hocus pocus!
ALRIGHT, SO CASSIA WANTS TO GET ONE THING STRAIGHT. She absolutely did not purposely set her old academy on fire. And, quite frankly, anyone who thinks otherwise she believes to be quite stupid.
Because she's been known to lose her temper before. This wasn't a new thing. In fact, it's pretty straight forward. Cassia gets wound up, and shit goes down. If you ask her, the academy she spent eight years living in was rather foolish not to make the place witch-proof.
Especially since, raising witches was meant to be their whole purpose?
But when Cassia cracks during a heated argument and accidentally sets the house on fire, it's her fault? She's not having it.
She's sure the leaders could have put charms or whatever they do on the place to prevent something like this happening — surely they weren't that naive to believe it couldn't happen? The entire academy was dedicated to helping young witches control their gifts, and yet, when they lose control, they get banished. What kind of bullshit is that?
Cassia doesn't care what anybody says, she's one hundred percent that shitty academy was corrupt. The favourites were nurtured and assisted to thrive, and those that were slightly more difficult were cast to one side like they were the rotten apple of the bunch.
She thinks that fire was the best thing to happen to that academy in a long time — but that's just her opinion.
Besides, it's not like she killed anyone. Everyone was fine, the worst thing they had to do was rebuild the structure and replace some of the furniture — and it's not like money was the issue. They were all witches, if they were that desperate, Cassia's sure they could rob a bank with their abilities.
So, she's come to the conclusion that her being expelled was entirely unfair — and yet, sitting in the passenger seat of her aunt's car as they drive back to her hometown, the young girl feels pleased to be leaving.
All of that discipline was a waste on her. It was a long, draining eight years spent trying to contain all of the special abilities she takes pride in, and so to be leaving has her feeling like a dog being let of it's leash.
So, she's going back to Forks. The place she grew up in until she was whisked away to that god awful academy at the age of eight — and she couldn't be happier. Even the sight of the fog and the trees flying past the car window in a blur are sending her stomach into a spiral. Because Cassia's finally coming home.
And yet, she has no idea of the things that are waiting for her there — vampires and werewolves, and a teenage boy with a temper that could for sure give hers a run for it's money.
& the twilight cast as
their characters
Use this code to scan on Spotify to listen to the 'Hocus Pocus!' playlist
started: 01/10/2022
published: 03/10/2022
finished: —
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or plots from the Twilight Saga, I only own the OC Cassia Crowe and any other characters that do not appear in the story.
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