase. Patt and Logan were talking and did I detect flirting from Logan?? Those two should get together.
Roman and I walked together in silence. Should I say something?
I glanced over at him. He looked bored and his chocolate brown eyes were looking straight ahead. I must have been staring since he looked down at me with a slight smile and I quickly turned away. Stupid Roman.
Logan had to go off to his class so the rest of us went to our class. Hufflepuff and Gryfindoor were together so Roman just followed us.
We sat down in the classroom as the lesson started and I took out my quill and scetchbook and started drawing. It was History of magic, do you really think that I was going to listen to the teacher ramble on and on about goblins?
~Time skip to after class~
Roman's P.O.V:
FINALLY! The class was done. Ugh! That took like, five-ever!
I packed my stuff together and shouldered my bag. I looked around for Virgil and Patton. Patton was nowhere to be seen. I guess he had to hurry to his muggle studies. Virgil on the other hand was just heading out the door. I was about to go after him when I noticed that his notebook was still on his desk. I quickly grabbed it and hurried after him. I got outside the door and saw him go around a corner.
"Virgil! Wait up!" I said and ran after him. He didnt stop. I guess he didnt hear me.
I finally caught up to him by the staircase. "Hey! Wait!" I said and Virgil turned around. "Oh! Hey. What is it?" he said and faced me. I held out the book. "You forgot this in the classroom. I thought I'd bring it to you." I said. Virgil took the book and eyed me with suspision. "You didnt look at it. Did you?" he said. I shook my head. "I dont look at peoples stuff without asking first." I said. Virgil nodded. "Well... thanks." he said and started walking. I started to follow since we had to go the same way to get to our classes. We walked together in silence for a while until i started up a conversation.
"So.... What class do you have now?" I said. "Study of Ancient ruens." he said. "You?"
"I have Divination" I said. I loved reading other people's futures! It was so much fun and nice to think that everything had a purpose and was all part of a big plan.
"Help! HELP!" A voice called from down the hall.
Virgil and I shared a look and we both took off in the direction of the sound. "Hold on!" I said. "We're coming!"
We stoped in front of a door to a classroom and we could hear banging coming from inside. Virgil tried the handle. "It's locked." He said. I took out my wand and pointed it at the lock.
"Alohamora!" I said and the door flew open.
Virgil leaned into the dark room to see who was shouting. Big Mistake!
I felt someone push me from behind and I fell on top of Virgil and we tumbled into the room.
All I herd was a cackle and the door slamming shut behind us before everything went dark.
Virgil's P.O.V:
I leaned into the room when suddenly I herd Roman yelp as he fell on top of me. I just had time to turn around before I landed on my back in the dark room.
I felt dizzy as the "room" shrunk until Roman and I nearly had room to sit across from each other.
I couldn't see because of the dark but I felt Romans heavy breathing on my face as he struggled to get off of me.
After a lot of moving around and a lot of accidentally punching each other in the face Roman was curled up across from me and had used the "Lumos" charm to make some light for us.
"What the hell?" Roman said as he looked around the small box. I just stayed silent and tried not to panic to much. See, I'm not a huge fan of small spaces. Especially when I have to share that small space with a dude whom I hardly know!
Roman kept trying to push the walls out and let out a few frustrated grunts when it didn't work. After about five minutes with this he gave up.
"It's no use. We're stuck." He said. "Yeah no shit, Sherlock." I mumbled and curled up a bit more. He ignored me and started to tap his fingers on his knee.
Silence filled the small box and I was getting more and more uneasy. I pulled my shirt over my hands to hide the fact that they were shaking.
Roman looked up and then at my hands. "Are you ok?" He said with a hit of concern creeping up in his voice. I nodded but he shook his head. "You are lying. Now tell me what's wrong?" Roman said. "W-well... I'm kinda... scared of small spaces..." I said. I waited for his reaction, for him to laugh and say it was stupid.
"Oh. I see... wait one second!" He said and started to go through my bag. I looked up but I didn't bother to tell him not to go through my bag. He suddenly stopped and took out my sketchbook and my quill. "You enjoy drawing, right? I thought it might calm you down!" He said and flashed a smile at me before handing me the sketchbook and quill. I took them and started drawing on a new page.
Roman's P.O.V:
I watched as Virgil started drawing in his sketchbook. I noticed that he started to relax more as he concentrated on his work. I smiled to my self and started on my homework. Hey, might as well use the time we have smartly, right?
~Time skip~
I closed my book as I finished my homework and sighed.
"How long do you think it will take before someone notices we are gone?" I asked to break the silence. We had been in there for about 45 minutes and I was getting stiff. Virgil looked up at me and shrugged. "They will notice you're gone pretty soon I guess." He said and looked back down. "Why just me?" I asked. Virgil rolled his eyes as if it were obvious. "Because, you are the popular Gryffindoor who has loads of friends. They will at least notice you're gone at lunch." He said. I mean... he wasn't wrong. I was pretty popular and had a lot of friends but he made it sound like he didn't matter. "I'm sure some of the Hufflepuffs will miss you at lunch." I said, trying to lighten the mood. Virgil just shrugged and said "I doubt it." And continued his drawing.
Now I felt bad. Virgil obviously didn't have that many friends and people probably avoided him. But the worst thing was that he didn't even seem bothered! I decided then and there that I would try my best to become friends with this guy and make him feel accepted!
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Here is the newest chapter and yeah.. I hope u liked it! Take it easy guys, gals and non-binary pals! Peace out! ❤️
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